>Makes an alarm clock that lets you wake up with rikka and akane
Based Amemiya
>Makes an alarm clock that lets you wake up with rikka and akane
Based Amemiya
She killed millions.
Is trigger animation always this near-motionless except for the 3 seconds per episode when they put in the effort? I'm watching this show and it's the first trigger show I didn't drop.
No, quite the opposite. But apparently you watched other stuff so shouldn't you know?
>near motionless
I bet you can't find me a single scene to prove that.
Animation quality isn't a high priority for me, so not remembering didn't really tell me much. Gridman is so bad I can't ignore it easily though.
Fucking opening sequence with Akane, nerd.
Gridman's style is basically Evangelion taken to the extreme. The Kaiju battles go even more far in emulating the tokusatsu that inspired Anno with Ultraman, just like the drama/SoL scenes take his contemplative, atmospheric direction and sound design and make them even more dense and overwhelming. The first 2 episodes, directed by Amemiya himself, are the ones that go the most far in this direction, the rest is somewhat more conventional.
Interesting. I like the shot composition a lot, so I'm surprised I didn't notice the change of directors for the third episode. There again, the tone of that is different from the first two.
>Asking for scenes, answers with shots
>there are 5 cuts with akane
> cut1 Is a still, but has zoom
> cut2 is fully animated with 3 different fully animated layers, and a moving background
>cut3 Akane is a still but the background and forground around her parralaxes
>cut4 Fully animated Several layers of motion very. Almost everything aninmated on 1s and 2s
>cut5 Is Fully animated 12frames in less than a second
Are you just acting like an idiot or are you really that dumb.
Well, episode 9 is its own beast and was directly inspired by a famous Ultraman director that does episodes with a psychological edge.
I noticed a couple of Ultraman Nexus references, but what is the name of the director?
Even the original Gridman had a dream episode anyway.
Well, rewatching it directly:
First cut is a still
Second cut is a still
Third cut is a still
Fourth cut is some of the shoddiest animation you're going to see outside of literal trainwrecks like Hazuki's showwhich I'm surprised there isn't a thread for atm
Fifth cut is a 15 second still for until Akane straightens slightly over about 4 animation frames
Sixth cut actually has some animation in the form of the shimmering light in the sky
Seventh cut is a still until she blinks once
Eighth cut is the light scattering, and we are now one minute in
So yeah basically you're a big retard, kill yourself any time.
Sorry Pleya
I can't cure retardation
>asked to show scenes refers to cuts
>Shows the cuts are moving and starts talking about other cuts
> Doesn't count light animation or literally anything
If you don't understand animation, don't open your mouth. It makes you look dumber than you already behave.
Oh fuck, a Borr doujin.
Too bad the author missed the fact that he is a boy.
wait what
stop lying borr is a girl
He's a dude bro.
marriage ova when bros?
He fell for it,and now it's a genderbend H
Only if you get the alarm and merch
Gotta fund that OVA.
When Yuuta is ready.
It must suck knowing you fail at literally everything in your life. So you have to delude yourself into thinking you "trigger" people. And yes, you are literally the only person who tries to "troll" like this. You didn't start any "epic memes" or "shipping wars". People tell you to stop trying to shit up threads on purpose. That doesn't mean they are "triggered" by the "shipping" you are posting.
The only one with autism here is you, Austin. It's basically your name. You literally can't even function enough to talk to people. All you can do is try to attack them in order to cope with your own shit life.
Not this fucking idiot again...
Three more posts by you, Austin. Seriously, how do you not feel pathetic for acting this way and putting so much effort into literally failing and ruining your own life?
It's hilarious how you actually believe anyone at all will not think you're the problem.
het spammers like you have brain damage
>gets told to stop intentionally trying to ruin threads
>durrr lol xddd ur trigger by me shipping lol i epic troll!
This is literally exactly what goes through Austin's head.
I am not Austin, please kill yourself.
What's wrong with being hetero????
Stop insulting Rikka's desires for cock
this looks to be official artwork right?
>het spam
>1 min appart
Are you implying being a tranny is normal? If you don't like hetero just go to /u/ , please
Don't respond to you know who.
Report when needed, Ignore otherwise.
Yes it's official
It is
Why should anyone at all believe it's not you, Austin. Literally no one else acts like you. Why would any else act like you?
You are literally consumed with ruining these threads on purpose.
This is you replying to your own post again. Because you are that insane.
Looks like you have your pass and a proxy up and ready today, Austin. Because you are just spamming posts in sets of three.
t. raging incels
You just replied to your own post twice.
The fucking irony is that image was drawn a person who didn't even finish the series, as they said on their own twitter. Not that matters to you. All you care about is that someone replies to you and calls you retarded so you can pretend you're "triggering" them.
I believe in LGBT rights!
Yuta is so lucky
>Posts a cut
Not arguing animation with someone who doesn't know the difference between a cut and a scene.
LMAO no. This is the official art.
Five more posts by you, Austin. And you literally can't write anything more than a couple letters because you are CONSUMED with the idea that "more posts = more people".
het incels should be castrated
Yes girls hold hands sometimes. Why does it need to be pointed out? Is this for people like you who've never seen a woman irl???
Yuri shit
this. triggerniggers have polluted this board for far too long
>xdd lol if i type with ??? i makes me look liek som1 new!
Is like you've never seen promo for anime
And another three posts by you, Austin.
Seriously, what went so wrong with your life?
You will never be a real girl
>het incel damage controlling
>official artwork
>child bearing thunder thighs take up a third of the focus
>mocking me meens im rite bout wut i say!
Isn't that what YOU and your tranny friends want tho?
so what was the deal with gridman threads again
If you don't have any arguments, yes they are right.
>hetnigger is fuming
aw this too good
You will never ever be cute or female
Trannies ruining everything as usual, nothing new here.
Seek help, Austin. Really, just do it.
There is a single insane shitposter who consumed with trying to pretend he's an "epic troll" and "triggers" people. He's trying to cope with the fact that when his tripcode got banned everyone mocked and laughed at him, and he literally cried about having no friends. Since then he's been trying to get "revenge" and he does that by attacking people and ruining threads. The "tool" he uses to ruin threads is "shipping" because that's for some reason what his life revolves around.
This insane deluded yuri hater likes to shit them up.
Four more posts by you. And you're not making an argument. All you're doing is spamming short garbage posts to try and ruin threads on purpose.
All he did was post an image. I don't see anything wrong with doing that in an imageboard. If someone gets mad at it, then it's their own fucking fault.
>i- if i keep saying the word "tranny" over and over i look epic and cool!
You literally admit you're trying to ruin threads on purpose, Austin.
Why do you think anyone at all can't see you're the problem here?
Yuri is the purest form of love.
Class is about to start sensei. Why are you wasting time here?
No. That is your post, Austin. And as always, you are never making anyone mad. People telling you to stop trying to shit up threads on purpose does not mean they are mad or upset at the image in your post.
You have spammed that same garbage literally hundreds of times. And of course, it's low quality off topic garbage.
Lurk moar. It's been relentlessly spammed whenever people discuss the subtle yuri elements of the show or ship akane and rikka
Hot Take
Fact: without Rikka and Akane gridman will definitely flop
Fact: all other characters besides Rikka and Akane were irrelevant, and you can literally remove them, and nothing will change whatsoever
Fact: people already forget the lame toku, but they will always still remember Rikka and Akane
Fact: Gridman sold well IN SPITE the fact that it was a toku anime
Fact: Toku was fucking garbage
Wow, they really try their hardest to make Yuta hard so he can pound them both all night long
>needs yuri fanfics because nothing fucking happened in the show
BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH this is too funny
I honestly do wonder what went so wrong with your life that you now have to be consumed with trying to shitpost and spam on Yea Forums.
Why should anyone fucking believe you, Austin. Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Seek medical help, Austin.
Subtle? But there's NOTHING that implies they're lesbians. If anything both of them like Yuuta, now that is heavily implied.
As official as it gets!
Ah yes remove Gridman himself and nothing will change from the show huh? Are you fucking stupid? Did you even fucking watch the show? You do know Japan loves toku right?
Why are you so retarded and mentally ill, Austin. I genuinely don't understand why your life revolves around "shipping".
Do you have a single fact to back your claim that I’m Austin up?
Only his schizophrenia
It's so funny how you have to reply to your own posts because you know literally no one at all agrees with you.
Yeah, the fact is that LITERALLY no one else at all acts like you. So anyone who does act like you must be you. It's that simple. Maybe if you were from the start and 10 years didn't go by before you found this site you wouldn't stand out so much.
Only Rikka can handle Yuta's big black cock.
fuck off manlet
This is one of your many tells, Austin.
>it's "schizo" to claim that i am Austin
>it's perfectly fine and sane for me to claim everyone who tells me to stop shitposting is the same peson
No one else thinks like you.
Why will you never address that you are not "triggering" anyone? Of right, because admitting you fail will mean you killing yourself.
You are going to reply to your own post, again, and as always pretend that someone other than you thinks "ack" is real.
yuta is gay lmao
He was, but Rikka's thighs cured him
Literally who?
Japan, trigger their investor and pretty much everyone and their mother only care about RIkka and Akane
damn. i love to self insert as yuuta and just imagine Utsumi's juicly lips around my fat cock
>Japan love toku
Nice meme, toku is dying and the new ultraman movie and anime flopped hard
Get fucked
homosexuality cant be and shouldn't be "cured". yuta wants to be deep inside his boyfriend
Quads confirm. Yuriman is just boring nostalgiabait trash.
I bet that's because they're watching American toku like Marvel shit now.
>posts this in every gridman thread
Here's your pity (you)
>leave for 20 minutes
>thread has 100 more posts
>Oh, of fucking course.
>Austin gets mocked and shit on constantly
>actual sites like ED and LM talk about him
>he gets super mad and upset
>makes a kiwifarm thread himself and then spams it to try and pretend it's proof of something
Laughing at your life.
Tokufags are annoying as fuck
Of Yuuta's spermatozoïdes
There are at least 8 different Gridman action figures, man.
>hetnigger got deleted
People are responding to the special kid.
It happens every grimdan thread.
It's obnoxious, but it bumps the threads and he gets banned after a while and we all have a good time
It's like japan only care about cute girls huh?
Shocking i know
Just a reminder that this deranged yurinigger got banned from cripplechan’s /u/
Why is every Gridman thread like this?
>please!!! im begging you!!!! get triggered by my posts!!!
It's literally just you, Austin. You are the only one who does this.
And the "special" one is you. Look at how you literally can't even talk like a normal person.
Oh no no no, how can /m/ and /toku/ general ever recover?
brb preparing a camera to record their suicide
hetniggers are insane
I blame Mummy12
I still laugh when I read those chatlogs. My God.
See Reminder that you're the only deranged one here, and that literally everyone can't stand you. It's even more funny because "cripplechan /u/" has like 4 posters total. Including you.
he also got banned from desuarchive
>makes a kiwifarm thread himself and then spams it
So its true you believe the entire forum is run by sockpuppet accounts?
You mean that chat logs that in no way do you any favors, and make you look even worse than you already do?
Oh and of course, you are replying to your own pots.
>xddd lol if i hyper bole that makes u look wrong lol xdd
No. You spamming and samefagging in small amounts is nothing hard.
No, someone made the thread about him, and then he crashed it with no survivors.
Based hetfag
No, you made that thread. And you are replying to your own post, again.
Is ACK worse than Lee?
Based hot take poster
Must suck having to constantly reply to your own posts like this. You really are one sad low life.
25 ippies, Sasuga
And yet another two posts by you, Austin. Really, what went so wrong with your life.
Oh, and as always. You not only can't even prove "ack" is real. You can't even name a single thing "he" does wrong.
>xdd durrr last word i epic troll lol
All according to keikaku
Fuck off with your imaginary boogeyman.
And at least 13 of them are Austin changing his IP.
Feel free to stop replying to your own posts.
Can someone please edit Yuta face on it?
Newfag fucking confirmed. Any avid anime watcher KNOWS girls always sell the most hence why they have the most figures. Lurk more you faggot.
Check it out ACK they think you dead.
And look what got posted
Fuck off with your sockpuppet triggernigger.
so pure
And look at this. They are using your name Sean.
Gridman and AW figures were topping Amazon while the show was airing
Your imaginary boogeyman doesn't exist.
Barneyfag isn’t real?
Yes he is
Laughing at you Sean. Laughing.
Rikaa onee-chan
seethe same het tard always gets triggered by people shipping characters with actual chemistry.
The bottom of the foot is so aesthetic and pleasing to see.
I'm not a footfag.
damn rikka looks fine as fuck, akane is one lucky girl
To be quite honest I don't even watc this show or care about the ships I am here to attack.
Conspiracy time.
Ak*mi and ACK are the same person, false flag shitposting into oblivion. When he's describing the infamous shitposter, everything he says applies to himself.
toku garbage aside this was really good. i hope trigger do more yuri from now on
Not very good thread.
>I'm not a footfag.
from the looks of promare it seems they're more interested in Yaoi
ikr. hetshitters need the bullet
No it's not lol
Ak@ami was a actual tripfag who used to post in Madoka threads. Unless our friend was replying to his own baits.
here goes the succ!
cute and canon.
Lucky Yuuta.
lmao she belongs to akane only
I'll do it if you life stream yourself jumping off a bridge. With a go-cam and everything.
Hey, Austin. Check out all the ten years worth of posts that existed on this site before you got here, and how they prove you're literally the only person who acts like this.
>can only reply to his own posts with one word responses because he's rushing so much to make posts
Sad. Just imagine how fucked up your life has to be to act this way. No, really, just imagine it. What do you think went wrong with Austin's life that fucked him up this badly?
And no, Austin. No one will ever believe you that "ack" is actually you. Because everyone can see the years worth of posts on this site before you got here, and how people have always told off shitposters like you.
I really don’t understand why yuriniggers aren’t banished to their containment board like the horsefuckers
I really don't understand how "shipping" has literally consumed (and destroyed) your life.
I just see it as a fascinating part of the human body.
So many lines and curves, as well as the intricate bone structure, makes for something that's almost a work of art.
So uh you going to go to /u/ or not to go tell your enemy off?
Everything is in the sticky on 8/u/.
OP here
I just found an alarm clock app commercial about Gridman and thought it was wild and interesting advertizing from gridmans end
kinda wish the threads of gridman won't devolve into crazy this quick but whatcha gonna do.
kek nice meme. she's lusting after Akane and couldn't care less abut a manlet like Yuuta
Not all yurifags are mentally ill
Well a lot of them seem to be mentally ill
fuck off already you insane hetnigger
Yeah only 99% of them are ill
>that smug look on akane's face
imagine all the lewd things she's thinking of doing with her to be wife
You are no one's "enemy", Austin. Why do you keep using this word? No one thinks of you as anything but a pile of garbage.
Well I know what I'm doing when I get home.
i know right? she looks ready to absolutely demolish Riikka's pussy
Why do you reply to your own posts so much?
You can check the screencaps in the archived threads.
That was my crowning achievement. I sent our friend to 8/u/ and it turned out excellently.
I did Australia proud. I had so much fun last year.
You are replying to your own post here. Twice actually. Because you are desperate to think you're an "epic troll".
How did you manage that? I'll have Vegemite in your honor.
ACK went to the /u/ thread. I am fucking laughing. I have fucking missed this feeling so much.
What a NAUGHTY girl! ~kyaa
No it's not lol, why are you lying on interney? what a fucking loser lol
I love how you literally BEG people to think you're more than one person.
It's funny, because you've literally never once given a single reason why anyone should believe it's not just all you doing this.
>xdd if i say i missed it that will make it look liek im not the only person who ever does this lol xdd
No, you're brain dead.
Your """"""""""""""ACK"""""""""""""" boogeyman doesn't exist you deranged crack sympathiser.
>xd lol if i hyperbole and pretend that what you do is call everyone a samefag that will make it look like your claims im samefagging r wrong!
seethe and cope
Why would I be mad that you have literally destroyed your own life?
It was actually pretty easy.
I was chatting him up on archive.loveisover and I posted EliUmi over there as bait and linked him to it. He took it hook, line and sinker.
What I did not expect was how well or horribly it would turn out. I expected them to ban him on sight but nope they entertained his bullshit for far too long while I got banned with reason being 'pedo' as though they assumed I was the original.
Yuuta doesn't need sluts like akane and rikka. he's getting all his sexual needs fulfilled by utsumi and his daddy.
You have a webm of them walking to Akane's house?
Why would I be mad you're so pathetic you have to reply to your own posts?
/qa/, I mean
Three more posts by you, Austin. This is how fucked up your life is. That this is literally all you have.
And you never "bait" anyone. You have to trick people in order to bait them. Which you can't do because you're so retarded.
I love how you only make it more and more obvious you're rushing like crazy to make multiple posts a minute because you want so badly to look like more than one person.
I always laugh at how you try to pretend that the happenings thread on /qa/ is your personal army. When in fact, even everyone there hates you and wants to dead.
And as always, you are the one who shits up thread. No one will ever believe you're not the problem.
Why can't Yuuta have both?
Why can't you function like a rational and sane human being?
You are literally the biggest failure to ever use this site.
Is Rikka into sissy play?
>arguing if Rikka/Akane are for each other or if they are for Yuuta
>not wanting them for yourself
It's like this thread is full of homosexuals.
>remove Gridman
It’s really sad that yuriniggers have absolutely ruined gridman threads with their autism. They do know there is a separate board for yurt right?
Fuck off you insane retard.
Austin, why do you even try to do with when literally everyone can see you're the problem?
They think this board is their turf and screech at anyone who tells them to leave
Why did you just reply to your own post?
That’s retarded though, they’ll never get a good yuri conversation here because most people here don’t like yuri
May I have your attention please?
Here's some canon content to stay on topic, guys.
Gridman is not a yuri anime.
why the fuck did this meme even started