it's K-On with tanks. Why the fuck is it so popular?
It's K-On with tanks. Why the fuck is it so popular?
Other urls found in this thread:
Because 1) tanks and 2) not just eating cakes
It's K-On with tanks.
It's cute
You answered your own question with the first sentence
GuP thread?
Because K-On with tanks is a great idea.
it's K-ON but they're playing their guitars instead of sitting on their asses and eating cake
it's keion with motherfucking tanks
>it's like this popular thing, so why is it popular?
I want to make tanks with yukari
How would Miho react if Yukari made a new tank-making friend (male)?
I love her guys
I want to be her friend, this is not fair, why is she not real.
Imagine bullying this nerd sexually or otherwise
New season fucking when?
My wife Nishi is so beautiful
I don't think they're anything alike. GuP has a lot more action happening and a much larger cast. The girls are infinitely better as well.
They actually spend time with their hobby
Is it time?
It's fucking K-On with TANKS! What more could you ask for?
>What more could you ask for?
That ass on my face without pants on it.
Never because it ends with Das Finale.
>it's K-On with tanks.
you didn't watch a single episode
only 44 more days until das finale 2!
imagine Azunyan riding a tank
My dick would explode.
Imagined and I like itBut only the sexual variant.
One should never bully Yukari though. She's for pampering and protecting and taking to military museums. Plus, she's probably stronger than any of us.
t. shounennigger
Based, fluffpilled, and panzerpilled.
Compared to K-on the protagonist is actually not retarded.
Heavy autism night not be the same as retardation but it's still not a healthy mind.
Yui is not retarded.
It honestly sounds like something that would come out of an Yea Forums wrote your own anime plot thread
I'd say Strike Witches is closer to that. At least the characters in gup are not openly lesbian.
That's right, she's a savant.
I guess there will be several manga spin-offs more, though.
Cute girls doing manly things
Maybe there will be anime spin-offs, but not featuring the Ooarai girls...
Insert songs automatically make anime top-tier
But driving tanks isn't manly at all in the GuPverse.
Excellent execution of a familiar plotline; good animation; great girls; cute tanks. What's there not to love?
And yet two of the biggest names in historical tank warfare, Rommel and Guderian are still men in the GuPverse.
What's up with that?
If you watched the show you would know that tankery was pussified to make the world more peaceful, since toxic men can only do toxic shit so they need to be neutered and society needs females wearing the pants.
I still believe they actually killed the planet and they are in a VR simulation though.
>females wearing the pants
Which Shiho does literally. Does she look like someone who will make a better world?
Military marches do make a great soundtrack.
Any RW reader who likes Aung? I wonder if she will have a bigger role as the story progresses.
>Jacko in gup
Wierd reference.
1. K-ON was good, people like tanks, so that would already explain it if that were the case.
2. It's not K-ON with tanks. It's a classic sports anime about an underdog team's way to the top.
I hate tanks.
Good thread
Time is short! I still have to prepare new Erika-oc to celebrate Das Finale 2.
>What more could you ask for?
K-on with tanks AND robots perhaps? Duh!
I just can't wait for Alice to grow up, so I can marry her.
It’s GuP meets Crimson Skies. Why the fuck isn’t it more popular?
Not a sport really, it's their job. Haifuri on the other hand.
Because it's not actually anywhere near to being like GuP?
The action in that show is amazing, I just wish the characters were animated normally.
too bad she won't survive the month
thank you.
of all the things to reference, why this?
what drawthread degenerate produced this and for what purpose
Say that to my face and see what happens.
It's refering The man who stole the sun?
It's not even clear.
can't wait.
3d characters
What the fuck did you just fucking say about me, you little bitch? I'll have you know I graduated top of my class in the Navy Seals, and I've been involved in numerous secret raids on Al-Quaeda, and I have over 300 confirmed kills. I am trained in gorilla warfare and I'm the top sniper in the entire US armed forces. You are nothing to me but just another target. I will wipe you the fuck out with precision the likes of which has never been seen before on this Earth, mark my fucking words. You think you can get away with saying that shit to me over the Internet? Think again, fucker. As we speak I am contacting my secret network of spies across the USA and your IP is being traced right now so you better prepare for the storm, maggot. The storm that wipes out the pathetic little thing you call your life. You're fucking dead, kid. I can be anywhere, anytime, and I can kill you in over seven hundred ways, and that's just with my bare hands. Not only am I extensively trained in unarmed combat, but I have access to the entire arsenal of the United States Marine Corps and I will use it to its full extent to wipe your miserable ass off the face of the continent, you little shit. If only you could have known what unholy retribution your little "clever" comment was about to bring down upon you, maybe you would have held your fucking tongue. But you couldn't, you didn't, and now you're paying the price, you goddamn idiot. I will shit fury all over you and you will drown in it. You're fucking dead, kiddo.
As opposed to cardboard cutout characters seen in the first episode of GuP.
I don't know, saw this yesterday in a radom loli thread, posted without context. I'm just as curious as you are.
the demon core incident that resulted in the death of louis slotin
You gave yourself the answer
>no tanks
do you even tank, show off?
I hope we get Boys und Flugzeug someday
Tanks are for girls. True men risks their lives in dogfights where no sissy carbon coating can deny them the glorious death of a warrior.
Because it's zany schoolgirls following their wildest zany dreams, just like muh Haruhi wanted to see!
I would if I could.
So if driving tanks is now a female thing, what female thing has become masculine?
Because they actually do something with the tanks.
Cute girls doing cute things is like junk food. People know it ain't healthy, but whatever.
Normalfags were filtered by the 3D animation and the comparative lack of CGDCT pandering.
some of you anons are okay, please don't get into the tanks tomorrow.
I would like this very much.
Don't worry user it only feels like that because you forgot we'll be waiting months subs. Plenty of the year left to waste.
If only we had a time machine.
Anyone still left here from when GuP started?
I've got a bad feeling it isn't going to deliver either. Releasing Part 1 on it's own felt so pointless. I've not rewatched it since. If I had the self control I'd wait until the whole thing gets released.
Almost, I noticed the show on the first week when there was already discussion on it and I remember that we spent like there weeks figuring out how big the ship actually was and what the fuck were they thinking.
>what the fuck were they thinking
Presumably no one had a clue back then either?
There was not much info on anything back then, and I remember the nips made a blog where they uploaded our discussions and discussed what we figured out because we sperged it to hell and back. Basically what the remnants were from Upotte threads and discussion, since we got that before the Japs.
Started watching when Der Film came out. First anime I ever watched as an adult.
Been watching since the first episode dropped
I already browsed Yea Forums and got interested in GuP back when it first aired but put off watching it for several years. Think it was 2016 or 2017 when I actually tried watching it the first time.
I regret not doing it earlier.
>tfw pizza isn't delivered in a CV
I don't want to live in this world anymore
I just want to know the smell inside that metal coffin.
It’s made by history nerds with tons of historical references, and has moe girls in WW2 tanks. Why *wouldn’t* it be popular?
Only 2232 more days until das finale 6
>it's K-On with tanks
It isn't but if it was it'd be the greatest show of all time. That being said, GuP is the one of the greatest shows of all time already.
>comparing baby's first SoL to the masterpiece that is Girls und Panzer
Yes, but I lost my original screenshots.
Wow, less than 50 days already! Where did the time go?
Damn, I want to give this Erika a huge steak packed with lots of bell peppers.
Same here, I only got around to watching GuP last year, and I really wish I watched it earlier. I should've trusted all the "Garupan wa ii zo"s.
Tanks make everything better, prove me wrong
This, they make a carpet bombing worth its price.
This. K-On is shit compared to GuP.
It's cute girls and tanks. Why wouldn't it be popular?
Uhhh what is navel warfare?
>navel warfare
It's when my Big Berta shoots its projectiles from between Darjeeling's legs and they land on her tummy.
>Uhhh what is navel warfare?
The things Yukari and Miho / Erika and Maho do when nobody else irs around.
Because young nips have shit taste.
I still stand by my claim that Haifuri was only a couple of tweaks away from being a masterpiece
You mean throwing the hamsters over board?
>Post about navel warfare
>30 minutes later
>0 (ZERO) pics of guppie tummies.
This fucking board is dying so fast, fucking hell
I don't want to post anymore.
Ok, I'm out... this thread is getting sexual again.
I don't have too many guppie midriffs.
Dogfights are for girls too.
>not just eating cakes
Neither is K-On, but fags who say this never watched it anyway.
Anyone seeing it in theaters?
BanG Dream S2 sold well despite having 3D character models, so no.
Funny, but fuck you.
Tbh it was such an average series I can't bring myself to rewatch it but
>notch up the mutiny aspect. Shades of Potemkin
>tone the SoL elements so they are dark af like Girls Last Tour
It seems remarkable they missed opportunities for fanservice
They didn't need it.
Fuck no, GuP is great without that shit.
No they just didn't need it and if you think it does fuck off.
You may want to watch Agent Aika.
I wouldn't say that they missed opportunities. I think that the pureness of it lends itself well to the charm GuP captures and practically oozes in every episode.
I rewatched GuP and Strike Witches back to back a month ago and holy shit do the camera angles shift when you switch to SW.
>"Please mister, accept her as payment for the food, she's barely used and still very tight!"
> payment
Don't lewd Mikko.
fanservice is shit and people who like it are shit
Why would anyone want Mikko? I was sure he was talking about Aki.
I will be but I decided I will never post movie spoilers or do nice things for this board ever again recently.
I'll bite. why?
>Because they actually do something with the tanks.
If it were K-ON it would show then getting into the tank, then a jump cut to them getting out of the tank. EVERY. FUCKING. TIME.
Indeed, Aki is the cutest of the trio.
Saw the hibike movie, posted spoilers. Had one normal thread then had a thread where
>I got accused of lying despite posting multiple pics as proof
>got accused of living about the summary
got accused of being a tyranny
>got accused if being some fag from twitter
>got accused of being one of his followers
>got accused of being a different user who had seen rhe movie and posted a pic
>got accused of having both of the sets of pics being mine but that once again I was some twitter fag.
Any now there have been 2 Yea Forums tier shitposting threads since then. So yeah, never again. I will enjoy GuP when I see it though.
>got massive butthurt on an anonymous imageboard
Yeah, posting information people wanted to hear is nice. It isn't as if I was spoiling people against their will.
Yeah I'm still mad honestly. Not mad about the personal attack on me, but rather that I thought Yea Forums was better than this but it seems we are literally the same as Yea Forums or /pol/ or Yea Forums.
What makes you say this? What have I done wrong? This is what I get for contributing my own original content to the board? I learn japanese and go to japan and want to post about the anime movie I saw yet this is how l get treated? What stake do you even have in this? Why are you insulting me? I live GuP and I will be seeing the movie, but you have done nothing but reinforce my opinion that you people aren't even worth trying to contribute to or discuss things with.
Not him, but I can see why would one react that way to what you wrote. I understand being frustrated that people are not appreciative of you doing something decent for them, but your reaction is not correct either. "you're not getting nice things anymore because you all can't behave" reeks of condescension. There's also the way people interpret you posting what you did. You don't owe us anything, so I'm not accusing you of anything due to your decision to not post spoilers and whatnot, but why announce your intention to (not) do that? I won't speculate on what you had in mind, but it can be interpreted as the equivalent of a parent telling their kid that he's leaving. Did you expect us to beg you to keep at it or something? Attaching that sort of self-importance to oneself goes against the spirit of an anonymous image board.
>Jacko in gup
The tanks are the fanservice of GuP.
I want to befriend these dorks.
Mako with short hair really looks sexy
>How would Erwin react if Yukari made a new tank-making friend (male)?
Probably the way he posts.
Basically inviting people to fuck with him.
I'll bet they posted a selfie from the theater and made it more about them than the guppies.
I saw Youjo Senki twice in theaters and got no shit for posting spoilered spoilers.
But then again, YS threads grey far less traffic that GuP threads.
Because fanservice is trashy.
>How would Erwin react if Yukari made a new tank-making friend (male)?
She would demand to meet him, too.
Don't let the actions of cunts turn you into a bitter person, user.
And we get back to another episode of:
'Today on History' with our host Erwin & Guderian
Pope Gelasius asserts that his authority is superior to Emperor Anastasius.
French forces in Florida slaughter hundreds of Spanish.
France declares war on Austria.
The Battle of Chancellorsville rages for a second day.
President Abraham Lincoln's funeral train arrives in Springfield, Illinois.
U.S. Marines land in Nicaragua.
The first airplane lands at the geographic North Pole.
After three days of battle, the U.S. Marines retake Dai Do complex in Vietnam, only to find the North Vietnamese have evacuated the area.
James Earl Ray, Martin Luther King Jr.'s assassin, is caught in a jail break attempt.
Margaret Thatcher becomes the first woman prime minister of Great Britain.
A British submarine sinks Argentina's only cruiser during the Falkland Islands War
>toxic men can only do toxic shit so they need to be neutered and society needs females wearing the pants
Sounds like my kinda place!
people like retarded things
>Margaret Thatcher becomes the first woman prime minister of Great Britain.
>A British submarine sinks Argentina's only cruiser during the Falkland Islands War
What a nice election anniversary gift
Because K-On is super popular?
Harry Daghlian did it before it was cool.
>A British submarine sinks Argentina's only cruiser during the Falkland Islands War
Like parmesan.
Challenge accepted!
Challenge complete!
(ZERO) pics of guppie tummies.
Isn't that just offal?
Still here, from the day the first character sheets dropped.
If you remember, I baked a tank-cake for Yukari on her birthday
Go away RAAT
They did have Jagdtigers.
I'm inclined to agree with OP. K-On makes sense... cute girls with instruments in a HS club is believable... but cute girls with war machines? I'd like to give it a try seeing the attention it gets on here, but the whole premise just sounds dumb.
God... still here, huh?
Wrong Generalfeldmarschall!
>fighting miles above the actual battle like a fucking coward
>Not skewing vehicles all together and even guns to fight modern wars with broadswords and bow/arrows
0/mad jack.
I want to playfully bully Yukari by leaning in close and whispering a-10 warthog gatling gun noises in her ear.
Surely you mean anglo tanks if you're going for something so bad that you'd rather be on foot.
Natural fanservice is the best
>French forces in Florida slaughter hundreds of Spanish.
GAU-8, dumbass.
People forget 'fanservice' actually includes a number of things. While often it's reality to something lewd and sexy, in reality 'fanservice' originally included things like callbacks to previously loved works of the author or references to works of other creators who fall in the demograph of the creator's work.
big example: "See you next Wednesday" being Robert Zemekis' signature even if it's a reference, I believe, to a book he liked.
Pre-US American history is the reason Monroe Doctrine existed.
Do they behave like the Florida man, pehaps?
I knew what it was, it just didn't occur to me to just type that for some reason. Likely the 'dumbass' part you mentioned.
Semi-relatedly, I want to bully Katyusha by showing her capitalist American movies.
Pretty sure that's a bad way to bully commies though since I think they actually loved American films.
yeah, cute burmese
Ill show her how bad I am at building model kits and paint them so she can teach me how
I just finished this a month ago with some friends. What a great anime to watch with internet buddies from all over the world. Lots of nationality jokes were had. Truly a gift.
I'm fucking awful
It really wasn't that good. The extra chapter was way better than 90% of the series.
Top tier setting tho
PA Works could have pulled it off.
This but unironically
Never mentioned myself, it was other people who started attacking me personally out of nowhere claiming I was some person named ultimatemegax. Anyway, this was in a Hibike Euphonium thread, if you have time, go check out any of the threads currently up, they are a fucking shit show. I would like to think a GuP thread could never get to that level.
Too bad Ohbummer dispensed with the Monroe doctrine (probably not even knowing wtf it was) because now the Russians and ChiComs are making a run on the Americas.
Apparently Stalin actually really loved Hollywood westerns.
>Lots of nationality jokes were had.
I won't get into it. Think of like Sora no Woto threads.
Not even discussions can allow those threads.
Have an official semen demon.
>It really wasn't that good.
>The extra chapter was way better than 90% of the series.
Cause it has an engaging story, great characters, action, fun, tanks, giant fucking aircraft carrier city ships.