Would you shoot this deer or not?
Would you shoot this deer or not?
No, it’s face is creeping me out and I don’t think I’d be able to eat it since it looks human
I would run for my life since that’s a supernatural looking motherfucker and bullets probably wouldn’t do shit.
If explorers expeditions in Africa taught us anything it's that no creature, no matter how strange, is immune to bullets.
Looks like a real cunt. I'd shoot him and then shoot him again.
finally went around to watching mononoke and I gotta say it's overrated as hell
it was nice to look at, and there was a handful of nice characters, but the main ones are just shit and boring
and the story itself was very 'by the book', and not exactly in a very good way
so yeah, I'd shoot that shitter if it meant there was a chance I could become immortal by eating some of it
Explorers in Africa didn’t find any giant creatures who can walk on water.
If they did though they would have shot it
Yes, I would slay this goddamn demon abomination. Seeing this thing outside in real life would be the scariest thing ever.
He's smiling therefore he's a good boy why I would kill it?
he looks like a smug cunt so yes
thats some kinda skinwalker, so yes
you're a major brainlet
>dude life and nature!!
have you literally never seen princess mononoke?
>Yea Forums is based in America
>Not framing it as "How would you shoot this deer?"
OP fail
I did, and he looked like a smug cunt the whole time
You are seriously incredibly retarded. go jack off to lolis
just finished up watching this
and right after that this thread appears
is this a coincidence?
just look at it
it has the horn structure of a verruca outbreak
it has the posture of a babushka
it has the neck flaps of a honey booboo voodoo juju
its feet come from an oversized cock
oh wait, make that TWO cocks
its face makes SEELE look like Best Girl 20XX
its nose looks like it has a diet of snorting powdered leprosy for two of the three meals
its ears look like the one furry out of a convention picture who had their mom make their fursuit, and even the other furfucks think they're retarded
it has the facial expression of someone who just ate ass and found out it has a greasy texture
its eyebrows are on point, all 5 of them
it'd be an all-around mercy to blast the misery out of this abomination of nature with a high-powered round, such that its internals get torn up before they also have a chance to disgrace the world with their sense of aesthetic disthesis.
the universe and synchronicities revolve around me, so yes it is just a coincidence.
We already did and to extinction
Yes, now buy a lotto ticket and use that luck
I have and that cunt looked like a cunt the whole time.
She knew full well it was forest god and she still tried to claim its head. Was she trying to prove some kind of superiority of humans over gods? did she even realize it would fuck the resources she was using to build her empire?
so we are all somehow in someway connected in this universe
very intriguing...
I wish
unfortunately gambling and lottery is illegal here
Its a fucking skinwalker. Kill it
that's a fucking skinwalker and all I have is a 12ga this is not going to work
Yes, why do you ask?
you say that like it's a bad thing
Absolutely, deer are fucking awful vermin
I've been terrified of this fucking abomination ever since I first saw Princess Mononoke. Fuck that thing!
Can I fuck it instead?
if it has a human face it needs to die
>it has the facial expression of someone who just ate ass and found out it has a greasy texture
user, we talked about volunteering personal information didn't we
No i'm the only one in the universe that exists silly
ur a skinwalker
fuck off
no you fuck off redditor
Yes because it's smug aura mocks me.
What was his fucking deal anyways? The fucker spent most of his time going for walks meanwhile the other forest gods were getting fucked over by humans
You just don't get it because it was literally too deep for you!
Mononoke was a masterpiece of symbolism and spirituality
>iPoone filename
Opinion discarded and buried.
Baboons ruin everything, so yes.
i would keep my sights on that thing and start walking away. slowly.
Shit ending to be fair.
This guy gets it. Princess Mononoke has more depth and symbolism than anything else I've ever seen in anime. It is truly the only anime that approaches MYTHICAL levels of metaphorical meaning. Everyone in this thread trying to be funny I suspect completely missed the point of this character and the many entwined themes in this film.
you agree, do you not?
I didn't I tend to stay away from a lot of meme animu like this, pig, eva, cowboy, ttgl, etc. I tried to pick up most of them, but found them to be too shit.
A description that beautiful, it could move a nation.
>opinion discarded
>i avoid mainstream anime because i'm an insecure contrarian
Reading comprehension.
Holy shit user
We all understood you, you just aren't being honest.
shoot the bastard
>it's another "I know your tastes better than you" episode
I want the fillers to end.
I'd shoot my semen inside it if you know what I mean.
Everyone knows what you actually like and what you actually think. The fact that you're expressing this opinion instead of keeping it to yourself is proof that you don't actually hold it.
You're not fooling anyone
Don't even want to try to understand such shit, contrarian taste
I'd rather not that guy looks like he'd rape my family for shooting at him
watch the movie sometime. he is a good, pure boy.
>you can't dislike [popular thing]
Holy rebbit.
Opening fire on a jesus deer is the worst possible thing a man could do.
No he's not. He's not evil, either, but his morality and actions are alien to humans at least.
Mag dump then flamer.
>disliking all popular anime because you're an insecure contrarian makes you superior
Nice projection and nice reading comprehension.
wtf is that thing
well yes fuck look at that creepy face
No because I would probably die in the process
nice autism genius
No, it's walking on water, so when in Rome~
Is It dark? Can I see? Does the deer have a ray gun that looks real enough.
That skinwalker creepypasta that got posted on /x/ was pretty creepy