You ready for AOTY in 10 days?
Miru Tights
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I am ready.
Vinland Saga coming out in 10 days? Fuck yeah
Hype, ready to bust some fat nuts
Which major foot artist should get a manga/anime next?
I think Naturalton would be nice
Is this from the same guy as that show with the girls who make a disgusted face and show your their underwear?
People like you are why anime is trash
That's a different guy, but I can sort of see the mistaken identity.
Dully noted, samefag
So what's the plot? Do we know now?
It looks kinda bad, like they just tried replicating the original art's good parts but as usual take shortcuts anime usually does, so it just looks like a mess.
why do you care?
That's a pretty shitty looking foot. It has no texture, it's just flat as it can be.
oh yeah
looks dangerous
It'll affect my enjoyment of everything else. What if we get some shitty self insert male protagonist?
Incoming anime kino
The three girls have been friends for years and to the average onlooker they look like normal high school students.
What no one knows is that they murdered a man a year ago. Blue haired girl was walking back to her house when suddenly she was assaulted by a hobo who tried to rape her. Her friends came to her rescue and in the middle of the fight they stabbed the hobo to death. Scared, they dumped the body and decided to keep silent.
Now they live under constant paranoia and the series depicts how the guilt is slowly eating their sanity and affecting their interactions with their family, teachers and classmates.
then he can wear tights too
I wish footfags would fucking leave pantyhose/thigh/leg fetish alone.
This is literal perfect right here.
You can only take one - whose gift do you accept?
They look almost exactly the same so I need to know them first.
>he can't tell their personality right away from how they look
The right is clearly the superior one.
They're fucking clones my dude.
The teacher?
What a way to start the new era
There's a sensei too? Or is this just OC?
a quick rundown?
i'm tired of fucking memekasa
at least it's better than grating
You fap to it
Oh yes
nuke this thread
Footchads own this board
And that is a good thing.
10 days? I knew there's still something to live for
Blessed thread
Will smell play a factor?
premium Yomu content:
was the hobo wearing tights?
lots of familiar tights pix
Very nice heels too.
motherlode of awesomeness
It's amazing how his art quality improved dramatically in 2016 when he decided to focus on girls in tights.
It's like finding an artistic muse.
>literally so good she gets art exhibits
I don't even know what form of power this is.
>focus on feet rather than thighs
What a disappointment.
>Art exhibits
Jokes on you I'm all of the above
>Like tights
>Hate feet
I don't really know how to feel
They were a long time ago, but here's one.
That feeling you are feeling is called the gays
I was expecting the same desu
it's the worst. unfortunately a lot of fetishes have overlap with other similar ones.
there's an autist that loves to freak out in /e/ threads over the specific definitions of fetishes.
>Love pantyhose, lingerie and stockings etc
>Have to share my fetish with footfetishists
>browsing Yea Forums
Yomu is a god and I'm glad he is getting the attention he deserves. I hope he wins a billion dollars in the lottery and keeps drawing forever, inspiring pantyhose fetishists everywhere.
>having a tights/pantyhose/stocking fetish without liking feet
Just imagine being this autistic.
I just like skintight stuff. Footfags are an evolutionary dead end.
How is not having a feet fetish autistic now?
It's like saying you like bras but not the actual tits that fill them in, or that you like tits but not their nipples. Just sounds inane and retarded to me.
This is an anime made by the creators of evangelion and cowboy bebop, a true masterpiece that will be talked upon for years to come, this is truly the best time to be alive.
>liking foot condoms
... you do know a lot of people don't care about nipples, right? Which is why inverted nipples and pasties are big fetishes too.
I think you haven't realized you are a weirdo. Not the least because pantyhose also covers the butt, thighs, hips and mons so focusing on feet only is weird.
I like legs and I like pantyhose. Adds up if you ask me.
Feet are one of the most important parts in a woman. If a girl is a qt in every other regard but her feet are not taken care of, it just ruins the entire image. You can't dispute this.
Can't wait, As a foot lover myself it's one of the most exciting things this year.
I always look forward to his art on twatter.
No one in average likes ugly anything. By that logic everyone is an anythingfag.
who knew we had so many patricians on this board
This. Liking pantyhose and legs and not liking feet is fuckin stupid.
our time has come, tightsbros...
pantyhose are hamburgers and feet are the pickle.
no-one likes pickles on burgers.
What kind of pussy ass bitch doesn't like pickles?
Speak for yourself degenerate.
I like feet. And I like pickles on my hamburger.
My body is ready.
Your mom sure as hell likes mine.
What the fuck, that's the best topping on a burger. You probably meant tomatoes. Understandable mistake.
perfection checked
You're not alone my brother. It's a hard life we have been born into. Feetfags will almost always swarm and overrun tight threads, but there is a light, and we can be saved by out good friends the thighbros.
What's the most highly detailed taitsu picture you've seen?
Not a fan of this guys art, too hyperrealistic.
There's no need to shout you shit taste to the whole world guys
i followed the artist creator in twitter a while, i'm kinda excited
Tomatoes aren't shit, it's the fault of minimum wage dropouts for putting that next to the bread and making the buns soggy, when they should really put something in between the bread and tomato.
Nah. Pantyhose would be the bun and feet would be the cheese.
TFW love feet, but don't like femdom, don't want them on my face, don't want to lick them or smell them, just want cute, smooth and soft, clean feet and maybe massage them at my most extreme
Also on the topic of pantyhose, those slightly darker bars around thighs are godly
literally first thing everyone does at burger joints is open the burger and toss away the pickle.
or you order yours without pickles so you get a fresh burger
this is a vegan message board and tights are a vegan fetish.
politely take your newfaggotry elsewhere.
Only degenerates toss the pickles away.
Pickles are delicious when fresh and cold. I don't know about fresh but they sure aren't cold in a hot burger and warm/hot pickles are rubbish.
om nom nom
Ugly freaks
Posts like you is why people is trash
who ever doesnt like feet is gay
Thank god anime isn't based off Japanese.
They aren't even humans.
autism: The post
3DPD is not Yea Forums, fuck off crossboarder scum
Why are pantyhose sexier than bare legs, Yea Forums?
Left or right?
Damn, how much makeup do they have on
And how horribly ugly must they be if this is how they look like after slapping all that on
I've been ready since I first stumbled upon Yomu's shit and busted one nut after the other for the next few hours straight.
left's eyes are weird, a bit too high
>far right
I adore legs and pantyhose/stocking/High heels but really don't care about feet at all. It's painful.
>tfw Japan schools dont have sensei like this
why doesnt the glasses have lenses?
are they the same irl girl? their noses look close enough
Pickles are standard for a burger and everyone loves them you uncultured swine. If anything the most common thing people take off is probably the onions. I love the onions myself though.
Everything but the tomatoes belong. And add jalapenos.
Not sure
gays not welcome
Yomu is the greatest artist who ever lived. Generations from now, art students will look back on our time as the time when the allure of pantyhose and tights was perfectly captured in digital art. His anime will also singlehandedly save the medium, ushering in a new era of well-drawn legs and thighs. All hail yomu!!