ITT: The moment where a fight goes beyond

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Ah yes, when characters yell really really loud, and punch really really hard! Soooogoi interesting battle shounen fighting senpai!

>All Might vs Nomu ripoff

Literally any shounen protagonist fight ever.

If you're going to pick toriko use the time when jirou punched time itself, or when he stopped the rotation of the earth

Toriko is one of the few manga that actually got better as it ended.

>punch a guy so hard he circumnavigates the planet which is roughly the size of jupiter
I miss it bros.

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Not the good ones.

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Considering this fight happen before mha, i think that goes in the other way

Can this just be a toriko thread now please?

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i love baki so fucking much

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Toriko has to be one of the worst manga I've read to date. The art was attrocious, it was like reading a elementary student's chuunni fantasy, the shilling by Toei was pure cringe, the whole thing was a barafag's wet dream, only relevant female in the manga was some old wrinkly bitch. All said, the gourmet casino arc was pretty good.

>it was like reading a elementary student's chuunni fantasy
Literally the best type of plotline

Toriko has the best fights and over the top powerlevels in any shounen of the last decade.
come at me.




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>2page spreadlets
>not glorious 4page spreads
this dude was insane

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literally every other page from this fight would be a better example. hell the start alone was glorious
>chapter starts
>expect the ususal 'both fighters hold back and start out trading a few punches here and there'
>instead Toriko goes berserk right from the start, punching Star through the entire stadium (which has the size of a city)
>keeps going and going, leveling up his attacks as he goes, completely overwhelming Star
>Star outside goes 'oh my, not half ba-'
>starts coughing blood, showing Toriko going all out from the start actually had a huge impact in winning the fight
this was just too great

the amount of shit in your taste shouldn't be possible

Cluttered mess

Why would you choose this shitty fight?
Baki had the right idea. That tissue fight was sleep inducing.

Epic bait user, upboated

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>Insecure gay boy feels threatened by men with muscles

How does that work with the physical volume?

Emotionless manga.


No idea, maybe it's a fold out, you know, like playboy
it's also 5 pages and not 4
cope, whisperchad

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Not even a hunterchad but that seems like such a falseflag. I don't think we've ever had an Yea Forums sings that mumbled like that. It's just coincidental and worked out too well.

Excuses excuxes, post some awesome shit instead of making up conspiracy theories about karaoke events

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Sleep tight Ohma :'^(

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>not going for +10 pages spread

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How many different names for 13 orphans does this fucking manga have?

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What do you do against an unavoidable instant kill attack?

just block lol

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As long as it works

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>mc goes full madman
>villan gets traumatized for life
Can't get any better than that.

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>hating toriko
This is how I know you are a faggot

Would've been better if her life actually ended at that fight. More opportunity for suffering, I suppose

Why can't i enjoy manga anymore Yea Forums?
I look at these panels and i can tell that many of them are definitely amazing, but i just feel nothing.

Lack of context

This, without context things would look "cool" at most.

Do not suffer the dragon to live.

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There were so many moments in this fight where things went beyond. I loved it so much.

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Seeing the art improve over time in this series resulting in that fucking mental looking final fight was a treat.

>tfw Jirou get serious