

Attached: 22.png (1624x656, 841K)

Petite girl with a fat ass >>>

Attached: mikan.jpg (6384x2268, 2.31M)

Whoever says Ara Ara and has big tits that will rape me.

Attached: wisdom from kyon on boobs.jpg (530x397, 67K)

I knew Yea Forums was full of bros. Hopefully the pedos don't spam multiple IPs

Attached: file.png (1025x573, 51K)

Why isn't there a middle option?
This is the ideal body type.

Attached: wallhaven-535707.png (3856x1744, 1.38M)

Pretty sure that's a 15 year old, I think the series finished while she was 20 or so.

>Pretty sure that's a 15 year old
What's your point?

Attached: hiyoko hair.png (566x700, 332K)

They already started

19 to be exact.

What’s wrong with this?

Attached: A661FAF9-8B93-4A18-9280-E9E1BE3C2708.jpg (850x828, 93K)

head too big
chest too flat

She's not sitting on my face

Attached: Jack.jpg (3195x4074, 1.37M)

Plump pls.

Attached: 1554851502928.png (1113x1400, 380K)

What if I like both?

Attached: Thinking Ren.jpg (800x682, 78K)

Small lolis with plump butts are the best

Attached: 60168344_p1.jpg (590x873, 506K)

Pedos on suicide watch

But I like both.

Absolutely and unironically based.

Shit taste as expected of american hours

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Attached: d54faa66d51e5b5a0e3f2d26ca9b181d.jpg (1280x720, 571K)

What's her character like?

Lovable country bumpkin

Attached: 292efeb8756b27fe87d384b88a04a8c8.jpg (1278x1439, 239K)

I prefer tall older women with small breasts

Good ratio, my brothers. Beat the lolis like Fubuki beat Tatsumaki.

You prefer men


Attached: 1556200694990.jpg (898x618, 495K)

Only legit complain

Forgot image

Attached: 489E7F1E-EF69-4165-AA4E-AEEF183EB39A.png (1129x1596, 1.4M)



Where is the plump loli option?

Since when strawpoll is thrustworty?

Why not both? I hate harems with same body types. Tachibana Omima's art is elder god tier, but all of the girls have the same body type.

This is a competition of Who can spam more IP.

Isn't that cheating?

Attached: my thoughts.jpg (1112x912, 357K)


Attached: F237e0j.png (1920x1080, 1.76M)

Based and icepilled

>Pretty sure that's a 15 year old

Attached: 1448902273844.jpg (900x308, 51K)