Yuru Yuri

And people say Yuru Yuri is pure.

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Everyone knows that Kyouko is a slut.

it's not her fault chitose is an old bald pervert

Oomuro-ke anime when?

Excuse me, but my grandma is not bald.

It's her fault for taking off her clothes, with the stated goal of sexually exciting the reader.

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After the success of the OVA crowdfunding maybe they could fund a couple of OVA for that as well.

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I own Akari's panties

I ate Akari's panties

>And people say Yuru Yuri is pure.

No one says that.

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How can it be pure when Namori is a deranged pervert?

Should just animate secret flowers.

What is Namori doing these days? Is she back on yurus?

She's busy smoking 500 Yen bills from the pile of money they made with the Kickstarter.

Yeah, right after the latest two chapters get fucking translated.

Pretty sure she's still doing it.
Chapters 135 and 136 are in the May Yuri Hime at least.

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The Supaisu mobage is still going steady, isn't it?

But Kyouko is pure.

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I want to have hardcore sex with Chitose.
How tall is she, anyways?

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>new Yuru Yuri chapters
>new Oomuro-ke
>new Yuri Yuri
>drawing art for the spyce mobage
>probably doing lots of work to prepare for the OVA release
Very busy jellyfish.

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A slut.

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Just saw the Cyampu OVA.

I want a Yuru Yuri / Yuru Camp Crossover.

Nothing would make me happier than a crossover between my two favorite series of all time.

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Are we really ready for TWO seyanas in one show? With the same voice no less.

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I cant believe I didn't realize they're the same VA until you just said so.

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It's okay, Chitose rarely says seyana when compared to Inuko.

Tell me who you're waifu is and I'll prove that I can make her look like a slut too.

user, I...

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I don't know how you could miss it when she's doing the exact same voice and dialect for both characters.

Its been a while since I've seen Yuru Yuri outside of the OVA and it sounded familiar but I didn't make the connection until just now.

I dont get why Yui does not fuck her.

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I don't think this is appropiate behavior for a teacher towards a student

What are you gonna do about it?

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How does Namori keep dishing out such a wide assortment of cute lesbians?

The amazing thing is she can do it no matter the age. Preschool, JS, JC, JK, JD, adult, she does it all.

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aren't we off hiatus this month

We've been off hiatus for almost all of 2019.

Anyone here have this and know if it's worth the price? It doesn't look like we're getting rips of it.

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I have one of her older artbooks and its fucking awesome, but that's all I have to compare it to.

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Please don't forget the endros.

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Don't forget the spyces either.

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How could I forget the fattest Namori lesbian?

Thanks. I suppose I'll go for it as I assume the 10th anniversary one will be at least that sort of quality.

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Is that official art?

W-why are they naked?


Because Chitose is a fucking degenerate.

I only see purity in there

Shit Hime ruined everything

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Namori makes the best lolis.

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Make brat look like a slut.

At least none of them are sluts like your bitches from Hibikek.

I see your jimmies were rustled pretty hard, eh?

see any boob grabbing seen

That's not her being a slut, that's Himawari being one.

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Why would the readers of Yuru Yuri want to see two JC rubbing up to each other and doing unspoken naughty things together?

You know, she does have a point, though she barely makes any effort to deliver.

Body painting doujin

I read that before watching the series. Good times.

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I would say its one of my favourite doujins.

500 yen only comes in coins

>Namori is snorting molten metal

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Why did season 3 have to be so garbage bros?

Because the studio passed it on to nobodies that had no idea what they were doing.

I want to bury my face in China's sweaty pink psntsu.


I want to drink Chizuru's saliva.

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God, why are the yurus so fucking sexy? Their sweaty 13 and 14 year old girl thighs are just the best. And their cute butts.

Somehow I'm finding it difficult to find official Namori art with sweatdrops on their thighs.

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Kill yourself you piece of shit

Waifufaggots are mentally ill

Now that's edgy as fuck

What, you aren't sexually attracted to the yurus?

Cutest chest, perfect for planting kisses.

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What about motorboating?

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And licking, sucking, and light tweaking.

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Hetshit and incel are dead.

Fuck no, she is pure

I want to fuck Yui and Kyouko at the same time.

Literally get in line.

I bought it off cdjapan a while back and its sitting on myshelf, but don't have a scanner to rip it.

What's not pure about this?

There's blood which has always been considered an impurity.

Purity-obsessed normalfags don't count as people.

This is a line I want to be in.

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Considering there are official ebook versions I wouldn't expect anyone to damage their copy to scan it, assuming the ebook ones are decent enough quality.

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Is that a condom? For what fucking purpose?

It's Yui's older boyfriend's, whom she lives with.

That would me. I'm living with Yui in her apartment.

Carbonara > Arrabbiata

Pass the scans.

Don't ask

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Delicious glistening yuru thighs!
Sweaty yuru aroma!
Smooth and kissable yuru tummies!


I will ask. Why and how?

Those don't look JC-sized. Can you measure them?

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>Ayano sleeping with Akari
Holy shit, that's too lewd.

Don't mind its chewing gum for user he's gonna make bubbles later