ITT: S-tier girls stuck in shitty isekai shows

ITT: S-tier girls stuck in shitty isekai shows.

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At least that one goblin rape doujin was a good fap.

That show was unironically great, what are you talking about?

Maybe if you got to marathon it, it would be ok. Waiting for an episode each weak was horrible. It was so fucking slow and nothing happened other than them crying over a gravestone.

Kill yourself you fuckin subhuman trash

>S-tier girls
You clearly haven't read the LN.

Oddly specific condition but ok

Attached: HyakurennoHaoutoSeiyakunoValkyria-Episode1-25-810x456.jpg (810x456, 44K)

Don't worry she already got written out of the book by getting it on with best boy.

One of the most newfag complaints. Kill yourself.

But it was one of the good ones

I’ve read up to Vol 5, I like the big booby witch, the giantess, that likes weird things.

I'd hunt her IYKWIM

Attached: [Doki] Hai to Gensou no Grimgar - 01v2 (1920x1080 HEVC BD FLAC).mkv-00_16_22error143.png (1920x1080, 1.82M)

It’s like the author wanted to tell a real fantasy story, but didn’t have the balls to not do an isekai. It was boring as fuck with some really bad characters, but it had pretty backgrounds.

So you missed the point of the show and missed details of the show basically telling you it was an isekai.
Congratulations! You might have watched the show on 2x speed!

I thing you posted the wrong picture.

Attached: barbara.jpg (850x920, 122K)

Literally the only time SAO has ever been even slightly interesting.

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she's great but her sharp tongue hurts

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The beginning when they all were noobs was great. After that it slowly turned into average trash.

>S tier
>Resorts to fucking disgusting dwarves to get them to attack your enemies

That's the best part

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it's only fun when the cuts are superficial

The show literally didn't need or even use any of the isekai elements in it. Maybe it's different in the LN, but on it's own the show amounts to

>Where's my phone
And Moguzo carving a plane he half remembers.
What is right. Yeah, it's an isekai, but had no real reason to be.