How would you react to her staring at you like this Yea Forums?

How would you react to her staring at you like this Yea Forums?

Attached: Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta.png (621x402, 180K)

Other urls found in this thread:

By raping her.

She wouldn't see it coming.

Attached: 1555272681323.gif (240x182, 253K)

Headbutt her, she's clearly looking for a fight.

aah yes, now i remember why i don't come to Yea Forums anymore
if you have to be edgy try to be funny at the very least

Wave my cock in her face and ask her how many fingers I'm holding up

> "Is that your thumb?"

@You two
are fags and this is an excellent series

roastie gettin toastie

epic reddit meme
Yea Forums is not only edgyshit you cunt. go back

>@You two

Attached: Blind girl.png (750x622, 249K)

Is this really a whole romcom manga about a girl who is always squinting because she forgets her glasses? Feels like mangaka are running out of ideas.

Attached: daisuke_gc.png (449x551, 166K)

post tit

New chapter hints she might be leaving her glasses behind on purpose though

It turns out to be the same sort of thing as Haruhi, where you can turn any done-to-death boringass setting and make it good as long as you have good writing
since that's all anyone's there for anyway

Also the MC might have a foot fetish

Attached: K8.png (751x1080, 712K)

Attached: 1527545304259.jpg (275x183, 6K)

>it was like she was squinting at walking garbage

Which is cuter?

Attached: number one or two.png (415x157, 60K)

squint no question

It's only in one panel really but she mentions she hates her glasses. I'm guessing there's going to be some plot development down the road where she was either bullied because she wore glasses or maybe she feels like she's handicapped by her shitty vision and wants to be able to live a normal life without glasses
Or maybe it'll go Gal Cleaning and it'll turn out she has a traumatic past and was almost raped by delinquents while wearing her glasses and the only solace she found during it was that once they smashed her glasses she couldn't tell what was going on anymore

Kidnap her and bring her to an Opthalmologist and perform LASIK surgery so I can see her and her pseudo-boyfriend break up and enjoy their tears.

It was already explained; she was bullied by this boy who clearly have a crush on her on her childhood.


In this one the token chad sees the love interest he wants tohook a nigga up instead of NTR him

Attached: H16.png (752x1080, 526K)

I acutally meant to post the next page but fuck it, the context works better this way

Attached: H17.png (752x1080, 294K)


squint back at her. first one to break eye contact loses.

I'd put her to work.

Attached: you.png (1173x400, 406K)

Tell her to put on her glasses or contacts. Squinting like that all the time is bad for your eyes.

>because she forgets her glasses?

Attached: 1511875910747.jpg (354x680, 86K)

Sooo gonna show bobs or what?

Attached: 1544515515739.jpg (584x558, 54K)

Obviously you since she probably thinks she's staring at a coat rack

boobs or gtfo

>can I help you?


*snip* This goes into my reaction face compilation

Attached: mie.png (400x419, 46K)

Give her the ol Chaika face. Works on my imouto every time.

Attached: 1530229321706.png (920x868, 228K)

Attached: 20190502_021432.png (825x711, 565K)

Attached: mie2.png (400x400, 105K)

get her a pair of glasses

>acute eyesight vs a cute eyesight

Based MC. Why do I feel like blind girls tend to have cuter feet?

Because you can sniff their feet without them noticing

Makes a good reaction image

Attached: Anon what.jpg (459x595, 63K)

take a chill pill and relax :P
4channel doesn't need anymore flaming and firefights here xD. my names john whats urs? :D

Why she didn't try wearing contacts then?

I think she does at some point

Attached: U5.png (759x1080, 502K)

She does, but she's so horribly near-sighted that they don't help that much

She seems less near sighted and more legally blind

Do a faggot edit

>I rejected those answers. Instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible.

Attached: acute eyesight.png (175x156, 27K)

I wish. It's machine code.

That’s hot

honestly? fuck off cunt. go have (more) sex.

For some reason this is incredibly funny

It kind of looks like she has a unibrow


You can only put so many fetishes in one character

get horny

Blind girls are cute

Attached: Sukinako ga Megane wo Wasureta.png (246x260, 57K)

Blind girls are great.They can't see how ugly I am.