Why did Sayaka literally kill herself just to let the boy she like play a fucking violin and fuck her friend?
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dumb bitch
Stop being mean to Sayaka, she's a good girl and didn't deserve any of this.
She had an IQ of less than 50
So do you and I don't see you killing yourself
>I want violin-fag to be better
>Oh Noes! Violin-fag is better, but he isn't grateful to me for healing him even though I didn't and can't tell him!
Basically, she's an idiot. Why Kyouko likes her is a mystery.
if I kill myself do I become a fish
What did Sayaka do to those men on the train? Did she kill them?
Did you not watch the anime? Are you so stunted that you are incapable of sympathizing with something that's not (You)? The anime dedicated several episodes to her character and both she and other characters discussed her situation and why she acted the way she did. It can't be hard to understand her. Please apply yourself. It's an animated television series aimed at teens and young adults. You can do it.
What are you talking about? No one knew being a magical girl was pretty shitty. There's risking your life killing monsters in exchange for a wish, but that can be considered heroic. Sayaka thought she was doing good and being a magical girl would be worthwhile but it all backfired on her.
Kyoko likes Sayaka because she reminded her of herself. You get the sense Kyoko was antagonizing Sayaka and her reckless idealism out of anger and bitterness ("You give him your wish and then your life as well?"), then tried to actually reach out to her to no avail. But her experience with Sayaka ultimately rekindled some of Kyoko's former idealism and she ends up sacrificing herself for her.
Sayaka's a baka but she's more of an idiot filter than anything.
Homura did nothing wrong.
Being a magical girl is suffering.
Sayaka a bitch. A broken one.
There's no denying that Sayaka was a stupid, impulsive, overly-emotional teenage girl. What everyone overlooks, however, is that stupid, impulsive, overly-emotional teenage girls are all a part of Kyubey's plan. He says that this demographic was specifically chosen for having the potential for generating the most emotion and that's in part because they're guaranteed to make stupid decisions that backfire horribly in relation to how much power they have to abuse. Making them magical girls is like giving 14 year old girls nuclear weapons. Kyubey knew exactly what he was doing and Sayaka is just a victim of his autistic evil plans.
She wanted the d.
Sayaka should ram her entire sword of justice all the way up Homura's ass without lube
>everyone overlooks
Not everyone, just autists. The kind that treat anime like this as a fantasy scenario to show off how smart they think they are, like trying to come up with better wishes than the little girls in the story.
You can't honestly think Sayaka would be able to do that, user. Sayaka gets canonically penetrated on screen at every possible point in time except for the one she actually wants
When she first meets Kyoko, the silhouette fight, again by Kyoko later on, pic related in Rebellion; she just can't stop getting penetrated.
Just like Hitomi by Kyousuke, while Sayaka cries herself to sleep every night.
cuz she's so pure, innocent, and yes, kinda stupid
I wish we had more wholesome artists.
We need to clone tos2019.
Sayaka deserved everything that happened to her.
Prove me wrong.
Because she hated herself because her soul was put in a gem.
Sayaka > Mami > Madoka > Kyouko > H*mura
Sayaka > Homura > Kyouko > Madoka > Mami
Mami was the absolute worst and only bad girl.
Dumb homufag
>not best girl
Sayaka a cutie patootie
Magical Girl of the Day: Sayaka Miki
-Made a wish to heal Kyousuke's hand, someone she liked.
-Infamous for soon losing her shit when she found out she 'became a zombie' and did nothing as Hitomi confessed
-One of Madokami's Valkyrie in the movie I guess
-Can summon her Witch in Rebellion. A precursor to the Doppels in this game
-In the game it's implied she's actually pretty close to Kyousuke
-In the anime she has super healing. This is reflected in the game by making her a Tanky Knight. Literally
-Was not in the game for the first five month but when she entered the game she made her entry she saved Yachiyo and Iroha in Chapter 6 of the main story when they were out of Magical Power and fought Mami to a standstill
-Her entry also included a pity 4 Star pull on the 100th pull. This guarantees a 4 Star on the 100th pull. Sayaka saved the game.
-Gets along better with Homura in this timeline
-More emotionally stable when she found out the truth she thought about it, she cried with the support of Homura and Madoka and resolved to continue fighting.
-She meets and plays detective with Hinano Miyako
-Emiri helps her buy a present for Kyousuke and go to the top of Kamihama city
-Also meets and fights alongside Kokoro.
-Wears a paperbag
-Voiced by Eri Kitamura
-Drawn by Ume Aoki
>In the game it's implied she's actually pretty close to Kyousuke
The anime states they're childhood friends. He's not just some random douche like some people think.
Are you suffering or having fun?
My wife Sayaka is so cute.
She’s a girl.
Sayaka > Homura >>>> Mami >= Madoka >= Kyouko
Just a reminder that Homura did several things wrong
In the manga- Yes
In the anime- No
Kyoko > Homura > Sayaka = Madoka >>> Mami
I recall some spinoff work mentioning how Sayaka eventually became a wicchi in every timeline where she had become meguca. Does anyone remember where it's from? Some manga?
>What are you talking about? No one knew being a magical girl was pretty shitty
Homu did
It's very well done.
IIRC Gen, the creator did state this.
>Why did Sayaka literally kill herself just to let the boy she like play a fucking violin and fuck her friend?
To provide a narrative setting in which the idea that "self sacrifice for someone else's gain is not advisable" could be easily expressed.
She serves a symbol of how even true love can be broken when people act only in the function of ideals, and forget that they're ultimately human beings.
The above points are exposed repeatedly during the series, reaching peak repetition during her specific arc.
I hope this was an exhausive enough explaination, and that I've shed some light on your doubts, OP.
I just watched Rebellion and based on all the memes and discussion I thought there was going to be far more of a moral conflict but as far as I can tell the meme is true and Homura literally did nothing wrong. The whole ending bit where Homura becomes a demon and evil and is an antagonist to everyone felt totally forced because her new world is better for everyone in every way. The only possible problem was how she did it, since she did it by forcefully ripping away Madoka's power and wiping hers and Sayaka's memories, but there was no reason for that at all since they surely would have been okay with it if she had explained what she was doing. If instead of grabbing Madoka's power she had just been like " Ai yo hold up I can just change the world right now so that everyone is alive again and we can go back to living our normal lives and no one has to be a magical girl or suffer" I don't think anyone would have been like "Oh no Homura don't do that that sounds terrible." So it seems stupid to make a big deal over Homura forcefully recreating the world without explaining it to anyone when there was no need for her to do it that way in the first place.
Why did she get so butthurt about her real body being the soul gem? It’s really not that big of a deal.
The violin is gay anyway. Why are the Japs so obsessed with it?
>why she acted the way she did
aaand we are back to op questions retard
>Why did Sayaka literally kill herself
because she was in denial about her desire of being impregnated
not at prior, only tart knew
If you think it was forced, then you sorta missed that Nobody but herself and baka Sayaka ever considered her something like that. Now, granted, nobody else had a chance, but her whole "I guess I'm a demon now" thing is entirely of her own guilt and she says so herself. For her, Madoka truly is a god; she embodies all that is good in the world. The fact of the matter is that she did something that would be described as the actions of an akuma. She acknowledges this, but goes through with it anyway because she knows it's the only way. Even if Madoka "becomes her enemy" some day, it's worth it to Homura, just to give Madoka a chance at happiness. Also, it doesn't seem like Madoka can ever know. Such as with her nearly returning back to Madokami when she begins remembering. Instead, we get a repeat of one of the earliest scenes; Homura and Madoka in the sky bridge, with Homura telling Madoka not to be something she's not.
Sayaka is just sorta dumb and was acting on emotion and impulse. Homura had to wipe her because she knows full well how erratic Sayaka can be, hence why Homura showed dislike for Sayaka and Mami, who were often obstacles in her way for saving Madoka, and trusted Kyoko, who was far more reliable and level-headed. Even the tiniest chance of them disagreeing or fighting against it is unacceptable and considering all that happened to get an ending Homura can be happy with, it's fully understandable that she wouldn't want to hesitate, wouldn't want to jeopardize it in the slightest.
>Ai yo hold up
this, also
>the energy that QBs gather is the soul
>no one knew being a magical girl was pretty shitty
mami was all but telling sayaka and madoka this throughout the entirety of episodes 2 and 3
i would in fact say that every magical girl in this series knows being a magical girl is suffering
selfesteem issues
people still talking about muhdooka muhdumpa i see
Because she's a retard.
Should've just bought him a DAW and some good kontakt 5 string banks, dipshit could've still composed music, even if he couldn't play it himself.
Still, for an overall good end it felt pretty dark and depressing, didn't it? Why can't Homura just get over herself and enjoy that she finally achieved what she wanted all this time?
I feel like the morally ambiguous ending the movie *wanted* to have was one where Homura made a decision which undid Madoka's wish and made magical girls have to suffer again in exchange for Madoka being oblivious to it all. Then Homura would have an actual reason to feel guilty since there would have been a real cost to her giving in to her wish to see Madoka happy in that she would have betrayed Madoka's own ideals in order to force upon her the fate that she thought was best for her.
Instead the movie sort of wavers between a good end and a truly ambiguous ending and ends up in this awkward half-way point where it ends on a dark and conflicted tone but not really because it's all in Homura's head and there's no good reason for her to feel that way.
THat probably had more to do with Mami’s own issues than with the innate suffering that comes with being meguca.
Should any of us be surprised that the people who didn't understand this show and its characters sound like teenagers posting from their phones?
I bet you had to have Rebellion explained to you, too.