Which one Yea Forums?

which one Yea Forums?

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Other urls found in this thread:


The answer is obvious.

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The obvious answer would be Fabuki but the fact that Tats is the number 2 hero in the world and she is a bratty older women makes her more appealing. Something about taming the wild beast with my no power body gets me diamonds.

why her tits keep getting bigger
she's supposed to be flat


Attached: Screenshot_20190501-102038_Tachiyomi.jpg (257x709, 136K)

Tatsu makes me want to imagine



Attached: tats pj.jpg (666x1000, 161K)

Left, just look at that perfect body

Attached: 8850a836e7a752cfdafe54ef1a3b94c9.png (369x439, 274K)

I'm so bored of this thread

They actually fell for the loli bait.

Q: The type of girl you like?

A: I'm not a lolicon, I prefer a plump figure, matured lady, so I'd say Fubuki...But the Fubuki from ONE sensei version is not plump at all...This version of Fubuki is fully based on my own liking and preferences. I love boobs since I was young, and the back, waist and the butt, I'm having fun time drawing them! Tastumaki is not my cup of tea, but turns out that I'm having fun drawing her as well! I've never been so interest in drawing the back and ass back then.

Murata: My big brother used to play baseball, but I've never play it before and I have no idea how to swing the bat. I draw how I imagine it should be, when its not clear enough you can make a sketch first and make the changes part by part. Heard that volleyball is a very good reference for drawing action scenes. There are many things that I can't draw, same goes for things that I'm not good at drawing, like girls, I'm only liking the boobies. But I manage to improve after some observing, and I'm having fun time drawing it. Previously I never draw any loli-like character, when I'm drawing Tastumaki I spent many effort on drawing the ass. Same goes for the back muscle on Garou, I noticed I should try to refer on Bruce Lee's back muscle, it is always good to have something as reference.

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You guys are fucking delusional dipshits. You have the taller, prettier, bustier and big bootied girl yet you go for the midget cunt.

Where you guys dropped on your head as a child? Any man with a functioning dick would pick Fabuki. Fuck are you people doing? Is this thread a joke or something?

>Any man with a functioning dick would pick Fabuki.
You don't realise they have tiny dicks.

This, insanely powerful women losing the dick is literally the best.
Though for Tats I'd start with hugs and kisses.

Attached: 34.jpg.png (103x153, 18K)

drawing tats has shown him the light

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>clearly prefers Fubuki
>still puts in effort to draw Tats as lewd as possible to please the autist crowd

How can one man be so based

>women losing the dick

Attached: doors of fear opening.gif (320x180, 1.04M)

Gyoro-Gyoro is literally Yea Forums
Desperately trying to make Tatsumaki submit but she just mocks you

Attached: 009.png (800x1138, 348K)

Which one has the bigger chance at losing the Saitamabowl? I'll pick them

Fubuki but Tats is great. Psykos is too and I'm really looking forward to see more of her

>you will never massage her tiny shoulders

>unevolved tits child finally seeing the light
Based Tatsumaki.

I like petite women

Attached: 5edb9a4ad38b152601d2c4615cfff1a2.png (557x408, 385K)

For me? It's Okamaitachi.

Attached: Okamaitachi.png (444x700, 150K)

Either. Or both.

Up until Psykos/Golden Sperm/Garou/Saitama humbling her, Tatsumaki pretty much just existed as a part of Fubuki's character. Fubuki is clearly the focus out of the two, and she has more of an arc.

Also, she has bigger tits.

Attached: tawawa_challenge___fubuki_and_tatsumaki_by_thegoldensmurf-daq14ve.jpg (1086x735, 113K)

Both, someone post that page from that new doujin.

Does Fubuki have a chance at the saitamabowl despite being only an acquaintance?

Is Saitama even sexually active?

Attached: furef7.png (1291x596, 561K)

The only one that matters

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I want them both, and also these two.
I want them all to be my wives and bare children for me.
Just imagine what a life it would be

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Would Saitama consider Genos or King more than an acquaintance? He doesn't really seem that fond of anyone in his life.

Attached: H8tnMiz.png (1000x1000, 487K)

Tatsumaki is a goddess, Fubuki is a loser and a sociopath.


>tfw into dumb girls
>they're both extremely hot and dumb

Attached: 1529260729476.jpg (334x360, 69K)

Tats for rough sex, Fubuki for making love.

I want to tame the brat known as Senritsu no Tatsumaki.

Attached: sample_535d7747af7ae0ead2f9a3ae760beecf.jpg (850x1580, 200K)

So the next logical step is Tats domming Fubuki (and/or a generic self-insert), yes?


Fubuki should just accept her role as Tatsumaki's cute and useless sisterwife and wait for her at home, away from danger.

Attached: __fubuki_and_tatsumaki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_ofune__7825eb649982da5ab111eddc7d06d2fc.jpg (800x914, 193K)

Attached: fubukinky.png (1152x1926, 855K)

Why choose when you can have both?

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More importantly, which one for anal?

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ONE Tatsu > Fubuki > Murata Tatsu

I want this one.

No chapter this week for sure, Murata is in vacation in the mountains.

man I really should get into one punch one of these days, loved Eyeshield a lot

Murata really gets to let loose a lot more in OPM than he did there.

My eyes

Tats is made for anal.

Tatsu has to compensate somehow.

in a "I can draw more lewd stuff more than ever" way?

Tatsumaki's thighs

Well there is that too.

The one that looks like a bratty loli.

When Is new chapter?

Fucking this, though. Tats gets less flat with every appearance. Pretty soon she'll be full shortstack like an actual deformed midget and then I'd gladly choose Fuboobies.

Budding breasts are patrician.

Whit is rite

I think Saitama would prefer Genos being around even if only to cook clean and pay rent but he has shown he cares about him to some degree. He also goes to King's on his own to play video games and hang out. I'd say there as close to friends as Saitama can get considering how disinterested he is in life.


It's a difficult choice. But if I had to make it, probably Fubuki.

Attached: [Erai-raws] One Punch Man (2019) - 02 [1080p AVC-YUV444P10][Multiple Subtitle].mkv_snapshot_09.59_[2 (1920x1080, 114K)

No new chapter today?

>there are people who actually choose Shitsumaki

Get some taste you dirty anuses.

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Fuck waifufags.

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Tatsumaki easily.

Fubuki is hot but she is pretty pathetic in personality and her general outlook on life. Tatsumaki obviously has attitude and personality issues of her own but these seem to me like things that can be tamed over time.

I find Tats more entertaining but I'll need to see more of Fubuki to make an informed choice.

>low IQ breast faggot

Tatsu is fun sized. Her proportions, whilst small, are all entirely proportionate to her build. Even more in some areas like her lovely thighs and wide hips.

She also is much more aesthetically pleasing in terms of design. The emerald and black colour theme she has is excellent

I am enjoying these moments more than anything else in the show so far.

Tell me about Fubuki's pathetic personality.

The whole "Newbie crushing" thing must have missed you, huh

You're going to be waiting for a while. Outside of the Do-S fight, even the manga hasn't gotten to the parts where Fubuki does anything.

shitty inferiority complex and she purposefully attacks weaker people to feel better about herself


Garoufags are just gay waifufags.

Attached: fubooty.png (520x1000, 472K)

It didn't but I thought there might have been more she did later in the manga.
So I guess she doesn't cop on after getting BTFO by Saitama?

But girls with inferiority complex are great!
Also why don't you want to be attacked by Fubuki? Are you gay or something?

Mah nigga


Attached: fubuki3.jpg (1951x2048, 638K)

When a character talk her about exterminating humanity, the first thing she thinks is: "But if we eliminate all the people without psychic powers, there won't be anyone inferior to make me feel better about myself".


>paying rent
He's just a squatter

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They are both pretty good.


depends which one gives the best head

That's impressively close for 1800 votes

She's been drinking her milk.

How do you know?
Would he really spend all day retweeting stuff and talking on twitter if he was on vacation, in the mountains out of all places?

Yeah, that also surprised me.

She's not a 28 yo virgin anymore

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>getting head when you have a psychic waifu
Clearly this is all about who can jerk your dick with her mind better.
Tatsu is too strong for this unless you like getting your balls crushed. Fubuki spends all day trying to make her powers more refined and multidirectional since she doesn't have the raw power.
Therefore, Fubuki wins.

Attached: 13544691d53c1535206791a90f16044f8268f640_00.jpg (512x481, 32K)

aaaand smurf is once again here to absolutely fuck up the thread with his horrible art

genos pays rent to saitama who is squatting

Attached: fubuki8.png (1200x950, 688K)

But tatsu needs love sometimes too

Fubuki best girl.

Oh dear gods I want to get on the wrong side of Fubuki!

Of course it is, but why are you posting tats then?

I just like petite tight women man.
I would fubuki too, but women like tatsumaki are literally my fetish.

>that shirt
fucking kek

Translation when?

I will test both of them for fertility and then decide

>too tall
>too pale
>hair looks like algae
Give me 1 tatsu please

Tatsumaki looks more like an actual character while Fubuki looks like some blow-up doll. I love dark-haired women too, so clearly something went wrong for me to prefer Tatsumaki.

ONE Fubuki > Murata Tatsumaki > ONE Tatsumaki >>>>> Murata Fubuki

I fap to this every day.

>Generic bratty tsundere
Pick one

Based retard.

I will love Tatsu with all my heart, I'm just going to completely overpower her in bed.

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they're talking about design

Attached: __tatsumaki_one_punch_man_drawn_by_noto_kurumi__006f480484e47633362e3568ac154668.jpg (1062x1500, 834K)

Attached: 001.jpg (637x992, 358K)

Funny you say that since Fubuki have a much wider range of expressions than Tatsumaki. And Tatsumaki's body is just as unrealistic.

Attached: Fubukisweat5.jpg (1561x890, 428K)

Hourglass>pear>bumby 4x4

Big butt shortie is just fucking hotter.

>He doesnt like perfectly square girls


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Perhaps is the meaning of the next chapter?

tatsumaki's body is a lot more unrealistic than fubuki's
fubuki's body was even based on a real person

Did she die?

So small and hot.

Attached: 3penis.png (960x540, 509K)

both are very unrealistic. Fubuki's "base" is still far away from her look, Murata draws his girls too thin to be realistic. Their legs are way too long to be realistic, too.

Attached: 098.jpg (376x383, 96K)

>Fubuki's body was even based on a porn star

porn stars are real people too

ONE Tats > Murata Tats >= Murata Fubuki > ONE Fubuki

Attached: cute.jpg (406x460, 28K)

Attached: onesexytats.jpg (861x1508, 366K)

What's the matter plebeian, your tiny brain can't comprehend liking body types other than barbie blow up dolls?

>tatsumaki's body is a lot more unrealistic than fubuki's
In what kind of malnourished country do you live in?

where's the logic in your post
tatsumaki is underdeveloped, which is often caused by malnourishment

>Which one


The cute and funny one, I'd imagine her so hard she'd be vomiting semen from too many vaginal insertions.


Lol no.

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post the gif version

The one who isn't a filthy chestlet.

Based and high T.

Click here to go back

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Tat and her hubbies.

Attached: 8.png (904x1300, 595K)


I'm not gay so the one w the bigger tits

source me up lads

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Attached: kiyosumi_008.jpg (1280x1882, 597K)

Based and amazing taste fellow Tastumaki bro

Prove it. Please.

tits are nice, but it's really because tatsumaki is such a genuinely unpleasant person in virtually all situations

Neither, I'd rather play with King and git gud at fighting games.

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Is thi another "Satuki's ass vs Ryuko's boobs" situation?

>looks like a child
>constant temperament problems
>will talk you down at any chance she gets(even if she actually loves you)
>superiority complex
>dangerously stubborn(almost killed herself because she didn't want to admit defeat against Saitama)
>if you happened to be friends with her sister she would kill you
>all she cares about is killing monsters all day and being stronger than anybody else


>body of a goddess
>only gets angry when you attack her group
>she will follow you anywhere as long as you are stronger than her
>inferiority complex
>the only thing she never gives up on is trying to enroll you in her group
>she would be fine with you being friends with her sister
>all she cares about are her friends

This is such an easy choice .


Attached: The gif.gif (550x791, 1.29M)

>t. Woolie

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Saitama would never look with lust at a women, this doujin already sucks and I haven't even read it yet.

Tatsumaki, though it's definitely a difficult choice. In the end, I think cracking her haughty shell and watching her get really into the sex would be way hotter.

>her dildos*

Stay mad forever you disgusting pig lover.

>not asexual

0/10 not even worth reading

Holy FUCK Fubuki is perfect.

Attached: 1482173295744.png (2000x1539, 423K)

Have sex.

Attached: 54910675_p0.jpg (925x1900, 386K)

Read the manga and learn about the characters's traits.

Saitama is obviously gay


>Implying I'd try to use force
>Implying I wouldn't be using flirting (something she has no experience with) to fluster her.
>Probably going to get some bruises from the times it doesn't quite work out and she gets offended, but that's okay
The fun is in the chase.

>being upset a doujin ignores the story to contrive characters having sex
How new?

>he's never had a short girl with a great ass
This is what happens when you're both a virgin and a manlet

>fapping to Japanese non canon smut comics

Attached: I_came_here_to_laugh_at_you.jpg (640x480, 33K)

>New Manga
>Mob Psycho 200
>This is your Reigen and Mob evolutions

Attached: 1549254814726.gif (540x300, 100K)

She'd literally just kill you if you tried flirting with her.

To be fair, in-character doujin are better.
But I certainly won't screech autistically like this guy if that's not the case.

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>not making characters having sex keeping story of the original work the same
How devoid of imagination are you?

No she wouldn't.

lolis are superior always. people pick anything over 16 years only because they were emasculated and cucked by kikes.

prophet muhammad had a literal child as his wife.

now tats is "28", but she's "28" in the same sense Remilia is "500". they're still virgin young girl character.

there is no excuse for fucking sexually mature woman unless she's been your wife since she was 12.

Attached: tatsumaki87e792e05327403476d3dc0d3abd9d64.jpg (734x1200, 80K)

True chads appreciate both of their appeals

Lolis are great but I'd rather take a girl that will not try to kill me from the smallest wrong touch.

She definitely would. She's a psycho.

Attached: fubuki.jpg (276x390, 20K)

"prophet" muhhamed was a literal pedophile warmonger merchant, you gonna base your opinions off him? Islam is just a shitty ripoff of Judaism any way

Tats would never kill someone for being rude to her.
Fubuki on the other hand is a sociopath who didn't feel anything at the perspective of exterminating humanity, so there is literally no telling of what she could do.

rage as you will, notre dame still getting minarets. you are weak. your morals are the morals of inferior race.

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wew, they weren't kidding when they said Saudis liked anime.

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Were Mob and Ritsu meant to be slightly more lighthearted parallels of Tatsu and Fubuki? Clearly different in a lot of ways of course, but still somewhat reminiscent

I suspect they were both inspired by ONE's real relationship with his brother. The theme recurs too often for it to be a case.

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>Previously I never draw any loli-like character
Then what is the roller wearing heroine from Eyeshield21?
She was way too sexy for her body type.

Tatsumaki is shorter. Suzuna have small breasts but she's more Lily shaped rather than Tatsumaki shaped.

How often do you think Tatsumaki masturbates?

too much.

Does Tatsumaki have a cunny?

Fuck you and your pretentious hyper genius acting. Do you understand ONE fubuki on an emotional level or is it the cringy "Deep art" that you chose ONE fubuki for. Kys.

she's probably constantly massaging her cunny with her psychic powers even when she's fighting monsters


Never, that's why she's angry so often, because she's becoming a loli catlady and with no cock on sight!

You don't get the "mary sue" meme. Back to plebbit

I'll take you waifufags over the garoutard threads

They're fucking pedos dude

Agreed. Garou fags are "no longer latent" homo's and ugly overweight 3D females.

Anime once again proving it brings the worst sort of scum with it.

Attached: garoufagdelusions.jpg (700x582, 146K)

Since we're at the topic of shitting on Garoufags, let me remind you that Lord Boros is...

>Harder, better, faster, stronger, bigger, thicker neck, more respected, bigger harem, leaner, bigger fanbase, higher IQ, Chadder, manlier, better posture, better fighting skills, wiser, more aesthetic, taller, higher deadlift PR, cooler aura, prettier eyes, better teeth, better breath, more charisma, Saitama likes him more, Tatsumaki wants his dick more, goes out with more dignity, delivers a more exciting fight to Saitama, better clothes, more friends, sadder and better background, more money, bigger dick, lasts more in bed, cums more, more canon, higher in polls, higher in power charts, better job, rapes S-classes faster, has better jawline, tanked more punches, more threatening and imposing, better physique, more stamina, manlier voice, better health, older, more successful, benches more, scares Shibabawa more, gets more praise by Saitama, pumps out more content, better person, more charitable, more fanart, more shitposting OC


Attached: Boros_hits_saitama_head.jpg (983x1105, 435K)

you forgot

Attached: 1538835636826s.jpg (566x800, 384K)

This is the only insult that can be thrown back at Lord Boros because garoufags know Boros is objectively better.

it's not an insult, it's actually quite a good thing that he's dead

>pedo worshipping a bigger pedo that is now in hell lecturing on morals

That effect on her eyes is disgusting

Just wait till Garou digivolves into Ultimate.

Allah gave your lands to his people, and it is you who will be in hell.

Tatsumaki, always

Attached: E61649BF-B26D-407F-A949-CB1C316178FD.jpg (2560x1440, 275K)

>Garou awakens
>puts all his martial arts and strength into a single blow
>barely launched Saitama 10 feet into the air

Fukuki has the more desirable body, but I'd have to go with Tatsumaki for her personality. For whatever reason, arrogant and sassy girls bring the best out of my personality.

She definetly would
Even if she tried to break every single bone of your body and ended killing you she wouldn't give a shit

So, why did you pick the underage girl?

based just based

mohhamed is in the fuckin inner circle chilling w satan for defying so many people (even if most are arabians lmao joke people even in jesuses time), also I'm orthodox so notre dame aren't "my lands", catholics are misguided but still Christians tho, Muslims are just inbred pedo worshippers, stop shilling this aids ideology on Yea Forums, and repent, for the lord forgives even a sin as egregious as heathenism, if you're genuine in the redemption that is, can still save your poor soul

I would have like it better if you could actualy see them and have thei iris glow a bit.
But this is already a big improvement

иншалла собака русская глотку тебе резать буду

Attached: horus-Primarchs-Warhammer-40000-фэндомы-4624073.jpg (800x1228, 308K)

Imagine /l/ was still active, would directing them to >>>/l/eddit scare them away for good?



what is it with muzzies and cutting off heads? is it a fetish?

ONE confirms that Awakened Garou > Boros
But stay seething

Based and gifpilled


Attached: holy shit.gif (260x260, 2.01M)

Tats is based off a character from Takemura Sesshu, Ona Kei.

Attached: smul.jpg (1280x1785, 547K)

fubuki looks like THAT?!

Attached: wew.jpg (600x588, 46K)

Tats every single time.

Attached: Tatsumaki 317.jpg (1414x2000, 988K)

>user doesn't even care about Boris
>only shitposts out of hatred for Garou

Attached: 1527630985136.jpg (673x741, 44K)

Tatsumaki is only hot when she's doing the retarded deformed webcomic face

I want to suck on Fubuki's beautiful tits and cum inside her vagina

Attached: 1493414252893.png (1362x1536, 2.16M)

for me its Tatsu

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based taste

I know right? I want to remove Okamaitachi's bikini with my teeth.

Attached: At a pool.png (2256x1691, 3.82M)

>Bushidrill is yelling at Okamaitachi for wearing a bikini
let him have fun in the pool you baka

He could also be upset that there's a dog in the pool.

this just turned me off from tatsumaki 100%

she's drawn like a kid, that's what she actually looks like

So, when's the next chapter releasing? Next week?

no, Bushidrill is always yelling at Okamaitachi for something or other
probably because he confuses his penis


Bushi should just be true to his feelings.

yeah he should, its obvious he is attracted to /ourgirl/(male)

I'm glad to see others appreciate true best girl (male) as well.

Attached: Cute okama color.png (400x492, 173K)

would you?

Attached: 1555453784740.png (276x402, 140K)

As a top? Probably not. As a bottom? Absolutely.

gay as fuck
everyone knows the receiver is the gay
the pitcher is straight

I can't help it if I'm submissive.

New webcomic/manga chapter when

any good hentai of them where they aren't being raped?

For me, it's Lin Lin.

Attached: one_punch_man__linlin_by_thegoldensmurf_db4qkyi-pre.jpg (798x1001, 74K)

Attached: Pitsign.png (800x800, 731K)

they are dicklets

Absolutely based

I, Jigoku no Fubuki, have a dream

Attached: IMG_20190504_002700.jpg (874x971, 230K)

To be a gangstar?

Attached: Giorno.png (728x1155, 691K)

Literally why would anyone not pick Fubuki over Tatsumaki
>Bigger tits
>Bigger ass
>Prettier face
>Better personality

Wow he copied bruce lee. I KNEW I HAD SEEN THAT BUTT BEFORE.

>I know that bulge...
>I know that ass...

Yes, pear is like the fence sitters choice of wanting your girls to be plump but not all over.

Why would you want the insufferable brat?

Same, except I want to have multiple babies with her.

>ruining her figure with pregnancy

me on the right

>Saitama's weakness is brain freeze
gentlemen, we got him

He also can't beat a mosquito.

A common house cat scratched his face.

I just think he design looks better there you raging autist. No ugly hair shine or plastic doll tits.

where is fubuki and tatsumaki in this image?

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Attached: 1493221956158.jpg (833x1300, 450K)

Death to monsters

Attached: amaimask.jpg (225x350, 28K)

that picture is physically impossible
give me a minute I will post proof

More like Fubooty.

Attached: 1467362757363.jpg (903x1600, 285K)

>which one Yea Forums?

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God just fucking IMAGINE the tightness

Attached: HorribleSubs_Happy_Sugar_Life_11_720p.mkv_snapshot_13.14.002.jpg (1280x720, 280K)

Left till the day I die.

>the attention to detail on that boob squish

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webcomic dialogue was better in that part

Does Mask actually facefuck her in the manga or does it only look like that?

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the thinking man's choice would be not to pick and get both.

the thinking man's choice would be not having anything to do with unstable psychics and go play vidya with King

>the thinking man's choice would be not to pick
But seduce sane and cute ninja gaiden girl

Attached: 1655323.png (402x442, 159K)

cope and seething garouniggers

The thining man's choice would be to drink Fubuki's delicious pee.

I guess there is no chapter this week because of golden week shenanigans?

Extra long golden week because of the new era

Tats has this unique appeal in that her body is still clearly that of an adult woman, but it has this petite quality that stands out compared to Fubuki's typical "hot curvy woman" appearance. Don't get me wrong, I like tits and ass as much as the next guy, but I'm a leg man first and foremost. Besides, there's something strangely appealing about a slender frame in its own way.

Attached: tatsumaki41.jpg (2048x2048, 493K)

It's just an edit.

Fkin translate sm1

Lezzing it out in the changing room

Anyone got this in hq?

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If you don't go for Fubuki, you are a faggot

I've seen 14 year olds with bodies like that. You're basically jacking off to a 14 year old every time you blow your load to Tats.



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My fucking dick.

that's a funny way to look at it.

Not him but I've seen 14 year olds with giant tits and child-bearing hips so you're not proving anything. My 25 year old cousin has a body type close to Tats'. Petite women exist.

14 year is prime though.

I want snu snu

>tfw Murata will put out more and more sexy Tatsumaki pics from now on

I prefer Fubuki. But GOD DAMN!

>I've seen a thing so you're jacking off to that exact thing
Just take your (You) already. And don't put it in your mouth either, it's not food.

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Muruta secretly likes tats more but cannot come out publicly since Fubuki prints money

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He meant Psykos right?

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GOD the thickness of those thighs


By that logic Murata secretly likes Garou more than anyone else because he spends 40 hours a week drawing his back muscles

I ship it.


Neither. They both exist solely for waifu material, and they're pretty basic too.

>budding breasts
>kinda bitchy
Tatsumaki does a lot of things to my dick.


Based Orthodoxbro.

Garoufags are just obsessed Fujoshis wishing the males in the opm thread would die for being pedos wanting to fuck Tatsumaki or sexists for wanting to fuck Fubuki. Fujoshis wish Garou would kill all these men and then consensually sleep with them ontop their corpses.

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So? Males here literally have the same mindset. If they could turn all women into walking cocksleeves with a snap of their finger, they would. Killing the degenerates in this thread in the most horrible way possible wouldn't be a crime, it would be justice. Sorry if you can't see that!

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Which one Yea Forums?

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A grown up Tatsumaki is the objective answer.

She's already grown up, she's just a womanlet.

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I don't think it's a secret.

It ends up just being Fubuki's wet dream anyways, so it doesn't matter

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I am a proud Fubuker

tatsumaki as my wife and fubuki as also my wife.

no, to be gangbanged

she wants the One Dick

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Tatsu a besto

Split right down the middle. I'd vote but I'm an anime pleb so I don't have much to go off of other than wanting to see Fubuki get put in her place for being a bully.

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