Rikka is the girl that your waifu warned you about

Rikka is the girl that your waifu warned you about.

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But I respect Yuta's wife

Fat legs

dangerously fertile.

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Whenever I see her I wonder how many liters of cum have been spilled to her.

Enough to fill a swimming pool

Not enough.

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Forget Rikka, I wanna fuck Gridman

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Like that’s a bad thing

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Grikkaman is hotter.

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Is you-know-who going to show up?

My waifu is hotter.

prove it

Seconding this

Rikka is Yuuta's wife.

My waifu can beat up your waifu.

I don't understand why people want to fuck Rikka over Akane. You'd think Akane, with her otaku hobbies and better body, would be more popular.

Im a thighs and legs man.


It always weirds me out seeing Jeetdoh's art in this context.

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Must suck having literally nothing in your life. So you have to obsess over Yea Forums. Even when it's blatantly obvious to everyone that you're not "triggering" anyone, you still can't stop.


Rikka is every enko dream I've ever had come true.

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Why can’t we have a Gridman thread without the insane retard mass-replying?

You literally haven't even watched the series.

>xddd dur mass replying lol xddd
Why can't you understand just how much you stand out, and how you saying "mass replying" only makes you look retarded. Even more so when you're trying to claim that two posts is a "mass reply". The real issue here is that you can't stop making threads for the sake of shitposting.

Rikka is sexy

I’ve seen you in multiple threads replying to 20+ posts going on your !Akemi spiel, you aren’t fooling anybody.

built to ride my face

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My waifu is not worried, she knows I don't like lesbians.

No, there is no "you", !Akemi. There is only everyone who hates you. And it's not "mass replying". It's just linking your post.

You make the same exact garbage spam posts every single thread. Why do you think that's acceptable?

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Yuta's face*

And every single thread you also repost the same images. Because for some insane reason you think it "triggers" people.

Stop replying to your own post.
Do you really think it's not obvious you started spamming replies to the thread as soon as you thought "ack" was here?

Please, stop trying to act like you’re more than one person. You have a recognizable posting style, and rarely do I see anybody screech about the aforementioned other than your faggot ass.

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aforementioned tripfag*


If you can so easily recognizable "posting style" why can't you tell no one is "screeching"? Well, other than you. Oh right, here's what's actually recognizable - how fucking insane you are and consumed with thinking you "trigger" people. You literally REFUSE to accept you're not making anyone mad. And of course, you always ignore it when people point out you yourself say you're trying to ruin threads on purpose. Or rather in this case, you're making threads in order to shitpost in them.

Are you upset, Crack-kun?

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cant you just stop replying to his posts if you're so sure they're a single person

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See? You literally can't control yourself.
You have a genuinely pathological disorder that forces you to delude yourself into thinking you make people mad. Because it's the only way you can cope with what a massive failure you are.

Don’t try and reason with the mentally ill.

Can't you stop replying to the post that shit on you and just accept that you will never ever have your safe space on a website that shits on retards?

And yes, it's obvious that both of these posts are yours. You're the only one who's mentally ill here. You for some reason have this freak insane obsession with "replies" and being replied to.

why do you keep feeding it

Okay, now I'm sure that this is you, too. Because you're, like always, just autistically spamming short garbage posts to bump your thread.

He’s talking about you, you deranged
You’re infamous on this board


See? Only you have this freakish insane obsession with "replied" and "(you)s".
And there is no "feeding", it's just you acting badly on purpose no matter what, because this is literally all you have in your life.

cute butthole

based retard

Attached: Screenshot_2019-05-03-02-58-25-420_org.floens.chan.jpg (1078x331, 67K)

Nope. You, !Akemi, are the only person who thinks "ack" is real. And that "he" is your post.

You just don't get it. You're not smart enough, !Akemi. You can't trick anyone.

And as always, you are the only person who thinks those screen shots are proof of something. You posting them every time you're called out will not make it look like they're normal to post by "everyone".

sean can't contain his autism

why is she so shameless?

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You replying to your own post trying to pretend it's normal to post those screen shots will not fool anyone. Give a single reason anyone should believe this is not altered and faked in some way. Given that there are ways to do it that take less than seconds.

Just a reminder that Gridman is not a yuri show.

Why are you so genuinely mentally ill, !Akemi?

Just a reminder that you will never be the "epic troll" you think you are, and will forever be the most failed retard on this site.

Rikka's personality overall is far sexier than Akane's childlike, self-centered, impish personality. Not that I don't like Akane's personality as well of course. And a character's personality matters a great deal in their attractiveness. She has that enjou kosai feel to her, which makes her irresistible to sadists who want to fuck her till she likes it, and masochists who want to fuck her while she ignores them alike.
I think too few people realize that it's not just about how big an anime girl's tits are or ass is that make them fuckable.

c'mon man i'm saging all my posts, not looking for bumps at all. i'm not the same poster as that guy, i'm just saying that if he is so hungry for replies, you should probably just stop giving him those replies. you ought not to reply to me as well, if you legit think we're a single poster

Is she just a thicc horny schoolgirl just trying to lead me on or dtf? My waifu doesn't put out.

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Why do you fear the truth, you smelly tranny?
Why do you have to ruin every show with your disgusting presence?

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OP, Your talking to Akane's gf right?

>still trying to reason to him ignoring how he has been rampaging for more than 5 years

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this. ack should be treated like a cheap slut that he is.

Look at how many threads I'm making !Akemi go to. He's so mad he feels the need to open multi threads just to try and "bait" there because he's so upset.


Your post are never trying to be reasonable, !Akemi. You always say this to your own replies. Just because you call your own post reasonable doesn't mean it is.

You got called unreasonable yourself. And you being the autistic retard that you are started copying that trying to accuse other people of it.

You do realize how obvious it is who you are because you literally NEVER address anything anyone says to you.

Because all of your posts aren’t worth addressing, Sean.

!Akemi, does it suck knowing that as soon as you die all the "memes" you try to force are going to never be posted again. And then it will be even more obvious to everyone it's literally just you doing this.

>they're not worth addressing because i say so!!!
No, you don't address them because you can't cope with being proven wrong about literally everything.

They aren’t worth addressing because all you post is inane bullshit

>!Akemi actually thinks intentionally changing between typing with capitals and periods and not typing with capitals and periods changes his "posting style"
Haha, what a retard.

>they're insane bullshit because is say so!
Do you really think anyone at all actually listens to you? No one new who reads these threads every believes a single thing you say.

Literally all you can do is name call and make baseless insults.

But it’s true that Gridman isn’t a yuri show, it’s a Toku show.

Nothing anyone has ever said to you has been about Gridman being a yuri series. Every single post ever directed at you has been about YOU, !Akemi, trying to intentionally ruin threads with your obnoxious shitposting.

I believe it.

That's because it's your own post, !Akemi. And you try ting to force your "meme" like you always do.

you got btfo in /cum/

No, you saying you "btfo" people doesn't mean you actually do. Please stop confusing your conjecture with reality. Please learn to face reality in a sane way.

when are you gonna face reality and your mental illness?

Why would I, or anyone else, ever listen to you when you get constantly proven wrong and made to look retarded? Because you ignore when you get proven wrong? That only makes you look even dumber.

have sex

Remember to thank god every single day that you were weren't born with actual brain defects like !Akemi was.


You're never "triggering" anyone, !Akemi. No matter how hard you try you will always be a failure.

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Here he goes again with the mass replying…
This is what makes it so obvious that you’re one person.

>gets totally blown the fuck out in the agenda he's trying to push
>resorts to just trying to spam "memes" to "trigger" people
Imagine being !Akemi.


you got btfo on several boards, faggot. you don't even realize it.

>mass replying
I can't help but laugh at how you make up words then just try to pretend that everyone suddenly starts using them.

You are "mass posting", as in, making tons of posts all by yourself. So why would people NOT link all of your posts?

>Xddd lol holy shit i so epic i said btfo over and over i so epic holy shit lololol
The only one who gets blown the fuck out is you, !Akemi.

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Imagine you finally excepting reality and moving on with your life. Not being consumed with trying to "trigger" what you think is a single other person over Yea Forums because you're mad people laugh at you for having no friends.

Do you think Lee and Sean would get along with each other?

Yuta is so lucky

The last time it happened Sean backstabbed Lee.

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Do you think you'll ever fix whatever is so extremely fucked up with your life?

Why do you reply to your own posts like this, !Akemi? No one ever believes anything at all that you say.
It's just so insane how literally everything you do revolves around shitposting on Yea Forums.

Does he think even Hiro is Akemi?

What a monster.

And you just replied to your own post again, twice actually. Because you are so brain dead you actually think people will believe you.

Nothing anyone has ever said to you has been about Gridman being a yuri series. Every single post ever directed at you has been about YOU, !Akemi, trying to intentionally ruin threads with your obnoxious shitposting.

Sorry honey, but this is 4channel, Yea Forums is three blocks down.

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Rikka a cute

Eh. Tits could be bigger.

Imagine having to bump your own thread from the bottom of the catalog because you know no one else will do it.