Fujimoto Tatsuki did another self promotion by uploading his One Shot on Twitter

202K likes & 67K retweets.

The one shot in question is called Imouto no Ane. It's available in Japan's shonenjumpplus only, but it's been translated on mangadex.

Attached: D5hLr2sXkAEhts0.jpg (822x1200, 127K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Wrong link for the 2nd one.


Based. More authors should do this more often. Owait, not that many authors made hit oneshots.

Cheers to whoever translated this. I'm used to more suffering and crazy shit with Fujimoto so seeing something strangely wholesome like this is a nice breath of fresh air.

>promoting yourself using your assistant's first work that he's trying really hard on
Cant tell if scummy or based

>tatsuki is a huge incestfag
denji's imouto reveal fucking when?!

It's not a coincidence that Denji and Power both blonde.

> Assistants first work
What are you talking about, hes the writer and artist

>he doesn't know
Fujimoto's imouto draws for him

Just in case, you're actually not joking. You do know that THAT is some kind of inside joke Fujimoto himself made right?

Im dumping the shit

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i like how the one san drew herself in order to not expose her cute little sisters body. also this reached a mixture of awkward, cute, wholesome and pure kind of love instead of the usual perverted and lustful fetishism in incest media

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Mr. Rin's dream 100k retweet is also close to fruition.

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Fujimotos editor must be over the moon now, first chainsawman & now spy x family is doing well

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>hairy bush
Don't know how I feel about this

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Based teach

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I love how he pretend to be generic twitter comics.

for first chapter of chainsaw man he use

Random head canon
Just realised something, big sister that looks like Himeno might as well use this as her back story. Like her little sis and family got killed by the gun devil, thats why shes super clingy towards kobeni cause she looks like her.

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Thanks. This is a really good one shot. I wonder if Fujimoto has an actual imouto or ane in real life.

Thanks for the dump. It was a pretty good read.
Now I feel the need to hug my little sis as soon as she comes back from school.

Based Fujimoto posting hairy pussies on twitter

so angry

In real life people hate their siblings because they grew up with them and children are horrible.

>people hate their siblings
I don't.

Fujimoto one shots always has little sister in it, it's his fetish at this point.

weird but wholesome



> hairy muff

Attached: 1493966384942.gif (342x512, 312K)

It's a trick answer since she's an only child.

Kinda reminded me of Avant Garde Yumeko.

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weird flex but ok

absolutely based
more artists need to do this

Top kek

>Denji felt nothing when he squeezed Power's powers.
We're onto something here.

Whats It say

>I wasnt looking at her
Made me sad

this is a beautiful page, no joke

>pubic hair

"Draw me like one of your French girls"

Fuck, I hated when this happened to me when I did my self portrait on school.

Fuck that was great

Would it be great without the porn?

It's not porn, it's art.

Art is something you can display on a school hallway.
This isnt.

lmao what a based family

>the stories about being watch your nude portrait by whole school
Imouto no Ane

>the stories about the boy who pay the debt of decreased's father
Chainsaw Man

But they did display it.

>Art is something you can display on a school hallway.
lol I guess music isn't art then
what a fucking retard

It literally was.

Fucking based anego. I love how Fujimoto can portray a sibling relationship but also the incredible ego of an artist.

t. american


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Yes, but it's not nearly as wholesome.

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the biggest chad move

You walk into school and this painting blocks your path, what do?

start masturbating


That's how people advertise their product sometimes. A lot of mangaka have been posting their first chapter or so on Twitter as if they were social media comics

Pretend to be admiring its artistic merit, while in reality burning the image in my brain.

I love how he draws pouty faces and I absolutely love how he draws bodies. Expecially the bellies.
Really looks like real anatomy studies.

Add a naked painting of my imouto to the wall since everyone seems to be doing it

This really nails the spirit.

They should love each other exactly because they grew up with each other.
At least it's that way with my siblings: There are no persons I have spend more time with, I know most of their darkest secrets and they know mine, we can hold conversations no one else gets anymore because of around 23 years of insider jokes and references, even if we can be the meanest assholes to each other there are never longlasting hard feelings between us, no fear to be judged, no need for lies, no shame.
The only downsite is that I don't really want to marry a person that not at least somewhat reaches this level and I fear no one will ever come close.

>No, greek statues and paintings aren't 'art' because dicks and boobs

Found the incestfag.

I was waiting for the punch and the madman delivered. What an awesome page.

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Holy shit this was much better than I expected.

This is hilarious.

This is nice and all but why not the devil sister story instead?

For future volumes of course. Just as planned.

absolutely powerstancing

This almost looks like Kui's artstyle. Imouto looks so soft.

>hairy hair

Attached: 1511311931337.png (800x729, 48K)

>this allowed on Twitter

Porn isn't banned on Twitter. I see it every day.

Now we just need a painting of Agni with this level of detail.

I'd probably commit sudoku right then and there.

At this point I thought it had to be a nughtmare.

Fire Punch in a nutshell