I told you it’s a yuri!


>Carole x Tuesday

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Purple haired James Charles is hot


remove modern politics from anime/manga

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For what?
C&T is an anime

>remove modern politics from anime/manga

But it’s in old anime too like cowboy bebop. And YURI anime.

But C&T is not allowed to do it?

This will end with Carole and Tuesday making out and dumping Roddy

I fucking love this yuri!

Sjw the anime

FMA is sjw
michiko to hatchin Is sjw
Utena is sjw
Legend of the galactic heros is American sjw

Dumb fag

yet another falseflag op.
what made anti-yuri so desperate?


It's not yuri if one of them is male tier ugly, or as in this case, both!

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Both a woman getting married

Cowbob bebop wasn't solely centralized on politics shit,s/u/bhumans have their own genre for their taste,from the very moment it presented,C&T has only caused the western feminist to bow to it and stuff it into the hardcore anime fans mouth's

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But utena has politics and that gay kappa show this season

I'll watch utena on the afternoon so i can gather thoughts about it,what "gay kappa"?i'm not so versed on the sociolect of today

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indeed watanabe a hack
fucking anime for jews