As seen with the frost dragonlord, giants hunt dragons and have them as slaves, titans should be equal to the strongest dragonlords.
Looking at dnd, other powerful monsters that can have their own strong countries/colonies are mind flayers and strong insects.
Monsters like Beholder' and Tarrasque should be roaming around too.
Other urls found in this thread:
You should't have high hopes for the rest of the world. 8 Greed Kings took over the world not just the continent. Fluder was the one to say that the translation the city of the 8 Greed Kings as Eryuentiu = “The great tree at the heart of the world”
gk were 8 players though and we don't know what gear and npcs they had.
Together they could be a bigger threat than nazarick, separate they got killed off.
>bigger threat than nazarick
Nothing in the new world ever since players started coming is as dangerous as Nazarick. With as many WCI they have they could walk over everyone else except dragon lord because spoiler
Maruyama would be legally fucked
Making Nazarick OP wasn't a mistake, they said. You know Ainz is going to win anyway so you shouldn't care about stakes, they said.
Not every wci is some super offensive item.
Outside of nazarick it's easier to beat them and they can't go out with their entire force since some has to stay in nazarick.
so where is the rainbow kingdom located
Good question, they should get out the that city asap. Looks like we are first hundred pages out of four in and so far we only learned again that Satoru still have scare-autism as always.
Nazarick will be defeated by a kobold hermit named "Pun-Pun".
user 1500 players assaulted Nazarick and got absolutely wrecked on the 8th floor and it was all NPC, Ainz and his friends did not intervene. Also every wci except Avarice should be offensive, even Depiction of Nature since you could select terrain/environment hostile to your opponent.
There is no need to attack nazarick inside the dungeon.
That 1500 raid had alot of npcs too which I assume were under lv 50 just to act as a fodder shield, attacking outside means not traps and no buff for the nazarick too.
Dragonlords also have wci and other things.
>Ainz and his friends did not intervene.
[citation needed]
You really think AOG sat back and did nothing under enemy assault?
I've been out of the loop while waiting for the next volume, but I see people talking about some new novel? What's that about and is it translated?
Talents are more dangerous than even Wild Magic. Then there are runes that go through passives and restrictions.
Their strategy is to wait in the throne room to fight whoever is left after the army gets shredded by the guardians.
>Not every wci is some super offensive item.
Yes but with WCI Players are invincible to Wild Magic.
You got confused: that bit just describes the purpose of the throne room. Not their fucking tactics. It's ludicrous to assume they Players didn't defend guild during assault.
Just do what GS did and call it many eyed demon or whatever.
>Wail of Banshee
>Shark Cyclone
Does that apply to AOE damage? ainz and guardians might be fine but their losses will be heavy as the other npcs are nuked whenever they try to move to attack the DLs.
I don't know how much I trust the reading comprehension of someone who can't even type English properly.
>WCI owners are exempts from WCI effects
Simple as that.
Nazarick has Throne WCI so as a structure it's impervious to Wild Magic and WCI effects too.
>Ainz and guardians might be fine
Like anything in NW would need anything more.
That's 10 100lvl beings decked in Legendary and Divine items, each carrying WCI, under MMO autist command.
Remember how 6 Dragon Lords can gang on 1 100lvl Player?
Well Ainz + Guardians would have fuckton of 30-75lvl vanguards as meat shields on top of that.
There are no army in NW that can stand to the might of Nazarick.
But that doesn't say there aren't some bullshit talents or unique magic that could fuck with Nazarick out there.
But you trust that 41 Players guild wouldn't invest into defending their HQ from biggest raid in game history? Fucking retard.
These threads are becoming a collection of ancient baits I bet it's just you and me going back and forth.
Ainz-sama is a baka
>PDL and DDDL are 130LVL
>NW levels = Ygg levels
>Ainz is not evil
>DQ is dragon milf, it's not her form
>1500 Nazarick Raiders were weak with too much NPC mercs
>Kyouhukou is strongest because Aura and Albedo are afraid of him
>BS can't beat Pleiades
>Chagama caught her brother trapping
>Workers dindu, Ainz is just a cunt
>EE bug spray %HP damage
>30 100lvl Golems guard 8GK base
>Fluder only ages when he casts magic
>Lizards are best volume, user is just jelly of steamy lizard sex
>Gazef can't beat DK even with his gear
>BR wrecked Entoma, Entoma is weak
>Leinas was struck by a [death curse], so monster must be ded
>Overlord=shounen, Climb=MC
>Elf king is a Player
>Gear does not matter: unarmed Chair is just as strong as armed
>There is nothing wrong with male Valkyries
>Ainz brainwashed CZ to love him more than her own creator
>Scrub with Divine Tier sword can't hurt Ainz
>Demiurge commands NPC in case of enemy attack, so he is commander-type NPC
>Aura and Shalltear failed Ainz by not accepting Quagoa surrender
>All living things are machines
>Ainz grieves SoD deaths every day
>Cocytus is not a pervert
>Climb can't get stronger by defeating monsters
>Gazef can't beat Fluder
>"Book of The Dead" Fluder has is just an occult fluff
>Kobolds are canine
>ClemEnri's Redcaps under buffRemedios, Gustav and Prince are all doppels
>Vol12 intermission was canon
>Niea bow makes her stronger
>NPC can rebel
>Renner is barely IQ160
>Any WCI counters World Savior completely
>World savior expires in five minutes
>lvl20 clad in Divine easily defeats lvl40 in Legacy gear
>Maruyama is a little girl
>Strongest entity is Player with stat-draining WCI
>Polar bearShalltearUltimatum is a negotiation
>There is no need to attack nazarick inside the dungeon.
>That 1500 raid had alot of npcs too which I assume were under lv 50 just to act as a fodder shield, attacking outside means not traps and no buff for the nazarick too.
>Dragonlords also have wci and other things.
Headcanon user.
Volume 1 chapter 1:
The much-hated Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick had once been attacked by the largest invading force ever assembled in the game’s history. Eight guilds banded together with their allies to bring a force of over fifteen hundred players, mercenaries, and NPCs to bear on Nazarick, but in the end, they had been miserably defeated. That legendary dungeon was now reduced to this.
>Volume 1 chapter 1:
Now does that reinforce your point?
Ignores quote from the god
Only thing could think of when reading the latest bit: "Damn, Yggdrasil peeps play for keeps."
Aboleths would work too, with their millennial old conspiracies and breeding protects. There racial memory and ability to absorb the knowledge of their victims could give him some insight into the the origins of players and the centuries between their appearances.
PvP was no joke.
Quote doesn't say 41 SB didn't defend the tomb.
You are an absolute retard if you think AOG at their height wouldn't defend their base from a giant army.
I don't know but there's just something about Overlord that attracts low IQ.
That was mildly popular bait back in the days when threads were alive, for semi-complete list refer to
The invasion of fifteen-hundred people had made it down to the Eighth Floor. Which was to say, Aura and Mare should have died then. Did they remember anything about it?
The reason why there were no pop monsters on the Ninth Floor was simply because if any intruders could overcome the NPC defenders of the Eighth Floor, the most powerful beings in the Tomb, then Ainz Ooal Gown’s chances of victory would be slim. Thus, it would be better to play the role of a villain to the hilt, and meet the invaders in the throne room for a final showdown.
Kys find a quote that says they participated or if it was at the height of their time.
>Thus, it would be better to play the role of a villain to the hilt, and meet the invaders in the throne room for a final showdown.
>There's a room designed for last stand in Nazarick, when all hope is lost
>AOG must've never went out of it to defend the tomb during the raid
Absolutely fucking retarded.
>Kys find a quote that says they participated or if it was at the height of their time.
That's not how proof works imbecile.
>Literally has a starting quote stating that AOG members would rather wait for the invaders and act like evil villains in the throne room
Please kys you're mentally challenged, check your gene pool.
You seem confused.
>AOG members would rather wait
[citation needed]
>chances of victory would be slim
>Chances of victory
>Thus, it would be better
>It would be better
To add more, I'm pretty sure Ainz once made an off-hand comment that towards the later days of Ygg just him and Shalltear were left to most defense. That implies that at some point other members of the guild, would, you know, do things.
(You) are the one trying to prove something. Your "proof" doesn't prove your retarded assumption in the slightest.
(You) are literally trying to say that AOG didn't defend their fucking base. How does someone even come to this conclusion? Does everything and I mean everything have to be spelled out for you?
Overlord, man.
Doesn't say they waited.
Also don't lose the context faggot
>if any intruders could overcome the NPC defenders of the Eighth Floor
There's no need in PoP on 9th floor if 8th floor NPC were defeated.
Nowhere does it say anything about Guild Members, just NPC placement.
So was the undead that was “more powerful than EE’s father” just a regular Lich or Elder Lich? Could he possibly be Surshana of the Six Great Gods?
It quite literally says anyone that overcomes the 8th floor would have a good chance of conquering AOG, THUS it would be better to wait for them. What do I have to prove retard, I was the one to say find me a quote that they defended their base, you're logic is that "they must have" because muh logic. Quite literally thousands of people disagree, now before you go leddit or Wikia, those sources as well as a few forums are in line with my proof.
Faggot they were stopped at the 8th floor and no mention of AOG member participating, they've already stated the most powerful fource is stationed on the 8th floor. We already know Rubedo is there who is stronger than Touch-Me
If she's 34 lvl and he was way stronger - it could've been ~60-80 level monster.
Tripled Reality Slash could one shot one.
>no mention of AOG member participating,
Wow such proof.
surshana is already dead.
Quality post.
>LN says there's no need for NPC on 9th floor because 8th have strong ones and if they were defeated - there's no point in wasting Guild points on 9th floor
>That means AOG sat idly during biggest Yggdrasil Guild Raid in history
You're fucking retarded and no amount of shitposting will change that.
OK so you're just shitposting? Carry on faggot.
No way she’s lvl 34, she’s only able to use T2 spells at this period. She’s gotta be between lvl 10-20.
Shitty multiclasses man.
Fluder should've been able to cast Super Tier if he didn't multiclass.
>I'm using muh logic over an actual quote stating NPC participation but no AOG member because you know muh logic
Also you retard the 9th floor has Sebas and the Pleiades, they've wasted enough guild points dressing them up for failure.
>actual quote
Says there's no need to place NPC on 9th floor and nothing else.
>Sebas and the Pleiades
Sasuga retard, shittiest example you could find: they're not there to offer same level as resistance as Gurren, Demiure and Demon Generals on the 5th floor but just to buy AOG time to regroup in the Throne Room AFTER DEFENDING THE TOMB ALL OVER THE FLOORS.
If they waited in the throne room from the beginning like you deluded twat suggest - there'd be no need to place any NPC on 9th floor at all.
But this EE is much younger than the EE in main timeline. She hasn’t yet developed her magic in same way.
Yeah and in main LN she's like 51 level and can only use 5th tier Arcane magic.
Check quotes retard.
>Just to buy time for AOG to regroup in the Throne Room
Nice head canon. Let me drop another quote this time it's Sebas and Shalltear discussing this
“...In the past, there were fools who defied the Supreme Beings and invaded Nazarick, breaching the defenses of the Seventh Floor. However, they did not reach the Ninth Floor, where the Supreme Beings resided. That being the case, they must have been stopped at the Eighth Floor, right? Though I do not have any recollection of the event, the opposition must have brought fearsome fighting power with them to make it that far in, so I believe they were halted with equally extraordinary might. However, I have no idea who intercepted the intruders. No, Albedo should know. After all, she is the Guardian Overseer of Nazarick. It would be strange if she did not know that.”
As though ignoring the silent Sebas, Shalltear continued asking:
“...It’s kind of annoying to hear she’s one step ahead of me. What sort of mysterious beings are found on the Eighth Floor? Characters personally crafted by Ainz-sama, perhaps?”
Sebas was made by Touch Me. Demiurge was made by Ulbert Alain Odle. Cocytus was made by Warrior Takemikazuchi. However, even Shalltear did not know what sort of NPC that Ainz — or Momonga, the highest-ranked of the Forty One Supreme Beings — had created.
>If they waited in the throne room from the beginning like you deluded twat suggest - there'd be no need to place any NPC on 9th floor at all.
Maybe use that little brain of your a-little and you'd think they placed them there to buy more time so they could get into their boss poses after 8th floor is defeated.
>Check quotes retard.
It doesn't say anything about them not defending the tomb.
>buy more time so they could get into their boss poses
This is still shitposting.
Are you faggot this butthurt about Shitbaru being shitposted into the gutter in Quartet threads?
>Thus, it would be better to play the role of a villain to the hilt, and meet the invaders in the throne room for a final showdown.
>for a final showdown
Sasuga retard for pointing out something obvious, so now you've resorted to using this as a second confrontation? Fucking kek
>meet the invaders in the throne room for a final showdown.
>means they never left it
Here, pit this into your brain through the eyesocket. It's obvious you don't need either.
The 9th Floor is the ROYAL SUITE, the supreme beings ROOMS and LIVE QUARTERS. Yes, that's where they RESIDE. I honest to God hope you're just pretending to be retarded.
coming at the end of a series.
the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament.
Nothing to steal but bed sheets and a bath.
>1500 Players and NPC invade
>One 100 lvl NPC and few 75-90 lvl NPC with a bunch of POP is enough
>Lets just chill in Throne Room and practice our chuuni villain poses until they breach that door over there
The logic is sound.
>coming at the end of a series.
>the last game in a sports tournament or other competition
>Final confrontation in a series of confrontations
Glad we finally agree.
The pleadies fight the intruders to allow the supreme beings to buy time to prepare. Also Aura and Mare remember dying.
>Final confrontation in a series of confrontations
Sasuga retard for finnaly understanding final means the end, now put 2 & 2 together, what is the final showdown? AOG! Now what are the series of confrontations? NPC! Where was it ever stated AOG member participated? Nowhere!
Now please kys.
Last in a series, meaning they fought invaders before Throne Room.
How do you managed to fuck up interpreting citation you yourself brought to the table is beyond me.
this. They are the evil guild and the members wanted to give the intruders a big welcome and congratulate them on making it to the final floor.
US should've waited for WWII nips with harbors full of Air Carriers.
They're not saturday morning cartoon villains to skip defending tomb they spent so much effort and time refurbishing and populating.
>Last in a series, meaning they fought invaders before Throne Room.
What definition are you reading retard. Where does it state first party?
>the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament.
Now please read this and seek mental help.
>sports tournament or other competition
>one of the teams competing in the final match never fought any other teams before
>just chilled on the bench
The dragons and other creatures capable of fighting guardians would rip through those low lv fodders and use them as xp boost.
A 10 lv difference is already unbeatable let alone 20+.
Nazarick loses through pure attrition and guerrilla warfare.
>the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which will decide the winner of the tournament.
>sports tournament or other competition
>Or other competition
>Which will decide the winner
>Of the tournament
Meaning first party participation isn't necessary, vassal/teammates can do so retard.
>use them as xp boost.
If they could grow stronger that way - they already would. Even a rat is supposed to yield 1XP and for Racials they truly just need to rip shit apart, not even bothering with Job Class conditions.
But they didn't and ECDL who ground his bones to dust while training to become stronger is STILL only 95lvl and those last 5 levels are very important.
LN says levels growth is exponential and lvl 100 would wipe the floor with multiple lvl 95 unless they hard counter him.
Again: there's not supposed to be anything on the level of Dragon Lords in NW: they were the Master Race that ruled the world before Players. I seriously doubt beings on the same level as them could arise in mere 600 years since their downfall from apex position.
Start trying again or no more (you)s.
New volume when? I already forgot what was going on in the story.
But they don't know the game aspect of it and the frost dragonlord must have killed alot yet didn't get a single job class so it's not that simple for them.
Depends on your build, a lv 95 warrior can still beat a non minmaxed build.
He just released a new volume though. We're reading it now.
When Kadokawa sucks Maruyama dick with S4.
>must have killed alot yet didn't get a single job class so it's not that simple for them.
Well yeah kills went into racials what are you implying?
For Job classes you actually need to start doing shit like farming, learning martial arts, carving runes or forging weapons etc.
>lv 95 warrior can still beat a non minmaxed build.
No, he really can't unless it's shittly multiclass like Bellriver.
Are you trying to lie to me, user?
Considering it's, what, 400+ pages? That's practically a new volume. Meaning he's only now starting on the mainline volume.
>he's only now starting on the mainline volume.
On a 103rd month of 2015 maybe.
fug.. should I? Or maybe wait for translation. Did you all already read it? When did it come out?
New sideline story where Ainz is teleported into the NW without Nazerick and about 200yrs in to the past compared to his OG self.
Not to agree with the person you replied to but being down a few levels really doesn't matter. Classes and gear can easily make up any differences and then some. As an example a merc Lord Knight is only level 70 but stated as being troublesome for even level 100's. ZZ with gear (she's obviously below 100) > Shalltear with lance, Shalltear full gear > ZZ and so on.
>Well yeah kills went into racials what are you implying?
Dragon racials go up with age, all that xp went nowhere.
Ah I see, well that killed my excitement.
I hope we see more of ZZ/Godkins in next volume. They were teased then just dropped without even a Drama CDs to explain wtf they’re up to.
>go up with age
Eh, I don't think that's the only way.
>being down a few levels really doesn't matter.
Not according to LN.
Being troublesome doesn't mean being a threat: roaches or flies are troublesome too.
It’s still fun to read so far. Ainz is way kinder than he was when he has to act as an evil Overlord all the time. He even uses his real name.
>murderhobos peaceful egghead lich for no fucking reason
You better fund season 8 then, because Maruyama won't write about them ever again otherwise. He teased all that cool shit only to put it behind paywalls later.
He didn’t know the guy was peaceful or not. All the information he had was what EE told him. EE thought he was the one who caused everyone to become a yurinigger & her to become a vampire.
Like a said: no reason at all.
She first thought that HE caused that incident. then reconsidered: not the most reliable source.
Lichbro would've been far better source of information.
Has there been any more info regarding Rubedo released in any of the newest LN's or whatever you call them exactly?
She's fascinated since I learned of her existence.
I know is a bit late to bring this up, but why in the hell do a whole volume of EE? Is pretty wasted.
>Not according to LN.
Yes, according to the LN. Builds and equipment easily make up minor level deficiencies. It's been stated literally multiple times. A specialized lower level could wreck a multi classing retard, this is in the LN. Level 100's with crafting classes aren't suited for combat, this in in the LN. There's plenty more examples and if you stopped speadreading you'd see them.
>Being troublesome doesn't mean being a threat: roaches or flies are troublesome too.
That's funny considering Ainz explicitly says that they are easily a threat. Here's one last (You) for you.
No, only the old
>she's not made like other NPC
>she's probably a golem made from WCI ore
>Prototype golem out of rare ore attacked everyone around indiscriminately upon activation
>she's "activated" rather than "awakened"
>you need WCI to even face her if you hope to win
>"Those on the 8th Floor" can defeat her, but need WCI to do that, implying her stats are Boss level
>Touch Me #2 World Champion could never hope to defeat her 1v1
She's a popular character apparently and someone who has extensive backstory worth dedicating an entire volume to. I think it was a good pick for a side-story.
>Yes, according to the LN. Builds and equipment easily make up minor level deficiencies. It's been stated literally multiple times
Shit argument.
Proper build 100lvl decked in Divine wipes the floor with proper build 95lvl decked in same Divine gear.
shes gonna become pandoras actors daughter
>specialized lower level against shitty multiclass
>crafters against combat classes
>who has extensive backstory
But this volume is non-canon, isn't?
It's what-if, everything in it is canon if you take Ainz out of it.
Because she's popular and Maruyama would rather do a whole vol of irrelevant fanservice than write the damn story to move the plot.
Everything that happened before she met Ainz is, though.
>no character text
>higher level player with an equivalent build and equipment wins
Not shit you retard. Reading comprehension helps.
Are you OK nigger? The orginal person said level differences are insurmountable and that's plain wrong. And yeah, a level 100 with crafting classes isn't shit. I don't know what you're trying to argue about. To add even more for you absolute retards - yes, even high tier summons can be a threat to max level players.
Being max level isn't an instant I win button, the LN has made this abundantly clear. Take your fingers out of your sub 100 IQ eyes for just a few moments.
Levels matter a lot. 95 have no chance to win against 100 with otherwise equal conditions.
>Being max level isn't an instant I win button, the LN has made this abundantly clear.
Against other 100lvl.
Against underleveled 90-95 lvl it is instant win if you're PvP class.
>To add even more for you absolute retards - yes, even high tier summons can be a threat to max level players.
>LN says levels growth is exponential and lvl 100 would wipe the floor with multiple lvl 95 unless they hard counter him.
Read posts you reply to, will you?
And it's not like we haven't been wanting more info.
Sounds like Mary is becoming Gurm
>95 have no chance to win against 100 with otherwise equal conditions.
What "equal conditions"? The conditions that someone would never have a more effective build? That someone would never take sub-par or maybe even niche ability class that isn't necessarily bad? Not everything in Ygg was equal, trying to find a rule of thumb there is dumb. Someone could have all high tier classes and min-maxed gear at 95 (maybe from dying and/or experimenting) and easily stomp your average 100 mostly mid tier class and gear Joe.
>Against underleveled 90-95 lvl it is instant win if you're PvP class.
For one that's your headcanon, and two it doesn't work like that. It's not just PvP class vs PvP class, there's more more to classes and builds than that. Also, the only people stated as 100% reliably winning against anyone are World Champion's.
>>LN says levels growth is exponential and lvl 100 would wipe the floor with multiple lvl 95 unless they hard counter him.
Yes, I saw your post with your headcanon with things that were never stated and that you can't give me a source on because it doesn't exist.
95 pvp build will never win against 100 lvl pvp build with equal tier of gear.
Wait, does this anime seriously takeplace in a fictional middle-east?
>Also, the only people stated as 100% reliably winning against anyone are World Champion's.
>he thinks that accounts for 90lvl vs 100lvl
Obvious context was top lvl Players PvP because who the fuck cares about anything else in MMO?
No this map doesn't explain the two sided holy kingdom, mountain ranges, etc. Plus the desert is far to the south east.
To make it sweeter when he finally kills her off in the main story.
Can't wait. The tears will be delicious. And Ainz already promissed her voice to Entoma so it's a set deal.
If the lv 95 is a more skilled fighter then he stands a chance.
10 lv and up difference becomes almost impossible to win unless the match up is bad (build, gear)
Holy kingdom’s south side was a reverse C right? it fits, the landscapes are obviously different though.
>If the lv 95 is a more skilled fighter then he stands a chance.
Sure he can win against 96 lvl. Maybe.
Have anything to back that headcanon up? I'll say it for you again - not all classes are equal and "pvp build" isn't a catchall. Thanks for replying again, though.
Read the novels, irl reflexes and smarts effects your performance.
An average guy has a huge disadvantage against someone who trains martial arts regularly and studies.
Not enough to cover the gap, it's too big.
Yeah the bit where Ainz speculates if he can gain XP. I'm not about to search the PDFs just for (you).
5 lv gap isn’t too big.
If it's 10lvl vs 15lvl sure.
If it's 95lvl vs 100lvl it's usually insurmountable.
Exceptions are hard counters, equipment difference and 100lvl build not being PvP oriented.
I see the problem now, this ‘stats are exponential’ thing is false.
Players who minmax into racials would otherwise be one shotting players with job classes since they are physical power houses.
Look at the character sheets, that isn’t exponential.
You get points or something for each job or race per level up and it accumulates.
This is why the maids have higher status in some parts even compared to lv 100 characters.
>looking at stats
>instead of spells and skills
evileye will avenge arche.
Her sisters will still be sold into slavery.
Those are tied into your choices and affect your stats.
Pick bad synergy classes and someone 20 levels lower then you will pack more power since he minmaxed.
Succulent please
They were sold into a brothel and died from overwork.
Next someone will say Dark Young don't pose a threat to players because they're 'only' level 90. In fact, all high tier summons we know are under 100 so they are all easily killed because 100 > anything below. Even the summons requiring experience points are worthless against the almighty max level. It's a fact.
>don't pose a threat to players because they're 'only' level 90
They don't. They're just damage sponges that can't even chase teleporting/flying enemies properly. They're also rather slow and have no special abilities.
Dark Young were distractions in Lvl 100 PvP. They do very little damage and take a lot of damage before going down.
Yet they can’t be beat fast despite the level difference and having no gear.
Level difference fags btfo.
I just emptied my tanks onto AS109
>can’t be beat fast
Without special abilities they don't need to be beaten fast.
Clock work with you two. If they posed absolutely no threat then there would be no need to avoid them. They can tank all the damage in the world, but it doesn't matter if no one is attacking because they apparently pose no threat.
Regardless, I'm now curious on what your two arguments would be on why something like a Grim Reaper Thanatos isn't worth shit.
Grim Reaper has special abilities worth summoning.
Goats make sense in confined spaces when you can't evade them and caster can effectively block you with their tentacly meatwall.
Which volume has Yen Press translated up to?
Who cares? Their TL is shit.
The latest one I got is volume 8
>One shot the boss
>Thinks it was too easy and was actually a trap within a trap with a trap.
Oh ainz. His autism never fails.
How bad is it?
volume 10 is gonna be release this month
Don't listen to him they are unironically better than the meme translations
There are no memes in final fan TL retard.
Their TLs are oblivious to the MMO and even general fantasy concepts. Their work reads like a financial report translation.
They also dropped honorifics and replaced them with retarded shit like Lord.
Their early TL suffers from wrong character genders and shit like unagi translated as rabbit.
>“Dammit! You’re pretty good!” Suzuki Satoru muttered to himself.
I just lost it there
Elf King will be lv 90 and face Sebas.
I like how he waited for like three hours in the air waiting for an imaginary enemy.
If the Yggdrasil pvp was like that, it's no wonder the dragon lords got their shit kicked in.
Their keikakus just can't compare.
I think that’s just Ainz overthinking things. It should’ve tipped Ainz off that the undead he was passing by were all low level and couldn’t see through his invisibility. I don’t think the Lich even knew what hit him, at best I think the Lich could’ve been scared out of it’s mind if it could’ve sensed Ainz.
>remember this series
>start thinking up retardedly powerful magical attacks
Still, that lich was really careless with no guards and stuff.
Was he(or she?) confident in it's own powers? Or the lich somehow thought that no adventurer will be able to pass through the zombie infested town?
10 lvl difference = 0% chance of victory
For anyone curious what retarded shit is on menu: A cursed scroll that begins by compelling anyone who looks upon it to read it and then proceeds to zerosum them with a self-annihilatory knowledge bomb.
>ywn play an MMO as amazing detailed as Yggdrasil
Its a damn shame the genre has devolved to nothing but WoW clones or Korean grindfests.
How about this: a spell that rises a skeleton which is still inside you.
>How about this: a spell that rises a skeleton which is still inside you.
>a horribly balanced p2w MMO
Nah I think I'm good
Jesus christ that's horrifying
But also inspiring
He was a player who couldn't accept undead himself. So he lived in isolation even from other undeads and researched methods to regain humanity. And Ainz murdered him
Which freed him from his cursed existence.
Praise be to Bone Daddy for his mercy.
Removed the useless related tags block from the individual image page which was using unoptimized DB query. First individual image page load dropped from ~900 ms to ~100ms.
Also removed annoying "Favourite added" message which was hogging all the screen.
Now it's much more convenient to navigate with arrows and binge-adding images to favorites.
>Mexico got Greener
>Alaska got Sand
If Alaska has sand Mexico should be Saudi-Arabia levels of sand.
You assume that sand = warm.
What if it's just really really dry?
Yea Forums:meme and general:character_sheet seems appropriate.
I need to find the real human bean image.
Hopefully never.
Found it.
it will end in 4 volumes you dumb nigger
Depends on the system. It can be either something along the lines of five percent increase or something like thirty times increase.
Or anything in the middle.
We just don't know enough to judge.
It also depends on key levels.
94 vs 99 might be a much closer match-up than 95 vs 100.
As I've said: the possibilities are endless and without the actual info about the game mechanics any discussion is going nowhere.
Shit is going to be really rushed if this is true. Especially since Maruyama wants to cut down the page numbers. There's still too many places left unexplored.
Not that user, but I trust that the author is a complete hack who favors chuuni shit over logic.
>who favors chuuni shit over logic.
Then they would be fighting at the frontlines instead of cowering on the top floor.
Wouldn't mind if he wraps up the main narrative quick, then does sidestories from different parts of the New World.
What is the end game for this series anyway? Killing off the Theocracy? I'm not even sure how he can differentiate a side story and a normal volume if he's going to make them travel to an unknown land like the Elf Kingdom.
Becoming the Hokage.
I'm sorry.
I mean I was thinking more like this.
I'm even more sorry.
>Rubick isekai
>Welcome hero we beseech your stre~
>Who summoned me?
>This is our head magician
>Ults summoning magic out of him
>Give me 1900 gold right now
>Well, okay, treasury master if you will
>Buys Dominator from still available shop
>Uses 70% spell amp to summon even stronger Hero
>MInd Controls him
>Solve problems they ask you to
>Fucks off to research world magic
>Occasionally TP back in his world to participate in matches
You should be.
Did I faint?
nah, it's more demon-king-like to wait at the end
>guild with picrelated in it
>favoring chuuni over strategy and tactics
Oh wow haha, you got me there user. Alright, have fun spending hours filling up holes that your favorite author left behind. Isekai really does write itself.
>have fun spending hours filling up holes that your favorite author left behind
>implying I haven't already spent days on shitty fanfics
You underestimate my power.
>my power
Speaking of which, if someone has enough time and willing, setting proper ratings would be greatly appreciated:
The what now?
Safe, questionable, explicit, unknown. I've decided to show only safe images for the unregistered users until I will manage to make the damn filter to work properly(it isn't right now).
So site is work-safe until you login.
So you've yet to set those ratings to all images or what?
Yep. It's not picked by hand(I've used the grabber) and sources like pixiv don't contain that kind of info, so the default rating is unknown and usually no character tags. And alas, my time is limited due to my wageslavery.
Some of the images are pretty good and it's a shame that filter wouldn't find them.
Something like that:
So what are the criteria?
Same as on blue board here: no nipples, no dripping liquids, no cunnies nor cocks?
What's "questionable" for? My dick doesn't deal in half-measures.
No real hard rules. It's a small niche booru for Overlord, we can discuss this out.
Safe - you can show it to your co-workers/grandma and not being embarrassed much.
Explicit - naked Albedo with cum dripping from all her orifices.
If you think for more than just a second if it's Safe, slap questionable on it. It's for images like that:
Maybe I will remove this rating later and convert it into worksafe, unknown and not-worksafe.
>no nipples, no dripping liquids, no cunnies nor cocks?
Looks like a decent rule to me, let's go with that as something already defined.
>Suzuki Satoru stroked the staff of Ainz Ooal Gown.
>Momonga stroked 30cm white glowing rod under his robes
Skeletor with a penchant forstroking[/spoiler] rods.
Well this is awkward.
Plot twist: there was an actual enemy who killed the original lich right after Momonga has arrived, replaced it with his summon and his goal was an assessment of Momonga's tactics and psychological profile.
He succeeded.
Ainz never marries Evileye, she wants to be of use to him so she took a different path than main timeline Evileye, she decided to focus on things Ainz could not do (information gathering magic, etc). Name: Keno Fasris Invern
• Vampire Princess of the Lost Country
• Second Seat of the New Ainz Ooal Gown
Residence: No Permanent Residence (with Satoru)
Birthday: 41st of Blue
Hobbies: Traveling around the world, sightseeing with others
Racial levels:
• True Vampire (Ancestor) lvl 7
• Lesser One (Ancestor) lvl 4
Class levels:
• Vampire Princess lvl 3
• Sorcerer lvl 8
• Sage lvl 5
• High Sage lvl 7
I want to read his isekai story. Adventures of Clancy-tree-man sounds fun.
I wonder if it was intentional.
I somewhat doubt that
Never noticed glowing eyes and the staff
he looks like the mages in old final fantasy games but green
> I don’t think the Lich even knew what hit him, at best I think the Lich could’ve been scared out of it’s mind if it could’ve sensed Ainz.
Poor skelebro was probably in the start of doing a quadro 1080 backflip dogeeza
Hey guys, i'm watching overlord s3 right now and was wondering what those buffs(?) are Ains gets when he is losing his composure.
Did they mention that anytime?
Keno is the fifth cutest blond little girl Ainz has been paired up with.
Evileye and Keno are effectively very different characters.
Main EE can do those things too though, this vol connects to the main one like every other overlord content, even isekai quartet is now canon since that dragonlord has isekai powers.
I keep thinking Tanya would gladly work for Ainz and they would commiserate about their idiot underlings.
I know this is a crazy notion but you should watch the preceding seasons before watching S3.
>Main EE can do those things too though,
She can't, main timeline evil eye is an elementalist (earth) and a sorcerer. Also Quartet is not cannon for Overlord until Maruyama himself says so, like how he tweeted out that it was all comedy and not to be taken seriously in reply to Ple Ple Pleiades being cannon.
She didn’t specialize into elemental magic since her hobbies have changed too, instead opting to acquire class levels that would support and compensate for Satoru’s weaknesses (e.g. intel gathering). This made him quite fond of her, another reason for this affection is of course the fact that she’s a guild member.
Her talent is that any magic she observes being cast or was cast on her could be saved and casted whenever she wants, this includes Super Tier and Wild Magic. Casting prerequisites such as skill levels are automatically treated as met. However, all spells will be scaled to her ability level and all spell component requirements still apply. For example, if she casts the Super Tier spell [Fallen Down], it’ll have a longer cast time and less damage compared to Ainz.
BTW, another small improvement to the pipeline:
curl --silent
curl should shut up.
based retard loli vampire
She already has the sorcerer levels and the elementalist classes can be acquired over the next 200 years, EE was doing recon in the blue rose operations too and was knowledgeable about things (sage).
eh, i watched s1 years ago. i really dont remember
user this is information magic, if she had any she would have found 8 fingers all bases and know of all their operations.
Also stop trolling
You're saying Keeno is a fellow IT monkey?
I can't believe Zuranon is fucking dead!
>The undead could not cry. They lacked the capacity to do so.
>However, Suzuki Satoru knew that Keno was crying.
But Shalltear cries and Ainz even wonders how the fuck that works.
>It was about how even if one was alone, there was no need to shoot out a fire that had been prepare for others.
People die when they are killed?
>34 levels
Okay now fill in the the 50+ levels she has in the main timeline without using any of her previous one in this sidestory.
Also intel gathering doesn't work if they are hidden completely.
As far as Tanya is concerned, Ainz' empire is a communist hellhole.
So Satoru is now level 99?
Are yall actually talkin about stuff or are you guys just saying gibberish and tryna look smart? Cause I dont know what the fuck yall be sayin. Anyway. Overlord was cool. My nigga ainz savage AF
It's post-scarcity transhumanism because undead labor is effectively robotic automation.
So Ainz lost TGOALiD?
In the main timeline she is 54-57. She can cast 5th tier putting her caster levels at 29-30 and she is physically as strong as Gagaran who is 27-29. She is far too weak in the side story and 20 levels won't fix that, she spec'ed too much into elemental magic in main story line.
>Honestly. I used to be the sort of person who wasn’t bothered by seeing the corpses of street orphans, since they came up so often that it was hardly a rare occurrence, but now...
>The strange thing was that this shed had a jail of some sort in its basement, and there were countless female yuriniggers inside the jail. It was an insoluble mystery
What did Maruyama mean by this?
This is a yurinigger. Nuff said.
> Anonymous 05/04/19(Sat)23:55:51 No.187842772▶
>>The strange thing was that this shed had a jail of some sort in its basement, and there were countless female yuriniggers inside the jail. It was an insoluble mystery
>What did Maruyama mean by this?
Ainz could have had a harem.
>Anime about MMO
oh god
Pretty sure Tanya was the kind of HR manager that would work corporate drones like Ainz and Herohero to death.
It isn't.
Did you get that impression from her in isekai? She was nothing but efficient. Grinding drones to dust isn't efficient.
That faggot that shoved him under the train?
He got off with shit performance and missing work days MULTIPLE TIMES before being fired.
Could you have quoted entire thread too? Your post lacks context otherwise.
Tanya, Neia, and...?
Imagine being isekaied into zombied country as top lvl immortal MMO necromancer.
Say 100lvl male True Vampire necromancer.
You could pick best specimen that were well-preserved indoors, [Dominate Undead] them, heal them up, dress them pretty, maybe even level them up so they regain intelligence.
Imagine happily rummaging through houses then sorting your booty by tags in your jail dungeon
>large tits
>big ass
Mare is for breeding.
Then you get murdered by some try hard role playing faggot who uses perfect invisibility to sneak into your place and reality slashes(x3) you from behind.
>aura will never take you
Why the fuck didn't Satoru even TRY to negotiate?
>palms are sweaty
PvP autism and jumping the EE gun
>If it wasn't you who turned this country in Racoon city then it must be that undead
>Let's just murder the shit out of him despite him just looking like a magic scholar and being fellow undead just as you and I
I expected a misunderstanding leading to a fight but just attacking with no provocation seemed out of character
>using Wish again
>"I wanted someone to say that to me."
>More from Momonga's world, specially about children, confirming how hard his life was after his mother died
>More scenes with the guild members
Holy fucking shit this was such a good chapter
My character is immune to death magics and most status effects conferred by undead critters. He does double damage against evil and quadruple damage against evil undead. All his weapons have the Disruptive attribute. In his free Time he likes to Turn Undead or cast Sunray and he has only a single mission in his life, and it's finding a cute undead imouto to have a mutually abusive relationship with.
What are good conditions for undead zombies?
I assume the won't rot when not exposed to the elements or it's just Yuri?
I'd probably have to set up a place some distance away from the capital in case subjugation force comes from another nation.
Humidity/temperature will have to be regulated to best preserve zombies.
Would warm baths harm them?
Wait wasn't Shooting Star supposed to nullify Wish XP cost?
You can just use magic to preserve the bodies perfectly.
Ainz and Keno's interactions are really, really boring and they have horrible chemistry.
Which unfortunately was to be expected, as one of them never spoke a word to anyone in 50 years right after a traumatic event and the other is a MMO autist who isn't even pretending to have a clue about what he's doing.
Ainz being a retard is nothing new, but I wish he would at least LARP as an old wizard who's been underground for centuries like he did with the Carne village elder. His true Satoru persona lacks charm.
Keno is also completely different from mainline EE, which honestly defeats the point of having a volume about her to please the fans.
Not happy with it so far.
Might be awkward wording saying that it only covers up to one level of wish.
Yes, that part confused me too. I wasn't sure if Maruyama was just reminding us of how it worked or if Ainz didn't use the ring and actually used XP.
>he doesn't want mutual autist healing SOL
What a fag.
Well give it time.
some rich ("adjoining a large house") dude kidnapped females in his stealthy reinforced magic wagon (didn’t enchant the whole thing to not raise suspicion) and took the to the rape-shed. They became yuriniggers afterwards
>instead of vans we got enchanted wagons
No, the ring also consumes XP, this was explained when it was first introduced. However, we also know that you can have surplus XP in YGGDRASIL, you just can't get levels above 100. We don't know how much surplus experience can be stored up. There's definitely a limit because Avarice and Generosity lets you store more and it's a World Class item.
Since Satoru doens't make a big deal of no longer being level 100, I think we can assume you can have at least one level's worth of surplus XP.
Wait, why did the sword fall from his hands? I thought that he only couldn't equip ygdrasil items, but was fine using the new world ones. That's how he could use those daggers without transforming into a warrior.
Daggers and wands are fine with mages user, always were.
He can only hold conjured swords and hax shit like dwarven capital treasury mana sword.
Either Maruyama is sloppy or that's an Yggdrasil item. There's bound to be some floating around, there's been many players before.
>come to my wagon peasant girl
>I have gruel and onion soup
Troll Kingdom when?
ST attacking Enri's goblins when?
Elf King vs a guardian when?
Dark elves and dark dwarves when?
Giant country with high level giants when?
Sea arc with Nazarick Fleets when?
Beastmen alliance when?
Climb Dark Hero arc where he kills Renner and goes to form the gran alliance when?
S4 or never.
where can i find all illustrations of the spinoff novel? And are there character sheets at the end?
Keno or Neia?
>Keno was speed-reading, flipping rapidly through the books.
Worst girl.
Actually speedreading allows for a slightly better average reading comprehension level. You can find proof studies online.
Vampire Brides. Pale skin and black eyes do wonders to my dick.
Ainz specifically mentions that the ring makes it so that the spell doesn't consume XP. It could be something like this:
(spell base casting cost + wish cost) = total XP cost
With the ring making the base cost 0
>What do xxxx mean by this
Is pretty much a meme nowadays. Only a brainlet wouldn't understand what that scene meant.
>Ainz specifically mentions that the ring makes it so that the spell doesn't consume XP. It could be something like this:
No, he just says that it has a lower chance of getting joke wishes (in YGGDRASIL, they don't seem to be an issue in the New World) and then that it feel like a shame that he will have to use the cash item AND lose some surplus XP.
>"Um, thats not a problem either oh yes, as my savior, its only natural for me to invite you into my room No, please step inside or would you rather not?"
I thought someone collected cute zombie girls though. That's what I would do.
>t. speedreader
user, it was a joke. Try to control your autism.
Neither. If I have luxury to choose, then zombified/vampirified Lakyus or Clem.
Can you blame her? Ainz is pretty sexy.
>zombied/vampirified Clem
>skin even paler
>doesn't feel pain and can handle larger packages and more abuse
Muh man.
Please someone
>"I have the aesthetic sense of a potato, please dont ask me."
Literally S1E1
b-but i dont wanna watch it again
Keno is cute, CUTE!
He probably attracts all low-level undead on an autopilot.
>user 1500 players assaulted Nazarick and got absolutely wrecked on the 8th floor and it was all NPC
You mean 5 players and 14995 level 1 NPC?
>He probably attracts all low-level undead on an autopilot.
I had thought about that. Maybe there's a flavor text in his race settings for that. Though that wouldn't explain why all the Zombies or Yuri wouldn't be all over his skele dick.
>Polar bear
Yeah I just reread that part in vol 3, you are right, sorry user. I guess I ended up checking the wiki at some point and it fucked me over, another reason to not use that shit.
I didn't know you could have guilds without players.
>Though that wouldn't explain why all the Zombies or Yuri wouldn't be all over his skele dick.
Yuriniggers were all probably on stand-by or continue until further orders arrive thought/order process
I meant our Yuri.
Maybe affects only sapient creatures.
I don't think they have orders. They're what happens when you pull soul out of living being without killing it first.
Vandalieu also has to fight vampires or similar stuff sometimes, and he officially charms them.
5 guilds, each guild had 1 player leading a few hundreds of NPCs.
Could EE suicide bomb Nazarick with her special ability?
She can accommodate 5 anons at once if we're being traditional.
Though 2 will have to meet halfway and that'd be kinda gay.
Yeah but Death Mage works on a whole different system.
What can Yuri do against NWer? She will job hard against non-undead combatants, considering how she wastes her level in cooking.
>and got absolutely wrecked on the 8th floor and it was all NPC
only ONCE and because they cheesed so it wouldn't happen again
You mean releasing the shit out of 5 million XP inside tomb choke full of beings who feed on it and have instant death and necromancy resistances?
Sounds like a good idea.
>What can Yuri do against NWer?
Nigga she's still 50ish. She can pretty much defeat 99% of NWers.
>What can Yuri do against NWer?
She battled EE. user, are you high?
She's level 50 zombie monk user. She can do a lot of damage before someone like Fluder manages to put her down.
>Steadfast yourself guys we're almost through to the 8th floor!
>We made so far, time to really stick it up to those evil AOG no-life cunts for all the PK and WCI hoarding!
>Suddenly kitsune miko teleports in the middle of battle with angel fetus in her hands
>Puts down fetus and teleports away
>One of raiders swings sword to kill it
>Oh shit wai~
>He had often seen kids who had just graduated elementary school working alongside him
>Nigga she's still 50ish. She can pretty much defeat 99% of NWers.
She is an undead. A few priests can put her down.
EE is an undead. Non-undead with holy power will off her.
>She's level 50 zombie monk user.
Who is weak against holy attacks.
Holy shit. The myth about 3 yuriniggers is real.
Has anyone here played the roguelike ADOM?
The Wish Upon a Star thing got me really nostalgic about the many, many hours I spent in that game trying (and sometimes succeeding) to set up what the player community called a "Wish Engine".
There was a ring that granted (when blessed) a wish. There was also an advanced alchemical potion you could make called a potion of exchange, which could transform an item into another random item of the same type, with the probabilities of different items affected by the location. If the potion of exchange was blessed, you could transform stacks of items at the same time (rings stacked up to 19, but they needed to be identical), and all of them would transform into the same thing, remaining a stack.
You had to find a location of the appropriate level where you could be relatively safe, prepare food because your work could take a very long time, make or otherwise acquire a large number of potions of exchange, get a reliable way of blessing items (e.g. altar of a god near your lab, make lots of sacrifices first so that the god likes you), and a stack of identical rings of some type, as large as possible. Then you'd sit around dipping your rings into blessed potions of exchange until, hopefully, a stack of wish rings was created. Then you used those to wish for potions of exchange (the wish would give you three), blessed them, and continued dipping. If you were lucky at some point this became self-sustaining and you will end up with a potentially infinite surplus of rings and wishes, pretty much making you omnipotent. You really felt like a fucking crazy alchemist working on a breakthrough when you were setting it up holed up in some dungeon, collecting the stuff needed for your experiment.
It's fine if you don't read this post I was just having an Ainz nostalgia moment.
>Who is weak against holy attacks.
Like Ainz was weak against holy in vol3 fight yes?
>when DM was too generous and retarded early on
>A few priests can put her down.
You don't seem to understand the difference between average NW humans and level 50's.
>“W-what if we’re together forever?”
Cute. Not sure if she realizes forever is a long time for the undead.
Shurasha thought so too.
>biggest raid
>only 1500
>in fucking 2100's
>in the most popular dive mmo
Maruyama is just a hack and no top guilds participated anyway.
The whole game is a war front with everyone getting PK'd daily.
Larger raid would probably be utterly useless waitfest anyway: chokepoints were allowed by Ariadne dungeon system.
Are there any other stories like this spinoff? It's exactly what I want out of isekai.
tbqh it was much more difficult to set up this 'exploit' than to win the complete the game. But then your reward (on top of just the bragging rights) was becoming an overpowered demigod fitted with every power-up and item that could be wished for and with a few stacks of extra wish rings as back-up.
>Non-undead with holy power will off her
As any specialized class against an unfavorable match. Your point being?
Thing is, 30+ lvl is extremely rare in NW and monks usually have good saving throws across the board, so most likely scenario is Yuri just beating the shit out of the non-flying opponent(I can't remember her having any countermeasures against air) while no-selling anything that is being thrown at her.
>Holy shit. The myth about 3 yuriniggers is real.
I'm more of a Sol guy.
I'll kill Ainz and take her as a concubine long before that's a problem.
>selling anything that is being thrown at her.
Liquid maid - best maid.
so what's the fucking point of the ring?
It's a better version of the spell pretty much.
reeeee i literally rewatched s1ep1 just now and they didnt explained it
I've already given you the link. It's only one chapter. And an explanation in the first half.
You can do it.
Someone has the read user read gif?
>She is an undead. A few priests can put her down.
It would need to be a team of hero level holy casters/warrior, tank and support classes as well as gear on the level of national treasures to have 'some' chance at taking down Yuri. Her speed and power would one shot most NWers just like how Brain's ultimate attack can one shot those his level and below and was described to be 'hard' for even hero level people to dodge (30s). Also should know that Evileye fought against Blue Rose + Rigrit and only lost because she was holding back. Rigrit & Blue Rose had time to prepare and Rigrit went into the fight with preparations against the undead. Yuri's gear is well above everyone in the new world including Evileye but excluding Slaine and Agrand since they are unknown territory.
>EE is an undead. Non-undead with holy power will off her.
Yes, just like anyone using holy attacks of 7th tier and above can kill Ainz. It comes down to who can.
More bang for your XP buck since you don't get joke options except it's a gacha item so you paid with REAL bucks instead sasuga shitty devs
And you don't need to learn the spell so that's an extra slot for something more useful.
>5 anons at once
We will never have this doujinshi, aren't we?
Don't you give me your love and passion?
(Believe in love, even though
There're borders and disturbance and more
I'm the only one who loves you
Because I'm crazy about you)
>The first sign of that was the fact that whenever he felt an intense surge in his emotions, he would immediately calm down, as though something was suppressing it.
So its his undead racial ability?
>Keno asking Ainz to cut her hair to mimic a scene from her favourite book series(aka new world version of a saturday morning cartoon)
>We will never have a doujin where Ainz mapes the raids.
user I...
That would be grossly OOC. One cannot mape if the other party is willing.
Yep. Good job, user.
So this update confirms that Brain actually, unironically caused damage to Shalltear by trimming her nail?
This does not bode well for Nazarick.
does ejaculation make undead lose hp as well?
and it took me only 4h to find out
Suddenly, the man in front of her began laughing. Is he insane? Shalltear wondered. But it did not feel that way. More likely, he was laughing heartily over the fact that he had managed to slice off the tip of her fingernail, but she did not understand. So what if he managed to do it?
Shalltear’s nails and teeth were natural weapons, so using specialized weapon-destruction skills to sunder them was technically possible. However, they would simply grow back with the application of healing magic, and they were more easily broken than weapons of a similar level. That was all they were. They were inferior to Divine-class magic items like the Spuit Lance.
Yes, vampires are squishy and not good damage takers, they compensate with regen and skills.
Shalltear is equipped with legendary armor for that reason and an hp draining lance to further her hp regen.
This update? It was stated plain and clear in the text.
It was a minuscule amount of damage, but he still deserves title of a true badass for managing to inflict any amount of damage on battle-optimized lvl 100 monster.
Misery builds character.
>“Hahaha, I’ll tell you about this during our trip. Now, slightly below is the pumpkin carriage. I heard that shape is the kind girls dream about. That’s why she’s so happy.”
Ok, i am Narberial here. What did Keno found disturbing here?
Ainz should show those fucking albums to the NPCs.
Girls love pumpkin head shaped cocks.
I mean doesn't Shalltear have the passive "nullification of any damage below a certain tier"? And said tier should be around the level of a casual attack at lvl 50-60?
Bukubukuchagama is shaped like a dick, but I think Keno was just shocked at seeing a slime wear a dress and the Cinderella reference was lost on her (probably lost on Satoru too, like with many things he's seen it or heard about it from a friend but doesn't know anything other than that).
Is Overlord autism kino?
She's very min-maxed so there must be mins to the maxes. Immunity to low level attacks was probably not a priority when Peroroncino was optimizing her since it's useless in high level combat.
Huh, so the only reason EE is a vampire and not a shit-tier zombo like everyone else is she just got lucky and spawned as a greater creature type by sheer happenstance? A bit underwhelming.
>Although, her brother had once muttered, “You can’t call her a girl at that age…”
what else do we know about chagama-san?
If I remember correctly, her claws count as relatively low-tier weapons and they're not affected by this effect.
>doesn't Shalltear have the passive "nullification of any damage below a certain tier"
Funny thing is, I can't remember if it was explicitly mentioned. Most likely.
It's been a while.
What will be the Keno's impression of the supreme beings? From all these albums they would probably be seen like a bunch godly and monstrous goofballs.
Fuck you Maruyama.
She kinda does slobber all over Ainz, much like Shalltear does just without Shalltears unrestrained perversion.
What will be Jircniv's impression if Ainz ever tells him there are 40 others like him and he hopes he will join him again soon?
*hopes they will join him again soon
Shalltears got pelted and pierced with bolts and arrows when she was attacking Brain's bandit cave by level 1-10 mooks with shit tier weapons, you can deal cosmetic damage with low level attacks.
JUST just doesn't give a fuck any more.
I've assumed that she disabled damage nullification on purpose.
She is M, after all.
“「Magic Arrow」!”
In desperation, the magic caster cast a spell, sending two arrows of light streaking at Shalltear. However, they were easily resisted.
This was the result of one of Shalltear’s special abilities — spell resistance. It was not a perfect defense, and depended on the attacker’s own strength. However, given the precipitous gap between their power levels, she could easily resist spells from him.
In other words, there was nothing the arcane magic caster could do to Shalltear.
I just assumed like that Peroroncino didn't give her immunity to low level shit because it'd just be waste of stats, and doesn't do shit vs a cleric lifestealer.
At least this somewhat confirms she has at least magic resistance.
>Peroroncino didn't give her immunity to low level shit
Yet he gave her immunity against low-level magic from high-level casters.
Looks inconsistent.
Bet Peroro likes ryona, possibly guro.
Low tier spells can have high utility and high level casters will still be using them (and their effectiveness depends on caster level). A high level warrior has zero reason to hit you with an underlevelled sword.
A high level summoner has all the reason to summon a horde of low-level mobs to deliver you the death by the thousand cuts.
But Chair has the lance for this scenario, so you're probably right.
Wow, Wish Upon A Star is really useless. Thought it'd be able to solve the yurinigger crisis with ease.
>this thing is really overpowered
>except it never works
wow it's like I'm really playing D&D with my usual DM.
P.S. If you're reading this Tom, fuck you.
I feel like there'd be more sense in turning undead intelligent than back to human.
>Satoru makes the whole country into intelligent undead
>they're all evil and hate the living though
How would Keno feel about this?
>Evileye only wears the mask because she read about it in a children's story book and she's a fucking chuuni
Good thing there's no living beings around anymore. Neighboring countris didn't bother to come investigate or help so fuck em.
I got banned for posting that once.
Undead can march day and night and they don't require supplies. They don't have a natural habitat like most of the animals.
Intelligent ones have a country they belong to and Vampire Princess that made them.
She didn't turn them, so they probably will not obey.
Awesome image. 4k version, anyone?
>so they probably will not obey.
They're still citizens user. They'll obey Royalty.
It was Evileye that caused it.
Can't, the old souls are gone and are within Evileye.
just make them gingers
They are undead, user. They most likely don't give a fuck anymore.
Momonga could probably pull it off, same way Griffith can do it with demons.
>They most likely don't give a fuck anymore.
Everybody does if not obeying means getting the pointy end by goverment-controlled army.
Entire blue rose is just chunnis
In this case - Momonga is the police. Yes, he can make them tremble.
Gagaran isn't.
Not that you know she isnt.
>Neighboring countris didn't bother to come investigate or help
Srsly what's with that? Even if they didn't particularly care about Kenos country, having an entire country suddenly zombify should still result in some investigations.
Can't prove the negative.
You think she's screaming pass down memes when pegging shotas?
She's mentally ill most likely since no woman in their right mind would go the giga muscle route.
Pretty sure muscle training is just her way of squeezing a bit of an extra juice from her body for the sake of JUSTICE.
Leinas seems to be on the same powerlevel but she's slender, pus aside. Clem too, but they might not be tanky warrior types and lose to Gagaran in raw power.
We will likely learn the reason soon enough.
I suspect that some scouting parties or marauding adventurers have paid a few visits already, just nothing at the level of full-fledged undead cleansing campaign.
>theres Overlord guarding the castle
I mean, when Ainz uses magic arrows against Shalltear, he boosts them up to tier 10 with metamagic. I think it's safe to assume that actual low tier spells that aren't boosted aren't helpful in high level combat.
I can't wait for the blue roses's backsroties as they get killed in utter despair by their friend renner.
Gagaran was raped by several buff men and swore revenge by getting stronger than them.
>“Super skill! 「Dark Blade Mega Impact」!” With a horizontal sweep, black power flowed out in a vast, slashing wave. The lower ranking demons were reduced to sightless atoms by the explosive burst of non-elemental energy. Strictly speaking, calling the attack was not necessary
I want to do embarrassing things with Lakyus.
Could you blackmail her with chuuni spaghetti?
It might be situational, e.g. if they're more mana-efficient (damage per mana) they would be better in large scale fights, attrition, and PVE. My point is there are many more common meta scenarios where low level spells can be useful, while low level melee being useful is much less common.
Spells grow in strength as magician grows in power I am pretty sure but I could be wrong and wont go digging for i.
>Strictly speaking, calling the attack was not necessary
Do recall that Sebas and the Battle Maids were stationed as a "speed bump" which would give the AoG members enough time to gather in the Throne Room for a final showdown against invaders. If they weren't already participating in the defense throughout, they wouldn't need a couple extra minutes to prepare.
only if you frame it dramatically as a temptation appealing to her dark side
Faggot already ignored that argument.
I kinda figure that they were chuunis to such a degree that they had speaches and some kind of ceremonys prepared
Ulbert definitely did.
They'd have plenty of time if they truly never left Throne Room to defend the tomb and those extra 1.5 minutes from Pleiades + Sebas wouldn't matter in the slightest.
>NW levels ~ Ygg levels (x3)
>1500 Nazarick Raiders were weak with too many NPC mercenaries
>Black Scripture can't beat Pleiades (w/o extra seat)
>30 level 100 NPCs guard 8GK guild base
>Scrubs with a high level weapon can't (significantly) hurt Ainz.
>Aura and Shalltear failed Ainz by not accepting Quagoa surrender
>Gazef can't beat Fluder
>Lupusregina > Redcaps
>NPC can rebel
>Maruyama is a little girl
>Shalltear is attrition specialist
These are all arguably true, though.
They were the evil heteromorphs, i wouldnt be suprised if they had an hour long script just for that occasion. And those 1.5 min would come in use for their poses and last minute revision.
>still doesn't understand the list
I once shat my pants in elementary school.
Still made up better excuses to go home early.
Shit nigger you cant dispute that, just beacuse its bad doesnt mean that its unture, all of that is heacanon theory just like your shit.
Then how do you reconcile that, in the Web Novel (which also has the 1500-invader legend), Ainz said that current Nazarick could be conquered if 30 level 100 players showed up? The only major differences at that time were that Rubedo wasn't active, and AoG wasn't present. Do you really think Rubedo alone accounts for that much?
You're one of the faggots who argued Renner never talked to Demi in vol6 because it wasn't directly stated.
They had to put this scene in anime just for autists like you.
Lucky, I shat myself in college, I skipped classes for the day.
WN is just a rought draft of the main story and should be taken as such non of it is cannon in LN.
Nigger the fuck is your problem that shit was obvous as fuck, are you just using ad homminems becaouse you have no way to vertify your claims
Ulbert suggested that if people were able to make it to/past floor 8 they should all welcome the intruders on floor 9. They voted for it and the idea passed. This is in volume 1.
Please get fucked by a horse HIV penis and die you fucking mongol for making me search for this instead of more monster rape porn.
>Vol1 Chapter4 Part1 p238/336
>Given the current strength of the Great Underground Tomb of Nazarick’s defenses, they could easily overwhelm about 30 level 100 players. In addition, they could use World-Class Items in their defense, so it was a nigh-impregnable fortress. They would probably be able to repel invaders like they had in the past.
So is the new volume story separated from the time line?, this new books only details what happened 200 years before and the events regarden Keno would still happen if Ainz never got transported to the past?
If is canon and part of the main story it would open many possibilities having two Ainz in the story, one is that the world is still a simulation and the megacorps are uploading people minds to run this simulations for whatever reasons.
Everything without Ainz in it is canon.
So you just proved that they could EASILY beat 30 lvl 100 players witch means nothing in support of your claim
I proved you're shitposting, that's enough for me.
But user im not shitposing you are, you are just claiming your own headcannon with nothing to prove it, you state to provide evidence while you just post stuff that was already know, its also know that the majority of the 1500 force was stopped on the 8th foor on which is Rubed and you claim that cant have amounted to that much while it was hinted that she is the strongest entity in Nazarick, im starting to belive that you are one of the morons who claimed that Renner and Demi never talked.
Neia is much cuter and capable of bearing children.
Your agreement with that fact is optional. There will be no more (you)s from me since point already proven with Word of God.
Learn English.
Nice of you to post a video of yourself, shuting your ears and going "lalalalala im not lisening" is not a argument.
So, on a scale of 1 to SPLAT, how dead is Zuranon?
Triple maximize Reality slashed/master baiter.
How exactly did EE cast the Wild Magic that caused her entire nation to become yuriniggers? When did she have it cast on her for her to copy it?
>Then, we'll solve the mystery of the zombification someday
Nigel dropped the ball.
Clem looks very squishy.
CDL probably emit weak passive when sleeping.
Yes but don't tell her that.
>People ITT honestly believe AOG didn't defend their base
No wonder Maruyama's twitter is full with retarded questions.
At times he is very honest.
Anyone with half a brain would only attack Nazarick in the middle of the day when all of its members are at work.
Pretty sure guild raids have to be scheduled beforehand.
That would be a pretty bold assumption that all AOG members have the same schedule let alone similar jobs.
Not in any MMO I've played and definitely not in YGGDRASIL. We know Bukubukuchagama was crucial for defense because she worked weird hours and Momonga was hoping for a final impromptu raid until the very end.
nooo, not the hair. he really is a monster
>having an entire country suddenly zombify should still result in some investigations.
Yeah, if an entire country next door zombified overnight, what's to stop it from happening to your country? They should be terrified.
It's weird how Evileye ended up in the no-nonsense, rude adventurer role if she started out as an extremely polite princess, kind of like Lakyus is now.
She went full feral and borderline insane without Ainz.
She never left the capital. Assuming the entire country was hit, that simply means no one braved what could be hundreds of miles of yurinigger-infested territory yet.
I wonder where she got those slutty clothes.
>no-nonsense, rude adventurer
Who immediately started gushing the moment Momon has arrived.
She was described as “cry baby” by Rigiri. So I assume that when Rigiri found her, she beat the unliving shit out of EE/Landfall. Rigiri probably enslaved EE to fight alongside her and the 13 heroes. She’s been an adventurer for at least 200 years.
I'm assuming what happened was Evileye just stayed and continued her research for many more decades, probably killed or chased the Zuranon guy away, and when adventurers eventually reached the capital and started killing the zombies she killed them (they're her people and he's trying to cure them), which led others to believe SHE was the leader of the undead and destroyed of the country (kind of true) and caused the thirteen heroes to go after her.
How many ogre cock has she taken since then?
She’s a romantic. She’s read bunch of fairy tails when she was alive. She wanted to cut her hair because of a fairy tail princess.
Is not the reason why dragons are so dangerous because classic true dragons are ageless and they basically become stronger with age alone.
Gods are pretty set in their power unless they get faith boni and that is why dragons are considered more dangerous as with time they will outclass the gods.
Because in the original timeline nobody ever said the words she wanted to hear.
>“Let’s make a promise. Keno-san. I will not abandon you for personal -- no, for my own reasons.”
I don't see why a couple hundred year old vampire adventurer with no bone daddy having a personality change is weird.
women can't resist the allure of overwhelmingly strong men
The "I wanted someone to say that to me. I wanted someone to stay with me until the very end." were Satoru's feelings, not Keno's.
yes but who or what caused her to get a potty mouth
The impression i got is that Keno shared the exact same feeling though.
Satoru noticing it is one of few moments where he is not being dense or having a misanderstanding.
user she has the most modest outfit in the series. Judging from the side story though I believe everything wears are family artifacts.
Good thing that ainz is undead so mindflayers and elder brains won't work on him teehee.
Is EE really only supposed to be lvl 34.
Was she not supposed to be one of the strongest New worlders and this legendary vampire landfall.
Nigga that's 200 years ago how are you so daft?
...dozens of decades around adventurers and fending for her self? Too manys stays at cheap inns? It's a tough life and world out there.
Give her a break she waited literal centuries for a Prince Charming to come save her.
So who is on the 8th floor and what lvl is said kitsune miko at?
Omega is 100lvl Teleporter.
"Those on the 8th Floor" allegedly are original Nazarick dungeon bosses that AOG kept.
WN and LN have different power-levels. In the WN Touch Me could take 4 regular level players and win, and he could probably solo Nazarick. In the LN, he would even have problems with 2.
I'm always shocked by how little actually happens in each Overlord volume.
I know right. There is lots of talking, but they hardly ever say anything. Now we are like halfway in and they finaly moved out of the city (where pretty much nothing happened)
>almost halfway done already
Jap moon language not even once.
>Is EE really only supposed to be lvl 34.
>Was she not supposed to be one of the strongest New worlders and this legendary vampier landfall.
Level 34 is probably higher than any human we know of other than the godkin and maybe Fluder. Main story EE is level 50 ish so about 20 levels gained in 200 years provided she didn't hit a cap.
500 for narb
Rigrit is also supposed to be stronger than EE.
ded thread
ded series
ded characters
man no one reads:
"her data is from the Epilogue" aka this is after the timeskip so lvl 34 is all she gets in the SS
ah so the novel is basicaly just blahblah, then whole based adventure part is timeskiped and then epilogue, "my, look how youve grown" end
Yeah, Rigrit might be on higher level than level 34. Doesn't change the fact that Side Story EE is already very high level by New World standards.
From PDL and Rigrit exchange in vol7 intermission it's still implied that she's stronger.
Nothing against undead like a necromancer.
34lvl is both feet in Realm of Heroes.
It's the opposite. Rigrit bested Evileye together with her party, by exploiting her weaknesses as an undead.
I see Rigrit in her prime besting a younger Evileye. I think their most recent bout was Rigrit + Blue Rose ending in EE's loss.
It would be bizarre if Rigrit were as low as 34. Casting spells of the 5th tier, which is the qualifier for a human magic caster to be considered a hero, requires a minimum investment of 29 levels into caster job classes. Rigrit is considered to be first rate even among heroic magic casters, and she's also demonstrated herself to be comparable to Brain (a hero-class warrior), and to Izanija (a hero-class rogue) in their respective specialties.