How will Miho ever manage to defeat her?

How will Miho ever manage to defeat her?

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Other urls found in this thread:

Facing her in a fight that matters.

I'm fairly certain that either Ooarai will defeat St. Gloriana in the final episode of Das Finale or they'll make St. Glo job to build up some other school... and I really hope it's not gonna be the latter.

By drafting Earl Grey.

Attached: e971b58487ad97a6d5a71e710081b714.png (1500x1309, 1007K)

Since they're having Momo pretend to be the commander during this last tournament in order for her to get a recommendation to a good school. I would imagine for the last fight she'll actually command the team. Also since Darjeeling was looking at Rosehip when she said she wanted to see the future of the school in this tournament I bet she's the commander during their final match. So no you will not get to see Miho v Darjeeling round 3, instead you're going to get an autism battle for the ages to finish out the series.

You already know the answer.

Attached: D5VyexcU0AEIVob-orig.jpg (500x500, 50K)

I think you’re on the right track, but I’m not sure if Darjeeling will be giving up command for the match, but that she’ll use herself as bait to set Miho up. Miho gets taken out, leaving Momo and Azusa to pick up the slack. Meanwhile Rosehip is commanding the flag tank. In the end, it’s all down to Momo vs. Rosehip, with Momo as gunner because Anzu was knocked out.

>Momo as gunner
RIP Ooarai.

Attached: GuP.webm (1280x720, 659K)


Attached: rosehip_tsurui_e690addf7be66c4b23292bbb9629a32a.jpg (843x1200, 163K)

only 43 more days until das finale 2!

Attached: 1540848380036.jpg (500x600, 102K)

She actually managed to knock out Rosehip at the end of that match, so it’s not completely hopeless.

>canon big butt.

Attached: D3JT1P2UcAIrOMY.jpg (952x1270, 137K)

Day of the WANI soon

Attached: wani2.png (2112x3000, 373K)

Remove wani

Attached: Erika5.png (184x243, 97K)


Attached: wani.jpg (2150x1448, 655K)

I want to smell that hip rose.

>Scans never

Attached: D5ixiLpW0AA2Jva-orig.jpg (1600x1130, 473K)

Attached: Generation Panzer2.jpg (1289x366, 103K)


Attached: GuP_Erika_seal_of_approval.gif (2000x1500, 217K)

By teaming up with Saunders.

Attached: GuP_Kay_popcorn_rude.jpg (724x1000, 420K)

Attached: D5EuN63UEAEqyzi-orig.jpg (400x217, 27K)

Attached: 1495171961352.jpg (800x1149, 765K)

Attached: erika punch.jpg (1080x1574, 485K)

Miho hasn't used her plot armor against Darj before. She will be no match like all the others when it really matters

Attached: a1857 - アンチョビ (68703934) 1ページ.jpg (1754x1240, 622K)

Attached: wani.png (1000x1000, 372K)

With superior mobility and range, which she has in spades.

Attached: yukari_n-word_a.png (810x602, 289K)

By upgrading her plotanium armor

Attached: yukari_n-word_b.png (810x602, 284K)

Attached: yukari_n-word_4.png (810x602, 207K)


*distant whistling from missiles*

Dumb wani

Attached: D1vMxQyU0AAni_T.jpg (2048x1484, 340K)


Attached: kawashima momo_akagi (fmttps)_girls und panzer d9f90b6ffacc8d5f2623a7661bb4b6ce.png (1024x1024, 1.16M)

Dumb girl

Attached: DA_jLT9UQAAPKZO.jpg (1500x500, 109K)

all guppies are dumb

Attached: kawashima momo_wata do chinkuru_girls und panzer 2097065df1e46ca00b780101e767732e.jpg (693x1000, 89K)

But not that much like Momo.

Attached: Dsc7vZGU0AACxG3.jpg (1000x1000, 129K)

>he did a momo version
based unknown artist

Attached: erika cry.jpg (828x1000, 116K)

behead those who bully the wani

Attached: erika sad.jpg (800x1357, 195K)

Bullying is fun.

Attached: DAzolTdVwAAPAsF.jpg (1000x1000, 190K)

only guppies are allowed to bully guppies

That works too.

Attached: DzPSzKyUUAANdyM.jpg (1600x1288, 212K)

Attached: when supplies arrive.jpg (1280x720, 94K)

dumb cute fox

Attached: andou (girls und panzer)_ikomochi_girls und panzer 90faba13eae653ad7b4d5b8c04a67ede.jpg (1343x1500, 208K)

Attached: 1533212255965.png (636x433, 1.05M)

Attached: D16BRTUUwAU2Cf6.jpg (800x1199, 198K)
He makes cute GuPs.

Attached: 63779152_p0.png (900x725, 532K)


Attached: alisa (girls und panzer)+kay (girls und panzer)+naomi (girls und panzer)_gufu (guffuumu)_32e448d913d (600x820, 293K)

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Attached: 69f3d97b3b47197e4d3820937cef543c_2_3_art.jpg (1984x3400, 359K)

of course they choose an even worse method of cataloging images than even pixiv

Attached: reizei mako+takebe saori_excel (shena)_girls und panzer 6f7cca18afe09d63b71f58121b741f6d.jpg (713x1000, 801K)

Momo is legally retarded and only good for her body

Looks like kaduho, who did Kill Me Baby

You are onto something, user.

Attached: 64546941_p1.png (635x903, 488K)

At least he still post in pixiv.

Attached: 64932797_p0.png (900x693, 467K)

Attached: reizei mako+takebe saori_a1_girls und panzer 1dc874096ef20e50f34167903222579e.jpg (765x850, 107K)

No bully the seal.

isn't this the Kill Me Baby mangaka

What are you going to do with Miho?

Attached: __boko_and_nishizumi_miho_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_a1__8e4792833fca9164eeb66cf3d474d2ec[1].jpg (1000x1007, 110K)

Attached: D4XiL-XU0AILwas-orig.png (459x711, 90K)

play warthunder

Attached: 20190417213750_1.jpg (1920x1080, 537K)

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build a 1-71 master race model kit of panzer IV but paint it like the orai one

Attached: qualitat.png (235x183, 81K)

Scorched earth policy.

Attached: 1556940299966.png (706x515, 124K)

Rosehip is best GuP.

Not even best baka.

Attached: 73708891_p3.jpg (900x1200, 431K)

>Kay is best GuP.

Attached: 022.jpg (1280x1817, 479K)

*drops a molotov*

Attached: <[Femme] Girls und Panzer - OVA03 [BD 900p Hi444PP AACx2][C0BF54A3].mkv00:11:07P mpv-shot0075.jpg (1600x900, 194K)

>shit commandet
>shit gunner
>has athletes foot
And I thought she couldn't get worse

Attached: D24_JgmUgAAlgcH.jpg (900x865, 124K)

I want to typeset more GuP doujins.

The cutest.

Attached: D4NHsyoUIAAhAEy.jpg (750x1334, 129K)

Attached: D3g8DSEU8AAEFoY.jpg (1199x674, 117K)

>those arms
I run because she's a fucking skin walker

Attached: Snapchat-1832533764.jpg (480x160, 18K)

I'm happy I got to see two of his Ema in Ooarai

>cute dumb dork
what's the problem

Attached: kawashima momo_umiu (hoge)_e8fc6fd3fffeb996165788e7b8cf4805.jpg (450x1042, 53K)

Shell probably poison you by accident making you dinner and then give birth to kids with severe autism

>severe autism
that's half the cast

>Only the half.

Attached: DavLArlUwAYoq8Q.jpg (800x554, 184K)

Cute dorks are the best. It's a big part of the reason the GuPs are so great.

Attached: 1511904476820.jpg (1000x1414, 256K)

Attached: darjeeling+rosehip_geregere (lantern)_girls und panzer 335af5696982d96faab49ee527c2d22c.jpg (1000x1412, 191K)

Aki's fat thighs.

Cute thighs.

Attached: 1464816574712.png (1000x962, 389K)

Remove bakas


She won't

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Gloriana will be beat by another school off screen and won't face Oorai in the championship match just like the show

make way for the coolest guppie

Attached: tulta.jpg (850x1182, 95K)

Cutest Finn.

Attached: 1540251609912.png (1731x2235, 3.77M)

>no hat

Can't wait for her to job to the finns.

Attached: D3E6a4gUwAAea6k.jpg (1148x1600, 308K)

bully all the guppies

Attached: 1483105969338.jpg (1800x1900, 886K)

Yeah, Aki is.

Attached: D5p5bGUV4AEVtUq-orig.jpg (1550x2000, 286K)

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They're both cuties.

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Mika pls

Attached: 56146377_p13.jpg (600x422, 151K)

What can I say, Mika has good taste in girls.

Attached: 1466020613282.png (600x800, 416K)

Mika just wants to molest all the girls.

Attached: DjnLBalUUAEZFK-.jpg (800x800, 75K)

>cutest feet

>Wear uniforms referencing the British Guards
>British Guards actually had an Armoured Division during the war
>First fought in the invasion of Normandy in 1944
>Equipped, amongst other things, with Churchills, Fireflies and Cromwells
>tfw 11th Armoured and continentals took all the Challengers and Comets
>tfw stuck using Crusader III training tanks for Sensha-do
>tfw stuck using surplus Matildas fit only for colonials as your main force

>ywn see a competently-armed St Gloriana with a triune of speed, armour and firepower
>ywn see Rosehip crash the party from another division with her Comet and scruffy British tanker onesie

Being Saint Gloriana is suffering

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With her giant futa penis, if the Doujins are correct.

I'm going to Oarai this month wha exactly should I do there!? I will take lots of pictures but what else?

>she was aiming at Darj
user, I...

I bought his compilation book with most of the content to this date, but never did a scan

The sea tower and the shrine obviously. There used to be a themed cafe in the tower, at least it was going when I visited a couple of years ago. The aquarium is neat and the walk along the coast from there into the town is interesting, you really get to see how the 2011 quake affected and still affects that region.

There's a few nice cafes too. Walk around and talk to people if you can.

That's pko that has the massive futa cock

Attached: gup a collection of cute girls.jpg (2000x2048, 947K)

Shouldn't it be pretty easy? The only tank with actual armor she has is the Churchill, and that ugly piece of shit has a topspeed of walking pace.

Why does GuP have by the far the best fanart ?

Best girls best fanart.

Attached: IMG_20170704_193336.png (1024x1024, 1.63M)

The Matilda IIs have pretty good armor as well, but anything with a long 75mm gun will still hurt them fairly easily at point blank range.

That's the thing, they have piss-poor tanks & zero talented ace like Nonna. But the school ranks 2nd just a shy beyond KMM.

>zero talented ace like Nonna

Attached: DUouZp3VoAA3nUi.jpg (700x789, 67K)

Isn't she just the churchill driver? That job seems like some sort of divine punishment. I don't see how she's an ace.

What driver, that's the never-seen Ruhuna, Assam is the gunner.

Attached: 1519288728275.jpg (1455x1062, 488K)

By showing Darjeeling the greatness of cum in her tea just like the doujins

Maybe Assam sits on the control stick so she's the driver as well.

>control stick

The driver is Ruhuna

Attached: 1c40ea77892301f4dd3da7e253b5f1b6.jpg (2888x4101, 1.43M)

Thought she was in an other tank, commanding. Did she got a promotion in the movie?

Attached: UKULEL.jpg (850x1188, 182K)

Trying to play dumb, won't cover your stupidity.

Attached: Bakahip.jpg (640x640, 50K)

>Misses APCBC shot at almost point blank range.
Yes, yes I know, Nishizumi plot armor.

No, KMB mangaka is a /u/pilled Sonya autist

there wouldn't be any guppies left then

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Dorks ≠ bakas

Attached: 57962199_p5.jpg (1144x677, 84K)

>birch branch
>not barbed wire

Fake Finns detected.

What doujins?

the good ones.

Anzu looks kinda Takagi-san there.

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Blame your CO with her fixation on outdated armor doctrine.

cabbageworm of the fresh-made jamaica circle

Attached: dekinai.png (2756x1575, 3.35M)

>still no new previews

"It's adequate" Is the unofficial slogan for British Army. And it works.

>And it works.
Does it? Gloriana isn't really all that sucessful.

Yukari mentions in one drama CD that it makes sense Ooarai unable to beat Gloriana since they are 2nd best after KMM. More than adequate since they are using infantry tanks WITHOUT infantry support.

That really only makes sense if Darjeeling is a top tier genius commander off-screen. If they're second place it's in spite of their tanks, not because of it.

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Attached: C0C7s_9VIAAsopX.jpg (600x548, 44K)

The supplementary material suggests that St Gloriana has placed second pretty regularly usually defeating Pravda or Saunders before getting stomped by KMM. In the Katyusha 'origin' manga it shows that before her and Nonna's coup Pravda used to lose hard to Gloriana commanders like Earl Grey. And it does seem like Gloriana is successfully primarily due to a long string of good commanders, and they're also the only school with a dedicated intelligence branch, run by Assam. Both Darjeeling and Earl Grey are eccentric but both seem to grasp tactics better than almost every other school. e.g. the magazine retelling of KMM vs Gloriana from the tournament has Darjeeling negating KMM's range and firepower advantage through a man-made dust storm, tying up Erika's heavy hitting tanks with "throw-away" Matildas and then Darjeeling psycho-analyses Maho, knows shes become isolated from her team after Miho left and so correctly finds her flag-tank alone on a hilltop. She managed to ambush Maho but Assam's shot bounced allow KMM to win. (

Attached: 1541177370496.jpg (759x909, 218K)

Sexy hip

>no english translations for all those GuP works
[sadness intensifies]

Attached: 020.jpg (1264x1822, 312K)

Which sex position is this?

Good lord, look at how huge Pekoes forehead is

Attached: The Grand Forehead.jpg (200x260, 21K)

I want to rub my dick on peko's deko

Attached: 1552483268534.jpg (495x600, 169K)

Still, it’s the worst gunner in the franchise vs. the only tank commander she’s actually landed a hit on. She fired one shot at Rosehip, and hit, so statistically speaking, she’s had a 100% success rate at shooting Rosehip. Manipulating statistics aside, Momo’s really got to work for that scholarship.

Attached: 1556979424820.jpg (251x464, 31K)

she stores tea in her forehead
it's like the sperm whale thing with oil

Gloriana is the fivehead school.

Attached: 1552542539119.jpg (800x800, 71K)

Obviously, ass to face cumshots are the best when the girls have big foreheads.

Attached: 1545461674141.jpg (744x950, 683K)

I vaguely remember one of the characters in that show has practically NO forehead. Big foreheads are definitely a good thing, within reason.

Attached: marie (girls und panzer)_geregere (lantern)_girls und panzer 249bea1e35dd22ad3980bda92b96aabb.jpg (1000x1414, 702K)

She's always pretty OP as far commander goes.
Do note her part of the team survives Karl's bombardment while in flat muddy terrain with zero tank loss. Meanwhile Maho & Katyusha get slaughtered while running on pretty good road. The Panthers are knocked from surprise attack though.

4th chapter of Keizoku manga went up last April 26, 2019 on Comic Walker website.

Wani style.

Attached: 1472997305684.png (600x943, 601K)

The Ang*o FEARS the WANI

Attached: erika happy wani.jpg (1080x1920, 223K)

Imagine being this wrong

Hobos are cute as well

Attached: Beaut.jpg (800x542, 101K)

Not that any other garupan would get much better results. The internet is a strange place.

Attached: ocrap.jpg (849x1200, 335K)

>implying Erika won't get defeated in the first battle and retire from senshado in shame

I recognize Asparagus there, but who are the other two? Her two aides from RW look different.

Erika will kill everyone with glorious Solingen steel

Attached: erika sword.jpg (870x1249, 350K)

>Maginot losing against Miho AGAIN
That would be mean.

Attached: [000053].jpg (424x600, 88K)

All three of them are characters from Kill me Baby.

Attached: 870bb4e9b1cf15ad6e1e55f95370602b.jpg (995x1453, 216K)

Ah, ok.

delete this shit before I puke. Brits just can't build good looking tanks or ships

Attached: 1470494345902.jpg (1673x639, 84K)

And we get back to another episode of:
'Today on History' with our host Hime and Rin
Today in History: May 4

In England, the Yorkists defeat the Lancastrians at the Battle of Tewkesbury.

American Indians sell Manhattan Island for $24 in cloth and buttons.

A French manufacturer debuts the first folding umbrella.

Rhode Island declares independence from England.

Thousands of rioters enter jails in Lyons, France, and massacre 99 Jacobin prisoners.

Napoleon Bonaparte disembarks at Portoferraio on the island of Elba in the Mediterranean.

The Battle of Chancellorsville ends when Union Army retreats.

Union General Ulysses S. Grant's forces cross the Rapidan River and meet Robert E. Lee's Confederate army.

A balloon soars over 40,000 feet for the first time.

Mahatma Gandhi is arrested by the British.

The United States begins food rationing.

The Battle of the Coral Sea commences.

13 civil rights activists, dubbed Freedom Riders, begin a bus trip through the South.

Ohio National Guardsmen open fire on student protesters at Kent State University, killing four and wounding nine others.

Attached: 1536706003217 gup shizuka and rin on a scooter.png (3432x4304, 601K)

Attached: 021_copy.png (1045x1500, 1.03M)

I sincerely want to dick the frenchie

Attached: __andou_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_abaratani_kurou__b34eafbfc8f09adc01eb87a4c21f6dfa.jpg (768x1760, 116K)

I love Andou and her tiny pupils.

Attached: 1540943922713.jpg (1000x968, 84K)

>Andou got Oshida brown-nosed
fucking depraved

Attached: andou (girls und panzer)+marie (girls und panzer)+oshida (girls und panzer)_wata do chinkuru_girls u (1308x1000, 194K)

Is she supposed to be French Algerian?
Regardless, I think she's very cute

Attached: __andou_and_oshida_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_shutou_mq__1985d9577d24856f4e9a1192f9a16c23.jpg (1123x794, 136K)

I want to touch tips with peco

You dun it now arry

Attached: rosehip_masara_girls und panzer 21b13c079bc3efca38263be79d8caae1.jpg (495x600, 208K)

She got btfo by an autistic centipede in her first tank tournament there's no way she'll be good at anything

she's larping as a terrible frenchman just like every other girl in the series.

Attached: 1551641764886.jpg (1062x1328, 107K)

Which means she's probably Okinawan or something.

Attached: b0d6ffbc27ea47845884f5e05473fb26.png (789x1118, 730K)

Nope, she got beaten by the BC girls, she pretty much rekt Shizuka before.

Attached: asparagus2.jpg (600x1038, 76K)

Attached: ogin (girls und panzer)_arakure_girls und panzer f0b2b639885c7c6d1963548d0e1d3939.jpg (1488x2088, 1.09M)

Getting beat by frogs
Even worse

It could be both, being Okinawan makes her browner than the rest of the ouiboos, so she larps as a pied noir.

This thing clearly exceeds the proper length to width ratio for a functional tank.

Attached: Dpd-OgBUwAA0h8h.jpg (675x1200, 94K)

Maho cumming on tea ?

Pied noirs were white settlers in North Africa, she’d represent the native African troops.

so she larps as a goumier, then.

Attached: assam_shuiro (frog-16)_girls und panzer f6c25a0d22f5a7d9c594d77ecae270d8.jpg (925x1159, 90K)

Reinacting Marocchinate with Andou!

Attached: andou (girls und panzer)_april tada_girls und panzer 1b227008a387b0cd26840cb1a4ff2384.jpg (1600x2000, 635K)

Attached: Dlo-l34UUAIMqFp.jpg (1388x1924, 183K)

Hmm, I think I still like her

Attached: __andou_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_tacch__0403e2590da66e4369d44ae9ab1c649b.jpg (1500x2000, 913K)

Brown guppies are the best.

Attached: 1529190855204.jpg (768x768, 79K)


Attached: D5oOM1YUcAUq57R-orig.jpg (700x1200, 79K)

Besides Klara and Carpaccio.

The cutest pits

Attached: D4bYOx0UYAE8FDu-orig.jpg (400x500, 31K)

Underrated qt.

Attached: 1529166025321.png (1024x1024, 1.07M)

I liked how she evolved from a total noob into a somewhat capable commander in RW.

Very cute.

Attached: D2mTnYEUkAAta8N.jpg (800x1194, 62K)

Attached: 1515716575823.jpg (1000x1399, 387K)

user, this doujin has a sad Erika over a major phase of the plot and a sad Maho at the end.
We want happy garupans here.

Attached: y5543.jpg (1200x1549, 197K)

>tfw will never get the chance to buy any of these

Attached: 1541792992725.jpg (1242x808, 120K)

nice AR-15

Royal Air Force here.
Can confirm, although its worded more "It'll do a trip"

Sad Erika makes me happy

Attached: 1522507837872.png (890x730, 378K)

Ugly fivehead.

Shut up homo

Attached: D1dzRc7U8AABuw8.jpg (1451x2048, 297K)


Attached: __isobe_noriko_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_akagi_fmttps__b4b3a8159c08d3949b84c1150821382f.png (1024x1024, 1.2M)

My captain.

Attached: D1nbWtLVYAAt1sK.jpg (2040x2715, 364K)

Cute boy.

Attached: 1556155969313.png (1232x989, 789K)

Attached: 59753284_p8.png (599x384, 76K)

Absolutely based brother fuck Erika non sexually of course

Attached: SHE'S A GIRL!!!.png (522x700, 207K)

You lost me.

I want to polish it and use it like a mirror.

Attached: 1540322783603.jpg (848x1200, 148K)

We have been over this.

Attached: noriko is a girl.png (320x207, 9K)

The cutest.

Attached: IMG_20190324_141612.jpg (2111x4095, 541K)

So rude.

Attached: DzMrZMGV4AAcP7Z.jpg (1543x2314, 252K)

I may be gay.

What are you talking about? That’s obviously a CETME.

Attached: 1456626311321.png (756x1058, 387K)

These things happen.

Attached: IMG_20190324_141342.jpg (1606x1946, 411K)

That's a fat Duce.

Spats should be mandatory.

Attached: Dq0JXSsWsAA1uek.jpg (952x1271, 181K)


Attached: Noriko shota.png (1439x653, 108K)


Attached: DvKaRFSVAAAaCTU.jpg (669x936, 131K)

Based user, this is exactly what's gonna happen

Attached: 1544089011152.jpg (800x800, 434K)

>Quoting a non-canon manga

Attached: Gup4.jpg (572x711, 100K)

Attached: 010.jpg (1280x1847, 374K)

I want to bully those little shits.

Attached: Dj6xZMxV4AAz7Mr.jpg (840x850, 127K)

Why Ooarai allow boys?

Attached: D3n72SAUIAAVNXl.jpg (1536x1954, 238K)

Boner City
Population: me

If we go by canon material she's still shit bud

cutting edge, visionary experimental program to turn cute boys into hard working women and model wives through sensha-do

think about it :
>forced feminized shota wearing spats+skirt combo

Attached: 1467137113025.jpg (439x439, 114K)


Attached: 6EFE36FB-2531-41E4-8E6A-25FA539489A6.png (500x334, 209K)


Attached: noriko gun.png (763x1051, 503K)

something something stuff in the water
something something gay frogs

Attached: greetings.jpg (1046x1910, 303K)

>being triggered this much by a manga about lesbian tanketters

Attached: gup lesbians tanks and alcohol.png (2061x1089, 1.6M)

I may do that, but I fail to see how it would change the fact that Noriko is a cute boy

ribbon warriors isn't non-canon. it's the better-canon

A fact is, that Noriko is a cute girl.

>goes against the whole purpose of senshado

Attached: Homosexuality isn't right.jpg (1920x1080, 108K)


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Attached: D3epWINU0AESn1-.png (500x552, 236K)

Prequel when?

Attached: 1456200197001.jpg (1080x1440, 954K)

Not really, just because they're gay doesn't mean they can't still be wives and mothers as well

Attached: gup centipede mating dance.jpg (713x1052, 215K)

cute autist toes

Attached: maho toes44.png (699x240, 214K)

not if I have something to say about it.

Attached: kokoro-ana-mitsuru-are-having-their-fourth-my-iob-here-34631764.png (500x633, 150K)

Go home Abe, your powers can not the prevent the blossoming love between a psychotic samurai and her horse.

Attached: x15.jpg (1900x2708, 1.88M)

Already one of my top fetish combos

>ywn be married to Maho and give her foot rubs

Attached: 0726e723e825e51ea8b3f61cdb824394.png (582x782, 211K)

Where are the other 43.

I wanna tickle them so badly.

on erika's hard drive

Gross, Erika does not think of her commander in that way. Miho however is fair game.

Attached: 017.jpg (1040x1504, 291K)

Wholesome panzer maidens.

Attached: IMG_20170803_084602.jpg (2048x1586, 719K)

Cute 4chin mask

Im seeing like 4 /ck/ memes here

No but seriously how do they get her hair like that

Attached: __akiyama_yukari_isuzu_hana_and_takebe_saori_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_wang_guo_nian__58628fdde3693e (6071x9059, 3.9M)


Attached: 10299678_668723073256001_1297406727_n.jpg (480x480, 25K)

Who is that?

>One who is good at martial arts overcomes others' forces without battle, conquers others' cities without siege, destroys others' nations without taking a long time.

tl;dr poison her tea before the match

Attached: 1490707988005.png (495x600, 169K)

Kay is bae! I'm going to marry this Ameriboo!

Attached: D2_Qf1JU0AE6LcR.jpg (850x1200, 112K)

Cute Peko

Attached: D3VLgv8U8AE-uLV-orig.jpg (970x1266, 133K)

Useless meat.

Tea makes Brits calm, remove that & you'll see how much savage they can get. Just ask China.

Attached: the devil ship.jpg (1040x681, 198K)

Today is Momo's birthday (In Japan). I will not tolerate any bullying!

Attached: D0AeQ4KUcAATY5A.jpg (1028x1200, 156K)

Attached: momo is retarded.jpg (1920x1080, 387K)

Her funnee brain only makes her better

Attached: D4XY3VUU0AAGYjo.jpg (1200x954, 243K)

Nonsense, is always time to bully Momo.

Attached: D41uYpVUwAU7Opq-orig.jpg (600x900, 74K)

No. The Momo bullies you!

Attached: Cr1neg_UIAAhhhd.jpg (1168x939, 241K)

What she gonna do? bully me with her fat momos?

Attached: D5ut6nRUIAE7yUD-orig.png (658x728, 281K)

u gau

Attached: 73498449_p0.jpg (800x800, 319K)

What an angry loser.

Attached: D5uzvX2U0AAx4q7-orig.jpg (1113x1100, 162K)

I want to coat her monocle with cum!

Shut up Momoman

Attached: rude kay.png (308x396, 21K)

stinky feet

Attached: vcmo4wfzxz011.png (511x350, 221K)

ya'll gau

Attached: mumu.jpg (804x758, 192K)

Attached: 1544495135773.png (1280x721, 745K)

Momo is only fit for prostitution.

Attached: 66322923_p0.png (920x1000, 586K)

lets talk about a top tier turtle

Attached: IMG_E2842.jpg (1283x859, 659K)

Kay is cool as heck!

Attached: D2hWtsiUkAAlH6L.jpg large.jpg (628x900, 58K)

Yuzu is great!

Attached: DagSE7qU0AEnUmh.jpg large.jpg (2048x1940, 599K)

I like Maho's dorky fashion sense.

Attached: 1467737305834.jpg (850x1511, 265K)

At the rate she's going, she'll die from exhaustion. Poor turtle could use a break.

Cute dork.

Attached: IMG_20161127_054054.jpg (994x1800, 135K)

Attached: IMG_20170607_011237.jpg (478x600, 67K)

Yuzu has a good work ethic

Attached: f1aef5edfeef056c8b4ffa171374a095.jpg (705x800, 54K)

You could nut all over her wriggling toes and she couldn't do anything but watch

Please, Yuzu can endure it.

Attached: D097o8QUcAAV8Fp.jpg (1654x2314, 273K)

Momo is only good for her body

oh my gosh

Yuzu is just perfect

Attached: 1375580565718.gif (352x360, 1.76M)

For marrying and making a family

Attached: DrKbhxhVYAAll93.jpg (1315x1860, 180K)

I like the way you think!

Attached: __koyama_yuzu_girls_und_panzer_drawn_by_bukkuri__07641f0a84df169c7d06cbd995b29858.png (728x1032, 619K)

The thing about prostitution is not a joke anymore.

Attached: 1524290276139.jpg (843x1200, 181K)

Momo is the best friend someone could have, giving it her all to help in times of need even if it troubles her or is not her field of specialty!

Kay is a garbage team-mate and commander who thwarts everything good for a shallow illusion of coolness and will die all alone

Yuzu is a blank non-character who is only good for her body as the anime demonstrates as soon as possible, a pointless and replacable existence

Attached: bd8ffd4f1900ca173d1591beef3245e0.jpg (900x644, 337K)

Attached: foot pledge.jpg (501x775, 131K)

Big words for a girl that is only good for her lewd body.

Attached: 59652144_p0.png (2480x3507, 2.65M)

Shut up Momoman

Attached: 1523032071914.png (1049x1181, 889K)

I-it's not f-fair...

Attached: 9ba0595e7e5a4d1fb2d03aeace0c514b.jpg (2374x3423, 1.4M)

don't be mean to Yuzu, fellow Momoman.

You may have top-tier taste. But Yuzu is a Turtle as well.

Attached: C-_uelgVoAAc7IS.jpg (600x720, 77K)

Attached: Momofags.jpg (1255x847, 753K)

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Attached: Kay check'em.png (313x324, 88K)

All hail our seal overlord.

Attached: saorioho.jpg (578x650, 167K)

Attached: 261777843933937674.png (128x113, 20K)

Dumb fat seal.

Attached: 1554668406501.jpg (1000x1433, 974K)

fick u beech

Attached: MomoTongue.png (931x518, 250K)


And this is why Momo is the most bullied girl.

Attached: DHdgrtMUIAArEUE.jpg (767x1024, 91K)

Because you hate fun and have bad tastes!

Attached: Dq_6W4XVYAErCBJ.jpg (529x800, 64K)

cute dumb dork

Attached: kawashima momo_abazu-red_girls und panzer e2daef837fdcbb5d402ff18fa2019e7e.png (800x546, 588K)

But i love to see that dumb dork cry.

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Attached: Wild_Baller_Momochang.png (1701x1223, 1.74M)


Attached: kawashima momo_norinco_girls und panzer 10cc1970b0cc3e55d39968fc955b6332.jpg (1370x1200, 182K)

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Attached: 55998064_p2.jpg (1003x1416, 253K)

Beach bae

Attached: 56798028_p6.jpg (480x655, 294K)

based norinco


Momo will be an useless slob.

Attached: 58612429_p5.jpg (3470x2468, 2.76M)

Momo will be your protagonist. Enjoy the ride.

Attached: 68045422_p3.png (858x546, 312K)

Deuteragonist a best.

More like the useless mascot.

Attached: 62741191_p0.jpg (833x1200, 331K)


Attached: momo doujin.png (1432x1600, 876K)


I hope momo gets proper treatment for her athletes foot!

Attached: kawashima momo_goriate_8c3521d6d98ca809f7f9111cc9d72488.jpg (512x800, 169K)

Momo BTFO by her replacement on the Student Council.

Attached: 5.jpg (728x1062, 180K)

Attached: 18.jpg (728x1060, 175K)

god bless kay

She's a real American

Attached: ssasasq.png (720x962, 1008K)

I will attempt to save this thread

Attached: 49cfa497488dce86f1856e53f6b1350e.jpg (552x800, 138K)

Attached: starter+pack.jpg (1328x1669, 993K)

And her kays

Attached: D5OqmlKUEAAgayM-orig.jpg (2894x4093, 1001K)

Everyone, please be aware.
This is my beautiful waifu Hana. Despite what temptations you may have, you can only look. No touching.

Attached: hana 695.png (2593x4044, 1.47M)

Attached: cute armpits.png (800x800, 731K)

Too late, thread was annihilated by l*wdfags and bullies

wtf based thread-saver

Attached: 1543631931252.png (539x795, 463K)

God I hate Alisa

Good, better than cancer and avatarfaggots like you.

Attached: DzDO9gWVsAArqPB.jpg (1433x2053, 326K)

This thread does need saving, but the path to salvation lies with tanks dear comrade!

Attached: gup anko diorama.jpg (850x808, 204K)

no touching

Attached: hana 693.jpg (600x900, 73K)


Attached: erika dab.jpg (314x272, 40K)

I'm going to stroke her hair.

Observe this masterpiece of British ingenuity, a testimony to the superiority of His Majesty's own school of Royal armour.
This early Churchill model is equipped with TWO (2) three-inch howitzers! Who says that Churchills cannot fire high explosives?
Also a Panzer cupola torn off some Hunnic subarmour.

Attached: Gee, Bushmills!.jpg (604x374, 31K)

My commander is so handsome!

Attached:[1].jpg (3025x4207, 1001K)

Based Arisa bro saving the day again

based panzerposter

ive been waiting for someone to post this for years

You monster

Damn, Alisa looks like that from behind???

Make way for best tank.

Attached: Schofield.jpg (640x373, 33K)

Attached: saemonza_abenattou_girls und panzer 27729cb2793007d4d7ea937d1416f3bb.png (700x1037, 428K)

>Saemonza with both eyes open

Because she is just bad in every way

Would be fun. Imagine letting loose an all those Anzio losers...

Maho and Dar are going to fuck so many white bois overseas arent they?

But she has a lewd body

Attached: 8048895.jpg (1516x2136, 1.46M)

Lets be honest user. If you weren't a little girl, she would just be "that cold bitch to you" who would glance at you as if you were a gnat on the window. And instead of posting on her behalf online, you would be angrily shitposting about her and going to sadpanda to find doujins of girls just like her getting the blitzreig every other night.

Momo is the type that young budding lesbos get the hots for?

silly user, they won't need a replacement for at least another year

She was already replaced.

Attached: 1472580406418.jpg (650x867, 170K)

St gloriana is Liverpool Fc in disguise.
Many memorable victories but no Premiership title

this is too true

Attached: 1552483048911.jpg (600x338, 35K)

These pastas, alongside the early Sherman variants, are my favorite targets in my supperior Panzer IV G, so easy to pen from the front.

Maybe she could do better if she wasn't stuck with all these garbage early and midwar bong tanks

Sweet Marie this night is for you

Attached: D5yVSrTUcAAOheP.png (1199x848, 511K)

Nope, Can't barge the Darj.

Attached: 7e390d258619259adc2e9600c606a09c.jpg (875x1000, 644K)

>Modern QC.
>Load & load of training.
>Marching fire formation.
Yeah, it's a really scary scenario.

This guy's art is always so good.

Attached: DkX_gMBUcAA8kcV.jpg:orig.jpg (1000x1415, 274K)

>"You. Me. Tonight, my room. Anzu doesn't need to know."

Easily if it's in a match where MIho hasn't a huge handicap like a team of people that learned how to drive tanks yesterday or totsugeki bakas

Attached: 43fbbfa261973a4be3bbcd887fe9321c.jpg (1200x1600, 371K)

Eclair deserves more pics.

Excuse me, what?

Attached: brits.jpg (491x491, 163K)

>Pepe Yuzu

Attached: DoQlQoKVAAAZw57.jpg orig.jpg (1450x2048, 270K)

How does the chair not break?

Best sister.

Attached: Maho perfection.jpg (1482x2000, 197K)

Attached: 1514333519444.png (500x676, 291K)

How does Erika contain herself during KMMs sport lessons?

Nice final image.

Fukuda is wife material.

So is Kinuyo.

Well that sort of makes sense though. Since Maho and Katyusha were driving on the road, the gunners of the Karl probably had the exact measurements for bombarbments since those were probably recorded before the battle even. Meanwhile, the teams who were offroading were obviously harder to aim at.

You dont understand how much of a mighty need i have

Episode 1 will be bordello scene?

Because fuck you.

Oryou is a jew

Pomupomu? I thought she die?

Out of all the images in this thread, it took until then for someone to post actual best girl Nishi.

Circumcision with katana

>Last known picture of Japanese tankers performing ceremonies, only hours before charging entrenched American positions (1944, colourised)

Watched der film recently, really damn good. It's pretty much the anime all over again but even better. Should I start watching das finale now or wait until at least some of them are done?

Watch the Ovas, then anzio special, then film. Be sure to be up to date on all mangos. Then watch das finale

good luck waiting for 10 years

Oh, and der film ova right after the film.

No, Andou doing the raping to me.

Will do just that then, thanks a lot!

Wow you really think so? That's a shame the movies take their time coming out if that's true. I thought GuP was doing alright too. I'll just watch asap then join the people waiting then.

If those positions are manned by Saunders girls, it will be all right, cause they will surprise them at eating fastfood, chewing bubble gum and lamenting about Takashi, so easy win for Chihatan.

Hitting moving target with artillery is hard, even for modern standard. All Pravda & KMM tanks knocked while standing still.
Thing is, wet terrain is stuck magnet for land vehicles even with caterpillar track. So Darj have to command her part of the team to keep moving around to prevent "sinking" while enduring bombardment & attack from opposing tank. Also Rosehip.

>also Rosehip
I wonder if she makes up for all the troubles she causes to Darj in bed.

Y’all motherfuckers need Ducks

Doesn't sounds like a punishment, to be honest, even with the excessive proverbs.

Well, better take their time and release it with their best quality yet than to rush it with mediocre results. If they keep up with the 1 1/2 year intervals between the remaining parts. Well, see the end by 2025 at the earliest.