What the fuck are they thinking?

They keep churning out boring but well produced original shows which keep floping time and time again.
How's this studio even afloat? How the fuck can they afford to keep dumping cash down the drain like that?

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Other urls found in this thread:


Aren't most of their recent originals Netflix exclusives? There you have it.

>well produced

At the very least, decently.

I wouldn't call Fairy Gone well produced.
But yeah at first I was glad that they were trying to leave their comfort zone and their sameface and do different things, but the results are so terrible that they should probably stick with Shirobako clones.
I hope at least that they will get to finish Uchouten Kazoku.

i liked kuromukuro

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Damn, I love a jelly donut

>fairy gone
>decently produced
u wot

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You can't deny it had a bigger budget than your average seasonal show.

Yakuza Money laundering.

I've been wondering about that myself. I just hope that they'll eventually produce something worthwhile. Nagi no Asukara was actually quite qood. I think their biggest problem is that they seem to lack the creative energy to break out of the general tropes and so they just end up making the same cliche characters and put them into the same cliche settings. It's the same problem with light novels, people just keep producing the same shit in different flavours. If they had just one person who could write them decent scripts they could do really well. They don't seem to have troubles getting funding considering the amount of original crap they produce.

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>they seem to lack the creative energy to break out of the general tropes and so they just end up making the same cliche characters and put them into the same cliche settings
I'd say that in the past they frequently put out pretty good work, interspersed with really, really bad shows that maintain a reasonably high standard of animation. Here are the shows they've done in the past:

True Tears - 2008
Canaan - 2009
Angel Beats - 2010
Hanasaku Iroha - 2011
Another - 2012
Tari Tari - 2012
Red Data Girl - 2013
Uchouten Kazoku - 2013
Nagi no Asukara - 2013
Glasslip - 2014
Shirobako - 2014
Charlotte - 2015
Haruchika - 2016
Kuromukuro - 2016
Sakura Quest - 2017
Uchouten Kazoku 2 - 2017
Uma Musume - 2018
Sirius the Jaeger - 2018
Irozuku Sekai - 2018
Fairy Gone - 2019

So it's really only been since 2018 starting with Sirius where they've put out a continuous string of bad or uninteresting shows, all of which are apparently originals, but not by any particularly notable writers. They're stuck in a creative rut that seems to be company-wide, since it doesn't appear that the blame can be pinned on any individual staff member.

Shirobako movie

I don't see anything wrong with it.

P.A should adapt a decent manga for once instead of original garbage.

They've done plenty of good original works, it's just that usually there's a distinguished writer attached to the project.

>well produced
What the fuck are you smoking? The inept bastards can't even paint their backgrounds. Look at this ugly CGI garbage. Their production values have gotten worse over the years. Backgrounds and those fucking disgusting looking cg fairy things in Fair Gone are awful.

>boring original shows
You got this right at lest.

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ikr. fuck piss awful works

That background is clearly handdrawn, just smeared with aftereffects.

Sirius was okay, it has some decent things going for it but mostly it was rather weak.
Irozuku was really good for the first half and then kind of fell of entirely.
I watched one episode of Fairy Gone and dropped it, never happened with any other PA Works show.

For what it's worth, I don't think it started with Sirius at all. Sakura Quest was a weak attempt of connecting new PA with old PA. Haruchika was quite awful till the last 5 episodes, which were great. Charlotte was a typical Key disaster and Glasslip is Glasslip.

Attached: irozuku1.webm (1280x720, 2.92M)

Sakura Quest was Shirobako but better.

Nice quads.

I felt Sakura Quest was skirting the line between good and disastrously boring a bit more often than it should have been. Charlotte wasn't bad; even if it sort of descended into incoherence the overall plot was strong enough to carry it through to the end, unlike Sirius where it just flatlined. Fairy Gone feels like the latter half of Sirius, except with worse art direction.

It's not hand drawn and after effects processing is cgi jut not 3dcg.

I liked Irozuku.

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>time travel
dropped it right there

It's clearly handdrawn, you can see a multitude of little imperfections, that would not be there if it was CGI.

I love grandma!

They'll just make bank with the Shirobako movie, and Uma Musume S2.

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They haven't made anything good past Shirobako.

You need to watch more anime. Cant you see the shitty low res textures on the wooden stands by the door?. There were 3d cgshit backgrounds in angel beats too but at least that had more sakuga than this shit.

>Cant you see the shitty low res textures on the wooden stands by the door?
You only get that impression because of the filters. Irozuku had good backgrounds, stop being autistic.

You're lucky that i'm tired today. While yes, it did have some actual background art that looked gorgeous. There was a lot of ugly 3d cgshit. More than their old works. Fairy Gone and Sirius. I do need to make a compilation of all the dogshit in that show.

>You're lucky that i'm tired today.
You really do sound autistic.

that's cgi?
must be damn good because it's fooling me

It's not, the guy is a retard.

kill yourself baitman

i'm reading that 'youre lucky that im tired' as 'oh shit user asked me to actually prove my bullshit claims so now i gotta scour these shows cherrypick one out of a hundred or so shots that's off model or uses a cg background'

Cringe at you, you genuinely fucking autistic nigger. What sort of braindead retard thinks piss awful works shows have good production values? You've never seen a show with good production values.

what are some shows with good production values, user?

You sound like you have some serious issues.

how the fuck do you define production values to consider some of those listed to be lacking them?
did you even watch any of them?

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they get money from the government to promoting rural areas through their anime for increased tourism.

They are trying to find their new 'Mari Okada' to produce more action-oriented anime.

I fully respect any studio's decision to make original shows instead of adapting iseka garbage for subhuman trash.

As for the poor quality of PA's direction and writing, it's probably a mix of nepotism and lack of talent, who knows.

You haven't seen much anime, have you?
P.A. Works shows do have higher than average production values.

Where is this?
Maybe it's a location with low rent/low costs.

Flip Flappers, Neon Genesis Evangelion, OPM or any modern Kyoani show.

I have seen all of them but horsefuckers was shit, Another was shit. Shirobako, Charlotte, Sakura Quest, Sirius the Jaeger, Irozuku and Fairy Gone are especially shit.

Even AB was shit and the best thing they've done that I've seen. Maquia was garbage as well.

>You haven't seen much anime, have you?
I've seen around 700 kid, I know that's not as much some other people here but still more than 99% of Yea Forums.

>P.A. Works shows do have higher than average production values.
Yes but anime is being overproduced right now and the average is shit. If I compare this stuff to early 2000s, 80s or 90s anime it pails in comparison.

OPM have dogshit digital backgrounds.

My issue with P.A. Works is that they aren't bold enough. They have great possibilities by making anime original but they always play it safe.
Take Irozuku. You are making an original anime romance and you don't have not even a single fucking kiss, let alone characters getting together or sex.
I'm not the one to complain about cliches or tropes or whatever, but this guy is mostly right

>f I compare this stuff to early 2000s, 80s or 90s anime it pails in comparison.
You have no idea what you are talking about.
Go look at Captain Tsubasa, that's what the average "old" anime looks like: simplistic character design, slideshows, animation loops that last forever, mouth-flapping talking heads, QUALITY being the name of the game and everything looking flat as fuck.
Backgrounds are the only thing that was usually better in older anime.

i was gearing up for a huge internet fight but you not only put flifla in your list but put it first
i wont kill a brother like that, i cant

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>QUALITY being the name of the game
Same can be said today, and it's even worse now. Look at this QUALITY titan.

>Backgrounds are the only thing that was usually better in older anime.
And vehicles and mechs.

>simplistic character design, slideshows, animation loops that last forever, mouth-flapping talking heads
Old anime had it's fair share of shit but this is an exaggeration.

Attached: cgshit.png (1356x576, 1.68M)

you're really nitpicking one shot from the op that lasts less than 2 seconds?

Thanks. Flip Flappers was amazing and AOTY 2016.

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>Same can be said today, and it's even worse now. Look at this QUALITY titan.
QUALITY CG looks terrible, but everyday QUALITY was much more common in older anime than modern stuff.
>And vehicles and mechs.
You're right about that.
>Old anime had it's fair share of shit but this is an exaggeration.
Again do watch more older anime, not just the top shelf stuff
Watch this youtube.com/watch?v=53jtGxp2bf0 and tell me with a straight face that it looks just as good as modern anime.

>I have seen all of them
fucking wew @that entire line
the great thing about opinions is that they're subjective, which means you can sit in a corner and be mad while everyone else enjoys shows that objectively look better than most of what's put out each season, and their individual enjoyment of said shows is entirely subjective as well. nothing you say will convince me stuff on that list is Bad, and nothing i say will convince you stuff on that list is Good
this argument is a waste if it goes nowhere

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user the cg rod titan fucked up a large part of season 3 before this. Also every modern anime now is plagued by disgusting 3dcg cars that clash with everything around them and fucking Kvin still defends it.

>and tell me with a straight face that it looks just as good as modern anime
It's not good but I do think it's better than a lot of the shit that's been coming out recently. Look at stuff like overlord, that's worse. At least here the characters don't clash with the backgrounds since they're both 2d.

then stop consuming sakuga blog content?
nobody's making you read yuyucow's stuff but yourself

Watching and talking about anime is all i do nowadays. I have no choice.

Shirobako is considered the best anime ever made, and Sakura Quest was a million times better at least, without to mention Uma Musume that was one of the most successful franchises of the latest years, and in a personal opinion Irozuku was one of the best anime of 2018, and objectively a billion times better than bunnyshit senpai. I say they have more hits than misses.

Notice how the only ones with strong opinions against CGI are irrelevant westerners mouthbreathers who hardly even watched shows from before the '00s, while the artists actually working on anime just see it as a tool, that can good or bad, useful or detrimental depending on the use.

you always have at least one choice

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anime is not a static industry, no matter how much you might want it to be

Fuck off subhuman. It's a cancer that's used to cut corners all the time and cannot produce the same results as traditional animation whether it's "good" or not. Whatever the fuck that meas.

You liking those shows doesn't change the fact that quite a few of them flopped.
Even Shirobako didn't do very well in Japan iirc.

>over 16k average
>in 2014
now sakura quest was a flop, it barely did 1k

CGI in Fairy Gone is utterly vile.

>Shirobako didn't do very well in Japan
>Uma Musume didn't do very well in Japan
Nigger what. and if you want to talk about sales they are still a top studio.

the stands and leg trucks(?) look like garbage but the non-cg is pretty appealing, especially the character design

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Again, you're an irrelevant mouthbreather.
>cannot produce the same results as traditional animation
Of course, because it's a different tool.
Let's try this since you seem slow. Do you dislike other tools that aren't traditional animation in anime, like the sand on glass in Mob Psycho for example? And why?

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not him, backgrounds the those "fairies" are cg garbage too. but yea they hand drawn stuff like the characters look great.

>like the sand on glass in Mob Psycho for example? And why?
No you subhuman because that is not prevalent, it's not used to cut corners and it will never replace traditional anime. Mob is great. One of the few good shows that came out recently that isn't infected by 3dcg. Subhumans like you that unironically defend a cancer need the guillotine.

>No you subhuman because that is not prevalent, it's not used to cut corners and it will never replace traditional anime.
So what you are telling me is that the bad thing about CGI is the way it's used? So why were you pretending to disagree with me earlier?

it was a jojo reference

I dont know, I liked HanaIro, Shirobako and Sakura Quest a lot, they´ve had lots of misses too but I dont care as long as the good ones exist.
I hope they stay up and continue making "boring" shows starring working young ladies.

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The show mostly looks nice but those CG fairies are horrid.
I don't get why they used CGI for them.
It's not like they're that hard to draw and you'd think putting a bit of their effort into the things the show revolves around would make sense.

>I have seen all of them
>only thing he names are the most popular shows around and really recent ones
No, "kid", you are the one who is wrong.

the fuck are you on about?
shirobako was wildly popular

>I don't get why they used CGI for them.
It's cheaper, faster and easier but they'll claim they used it to make it seem otherworldly or some bullshit like that.

They fell off a cliff after Shirobako

Anyone with taste knows the traditional anime style is best. There is always an economic bias towards using 3DCG therefore you should always be biased against it to at least even that out. This is common sense. Now just kill yourself already like that fucking loser from /r9k/ who shot himself in the head.

>Anyone with taste knows the traditional anime style is best
So, they should have animated that scene in Mob Psycho instead of using sand? Why?

PA Works are state sponsored cancer that's how they stay afloat.

Kill yourself you obsessed retard. Your a tumour on Yea Forums.

I don't know but I hope they don't die, they're the one of the few studios left worth talking about.

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There's no need to get mad at me just because you aren't able to rationally justify your dogma.

Read you obsessed, spic. Read. See>There is always an economic bias towards using 3DCG therefore you should always be biased against it to at least even that out. This is common sense.

I don't give a shit about fucking sand or water on glass because that does not threaten to replace traditional anime. I welcome that stuff even. And this isn't reddit, no once has to like the cancer that is cg you obsessed tranny.

Bullshit like "while the artists actually working on anime just see it as a tool, that can good or bad, useful or detrimental depending on the use." just rolls off the tongue well but doesn't have basis in reality.

>Take Irozuku. You are making an original anime romance and you don't have not even a single fucking kiss, let alone characters getting together or sex.
The way they set it up the romance was always meant to be a bit tragic. That whole 'unrequited love' shit that people eat up. Muri Desu and painter boy avoided getting serious since it became evident she had to go back to the future and they'd part from each other. I do agree they played it safe for many other aspects of that anime though.

>it barely did 1k
really? source?

>I don't give a shit about fucking sand or water on glass because that does not threaten to replace traditional anime
So what you are telling me is that the bad thing about CGI is the way it's used? So why were you pretending to disagree with me earlier?

Whatever, I have to go to sleep and it's quite clear that you've got nothing to say but insults. Bye sperg.

>So what you are telling me is that the bad thing about CGI is the way it's used?
Not necessarily. A lot of the time it's not simply how but the fact that it shouldn't be used at all. We're talking about businesses' economic bias towards using cgshit. Traditional method is better, not for the production but for the fucking consumer.

In the context of PA Works shows it's used because it's cheaper, faster and easier than doing something by hand. Are you so fucking stupid that you don't know this? The piano and the backgrounds in angel beats.. I love that show but even after all these years I remember how disgusting and out of place they looked. This is also in the context of anime CG cannot properly express the traditional anime and manga style. You fucking know this, I know you know this. So don't go spouting bullshit like this() again and pretending to be retarded.

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the usual source

I enjoyed Sakura Quest far more than Shirobako, I think that's because I have a hard on for rural things though.
