Now that 20 years have passed and the dust has FINALLY settled, who was the best Love Hina?
Now that 20 years have passed and the dust has FINALLY settled, who was the best Love Hina?
Naru or Shinobu
Good joke.
Never read it but the one with only one ahoge looks like best girl
Naru or Kitsune.
Shiet the designs look just like 5toubun. Can anyone tell me who won and let is please be short hair bottom right girl
Nope. Center girl.
Naru. Also liked how she won halfway through and then moved on to couple stuff, sex and that kind of shenanigans
Motoko was always the best and actually nearly won in the story.
>Trad wife
>Knows self defense
>Will cook and clean for you
Absolutely perfect
>All these roachfags
What planet am I on?
Kaolla Su.
Narusegawa is the most boring character.
Shinobu or Mutsumi.
I'd beat each one of these whores to a bloody pulp.
Shit. fuck this shit.
Naru, and it's not even close. Her character is responsible for so many modern tropes.
Mutsumi or Kitsune
my best girl
This is Earth, I hope you come in peace, alien-sama.
>Wanting a retard for a wife
Need a change, Na-chan?
5toubun feels a lot like Love Hina actually. Including the fact that the protagonist met a girl when they were kids and now he doesn't know who she is.
>that one glasses ham boy with patrician taste.
Truly, Haruka is best girl. Seta fucked up bad.
Motoko's personality gets raped as the story goes because otherwise she's too obviously the best girl, it's kinda sad
Motoko and Mutsumi were the top tier choices.
Naru only gave Keitaro the light of day after he had transformed himself into her former crush
Motoko, Shinobu or Mutsumi if you can tolerate airheads. I couldn´t help to see Kaola only as a kid and Kitsune was a good person deep down but the gambling, booze, greed and her intent on cucking Haruka were too much. He wrote her basically as a parody of Osaka people.
Kaola´s and Motoko´s sisters were also great.
Love Hina made me hate the "first girl wins" trope in any subsequent harem because they are almost always either cunts, bland or have some sort of bullshit destiny bond with the mc and are vastly inferior compared to the other girls.
Kaolla Su
literally a princess
throws herself at you vagina first
dreams about your banana