Why don't we ever get cool anime like needless was now?

why don't we ever get cool anime like needless was now?

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Wasn't Needless just boring enemy-of-the-week battle shit?

it had a cool metal soundtrack to go with it which made 100 times better

>This is a lolicon.

>that detective chapters
>those time travel chapters
>that SOL chapters with the villains
>that time when the author closed an arc without closure because he thought ''Moustache Arc'' was more fitting
Man I miss Needless.
Not only that, he put an end to the trap debate.

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needless was bad and full or original anime only shit, as expected of badhouse.

Because it's needless

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>tfw new Needless fucking never

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It was an over the top action/battle series. Published in Ultra Jump (seinen magazine). It was fucking great. It was so retarded and crazy and I loved it. The manga got even crazier as time went on.

Don't listen to this retard. the only anime original stuff was the shit ending, everything else was true to manga.

I remember it had cute girls wrecking shit. I should rewatch this.