What does this have to do with mountain climbing?
Yama no Susume
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That can't be practical mountain wear.
>What does a video of a woman climbing K1 and K2 have to do with mountain climbing
Getting molested by an older woman is the perfect preparation for the rigors of mountain climbing.
K2 when?
S4 when?
It turns my dick into a mountain
Only Kokona can make me pitch a tent.
lesson in combating gravity
This is the ideal female bra size, you may not like it but this is what peak performance looks like
Nice plateaus, loser.
Time to fap
Can't you see those mountains being climed?
Too big.
I think I'm gonna make a peek performance to that
Gentle slopes
Cute boy.
Perfect size
If the hands can still slip underneath the bra, how is it tight enough for things to not move around?
kaede's mountains
She gave her that bra only to grope her. Don't be silly.
WOAH MAN! Stop tempting me to masturbate
>1 in 4 death rate
rip Aoi
Yeah scaling K1 and K2 is dangerous.
Girls can just ask other girls to let them grope in Japan.
How can someone that exercises so often be so fat?
Maybe she just eats a lot of sweets. Foods with high concentrations of carbohydrates actually disable your body's ability to convert body fat into energy temporarily. That's what causes "sugar crashes".
C cup!
When she wears one.
Wouldn't it be inconvenient to have tits that large? It must be hard for the back
Why did Hinata get even gayer in the third season?
I wish my future daughter would turn out like this 100%
Large mounds.
Why is she wearing socks with her climbing shoes? Absolutely disgraceful.
Yama no SusumeXYuru Camp when?
How would she squeeze the sock sweat and dirt in my mouth if she didn't wear any?
I felt cheated!
Why does only Kaede wear a bra? Haven't the susumes heard of nipple chafing?
not really
most women are just too lazy to exercise
Also the grade of tightness.
I'd love for her to do push-ups with me in her back hugging her
Aoi is so unsexy.
Aoi is so sexy. Especially in her pajama-dress thing. Whoever came up with this is a genius.
I'm going to have nightmares about those legs.
Look at how fucking sexy Kokona is, holy shit.
Did we ever find out what "that thing" was?
I don't get it, it is just an anime about normal girls doing normal things, so why the FUCK are they so EROTIC?
Competent anime staff.
A healthy layer of fat is helpful to protect and cushion the spine. She's just a little bit bear mode is all.
Somehow I read this as enlargement of clit. I think I'm going to bed.
It's called a nightgown, Zoomer-kun.
Kill yourself.
Underaged cunt, then.
No need to get defensive because you hadn't heard of nightgowns before, Zoomer-kun.
I know what a nightgown is, you little shit. I just want you to stop posting your forced memes on Yea Forums.
>I just want you to stop posting your forced memes on Yea Forums.
Which you don't achieve by giving them any attention, you dumbfuck.
Yes, let them be and they'll go away. It's worked so far.
Why don't these girls have boyfriends yet?
Aoi does.
That manwhore is everybody's boyfriend.
Can't believe they are selling kokona for 2200 yen
Hunger does that to people
I'd climb those hills.
> 2019
> be Yea Forums
> sees this webm
> genuinely confused about what this has to do with mountain climbing
Christ Yea Forums your virgin is showing.
I want to climb those mountains.
I didn't like how Aoi was the only one constantly dying. Even Kokona somehow has more stamina.
They all still young and unsexy.
I like it.
I don't. Other girls are never shown to have any trouble at all.
I did like how they failed to climb Fuji-san and had to cope with it. The show was pushing the "gambare, you can do if you try!" message really hard, so I didn't expect that.
You can still do it if you don't get discouraged and try another time. It's actually a very good point. That they failed to climb Fuji-san indicates that the show aspires to be about mountain climbing and not entirely about young girls.
>keep forgetting most of them are NOT middle schoolers
muh immersion
Mountain climbing is very interesting.
Jesus, damn.
Yknow sometimes the "hot girl grabs other girl's boobs" thing is hot but this was pretty uncomfortable to watch honestly
>bear panties
fucking seriously? i bet kokona uses string/laced panties
>that cleaning
Was the typesetter masturbating while typesetting? I can understand him though.
>C Cup
Is it enough for paizuri?
naizuri is better anyway
Why doesn't Aoi wear panties?
Hinata stole them.
>/laced panties
Too expensive for her.
Since when was this translated?
Since 8 months ago according to mangadex.
Where can I find the raws?
Normally I'm not into spoonfeeding, but when I found this link like a year ago it took me a while and was a pain in the ass to find.
Thank you so much. I've been looking for this for months.
Food reserves like a camels humps.
B is for BEST
>I'll never be Aoi
Oh no, not Muuma-chan!
who in their right mind would want to give them foot massages after all that sweaty climbing. Imagine the smell.
Tengus don't sweat
Yeah, I would be a shame to get your hands dirty. Better use your tongue.
Is this yuri?
It's yaoi.
>Hopes and dreams status: gone
It's hill climbing
Did she watched Toy Story or what?
Aoi was being dense again
How long until the japanese mountain tourism decides it needs more money and funds a season 4? I miss them.
no racism, not in this thread please. there's enough of it on Yea Forums
Go back.
we all have the right to masturbate to anime here.
>fingered gloves
I fucking love sukumizu so much.
Stupid sexy Aoi
what does a pair of mountains have to do with mountain climbing? Dude you need to learn how to climb those mountains.... educational AF
Cute food
At first I thought it's odd too, but then later episodes show that the other girls are already outdoorsy while aoi is the lone hikki
Hinata is from a mountain family, kokona already walks a lot because there's nothing at home etc
Is that some Lululemon tights?
>yfw S3 is just 6 episodes with 6 minutes each
But we already had S3
Can always have another.
What do you think this is? Danganronpa?
Shit, meant to quote
Maybe it is Danganronpa.
I swear to God this mother fucking nip artist... Not one nude not even a nipple. The fuck is his problem?
nips are evil
Precisely. That's why we can't show them.
There are many such accounts.
Climb any mountains recently?
I have no mountains to climb.
I'd do worse than Aoi.
I climbed up some rocks at a Civil War fort recently. Baby steps.
Are you high?
Aoi's cutest hairstyle!
Why is nobody seeding songs from the show?
Because I have a life and a gf that loves me.
How is this going to encourage me to climb?
It makes me pitch a tent, that's a start.
Why are elementary schoolers climbing mountains? Isn't that dangerous?
They're proper highschoolers, look at how grown-up they are
>fucked up hip that would bring me nothing but suffering
Doctors are fucking worthless. Only after half a year of seeing a Chiro am I finally able to go take long walks again relatively pain free, but even with a brief jog I can feel it start acting up. God knows what kind of hell a long climb would be.
Sexy Tengu
teaches kids how to hold those boulders
Who is this molester lady in white gloves and why does she wear them?
the mountain of life but I fell off
No mountains anywhere near here
Cute butt.
Ugly feet.
Why does it cut before the best part?
Is that their daughter?