If his job is solely traveling and going to new places, how does he go on vacation?

If his job is solely traveling and going to new places, how does he go on vacation?

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He who?

By working jobs





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by staying in a place for TWO weeks, I gather.


Kino is for impregnating

>tfw the author explained that he hid Kino's gender being a girl as a surprise for when her backstory is revealed and how it has nothing to do with gender politics
Makes me wonder why trannies still insist on the gender-neutral pronouns for her.

But it's a very cute girl!

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Wow volume 1 is finally translated outside of the official translation

Nah, all that motorcycle riding can't be good for the fetus.

>Makes me wonder why trannies still insist on the gender-neutral pronouns for her.
It doesn't help that whenever anyone talks to her about her gender she basically just say "i'm just Kino". Which I've always interpreted less as "I identify as having no gender" and more "I identify as an individual and do not give a shit about things like gender."

>It doesn't help that whenever anyone talks to her about her gender she basically just say "i'm just Kino". Which I've always interpreted less as "I identify as having no gender" and more "I identify as an individual and do not give a shit about things like gender."
It's less to do with gender and more to do with her wanting to be addressed by her new name/identity. Also the way she's addressed in most instances is generally rude and informal hence why she doesn't like being called in such a way. Comparatively, she doesn't get angry when someone correctly recognizes her as a girl.


Kino has some rockin' tits for a guy.

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she'd be raped if they know her gender

No, but more people would try. And that'd be a waste of ammo.

>Nah, all that motorcycle riding can't be good for the fetus.

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Is it gay to fuck a tomboy?


Not if you get pegged by her.

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I would kill to have Kino work my prostate and milk my useless dick.

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Stay at the inn and work at the glory hole.

nice gyno brah

>the 2010 version
what the fuck?!?!?!

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Damn that would be a good doujin

That'd be a good 2 week vacation.

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2010 version is directed by lain director so it's better

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I want to eat Kino's ass.


i want to sustain carnal contact with this handsome boy

where does kino get money for food and gasoline?
>inb4 pleasing old men

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Pleasing old women.

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what will kino do when she ran out of places to visit?

>you will never buy kino
> you will never fingerblast her until she squirts
>you will never tell her how the food she ate is making her ovulate
>you will never do the correct thing and give her the mating press while restraining her arms.

Anime-only fags who aren't aware that her sex was revealed in the very first volume of the book while anime adaptions liked to sit on it for several episodes. Some people still act like Kino being a girl is a major spoiler when it's been known since the start of the series.

Never watched it, but maybe they go home.

are you implying that the job doesn't require going to places you don't want to go to, and that there's nowhere else you'd rather travel to?


In all seriousness, she buys goods and trinkets from one country and sells them in another. She'd get along great with Lawrence and Holo.

Good grief, I've never seen the anime or read the manga and even I know this character's a girl

She gets free shit and sells it at other places, you mean. She'll take anything good if it's offered at a low price, and won't hesitate to jump at free lodging, food, etc. She was completely willing and tried her hardest to murder a child in exchange for a repair part for Hermes. Kino's the best.

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Didn't see new version yet so I don't know if they animated it, but there is one story in the novels where Kino kills shit-ton of people because they took Hermes away (and it was a shitty country to boot).

She absolutely needed the repair part though, don't make it sound like she was just doing it just so she could get it for free.

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Cute butt

This shitty bar has a vermin infestation.

They tried already. Didn´t end well.

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>tfw no free spirit sharp shooter bf
why live

The OP was purposely meant to irritate everyone

Settle down like her sensei.


>people still think Kino's gender is supposed to be a mystery at any point

>"Don't call me 'boy.' I'm not a boy. I'm Kino." Illustrating the point, Kino parted the lapels of her coat and set her hands on her slim hips, careful not to reveal the revolver strapped to her right thigh.

Japan can use gender neutral pronouns too so I'd be interested to know if they were used at any point in the Kino books. The US version uses she right off the bat.

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What is it about Kino that makes her irresistible o men?

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