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Do you think anime and manga are superior to other mediums? Why?
Nolan Anderson
Leo Miller
why is she roaring? is she a lion?
Matthew King
Well, looks like tis time for number four I guess.
Nolan Phillips
>hqdefault (1)
kino show, but shitty screencap
Jason Allen
what did this user mean?
Robert Sullivan
he's gonna poop twice
Parker Jones
They're superior to American cartoons I guess.
Isaiah Watson
yeah but that's not exactly a tough competition
Colton Robinson
Depends on the demographic
>Anime/manga for kids
Vastly superior to the shit put out for kids in the west nowadays, way more interesting plotlines, actual adult themes that genuinely make children actually think and mature as a person instead of just being a bunch of pretty colors or being full of gay "morals" for emotionally-stunted babies like "it's okay to cry ;_;" and "s-sometimes people are meanies, but it's okay because they're not REALLY bad people."
>Anime/manga for wide consumption
About on par with the shit put out for wide consumption in the west nowadays
>Anime/manga for adults
Depends on the focus, if it's something trying to be dramatic or with realistic action then it's usually vastly inferior to what's on offer in the west, but nowadays it's getting really close to being on par considering the existence of dumb shit like that last GoT episode.
Modern GoT makes fucking Maria the Virgin Witch look like GoT pre-season 4.
Juan Hall
not inherently but I find they produce more quality entertainment than western cartoons or comics on a more regular basis
Thomas Hughes
I don't care, I enjoy it regardless
Jackson Nelson
I believe anime and manga are superior to comics/cartoons because they are more developed and have a wider genre. Think about it
Pretty much every cartoon in the western world follows the same formula
If it's for adults
>comedy with political undertones
>largely episodic
>no real end point in mind
If it's for kids:
>some "educational" overtones
>largely irrelevant plot
>largely, if not entirely, episodic
Comics are a bit better since they typically follow a specific plot and can have pretty good writing, but most comics in the US are capeshit, so you've got a cast of main characters who are already basically fully developed and powered up, fighting another powered up enemy. There isn't much room for character development
Manga and Anime have a lot of different types. Some a comedy, some are slice of life, some are capeshit imitation, some are about fighting, some are about romance. There is variety.
Also the idea that the main character starts out weak and has to get stronger is much more engaging to watch/read over time. You do have the issue of power creep, but you also have that in western comics as well because there always seems to be a bigger bad who comes out of nowhere after they beat the last guy.
I wouldn't say manga/anime is objectively superior in every aspect, but I definitely think there is more variety, and often better writing too.
Joshua Powell
I don't really think they can compete with golden age cartoons
Brandon Edwards
she looks like she is suffering
Lincoln Gomez
Anime wins automatically as it can do anything, they are drawings.
Real life shows are way way more linited.
Matthew Rogers
You can usually get a more believable dramatic performance out of a real life actor unless a show is extremely well-animated.
Nathaniel Flores
I don't think getting the Onii D is "suffering"
Nathan Mitchell
Looks like she's having a good time to me.
Landon Thomas
It's called bliss
based op making a covert yosgua no sora thread
Jaxson White
women suffer when they get penetrated. Just like cats.
Adam Wood
Its better than all high-budget western entertainment
John Phillips
Not really, its hard to actually beat the simple message that basic expressions convey or the overexaggerated ones in dramatic scenes like you said.
Brandon Richardson
It's about much more than expressions, body language is a huge part of any performance and emulating that in animation requires a lot of talent and skill.
Cameron Young
Because it is the superior medium, think in any critic you could give to anime these days, you can say the exact same thing about movies, tv shows and games, difference being that anime have a much bigger variety of "genres"(not exactly the word i'm looking) and that makes it more enjoyable, I can watch 10 anime and enjoy all of them, there are not even 10 tv shows to watch to even enjoy them to begin with, once Game of Thrones is over there won't be anything else to watch besides anime.
Kevin Moore
You have to be a completely braindead to think Anime is superior to anything, manga perhaps to some other shit like western comics or something, VNs are good.
Carter Wilson
t. watches isekai and shonen exclusively
Ethan Carter
If 99% of anime wasn't shovelware trash maybe it'd be better than other mediums.
Luis Sanders
By far.
The most important thing in any kind of entertainment is cuteness, and anime is the best at that.
Owen Wilson
TV Anime is vastly superior to Western TV animation.
Manga and Comics are very different beasts, and both good/bad for different reasons.
Michael Wood
>a medium that is based around melodrama, cringe, lack of self awareness and waifubait
Anime is the bottom of the bottom, the cope for people who aren't even capable of reading.
Hudson Diaz
Litfag here
Literature is obviously superior to manga but it has so many centuries of tradition behind it that it isn't a fair comparison.
That said, manga is at it's best when it is presenting things in ways that non-visual stories cannot. imo the pinnacle of the medium is Yotsuba. There is so much conveyed in one reaction panel of her stupid face that prose wouldn't be able to capture with the same brevity, or ease, or simplicity or purity of emotion etc.
Christian Taylor
West=realism which exploits humanities autism just like irl
East=exploiting humanities autism directly through roundabout or exaggerated means which don't exist IRL
Which is better is debatable, but as a psychological pragmatist, I prefer the East.
Cooper Wright
Have you read anything by Iwaaki?
If so, how do you think the way he coveys emotion holds up to literary greats? What's an example of something which you'd deem strictly better, in terms of conveying emotion?