>"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
ITT: Scenes that embody famous philosophical quotes
Other urls found in this thread:
>high school tier philosophy
Simply epic hunterbro!
>he thinks japanese cartoons are philosophycal
Literal manchild. Are you hxhfags like this? Yikes
I have never heard of a high school that discussed Nietzche. Stop making shit up.
Ah, I see you're American.
based and nenpilled
cringe and quirkpilled
This idea is used in tons of shit, HxH isn't profound for using it, in fact Togashi probably got the inspiration from some other media where it was mentioned rather than Nietzsche himself
Rude. Nietzsche's work is very valuable and respected among scholars. It's just that he's very quotable and lends himself well to being mis-read and memefied by teenagers and/or nazis.
What the fuck
>Are you hxhfags like this?
Yes sadly. They're a few fedora retards who shit up every single shounen thread to feel like their shitty series isn't irrelevant crap.
Dude did it to himself.
His whole "philosophiling with a hammer" schtick made all his work extremely memeable.
Hell his magnum opus had a whole section comprised entirely of only aphorisms.
The absolute state of american education
You aren't actually discussing Nietzche though.
This. Nietzche is an excellent philosopher not your personal quotemaker.
I really like how Netero and Gon parallel each other while representing malice and self-destructiveness of human race
>is a sociopath
>"lmao look at my philosophy!"
Yuyu Hakusho was his best work.
That's true. Another thing is that the surface-level reading of his work is very appealing and lends itself well to modern myth: "dude just be ur own marster! cr8 your own values! be urself". It's perfect for every teen/young adult who thinks that he's very smart and not like everyone else.
What about it was monstrous? Pitou wasn't redeemed. If Gon was bad for getting revenge on a killer, what makes Kurapika just?
The thing is, the quote doesn't even fit here. Gon killed the murderous follower of a murderer, the latter was still talking about using people as cattle until he got nuked.
So you're a fan of formulatic shonenshit, i see
god i love this image
YYH was held back because Jump wouldn't let Togashi do what we wanted to do
>It saddens me to say this, but I had explored every possible direction for the YYH characters that I could in the context of a professional publication. All I could do at this point was to start deconstructing the characters, or go on repeating the same storylines over and over until the readers got bored. My attempts to deconstruct the characters were, of course, turned down by Jump. I didn't have the strength, physically and mentally, to keep doing the same thing over and over.
Level E and Hunter x Hunter are masterpieces.
>thanks, do you have something more interesting and useful like differential equations by boyce or transport phenomena by lightfoot?
>That dynamic between Meruem meaning "Illuminates all" and Komugi being blind
>Gon calling out Netero early in the series for not using his right hand and left leg
t. utilitarian bugman
>a series frequently on Hiatus and incomplete
This really is the Rick and Morty of anime, isn't it?
Rick and Morty is at least consistent compared to this piece of shit.
Man how do you fucking move from this masterpiece to the snoozefest that is Succession War?
What the fuck Togashi.
Daily reminder that people were saying that Chimera Ant arc was a snoozefest too at time of publishing
Is there a good scene for Seneca the Younger's quote on dying well?
"The present letter is written to you with this in mind as if death were about to call me away in the very act of writing. I am ready to depart, and I shall enjoy life just because I am not over-anxious as to the future date of my departure. Before I became old I tried to live well; now that I am old, I shall try to die well; but dying well means dying gladly. See to it that you never do anything unwillingly."
> the philosophy of COPE
Is there any anime that covers amoralism?
School days.
>"He who fights with monsters should look to it that he himself does not become a monster. And if you gaze long into an abyss, the abyss also gazes into you." - Friedrich Nietzsche
Excellent post.
reminder that realists are fags
>a series frequently on Hiatus and incomplete
both our comments are true with no irony.
>It's popular so it's a meme
You're a fucking retard who probably can't even read Nietzsche