Great moments in anime memes today in Parliament
Great moments in anime memes today in Parliament
Other urls found in this thread:
end your life
>you're a bigot if you don't wanna fuck this
you have to go back
Europeans are NOT welcome here.
> muh persecution complex
Stop whining. Nobody who isn't a social media clown is going to force you to fuck anyone.
You have posted this already and you were purged
Oh fucking lord
What is this about?
>one of the first
On what scale of "one of the first" is being used here.
20 years? 30 years?
Hourou Musuko is literally an entire show about transexuality and it's now a full 8 years old, and it only gets a mention since it's the most overt.
He said you would be a bigot if you don't fuck it. Not hat you would be forced to.
>trannies are just people like you and me y'know
I'm scared
lolianon save us
>one of the first canon trans character in anime
I want to know the same thing. This thread keeps getting made and I don't even understand why the British parliament had the picture to begin with.
all I know is the old woman on the right was paging through memes and having a giggle
how is mutilating yourself not a mental illness but something you celebrate in burgerland?
how the fuck has this not been deleted
this thread needs more attention
You literally get arrested by the bongstoppo if you make fun of trannies in Londonstan.
Absolutely based and trannies btfo
Why the fuck do they think Lily is a boy? Never bothered going past the show.
the mods want us to look at the result of their gender reveal party
that would be transphobic, she is beautiful
Because lilly is a boy
I'm glad I'm antisocial, I don't want any part of this culture
clearly retard
somebody should get clawshrimpy in here to tell all of you disgusting people to be nice to trans lolis
>Delete this
>Thread is still up
reddit janny thinks this thread is acceptable
Janitor is up but mods are not.
janitors are the ones who delete posts, including threads, retard
They just delete another thread.
The janitor loves to keep this kind of shit up.
The UK deserves the 3rd nuke.
I wanna strangle pic related for fuck sake
also >>>bant
>being this new
aw shit
Absolutely fucking disgusting. Remember kids, trannies aren't of the sex they say they are.
go here when this one is done
Just doing my part to serve my board.
What's a TERF?
That one will probably die on its own anyways
Of course a tranny would have this on their computer. Day of the 41% when?
You know, people wouldn't post this shit, if it wasn't banned. But it is sooooo
> trans character in anime
> dies from shock when physical gender doesn't correlate to what he thinks he is.
He is part of the 41%. Lily just proves the Terfs point.
trans exclusionary radical feminist. basically trannies still have 'male privilege' and post wall cunts are scared because someone else is getting attention
same shit with intersecionality and 'white' feminism
cry more. You'll never be a cute anime girl.
Why are you replying to me
Trans-exclusionary radical feminist. It's the expected result when men pretending to be women start muscling actual women out of things like sports or gain access to "women only" organizations or places.
the more they fight each other the better
Well they certainly aren't wrong. Men will never be women no matter how badly some of them want it.
Doing gods work.
Just telling you facts.
Please mods dont let this place become Yea Forums 3.0
it's good men like you that remind me of what this board used to be
stay safe
>stay safe
They're drawings, user.
mods are dead
>Lemme guess: They're being toxic?
You mean /pol/ 2.0, right?
Just linking all the degenerate posts that need to be removed from this thread. Wasn't specifically replying to you.
Quit posting this. Also Lily is not a tranny
I think you're missing the point of those posts, newfriend.
I guess this is going to be the hot shitpost of the week
shitposters are usually quite persistent with these, just like with the Vic Mignona shitposting
WTF is happening?
What the Evo's Furry has done?
I feel like a blind in middle of gunfight.
Why would they leave the battery thing on the bed? This bothers me.
Trying to get the thread 404'd? Is there something wrong with this thread? Does Yea Forums only allow threads directly related to anime?
>says while posting in a garbage shitposting thread
just shitposting or retarded?
Isn't Lily technically a crossdresser?
the absolute state of crossboarders
>Does Yea Forums only allow threads directly related to anime?
Uh, yes?
>Is there something wrong with this thread?
I didn't finish watching Zombieland Saga but was there something especially SJW about the trap character. There's one in fucking half the shows in any given season
The intention from the very start is to be trans
Considering they have a biker and a prostitute as an idol, why not?
I didn't finish watching Otoboku but was there something especially SJW about the trap character. There's one in fucking half the shows in any given season
No he was just a shota who wanted to stay cute and not become a manly man like his dad. He acknowledges he's male and never once states he wants to be female.
let me guess, your home board is Yea Forums or /pol/
>The intention from the very start is to be trans
wait are you saying the intention of cross dressing is to be trans?
He's just a trap who didn't want to grow up. Trannyfags keep misrepresenting him.
Come on, a little bit of shitposting is what makes this site fun.
But anime in parliment is still about anime. Where else would it belong?
to Yea Forums? yes, somewhat, 6 months or so.
to chans? not even close
Just sick of everyone having a stick up their ass, unable to have a chuckle every now and then at some low quality shitposts. As far as I can tell, it isn't overly pervasive.
How ironic.
>one of the first
Infinite Ryvius had one back in 99 and that was hardly the first
kill yourself you fucking retard
There are three threads up about this right now you cock taster
official art call him a boy
>Come on, a little bit of shitposting is what makes this site fun.
>reports the based loliposter
Kill yourself.
That's how this place becomes another Yea Forums before you know it.
Get fucked.
fuck off with your ironic weeb meme bullshit.
This picture took away any doubts I had about the staff. They deserve ten times the shit they get.
>UK parliament
Literally just a irl shitpost forum
So now we're also getting shitty Twitter threads?
And it's been up for more than an hour already?
Just call this shitty board Yea Forums already and be done with it fucking hell
I want to. Lord knows I do.
Fair enough. Maybe hiromoot could implement a simple spam thread blocker. If there is another thread with a very similar image or content, it'll block the thread from being posted.
If that fails, maybe jannies could only let the original survive, and delete the others. Yeah that's a long shot though. Nothing will be done to actually fix this site, just a lot of bitching and whining.
> he thinks this board is superior to other boards
Never been to Yea Forums. But the majority of boards on this site are shit.