Dragon Ball Super

>Cheelai and Lemo are Toriyama's favorite new characters
Are you ready for more DB kino?

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Other urls found in this thread:


I like Caulifla!

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Friendly reminder
Ocean Dub > Funimation Dub > a literal pile of shit > Japanese Dub

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>Confirmed by the maestro himself that Goku is shitty parent in comparison to Vegeta.
OH NO NO NO NO How will Erren recover from this?

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>dumb Jobhanmierdas
Yeah how will this very important person cope?


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Hell no.

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No more Jobhan, evidently jobren and other shitters will never show up ever again...it has everything to be the best anime return ever!

that's fucking backwards, how is a population who wants to continue increasing their numbers also a population who neglects their family? don't they know mexico exists?


Your average Mexican dad is either deadbet or abusive. Just because people have a lot of children doesn't mean they care about them.

Who's the better fusion - Chilma or Brapan?

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How are you gonna give affection to your family if you are busy raping women?

Chilma because I'm not a pedo.

Brapan because I'm not a normalfag.

Neither because both are thots.

Based Tardku killing Kid Buu.

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It is obvious that this is the case, and it is another evidence that Toriyama supervises the DBS manga, seeing Vegeta's characterization in this medium and the development that he is going through in the latest chapters.

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didn't he try to murder broly in the movie?

Broly was a threat to both Earth and Vegeta's family. Vegeta was making the right decision. He is the hero Earth needs. Fuck Goku.

Yes, why wouldn't he?

>random dude who follows Freeza's orders arrives on earth and proves to be a huge threat.
Tell me again, why shouldn't he have tried to kill him?

Bitch please

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Where's Piccolo taking him?

To get his medication.

Chadhan is coming back, baby. Soon.

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Green & Purple

less relevant than Cheelai, Lemo, Caulifla and Kale.

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-how many beings have you murdered today zen-chan?
-40 quadrilion goku-sama, quite a slow day
-no worries! tommorow will be better

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the only interaction goku and pan had was goku leaving her disappointed in the dust to kidnap and train a random brown boy, why do all panpedos seem to think that they're somehow friendly and close?

>the only interaction goku and pan had was goku leaving her disappointed in the dust to kidnap and train a random brown boy
At least pretend you watched Z, retard.

>Hinata and Gintoki are GODly's best friends
Absolutely fucking based!

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Go back there.


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>>Hinata and Gintoki are Dogly’s best friends

So when's the NTR porn of Broly fucking Hinata while Naruto sit and watch?

I didn't, I read the manga, thought I might not remember something, what did I miss?

I'm not complaining. She's a cutie.

Obsessed jobrentranny and Le Gogeta movie and m-muh OGly falseflag kek

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>He doesn't know

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Cheelai's already a better character by not having half of her lines simply being"burori-kun!"

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Based OG

>what did I miss?

Don't worry, Tori will change that.

*Get fucked gently by Broly

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>by not having half of her lines simply being"burori-kun!"
Every one of her lines started or ended with that though. Just like Hinata.

Nana wills it

Would GT have been better or worse it comprised of Pan, Marron and Bra, Trunks and adult Goku?
Because one of the complaints some anons have, is that Goku should have been an adult, as he normally is.

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Who's worse at writing female characters, kishi or Tori?

>adding more thots

Gayhan isn't anything but a non useful body.

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>Every one of her lines started or ended with that though. Just like Hinata.

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>abducts uub

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If they had expand on Bra and Marron's character beyond "ooOoOh shopping lol!!", then maybe.

Say hello to your new goddess DBspics

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Name ONE (1) character with a better ass than Gohan.

Pro tip: You can't.

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Remember how a single chapter BTFO manga fags forever?

Reminder that interspecies sex is wrong.

>anime hasn't been relevant for over a year
>manga is the only material churning out new arac and characters

oh no no no no no!

better, but Uub still needs to be part of the core crew

Enter GODhan

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I don't wanna nitpick but who drew her in this one? I like how she's slightly built but the face seems off putting compared to pic related.

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Based milquetoasthan!

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So what arc are we getting after Moro?

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>T-there's more of it so i-it's better!

Nice fanfic, but they have a platonic relationship.


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GT would have been better not existing.

>Please Bejita-sama, kiss Cheelai for us.

>He only liked me for my snack bars!

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I'd love for there to be like some kind of collateral damage of Broly being reckless while saving the day.

>>He only liked me for my snack bars!

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>golden eyes when going primal
Excellent choice in design

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I wanna see these guys together trying to make a living.

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>mods deleted a completely harmless post
Jobrenspics and Juantards have shitted DB threads so much that we get shit on by everyone.

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Movies and their adaptations aside, Super has been:
so I guess it's tournament now.

I liked the Golden Eye's for a design choice since it calls back to one of the 4 good things to come out of GT, but I wish they had gone with the Pure Red Eyes while in Ikari because I loved how it looked on the Great Ape form, it really gave a sense that the form was that of a Monster.

Goku has construction job experience from his time with Roshi-sama. He also did milk delivery and plowed fields.

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I don't think Broly wants to share you guys....

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>I have ALWAYS been dissatisfied with the righteous hero type potrayal they gave him
What went wrong?

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>green bulma

(You) and your shit taste.

Uub, Pan and Bra as the main trio. the main trio plus Trunks Goten and Marron are the core crew. Goku is there as a Roshi figure who prefers to let the kids take care of things themselves but steps up to the plate if they fail or are otherwise occupied

Gaijins taking too many liberties with their shit dub
>"I am the hope of the universe!"
Kek I used to think it sounded cool but now it's just cringe

he said that before american dub existed you retard

>human Cheelai

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>there would be no SS4
One of the reasons why GT shouldn't exist.

it can all be traced back to the roman empire being overran with corrupt, decadent capitalists

He got old, stopped writing, forgot that even though Gokek wasn't supposed to be a hero he wasn't supposed to be a dick.

No he didn't.

Don't respond to Panpedos, they only want attention.




Just like Krillin and 18 at the end of the Cell saga right?

Based mods

>What went wrong?
Absolutely nothing. He knows DB better than anyone and he is tired of this embarrassing version that is anime Goku.

Toriyama just thought it'd be funny if Krillin was the one who would get the hot girl, he's moved on from that now.

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>he's moved on from that now.


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>>I have ALWAYS been dissatisfied with the righteous hero type potrayal they gave him
Then why did he approve of Minus? That shit is literally a Superman-esque backstory that fundamentally changes everything about the saiyans.

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Green is the color of winning.

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Just so he can make Gine canon and pander to waifufags while retconning the saiyans at the same time.

What is this righteous hero portrayal he talks about (which wasn't in the manga)? Few moments when he thought about his family and friends when fighting Freeza?

it doesn't. you are salty over a version that only exists in your head

>One of the reasons why GT shouldn't exist.
That's you're opinion user, and that's great.

Some anons, don't like Uub. You're idea might cause conflict between the anons here.

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>muh opinion
You know he's rights.


goku is supposed to throw senzu beans, play rock paper scissors, and get excited even if someone kills his family and friends in front of him, you see how goku arrives in saiyan arc, he immediately starts making excuses to fight alone and gets excited when nappa wants to go at full power, even though his friends are dead, that was missing in movies and gt definitely, he is also supposed to be abusive to his family denying them any affection and treating them like trash, anime missed it entirely, for example in the manga goku killed himself with cell on purpose and hit chichi on purpose, interesting difference is also endings, in manga it's always goku doing some cynical shit, leaving his friends, leaving his family, refusing to have a farewell feast with bora, movie endings are normal

>>muh opinion
>You know he's rights.


My bad.


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I legit can't tell if you're serious here. But I imagine it might be how senile Tori imagines Goku should be.

>Come to think of it, Toriyama comments, Goku doesn't seem to think about his children all that much.




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why would he think of jobbers to be fair

Except I'm not. Shit is absolutely different now and you're too busy sucking off Toriyama to see it.

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saiyans be the same


Bulpan obviously.

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So Vegeta was raised normal as a saiyan could get, Goku's a fucking autist and Broly's just a poor sap due to circumstances and that's why Goku is a shitty parent while Vegeta is tsundere dad?



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Android 17 was defeated on a cellular level.

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>at least half are non-combatant goodbois
>even among the fighters are potential goodbois
>family faggotry
>instead of a partnership with frieza that turned out to be betrayal later, they were slaves from the get-go
Fuck off.

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>cuckgeta becomes heihachi
also checked

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>Toriyama confirmed Broly stronger than Jiren again
Hoo boy

Save me Daddy!!!!

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>righteous hero type means caring about your family and the earth
US dub Goku is the best Goku, no matter how many fits and tantrums you obese weeaboos throw.

Goku is a fucking scumbag, Jesus Christ. Thank God we have Vegeta, aka, best dad and the true main character of DBS.

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you post nothing but shit you made up yourself which reveals you were never paying attention in the first place

Goku was dropped as a baby so it's not entirely his fault. Basically Vegeta has accurate character development and Broly has room for amazing character development as well.

fake nerd detected. the is no singular 'US dub'.

>"i-ti's made up! he's lying!"
Watch/read Z before posting. The faggtory Minus brought was never a thing until Toriyama decided that Goku shouldn't be an aberration and retconned the whole thing. Cope.

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I would consider Krillin the more attentive father but Vegeta is great too. Even King Cold is a better father than Goku.

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Righteous hero is Goku acting like he gives a shit about the universe or the Earth in general. He protects Earth because his friends, family, and food are there not because he is some sort of moralizing idealist.

Based SHITren finna boutta job to the toilet

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>Cheelai-sama is taking over Dragonball
sol kino is back on the menu boys!

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Who's the evilest?

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I wonder how was everyone's reaction when they revealed Zeno was the strongest and supreme ruler of the multiverse...

Reminder that Cheelai is indirectly responsible for Paragus' death.

>vegeta claims saiyans are the strongest warrior race in the universe
>CHADrin becomes stronger than 99.9% of all saiyans by training once every now and again

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Imagine being a fucking unit while in conjunction being a good husband, father, and over all families man.

Remind me again why Vegeta isn't the greatest character in all times. I'm waiting.


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Imagine throwing a bitch fit and killing 100 people because they guy you jobbed to didnt want to spend his time kicking your ass again

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>lychee juice
>dragon quest gender bend

Leave 17 alone

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Holy shit, BASED GODly showing to cumren his true place

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captain america

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Not to mention being literal royalty and marrying into the richest family on the planet, probably richest in the universe.

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>probably richest in the universe.
That's gotta be Freeza's family.

It's present tense. Freeza has lost everything since he's been dead. His empire isn't what it used to be.

That's a hard maybe. You have to remember CC has a monopoly on everything from cars to weapons, and their branding is everywhere even on everyone's clothes. They dominate the global market and potentially could just buy the whole planet and run it if they wanted to go full dictator. Frieza is in a different category since his empire basically run like Mongolians. I'm sure in just power talk Frieza's empire is stronger (taking the Z fighters out of the equation) but the wealthier one is probably Briefs.

It's simply not true. Back in Red Ribbon arc, he stopped fighting because a guy he didn't even know was threatened. Back when Cell killed military, Goku himself went to Namek to get Dende to replace Kami, because he wanted him to revive Shenron and undo this. Goku might be weird when it comes to social interaction, but he's a good boy and always was (after hitting his head that is), no matter what Tori says.

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>This V-Jump has the poll where you have to pick your character for a sdbh card
How will Jobrentrannies cope?

Yuya since he became the big bad.

500 yen, that's less than a Marvel comic.


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Goku has also at the same time always been incredibly selfish. He has risked human extinction on several occasions.

Same for Super.

This even more.

That still is not on the level of "I am the hope of the universe" Goku does not ever take up some sort of grand ideal that he is fighting for. He fights for his own ego and if he or his family/friends are threatened. If he was some big time moralist, he would do something like Saiyaman. The Red Ribbon saga is when he killed a ton of random dudes, terrible example. Him kidnapping Dende from Namek to bring everyone back to life that was killed by Cell is just him being "not a dick" in his own simple way.

>Goku does not ever take up some sort of grand ideal that he is fighting for
He dubs Freeza "the scum of the universe" and criticizes him for murdering innocent people in the manga. Granted it could have just been anger fueled by Kuririn's death but regardless.


The point I am making is that Goku does not fight because of a moral imperiative. That does not make him a bad person either.

(Super would be great under certain conditions)

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Goku has shown to be able to differentiate between right and wrong though. He doesn't approve of senseless killing and has never stood idly by while it happened.

You realize they're the only reason this shit is even still alive, right? Fucking nobody would tolerate this garbage pile if it weren't for the DB label being stapled to it.

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When is the anime coming back? I thought it was supposed to be announce by the end of April

Yes, i know youre seething, you dont have to tell me

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Geekdom101 already confirmed the anime's return, so relax.
btw me in the red shirt

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This kills the Krillin.


I've never seen so many neckbeards in one picture.

N-no, just wait until May 9th, t-trust me bro!

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You fuckers are retarded and clearly didn't watch the movie

Is Geekdom's neck natty?
How do I achieve a neck like that?

The movie doesn't dispute what I said. In the past, Freeza dictated the entire galaxy. Now his foundation is a shadow of what it was.

More like JOBhan

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He's still the richest as he has plenty of planets still under his rule.

"I am the hope of the universe" is obviously not Goku, but it still doesn't change act for the sake of his friends or his own ego. Goku has always been willing to help those in need, even if he barely knew them and always disapproved of evil. He might not be a paragon of justice with great speeches like US version, but he still is a good guy with a working moral compass, and what Toriyama tries to make of him retroactively is meme-level flanderization. Also, about the killing, Goku only killed people who tried to kill him, he didn't always have to do this (though the only example I remember is Black who tried to run away after refusing to surrender), and you might not agree with this personally, but I wouldn't said it harms his image as a good guy that much. Also, after growing up and training with Kami he had pretty strict no-killing principle.
He did, he's not perfect. He even admits how wrong it is in saiyan arc. Still, it was always because he thought he could handle the threat, when proven wrong he didn't hesitate to hide his pride in his pockets and do whatever it took to save the earth.

Ruling through fear has nothing to do with someone's wealth in Dragon Ball.

*doesn't change the fact he doesn't just act for the sake

>"I am the hope of the universe" is obviously not Goku
You're right, it's the better version of Goku.

Oh the irony

You don't get it. Everything in his empire, every planet, every piece of technology and every person belong to him.

Lmao vegeta killed himself because he couldnt stand being such a weak jobber manlet

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To be fair, not a lot of people actually thought the concept of an evil Goku would be made real in Super at the time.

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He had means of developing such advanced technology because he sought out the best of the best knowing they wouldn't oppose him. Again wealth has little if nothing to do with the equation.

It's almost like he already knew.

>that dead 6ix9ine in the bottom left

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I'm not into DB autists, but this guy got to be based.

it's almost like shitty but popular things make a lot of money

He's gonna be when his case steamrolled

Vegeta sacrificed himself to save his family and Earth.

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Listen to what he says

holy quads

And congradulations, he did nothing except make buu laugh. Also not so heroic after killing 100 people and putting the rest of the world at risk because goku didnt want him. I guess hes got too much pent up manlet rage

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>Goku doesn't seem to think about his children that much

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>holy quads
Thanks user, I only just noticed that.

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Someone post the fanart "this concept is garbage" until Toriyama does it and the fanboy loves it.

Toriyama's comment is very in tune with the manga. Goku was willing to let Gohan and Goten die to save Mr. Satan and Dende. He also allowed Cell to pummel on Gohan for what was really blind assurance. He didn't seem to care much for Goten with only two exceptions being embracing him before ascending into Heaven and refusing to get out of Babidi and Boo's way for Goten and Trunks' safety.

That's real fucking neato, but no one cares, what we all want to know is, WHEN are the humans fighters going to be fucking vindicated, ENOUGH of super saiyan wankery, let Tenshinhan, Krillin and Yamcha catch up like in the old days, saiyan jins are detrimental to the story, they've been milking the saiyans for more than 20 years now, let's follow another path and bring some freshness to a stale manga.

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>saiyan jins

goku only cared about gohan when he was a weakling

when he realized gohan could protect himself, he stopped caring

Yes, I said saiyan jins not saiyanjins,

It's the opposite.He only really expressed interest in Gohan once he discovered his potential.

Tfw Pan is 1/4 Saiyan and will eventually be vastly more powerful than any human could ever hope to be, despite being 3/4 human.

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>No naked Bulma butt or actual not E rated female fanservice.
>No naked shota dick like the original and GT.
>No blood and actual violence like Frieza torturing Krillin,even GT had blood.
>Shitty bright Telletubie-esque colors.
>Le Pilaf gang and nu Broly reformed.
How can any sane human enjoy Super is beyond me.

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Based krillinfag telling it like it is.

Chadhan genes, can't go wrong with those.

Pan is just another saiyan, no on cares about her.

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>Pan is just another saiyan, no on cares about her.
only you and the anons, that share your opinion, user.

"Use the pain of loss to become a Super Saiyan Gohan"
While it should have been "Use your anger"
This alone kind of pacifies the story, not only of the build up of Gohans transformation, but it reduces the epicness of the SSJ transformations.
Anger > Sadness

About what?

Realistically where does dragon ball go from here? There are very few people who are stronger than goku, so by doing the ToP as shitty as it was i dont have high hopes for DBS. We will probably have another tournament arc with the universes that were exempt from the ToP, but then what?

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>TSF Monogatari
Absolutely based

Universe 6 SoL

Yet weve already seen their strongest. Wishful thinking if you think theyre gonna break away from the next villian has to be stronger than the last format theyve been using for 30 years

I think Jiren is occupied at the moment with more important matters.

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What's your point? those planets are probably not worth much especially if the people aren't technologically advanced. Capsule Corp could probably buy multiple low tier planets in the galaxy in cash.

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He's a retard. He implies that he looks down on that character type as generic and beneath him, yet cannot write Goku as anything but a fight-obsessed autistic retard, which is even worse.

He has 0 writing caliber, maybe he had some when he was in his prime, but certainly not now.

>yet cannot write Goku as anything but a fight-obsessed autistic retard
If it ain't broke don't fix it.

Further proof that Tardku fans are just as stupid as he is.

It's worked well in his favor. This is an evident objective fact. Goku is a one dimensional character who successfully manages to garner a large following across the globe. There is literally no reason to change him that isn't for the sake of someone who is one in a million who takes issue with him.

The vast majority of people who have watched DB have taken issue with Toriyama's version of Goku, Z and onward. From all over America, to Europe, to even most of Asia, as Goku isn't ever the #1 most popular character in Japan, Vegeta takes that crown.
The characterization was fun during the early portions of Dragon Ball but as the manga progressed, Goku's morality strengthened.
People have shown examples in this very thread, the Red Ribbon one being a prime example.

Heroic Goku is actually a two-dimensional character, rather than the one-dimensional garbage current Goku is, that Toriyama loves so much. He only loves that version of him because it's easier for him to insert his shitty gags that way. Vegeta's character has actually progressed since his introduction, which is why he's a far superior character and his fans are much more respectable. Goku is barely a character anymore, just a glorified plot device to drive-up power levels.

Tardku and his fans are the worst fanbase of DB hands down. Nobody else can even compare.

Attached: Tardku.png (729x675, 352K)


Goku has a day dedicated to him in Japan. He's been the inspiration for several shonen protagonists who share a bit of his likeness.

Goku has always been like this. His FUNi rendition was just an false interpretation of the character. It was not Toriyama's envision nor is he obligated to follow it.

GT is for boomer trash

>His FUNi rendition was just an false interpretation of the character.
It's the true version of Goku.
Better than WAKU WAKU

TOP contestants for u7 was 50% human if you count the twins as human (you should,) that's plenty of vindication right there.

>true version
No, that would be Goku from the source material.

>How will Erren recover from this?
She can't. She is being passive aggressive and liking every post that shit on Toriyama's comments about his own work.

Attached: 34613613613.png (581x266, 33K)

>both dubfags and wakufags still pretending manga Goku wasn't a good guy
It's pretty much always like this with "tribal" wars, isn't it? The only things you can agree on is bullshit casus belli.

It is the source material.

Attached: 596576.f56.e7180S7ay1Cm2MjUAAA-650x650-b-p.jpg (650x650, 71K)

Is beyond me how a woman can like anything about Goku and Chichi "marriage".

Hey Yea Forums how has it been

smolhan is so cute

Attached: i.png (712x537, 577K)

>Best anime characters of the month (Animage, 04/1989)
>Mfw that gay character from Saint Seiya was more popular than fucking Goku back in the day, when DB was at the top.

Attached: D5lMYlWWwAANdoG.jpg orig.jpg (1280x834, 341K)

I'm hearing that once again Toriyama confirmed that the DBS manga is his vision. Is this true?

anyone know if this fsdb chick is hot?

Lol the state of Cuckku fags
Goku fucking Bulma cheating on Vegeta hentai

TOP was shit, it was the perfect opportunity to show the skills of the human fighters, instead they humiliated Tenshinhan and Krillin, completely disregarding how skilled and amazing they really, instead of martial arts, we had furrys and shitty looking aliens being stronger just because they weren't human and if the anime was bad don't even get me started on the manga.
Fuck the twins, what have they done to be so strong when they were no match for imperfect Cell, fuck them, they aren't martial artists, they are strong because the dragon room says so and nothing more.

Attached: 1496901283297.png (568x552, 227K)

>Gives Cell a senzu bean and allow him to beat the shit out of Gohan until it takes Piccolo and the rest to yell at him for being so autistic
>Decides to not come back to life and makes up an excuse on why doesn't want to come back so he can train for 7 years in afterlife and not be around his wife or son when he could've just instant transmission over to afterlife to train anyways
>Decides to not finish off Fat Buu so he can allow the kids an attempt at him making a huge unnecessary risk that ultimately leads to all his friends being murdered by Super Buu including his wife
>Saves Dende and Satan instead of his two sons when Kid Buu blows up the planet

The only one who's senile is you. Goku's never had much care for his sons. Toriyama is spot on about this. I assume you grew up with the original Funimation dub thus think Goku kissed Chi Chi on the cheek and was the hope of the universe.

if you read the manga it's almost as if goku ripped humanity out of his son, piece of shit

Shun wasn't gay, once I got a boner because of him though.

More people voted for Krillin (6th place, 7438 votes) in the Cell era DB poll than in this whole thing from the looks of it.

>GT is for boomer trash
GT is for those who have watched it and enjoyed it and for those who have yet to watch it.

Attached: ConsumingfoodPan.png (962x1018, 883K)

I like Jiren

>implying the humans were ever relevant as actual fighters past Dragon Ball

inb4 bringing up how Tenshinhan kept Imperfect Cell in a hole for 30 seconds without doing any damage to him and then getting completely wasted or how Krillin killed a few Saibamen. Keep in mind, Japan does not like the bald three eyed chink.

Holy shit, is that Aramis?

Attached: 1543192328459.jpg (1440x1318, 515K)

They were, they became stronger than Raditz in less than a year, they were always one step behind, but then everyone became a super saiyan and they were left behind.

Ugly Shrek thot

I always have top keks when the guys that always complained about dub goku are on suicide watch now after chadiyama reveals true goku
>h-he just never fed a senzu bean

He helps his friends and even random people in front of him, but he has no sense of things beyond that. Even in the original series, he was fine with letting Freeza go as long as he didn't bother them again.

Attached: 1537397809475.jpg (814x973, 119K)

>Vegeta cares about his family
>Broly cared about his dad
Why is Goku such an asshole?

>more shitlai and weak irrelevant gangsters
Really, who gives a fuck? Toryiama is a senile hack

Rent free

Jobrenfag seething again.

tardkufags already on damage control

> they were always one step behind

And by the time they got to Namek, they were 50 steps behind, and this was well before Goku got Super Saiyan when he arrived on Namek with a PL of 90,000 and then a PL of 3,000,000 in base upon confronting Freeza. Krillin got his potential unlocked and even then he stayed at around 10,000 during that arc and that was the final arc where Krillin meant jackshit in terms of fighting, even then his only victory was taking out a single Freeza grunt at the beginning before being one shotted by Recoome and then fucked up by Freeza.

Attached: __cheelai_dragon_ball_super_broly_and_etc_drawn_by_chuya_hukuaka__cc9b4fb368f3ede458f6f045a876a5b1.j (1500x1101, 208K)

How could /ourdog/ lose to Bills Broly bros...

Attached: Birus destruido vs Broly verde.webm (640x480, 2.74M)

Based human chad. Imagine training your whole fucking life, beating goku, and then being reduced to getting one shotted. Fuck this series

Attached: tribeam.jpg (1280x720, 100K)

>beating Goku

Goku lost the tenkaichi because he hit a passing truck. Had that truck not have driven in the way, he would've landed last. If it was an all out battle, it would've either ended in a draw or with Goku defeating Tenshinhan because Goku wouldn't be just confined to the arena which the entire tri-beam targeted.

Cope harder manlet

He didn't do it just because, saving him is what he found to be the right thing to do. It was him overcoming his bloodlust and anger. Morality guided him to do it, even if you may find it to be an unreasonable choice. Again, Goku is a good person. A naive, not the brightest, at times selfish, but still ultimately a good guy and not just a fighting autist that ends up doing good things almost by accident like Toriyama tries to portray him in his interviews. Maybe it was his original version that got lost as he struggled with his editors and was writing at the edge of his pants, but that's simply not how he is in the manga.

Luck is also a warrior's skill.

Krillin's episode in the ToP was kino until the ending. Holy shit, fuck them for humiliating Krillin like this and having 18 complain that he got careless when she had to be saved by him exactly because she got cocky.


Why is Goku sweating so much

"SS forms are lame only Jobhan is cool because he doesn't transform" ; )

Enough of this "BASED human"

They are not based, if Goku wasn't around Earth would have BTFO so many times, even Dr Gero's androids proved the humans were nothing compared to them.
Humans are completely helpless without the Saiyan's.

Attached: 1553262281362.jpg (1024x576, 91K)


So whats Jiren's arc gonna be about?

Attached: 1549226840584.gif (478x266, 73K)

Attached: CellMad.png (587x471, 344K)

Krillin cut Freeza's tail.
There's nothing stopping Toriyama from giving the human a powerup like he did to the "twins", he just doesn't do it because he has no reason to do it.

Having to live with getting no real fights from mortals

official pics?

Goku used to be a human too, so shut your pie hole.

Based catman

Attached: 1529887427817.jpg (800x700, 75K)

>Goku used to be a human too,
>so shut your pie hole.
user, do you even know what you just said?

Attached: 1553284494343.png (256x197, 86K)

This reminds me of that old Ranma dojin anime.

Would Goku even care if he saw his wife getting plowed by someone else?


Goku was human before the saiyan arc.

Attached: 1498515746928.webm (640x480, 871K)

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Attached: 1556747201021.jpg (2047x1357, 362K)

He hasn't made any objection towards Vegeta yet so no.

that's not what he told King Piccolo

>that's not what he told King Piccolo

Look at Jiren's pointy dick

Attached: jirens dong.jpg (980x558, 50K)


Attached: 1547023940100.jpg (640x480, 53K)

This constitutes as CP. Enjoy the jail

>Goku was human before the saiyan arc.
Goku was NEVER human.


and never will be!


Attached: 1553809896072.jpg (1280x1755, 171K)

Attached: 1539848342004.png (531x480, 221K)

>I assume you grew up with the original Funimation dub
kek no
I'm not a burger
for that matter I've read the manga and Goku isn't as careless.
Most of what you mentioned had a reasoning behind it, like preparing his kids to deal with shit when he's gone. And as I remember, the dead can only be summoned for a short period of time.

O shit, I've just made an important observation.
The ginormous chain in the background of that image, is the same shape and color as Pan's chain?


Attached: GTPan2.png (689x1160, 297K)

He was before the saiyans, you wanna know what hell never ever be? Whatever that pic is, he'll never be that.

look at all of those literally whos

No he wasnt, he might not have been a sayan but he was never human, i mean look at his tail

user, you can't go from being human and then Saiyan.

That just doesn't make any sense.

You know this to be true,

Also, Goku has a tail.

Humans don't have tails.

Attached: 1518802620781.jpg (250x196, 13K)

How in the fuck wasn't like Ikki or Shiryu more popular than fucking Shun and Hyoga.

Goku not caring about his children is a bad meme

Attached: 1541107695137.jpg (602x339, 79K)

No. I don't even think Goku understands the kind of relationship he has with Chichi. For him Chichi is that woman who lives in his house, who cooks for him and sucks his pee-pee every now and then.

>kills himself to avoid raising Goten

Faggotry is as old as time itself

Tien got beat by a guy Goku killed in a single kick in the next arc, after he "won" the tourney

>h-he just fed a senzu bean
fucking top kek at denialfags

Attached: 9.png (1184x634, 807K)

It will be about coping with the fact that he is a weakling and an irrelevant jobber.

Attached: dc4u6wh-12e7e128-ec20-4755-b1f0-49126f6d997b.gif (480x270, 2.96M)

Attached: 0159-013.jpg (1066x1600, 280K)

Didn't know he conceived him. Concede

>i mean look at his tail
By human I meant from Earth, like the King.
Hi Panfig.

Attached: Konkichi.png (368x427, 204K)

fuck why do I always miss cool things, what was it?

We should all thank Nappa for raising Vegeta. Deep down Vegeta knows that Nappa is the reason he had the potential to become human.

It was Vegeta.

A japanese boy cosplaying Kid Goku with his lower half naked.

Attached: WhatPan.png (640x480, 204K)

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our hero son gokek

Attached: 23.png (626x1694, 791K)

How did you know?

Attached: GTartposter.jpg (997x1440, 476K)

Was Pan born without a tail?

Sorry King Kai, i cannot leave my hand and return to earth.

What kind of panties does Pan wear?

Attached: 110897.jpg (900x506, 69K)

The strongest

Attached: 97c7a438e4dde805d83409588c412b74.jpg (736x998, 212K)

Jobs to Buu.

It's a secret.

Attached: Ca5Sn9BWwAA2ex8.jpg (640x480, 29K)

Whoops, wrong pic

Attached: D4cSOo4UYAMRM5O.png (600x800, 602K)

Who is this?

Attached: TT.png (413x444, 156K)

Not Yamcha.

Attached: __cheelai_dragon_ball_super_broly_and_etc_drawn_by_chuya_hukuaka__f9b4fa39631ca3db7a7100985bbe1108.j (1200x1697, 224K)

Attached: IMG_20190502_224523.jpg (1130x945, 179K)

Jobs to current MUI Goku.

Attached: god.jpg (474x129, 14K)

Butthurt galore. The Zfaggotry was an all time high three-four years ago.

Attached: 1512344652263.png (1024x894, 709K)

>It's a secret.
There's no way you could have known.

I demand to know your secret.

If you tell me your secret, I promise not to tell the other anons and keep it a secret.

What do you say?

Attached: HappyPan1.gif (300x300, 202K)

Yes, like Bulla.
Maybe white.

I member ss4 gogeta fags going nuclear over that pokemon

Well, I need something in return and there's only one thing I want, and you know what it is.

Attached: kaes.jpg (259x194, 9K)

SS4 Gogeta was surpassed by the moment Beerus and Whis were introduced.

I remember spics during 2014-2015 arguing SS3 Vegito could take on Beerus

You are right, please accept my concession.

Hmmm............Hypothetically, if I do say it, then you know you have to then tell me...


Attached: 1553005132429.jpg (736x1111, 165K)

I feel like people never got the memo that Super Saiyan 3 was more draining than it was worth. Like if it was just a short burst, sure. But Goku couldn't even gather enough energy to make up for holding the form.

Of course.

Attached: hult.jpg (480x360, 13K)

Good boy. Don't post again

>Of course.
I'll have to think about it, you can understand the GT anons won't like that, if I say it.
I'll need to do some soul searching first.

Attached: 1553863372587.png (327x480, 107K)


Wait, Beerus?

I wonder what he's doing now

Attached: KonkichiShotgun.png (1024x768, 576K)

But I'll continue posting.

This. The sub does make him more heroic but there's traces of his manga characterization with these examples. I really love how Super exposed the dubfags and confirmed they never read the manga let alone watch the sub. Too many inconsistencies and a very juvenile script made me stay exclusively to the sub. Helps I never grew up with DBZ so I had no connection to it.

>the GT anons

Attached: kmed.jpg (640x479, 75K)

Probably in jail.


Fucking Yamcha when Puar isn't home.

Quiet, pet

That's not nice

Attached: Puar is tired of your shit.jpg (640x480, 35K)

women like being abused


Attached: oh_honey_he_s_not_your_daddy_by_pallottili_d28gn46.jpg (948x1515, 822K)


how do you know it's a she?

should i read the manga

What is happening in this picture?


where can i stream the Broly movie bros..

based turdhan

Yes, like everyone else after Gohan because Toriyama didn't want to have to draw tails anymore.

Some sweet three-way dry humpin' action.

Goku is having his way with 18 while 17 waits for his turn.

Just torrent it like a normal person.


How could he cope. Chadren KNOWS hes the best

Based mods cleaning the autistic avatarfaggots. KEK

any1 have some good UI pics to share, please

Attached: 8978822.jpg (1020x686, 86K)

tardku reacts to a planet full of life getting wiped

Attached: 1c.png (1276x2150, 3.27M)

so that's how low goku fans have to go

That's a pathetic response. And it's GokuCHADS.

>Kid Goku as a adult
>Green Bulma as an alien
>Orange Krillin


Attached: __broly_cheelai_and_lemo_dragon_ball_super_broly_and_etc_drawn_by_lee_dragon_garou__f0c4b5fc8d3436ca (2048x1532, 446K)


Mr. T would be proud

>ah yeah I almost forgot, goku seems to not give a fuck about his family

Attached: 1553637498737.jpg (799x399, 59K)

Who cares about an ant plant


Once he finds out Buu is a majin he will seize control of him, mark my words

Literally One Punch Man but at an universal scale

Attached: 1555643037419.png (654x1221, 902K)

>loses to base goku
>can't hit an old man

Jiren doesn't look happy with his new friends.

>Absolutely based and redpilled tier
Future Trunks
Future Gohan
Teen Gohan ssj2

>Great tier
Goku (until Android saga)

>Meh tier
Master Roshi

>SHIT tier
The rest

>Absolute fucking garbage trash shit tier
TARDku (everything beyond Frieza arc and super)

Attached: dMKUry9p.jpg (400x400, 28K)

namekian breeding grounds

Based and future gohan pilled

Attached: GohanFutureDVDnv.png (450x699, 335K)

Cooler is above everyone of that List in is in his own cooler tier.

Attached: image.jpg (500x281, 59K)

He was badly raised though. Goku had a head bump turned into a mischievous autist.

It's Bulchi but she's not official.

Attached: DzsRh_GX0AA-b0z.jpg large.jpg (310x440, 51K)

move 1 step forward and you're going to need a senzu bean

Attached: 1556473946762.jpg (1300x715, 120K)

you were badly raised

did all superfags left this thread already? I haven't seen anyone promoting that garbage in months

Attached: 90kl.webm (480x270, 2.2M)

nuVegeta deserves to be based & redpilled tier.

Attached: D2OlkydUcAELuee.jpg large.jpg (1642x2048, 413K)

especially when he's kissing beerus' feet

Be patient, it took a while before Gohanks became official.

Attached: gohanks.png (500x364, 390K)

Attached: 1556477325101.png (784x307, 47K)

Future Gohan was basically piccolo with just enough goku to go super saiyajin.
What made him suck was that knock off turtle hermit gi and trying to be like goku.
Should have fucking stuck to his demon school training.
Think those faggot androids would have been able to stand up to a enraged Gohan Hellbomb grenade or Masenko?

Which is fucked up, because oldman Gohan and Roshi treated him like a son.
Goku's fucked up.

Also, I said it before and I said it again.
Radditz was the most powerful low class saiyajin in the universe up until the end of the saiyajin arc.
Yes, even stronger then bardock.

admirable taste

Attached: 1478487183783.jpg (500x667, 107K)

>partnership with Frieza
toeicucks really are something

Attached: freezer.png (336x336, 216K)

So what the fuck this means? Vegeta has more S cells than Goku?

Not that I wouldn't welcome it, but wouldn't Bulma have to be a martial artist to even attempt the dance? Unless they just use potara

it almost seems as if toriyama made gohan needy to fuck him over with goku

No need to promote a masterpiece you retard


Attached: 1556505116020.jpg (1300x715, 124K)

Attached: D5CpPtSU0AEah7D.jpg (671x958, 79K)

Back to your designated board you fucking incel

>Absolute fucking garbage trash shit tier
>TARDku (everything beyond Frieza arc and super)

Attached: 3c.jpg (948x337, 64K)

and you go back to r*ddit


where's ultimate soihan?

don't kid yourself, everyone hates goku now, he is only kept because tori wants him

Attached: x.webm (391x219, 883K)

Shit tier for jobbing instantly

>toriyama literally making dbza's jokes canon
Can't wait for half the cast to be confirmed gay and that space Australia is a real thing.

We aren't a hivemind you fucking sperg.

what dbza joke?

Shitty fan dub which used to be a decently funny parody.

tori didn't canonize the dub tho?

Beerus Sama

Attached: IMG_5136.jpg (601x890, 509K)

Someone fling a bunch of shitposts at Kaiser and tell him to get to work on the show instead of being a faggot on Twitter.


hey at least he ended up with best grill

EH are basically GoChi when you think about it.

only now I noticed that Chichi wears potara

Attached: chichi.gif (480x278, 1.93M)

Ushitx green potara?


Attached: beerus shin.jpg (281x480, 21K)

Best boi

Attached: Dyspo Time.jpg (360x660, 21K)

The other user was making a joke on how retardation from the parody is now being reflected in Toriyama's retarded sentences, I was just explaining what the parody was.

He has a very toned butt.

Attached: IMG_5056.jpg (1274x713, 71K)

what exactly makes you think it's a joke?

>he doesn't like Yajirobi and Korin as OTP


He's also pretty hung

Attached: Dyspo Stare.jpg (351x802, 23K)

Attached: 98j.jpg (442x279, 24K)

So Goku hates Gohan because he's named agyer Gokus only family and role model, and ended up being a colossal failure of a warrior (and everything else) right? Rewatching DB and at Babas tournament and it's pretty obvious

Zeke is stronger than Jiren.

Attached: 1554237070313.png (559x921, 358K)

Attached: zeE7PD3.gif (500x377, 698K)

not even the superior furfag form

Attached: goku werewolf.png (270x263, 121K)

Then he's basically shot himself in the foot since he gave the name himself huh?

But GODhan is more successful than Tardku in every aspect other than being a retard.

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FUCK Dragon Ball Super and FUCK it's fans. Fuck you for shitting on Dragon Ball.

nice one

This artist is pretty based

Attached: D45yRSmUYAw-xVN.jpg (1200x956, 227K)

>liking gay shit
People like you are why western civilization is declining

Ocean Dub> TFS Dub>>>Japanese Dub literal shit>Funimation Dub

I-Is this official

Attached: ShitrusBlobpa.gif (718x404, 3.96M)

>KIng Cold
>Immediately tries to recruit the murderer of his son
Nah. Frieza is a better father though. Neko Majin Z has his son, Kuriza and he's actually a pretty good kid with a decent nanny.

Attached: 1548825158988.jpg (1280x720, 96K)

No? Are you confusing reality with your imagination again?

The only Japanese seiyuus I really like are Vegeta's and Frieza's. The rest I prefer funi but that's just my boomer nostalgia.

Top 10 photos taken before disaster.

Raditz was actually a mid-class saiyan though. Toriyama confirmed it in another interview a while back.

>arguing over who's the best DBZ dad
>not one (1) mention of Piccolo

come on

Attached: best family.jpg (1280x707, 229K)

Piccolo is the best nanny, there's no denying that.

She's gonna be a handful for Granddad Pickle.

Attached: 1444191677163.png (1024x1301, 865K)

Goku isn't Superman.

It's from FighterZ, it's a Werewolf Goku avatar.

Attached: dbfz hallow.jpg (913x631, 115K)

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I miss him so much bros...

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I like Nu-Broly. He's growing on me.

Attached: DxddVXAUUAENP18.jpg (971x1199, 270K)

I'm glad Jobhan is moving away from his deadbeat dad and narc mom.

That's definitely a Gogeta

Attached: SDBH Werewolves.png (1885x729, 1.37M)

wasn't there that one seen when goku realizes he was the one who killed grandpa gohan and actually feels bad? did he ever even apologize to him like he said?

why is goku such a bad guy now?


Attached: 1552429173659.jpg (797x461, 65K)

Best OP don't @ me


Grandpa Gohan is probably the only person Goku has familial love for, rather than just seeing him as a buddy. I guess it's possible he met up with him off screen at some point.

Attached: o.png (361x879, 142K)

I come in peace. Honest question: why do you anons even care anymore?
I grew up with Dragon Ball and DBZ. To date, I think they are really excellent shounen. I'm happy with my memories and several hundred chapters/episodes of superb content.
Super is bad; incredibly bad. We all know it objectively sucks, and that it's a caricature of what the series used to be. Why do you bother with it?

Attached: bulmacalm.gif (500x372, 431K)


Attached: Dare I say.... OH NO NO NOOOO.jpg (1995x2011, 859K)

The movie adaptations were pretty lousy, but I thought the Champa arc was a lot of fun, and the Future Trunks arc had a strong villain. The Universal Survival Tournament was overlong and Jiren was a little dull, but the character moments for Vegeta, Kale, Caulifla, and Android 17 kept me entertained.

It's a pretty up-and-down show, I mostly just watched it because I'm in college, studying all the time, and occasionally needed a break to watch something fun.

Attached: thoughtful.jpg (440x450, 34K)

I like super though

Attached: D4UF0dZUUAAEBg7.jpg large.jpg (1174x958, 223K)

>Super is bad; incredibly bad. We all know it objectively sucks
Shut the fuck up retard. God nostalgia old shitters should just stick to raising their kids

uh huh uh huh, is anything remotely useful from your statement or are you going to say the same thing established over and over again?

>What went wrong?
American retardation , same faggots that like faulcommemer stuff

Virtually everyone does. Otherwise It wouldnt have been such a success that it even bred a movie. Theres always gonna be a loud minority made up of contrarians mongs and nostalgia retards.

I wish heroes on PC wasn't so expensive, I just wanted to play him.

Attached: IMG_5146.jpg (283x300, 22K)

>degenerate furfag is a poorfag
Like clockwork

It's a fun game, save up for a fun time!

Attached: Dyspo Pose.jpg (490x544, 30K)

I like super because it made goku in to a kissless retard I can make fun of.

Using exlamation marks is so fucking immature. Grow the fuck up retard

>he posts on 4chen
Grow the FUCK up retardo

Attached: 4ants gif.gif (300x150, 1.72M)

Attached: 1540380519507.png (500x500, 202K)

>I ain't a hero of cuckoldry or anything.... but those who don’t kiss my wife...

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Somebody hasn't played Heroes yet.

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I don't like Super, it's stupid and looks like the animators used their feet to draw most of the time, but some characters I love so much I have to watch it.
You should've come have a look at the threads while it was airing. I'm watching the dub of the last arc and I miss the shitfest and the memes so hard it's not even funny

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Out of curiosity, what gave you a rough start?

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Why is that Frieza so THICC?

....The clothes.

She's so small that If Broly gave her just one affectionate hug, it's enough to break her in two.

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For me, it's Akumo, the Father of Saiyans.

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Not him but I can undertands. Green hair SS Broly looks horrible, of course it wasn't designed by Tori

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Ningens are cancer. We godkins need to band together and proceed with the Ningen Zero Keikaku* (* - Keikaku means plan). These ningens need to be shown their place. And fuck you, I'm not going to make more tea.

the fucks a plan?

To go defeat Goku (a third time).

He might reward Broly, unlike Goku.

you mean to support Piccolo like how he support Gohan like a cuck he is and then you fags will beg to Dochads to

>gokeks still hiding behind doc

Reward with what?

Those Vegeta cells did work on Goku.

What are they doing?

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retard like his fans

If there were no rules, Goku would die to Tri-Beam not knowing it is too much for him.

Gokek cared for his surrogate parent and his midget pet which are earthlings so i don't get your point, he knows that soiyans are scums and some of them are obsessed with kindness which is a mental issue for saiyans, like autism and he did the right thing to welcome the saiyan genocide

>dies to Semi-Perfect Cell
>couldn't escape or survive the blast


good thing Tien saved Goku just before this

Somehow I doubt it.

Why is dubfaggotry even allowed on this board? Fuck off back to rebbit, underaged scum.

>She's gonna get a handful of Grandad's pickle

>best cuck
>didn't lay a single egg of his own even

Based Krillin fucking 18 everyday. Like all the other Human TeraChads, he has truly won life.

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AT forgot.

In my opinion, I find it likely that Cold's attempt at recruitment was purely deceptive and for the purpose of revenge. Cold made two main requests.
The second, allowing him to examine the sword, was not of out of admiration of it, but because he believed Freeza would not have been outmatched if it weren't present.
After acquiring what he thought was a special weapon, Cold could have asked to keep the sword, in exchange for the positions that were made vacant, or he could have attempted to retreat, so that he could spawn a replacement for Freeza, yet he attacked furiously, as he had been deeply wronged him somehow. And it certainly wasn't about his soldiers, whose deaths amused him.
His request for Trunks to join him could maybe have been for the opportunity to kill him while he sleeps, which he must know is something a Saiyan needs.

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>tea bitch fruit person doesn't know he is mortal too

>Support Pickle against Carrot
Better the Prince handle it alone. Doc only ever jobs to The MC. That might be enough to cancel out Vegeta's nemesis status.

Try to keep up.

>Doc only ever jobs to The MC

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Fighting over who will defeat Goku for a third win first. Chi-Chi being 2-1 against her husband. No ring-out to save him from rape this time.

>teamkills per Goku's orders

>Stabs people in the back and call it a win

Based Tien running a martial arts school and fucking Launch everyday.

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Im tired of being skinny, Iwanna be big like Tien or jiren halp

Shut the FUCK up

This and juice

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Steroids and genetics is the only way you'll get as ridiculously fuckhueg as a Dragon Ball character, let alone a monsterously thicc juicyboi like Jiren.

Looks like a doctor's office and Goku hates needles.


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legit answer, thanks

>doesn't recognize cunning
Stay free and cope, scrub.


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Doc also wanted to kill Gokek with this, so okay then 1-1 for Doc


Did somebody say swole? GET SOME

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>saiyans with gourmet cells


I wish I had magical steroid cells that made me stronger the more delicious food I ate.

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Pick one