Begin watching for qt snek waifu

>begin watching for qt snek waifu
>get milky holmes 2.0

Attached: [DragsterPS] Dropkick on My Devil! S01E02 [1080p] [Japanese Audio] [Multi-Subs] [2688AB38].mkv_snaps (1920x1080, 293K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>nendo delayed for a month

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Dont give up hope!

Which dropkick would you marry?


Has anyone actually tried curry with mayonnaise?

>Medusa's nendo fucking never
why live?
After Gintama I tried everything with mayo and most of it it's really gud. Ramen, curry and tofu dishes specially.

>I tried everything with mayo

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Americans eat everything with mayo? I tought you guys only deep fried everything. The more you know I guess.

That's the scots.

sadly we haven't discovered how to deep fry your waifus thighs yet

This is bs. Fucking urine is behind this!

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Minos or Medusa

I just want to anally rape Pekola.

GOD I want to rape Yurine

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are you her profesor?


Minos, she is the best girl.

Why the fuck

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Because the snake is a cunt.

No she is cloaca.

She has cloaca, is cunt.

One is an all in one, one isn't. Stop posting dumb pekola.

You stop posting, you dumb Poopporn.

>from manga side character to very popular anime character to incredibly fun Vtuber
How does Pekora do it?

Attached: pekora bless.jpg (1920x1080, 191K)

Sure she is, but I love her nevertheless.

Perkele Satana confirmed.

Who gave you permission to speak?

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Post cute icy moles.

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Pls don't bully the hobo.

It's nothing like MIlky Holmes.

From your point of view.

From my point of view the angels are evil!

From my point of view Jashin is cute.

Minos is the only one without mental problems so she.

best girl

Attached: 1555324123899.webm (720x480, 1.95M)

Snek milk best milk. No one drinks nasty cow milk.

I'd drink Urine's milk.

everyone drinks tasty cow milk
only the lactose intolerant drink snek milk

How long will this thread last?

two weeks

Datenshi checked!

Attached: 2018-09-10 16_49_53-[HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 10 [1080p].mkv.jpg (456x760, 151K)

>snek pretends she doesnt care
>cuts an apple up cutely for Pergola

We’re lucky to get a good figure eventually at least

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She howls at the moon with the flipping beast of geravun tho

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I can see both sides.
They're both referential and obscene, but Milky Holmes has more jokes, absurdity, filth, and better set-ups and pay-offs. Jashin has more of a balanced mix of character-building and comedy I guess.

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I'm not good enough for her. I wish I wan't lazy.

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REmind me in 2 hours and six minutes

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True, we haven't suicided yet.

Fave episode?

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when Yurine is sick and snek takes care of her

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Mine's too. Also that one where Satan gives Jashin the leg potion for eating Poopmoron's halo, it was a cute ATM-Jashin episode.

You could start by doing small chores!

walmart dokuro chan

Pffft, put some effort next time.

Reminding (You)

Did those yakuza rape Evil God-chan?

inb4 blizzard

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Manga translations when?

>comparing this shit to Milky Holmes
Neck yourselves Dropkickfags.

Go eat sh-
Oh wait, you like Milky Holmes, so you must eat shit on daily basis!

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Go away IRC.

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I'm glad you found another show to enjoy.

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Hold the phone, is she just a human wearing a fake snake tail?

No, she's wearing fake human legs inside her tail.

Who did she vore?

Attached: [01].png (560x663, 300K)

Fake human legs, not real human legs.

no she is a demon wearing a fake snake tail

That doesn't seem like it would digest well.

it's just an outtake, her actress forgetting she is supposed to move as though both legs are one

>snek thread
obligatory post

Jashinchan is too pure! She is too good for this world!

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>step 1:
>cut a hole in the snek
>step 2...

This has been posted 100s of times but there's always some fag who is surprised.
Sometimes I think they're just pretending.

Attached: Snek cruelty.gif (800x422, 1.55M)

Jashin chan is a shit

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The anime was an abomination. Shame it didn't follow the manga.

I want to eat the snek

It skipped a lot but I hope they'll add it later.

>penetrating her cloaca

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Which part?


Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 02 [720p].mkv_snapshot_13.25_[2018.10.07_12.31.04].jpg (1280x720, 75K)

It actually made a wise choice in skipping the introductions so that we get to the good parts and interactions. Plus it tempts interested viewers to read the manga with a non-adapted beginning for new impressions.

I going to learn Japanese now to understand the YouTube shows.

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I love Jashin's VA. She seems like a genuine autistic girl.


It’s Mari from LL Sunshine. So yeah you are pretty spot on.


Medusa is best wife.

This looks cute. Just queued up the BD release from Dmonhiro. What should I expect?

Expect a dick in your ass.

waifu does not mean anime girl.

ya-yamete kudasai!!!!!

are you atching the jashin-channel series with Yurine and Pekora?

No you

Attached: D5eqJX-UEAAXfCt.jpg (1000x707, 101K)

Of course! Been shilling it since forever.

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what a dumb snake

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you cant

What did he mean by this?

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you cant learn japanese

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Yeah, nah.

>get milky holmes 2.0
Picked up.

Quick, to the Pekoramobile!

Attached: pekora drift.jpg (2048x1536, 645K)

whoever owns that car is based

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Damn worthless snake can’t tell me what to do.

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Into the crusher it goes.

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Go shit yourself again.

But what exactly was Killing Bites?

I don’t know what you’re talking about. Pekolabaka

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Attached: pekora disgusted.png (1280x720, 559K)

>yfw you grow an asshole after you lose your halo

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What the Hell is "Meat Saves the Earth." The dove with a knife and fork is hilarious.

I wanna fug the cow

I really want one of those meat pieces. Like damn, where can I buy one of those?

100% BEEF

Me want Pekora nendo.


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No because I cannot understand Japanese

Cutest moo

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Who's the slut on the left of Pekola?

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Another angel


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But why she dresses like a whore?

what did she mean by this?

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Is minos going on an angel halo rampage?

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Pekora is Sabato

Picked up just because of that description.

All I need is trash-kun and it's like we never left 2013.

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Licking Pekora's angelic anus

>Picked up
You fool.

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Don't forget to buy 10 copies of the BDs like everyone else.

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>Being a buyfag
I didn't buy Fractale nor Lotte no Omocha.

Fucking smug ass bitch, I hope yurine kicks your abdomen a million times until you spew blood and chop off your limbs

Where thefuck are the Jashin-chan doujins, Japan?

There was a meeting and it has been decided to not lewd the snek.

Attached: league-of-snek.jpg (1323x814, 271K)

God I wish that were me.

I know one of you is in this crowd.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Jashin-chan Dropkick - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_15.46_[2018.09.11_19.31.23].jpg (1280x720, 239K)

Same tbqh

What is the original's job?

Drinking Yurine's urine

Her job is being the low end of the bell curve. That and being lazy, gambling, and watching TV.

Attached: Lozer.jpg (1080x1080, 78K)

>Pekola's last meal was days ago

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I want to adopt Pekora and buy her lot of food

My angel Pekora

I bet it was bread crust too.

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She was in the beach episode? How come I don't remember that?

I love the gags where she screws up pekola's meal over and over again. Its such a great recurring gag.

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I have eaten week old unrefrigerated sushi before and I didn't get sick which probably speaks more of the quality of the place I got it from, but the point is if I were a dirty hobo like Pekola I would have eaten the sushi that Jashin brought over for her off the ground

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I love that they drew Pekola in a school swimsuit just because it was cute, the studio who worked on Jashin-chan really just got the source material

What kind of dog is that?

The kind of dog you're allowed to rape in the ass.

>raping Pekora
she'd be yours for a loaf of bread

New Jashin-channel with Yurine and Pekora

looks like it's the 5th and last for this week


Minos on Monday


She’s probably going to start the apocalypse when she get backs to heaven

I did. I even had it on some katsu curry to be authentic to the anime.

It was really good. Sasuga Urine!

What was this reference?

I want to go to a metal concert with Jashin-Chan

Attached: MetalSnek.gif (818x460, 435K)

Wait a fucking second they were at Niku Fes today? Goddammit, I was going to go but I didn't.

Its an event happening in Tokyo right now. Just a big area with vendors selling food/meat.