This is the cover

>this is the cover
How is Uran getting away with this?

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New chapter out?

The panty sniffing part is my fetish.

>chock-full of masturbation
But they're JCs

There's no bonus or anything in the tank in case anyone wonders. Not a single page. Not even in between chapters, sketches or whatever. Nothing.

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I wonder if he'll blame the 2020 Olympics

Those stupid Olympics are really a hard blow.

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I want to tickle JC tummy

When will they fuck like bunnies?

She's an awful protag and ruins the manga

Why do lolicons on Yea Forums like this manga so much? Seems more yuri than loli.

Withdrawal symptoms from MnR's ending

That scene was one of the hottest he has drawn in my opinion.

Those things are not mutually exclusive.

user this is uran, it's going to get lewd, lolis showerbaiting together foursomes

Uran's art is so freaking pleasing to the eyes.

God Bless Uran.

Uran knows all my fetishes, even the ones I don't know.

That midriff is Sachikong tier bappable.

Wait mujaki no rakuen ended? Who did he end up with? Did he go back to the future?

He didn't "end" with anyone, but he's still in love with whatsherface.
Yes and no(he and whatsherface went back to the past AGAIN), then the manga ended.

Yuri and loli is like milk and honey, it's a holy combination

The swimming pool won the Shoutabowl. Also there are like 10 extra chapters with scenarios brainstormed by fans, IIRC. Uran said he wanted to wrap up the series in the 12 volume due to the looming threat of the Lolimpics, but that there were no censorship issues during publication.

Made for baps

Why buy it then? Is it lewder than the magazine at least?

>this drawing is on the front cover
holy shit really?

It's not rare for tank releases to not have any extras, you buy it so you can read it. You can't expect everyone to keep up with the magazines, some people like to take their time and wait for tanks.

And what is wrong with that?

>some people like to take their time and wait for tanks.
I imagine the non-pirates also don't feel like paying for a multi-hundred-page magazine if they're only interested in one or two series there.

But /ll/ is great

New chapter is out.

I saw this ad in one of the Akihabara building elevators the other day. Not gonna lie, that sweaty tummy made me rock hard.

As a non lolicon, uran can't write worth shit.

Anime when?

yes and?

The other dancing lolis manga is cooler.

whats the name of this I cant find anything on it?

You have enough clues on this thread to figure it out. Just start with googling "Uran"

>"Private dance lessons"

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i'm retarded i just did and found it

You seem to be blind and/or retarded so why do you even care?

stop spoon-feeding, retard.

This faggot author baited me into thinking this would be like the other manga but fuck no
fuck him and his faggot ass

It pretty much got a non-ending, in case the author ever wanted to return to it (i.e. post-Olympics)

There's nothing wrong with liking yuri.

What is Ayano going to do to Shiika in the next chapter?

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I am expecting some kinky shit

If the hundreds of manga I've read over they ears are correct then they'll probably shower and/or take a bath together.
And knowing Ayano and her first reaction to Shiika, she'll probably touch her [redacted] and [redacted] her [redacted].

I love this manga.

It's so simple, yet so effective

I started reading this today and how the fuck is this allowed?
I hope it doesn't get canceled.

>chock full of dancing and masturbation

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The last chapter that was in additional volume was pretty good. Konomi won and both of them fell to the pool and traveled again to the chapter 1, retaining all memories.

>no new chapter for another month

How can it say "chock-full" of masturbation when there's only like two, maybe three.

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>sexy dancing JCs
You see that everywhere, not particularly intere--
>full of masturbation!
You got my interest now.

Do they dance while masturbating? This is important.

It’s been a good decade for /ll/ patricians