Hunter x Hunter

So I just started this series and I'm 9 eps in.
When does it get good?

Attached: hunter_exam_arc.jpg (2000x1500, 1.27M)

Chimera Ant.

Watch the 1999 series instead and switch when it ends. The first arc is meh but 2011 is a straight adaptation while 99 manages to actually make it engaging.

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Never. Watch based mob psycho

Attached: Mob Psycho II.gif (600x800, 122K)

Ep 19

Mob is better than this

amazing how much better a little shading can make something look.

Why have Hunter bait threads regained popularity?

Depends on your IQ.
140+: From the first episode.
120-139: Badge collecting part of te Hunter Exam.
100-119: Yorkshin.
80-99: Chimera Ants.
79 or less: Don't even bother.