From Zero to Ten

>Supposedly the strongest division
>Royal Guard of the Soul King
>Contributor of essential elements on Soul Society
>Jobs to Spirit Nazis

Attached: Zero.jpg (640x960, 105K)

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We never even saw their zanpakuto except for the fat dude

And still fucking jobs nonetheless. What a waste.

I haven't read the latest arc, but I felt just like you about the arrancars. The strongest one gets jobbed off screen. It's just embarrasing.

Anything but Ulquiorra and Grimmjow wasn't interesting either way.

>he cared about Yammy

Yeah, but at least it's just one instead of four. And he had shown all of his powers.

Yammy turned Ten to Zero literally came out of nowhere. And after that, he just jobs out of nowhere either. Like what's the fucking point?

They're contributors, not warriors

Why make them Royal Guard then?

Jobbing to Ywach is kind of not really jobbing once he had the Allmighty. There's literally nothing Ichibei could do at that point. If Ywach had tried to fight him without the Allmighty, he would have gotten fucking bodied hard.

Attached: Ichibei.jpg (883x905, 78K)

>Monk lost to the big bad in a relatively balanced fight. And he recovered after a single word anyway.
>The others jobbed to different parts of the soul king + a guy even Ichigo couldn't beat.

I'm more mad about Yama-jii jobbing like that.
>hurr that guy was actually fake, the real yuhabach is like, 100000000x more stonger than him
Quality writing Kubo

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This is beyond speedreading

Who is the THICC lady?

"Jobbing" is a meaningless buzzword now because apparently you tards can't handle ANYONE actually being stronger than the good guys in a battle shounen. Disgraceful, fuck off all of you.

Taking away his Asspull is the same as having shinigami fight without their bankai.

OP isn't wrong though. They literally only exist to make Yhwach look stronger. They get hyped as "Equal to SS" and then immediately lose. That is the epitome of jobbing.

This. . I'm alright if an established character is defeated by clearly powerful or smart opponents because we already knew their capabilities and limitations. Zero Division are there just as punching bag of Yhwach without any sort of strength buildup for the Zero Division.

Monk did more against Yhwach than anyone else could besides maybe Aizen. Nobody could actually defeat The Almighty by any normal means, "jobbing" meme does not apply here.

Hikifune best girl.

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Actually the guy who copied Ywach actually copies power levels, or at least close. That's the only reason he was able to fuck the old man like he did.

>without any sort of strength buildup for the Zero Division.
The buildup was there, they just got fucked over by Yhwach resurrecting his Schultzstaffel with Auschwalen making them all even stronger than they were. The outcome of the battle was always going to depend on Monk v Yhwach.

Yeah, and unfortunately once Ywach got the Allmighty he was practically unbeatable. Honestly I think Ichibei is the strongest member of the soul society. Even Aizen's hacks have nothing on 'lol I'll just erase your name' and you lose.

Attached: Ichibei SMILIN.jpg (783x405, 54K)

Where were those guys when Aizen was doing a Detective Conan episode in soul society? The answer is: in Kubo's ass.

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They only respond to stuff going on in the soul society if they ABSOLUTELY need too. Apparently they knew someone would be able to deal with Butterfly Aizen, so they didn't need to step in.

Yeah, kubo's ass sounds right given that explanation.

but Ulquiorra didnt die offfscreen?


thanks for the passive (you)'s :-)


>Honestly I think Ichibei is the strongest member of the soul society

The one that copies power levels was the one that fought Zaraki. The one impersonating Yhwach copies memories. But he wasn't able to "fuck with the old man". He spent the whole fight scared shitless


I'm still mad byakuya died but then didn't die for like 3 chapters and then spent what felt like half a year on that sniper guy who turned into a giant bird
what the fuck was the pacing toward the end

>this composition

worf then?


The fullbring arc was better than the last arc, given that it didn't make me finally drop Bleach.

>Literal jewgod that can change reality in a snap
>eldritch abomination that adapts to things instantly
>100 laser flamingos piled up on top of one another dressed up as a black man
>an invincible musclehead that grows bigger and stronger the more you kill him
>a jojo character than can turn your own blood into poison


>baldy with home field advantage and the ability override properties of things
>the blacksmith who made super sharp sword
>a well dressed lady with nifty clothes
>a big lady with fat issues
>a healing spa owner with a rad do

Is it really jobbing when the spirit nazis are blatantly cheating?

other guy said 'jobbing' doesn't really apply so i gave an alternative.
what would you have suggested?

I suggest not posting reddit garbage

>complain about tvtropes
>then complains it's reddit
what's the Yea Forums term for it then? you hate it but don't provide alternatives for it, what else can we use that gets the point across?

>jojo character
It fits surprisingly well...

Can you not comprehend an argument that isn't just parroting something else someone said? If you call everyone who loses a fight a jobber then "jobbing" no longer means anything. Consider perhaps using critical thinking skills or coming up with a fresh argument.

Ichibei the rape monk gifted us with many good pages though.


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>True Name
>Healing Spring
>Artificial soul
>Shinigami Outfit

Who's contributing Kido?

My guess is Ichibei given he's the name bearer and most Kido spells are named.

Alternatively Kido wasn't invented by a single person and instead was developed over time before Zanpakuto were invented.

Also Shutara's contribution isn't clothing, but the scale by which the Balance of Souls is measured ("Shutara scale" from chapter 420).

What about Onmitsukidō? With Shunpo/Flash Step and Hakuda/HtH Combat?

Same as above; those techniques likely predate Zanjutsu as the primary means of fighting Hollows.