So I just started this series and I'm 9 eps in.
When does it get good?
Hunter x Hunter
Jose Cruz
Benjamin Martin
Chimera Ant.
Ryder Allen
Watch the 1999 series instead and switch when it ends. The first arc is meh but 2011 is a straight adaptation while 99 manages to actually make it engaging.
Wyatt Wilson
Never. Watch based mob psycho
Cooper Rodriguez
Jaxon Richardson
Ep 19
Bentley Ramirez
Mob is better than this
Oliver Rivera
amazing how much better a little shading can make something look.
Juan Sanchez
Why have Hunter bait threads regained popularity?
Isaac Ward
Depends on your IQ.
140+: From the first episode.
120-139: Badge collecting part of te Hunter Exam.
100-119: Yorkshin.
80-99: Chimera Ants.
79 or less: Don't even bother.