According to a Weibo reliable source, 5toubun S2 anime production has been decided
The party will never end
According to a Weibo reliable source, 5toubun S2 anime production has been decided
The party will never end
hopefully it's not as rushed as the first one
that's a small quintuplet
Nino dominance incoming
Truly Nisekoi successor
5/5 announcement incoming
Season 2 should cover until the end of scrambled eggs, right?
Nno confession time boys!! Animeonlies will finally see te light
Season 2 will be Nino's season.
S2 would end at that arc (ch 68 with the kiss)
Seems too rushed for that. S1 covers 32 chapters with 2 long chapters (1-2) so 34 normal length chapters with some cut Isanari interaction inthe wedding. Scrambled eggs ends in 68. Maybe if they make it 13 episodes.
Ah hell yeah!
We will get to see Ichika become snek and Nino have her redemption arcs!
But best of all we get more Miku!
Give praise to Negi
Since the nips still buying the BDs despite the anime being full of QUALITY. S2 will look like shit as well.
Oh boy, can't wait for Nino's season.
probably no, Tezuka will not sell goldmine franchise like this to another studio and even if they sell it there's no way another studio will announced production this fast.
So, be happy with sloppy animation once again toubunfags.
if Negi is actually finishing the manga by volume 12 it would give just the right number of chapters for a final season
We need a full adaptation of the manga with an original ending so mikufriends don't kill Negi when Nino wins
Please god a new studio
not gonna happen, See
But Tezuka isn't in the production comittee, no? It depends on Kodansha/TBS, but likely Tezuka is the only studio not swamped in orders.
are you posting a bad example of new studio handling a new season?
>He dosn't like oregairu S1 dising
When has a studio change ever be good?
Sadly this. There is no reason to invest more in production when your fanbase is still going to buy your subpar product.
This is why I'm both happy and sad when I'm looking at the BD sales.
most of studio is booked until 2020, that's why Toubun handled by Tezuka and Bokuben with SilverxArvo
Thanks to Aniplex that Kaguya can be handled by A-1 and not literal who studio.
>Toubun already got another season while we don't even have an anime
It's not fair, KObros.
Oregairu s2 was better
Negi will have to time the last episode of season 2 with the last chapter of the manga, right? Because who would watch the anime anymore if the bride’s identity is revealed?
>Manga will end this year
>S2 will probably get released next year
Uhh,so it won't boost the manga sale anymore by the time it air so why they are even making S2?
Comparing this small fly to Nisekoi is insulting.
Toubun succeeding is a good thing for KO. It means Magazine is more willing to invest in romcoms.
>actually thinking Negi will keep up his word and finish the manga now that the sale numbers of BD and Volume 9 are out
I'd believe you if the manga had more filler.
What if they just announced a beach OVA?
Ichika a best!
Oh, so that's probably why next chapter has extra pages. Just like on chapter 49 which had the first anime announcement with 26 pages. Next chapter will have the S2 announcement and color page for it.
just wonder how good the vol9 sale is
do you have any figure?
First week is 250k
over 256K
Its double the previous volume on first week iirc
nice, best yotsuba chapters are going to be adapted
>1st week
how can other romcom manga even compete with 5toubun atm?
If we were to get another season, S3 would be the finale. It'll adapt the rest of the manga considering where we at the manga is close to wrapping up. I hope we get OVAs.
well miku chapters are filters
ending the manga on vol12 would be about enough content for 3 seasons so it likely that it'll end there
Heres a chart with other volumes
I miss when series got full adaptations instead of being treated like commercials
>that dip in volume 6
That was the one with Itsuki on the cover, wasn't it?
We did it bros
God damn, it never ceases to amaze me looking at the sales of volume 7. I'm totally stunned how that Nino confession spiked that much sales even before the anime. From there on sales increased plentiful and currently the sales after the anime is just phenomenal.
Im just glad that the series is doing so good, negi really deserved this
I guess the Nino confession changed the entire outlook of what people thought this manga was going to be.
Apparently that's because the volume was released close to end-of-week limit of Oricon.
nah, Kaguya still have bigger audience than toubun since in toubun case 1 people can buy multiple volumes for collecting illustration like this one it's like they are using idol group scheme romcom manga and it's really give them bad reputation for sure.
like, it's sales a lot because waifu and collectables item but not the actual series quality.
>Nino singlehandedly saving not only the manga , but Negi himself
And you wonder why he likes Nino so much.
Nigga Ninos confession was awesome but noone saved anyone here. If anything, we could say Nino increased the popularity of Negis manga and made his wallet heavier
The anime was doomed to fail if not for the manga doing the heavy lifting.
>No sources posted
moetron got it from the usual leaker
I said source, not some dimwitted westerner who prefaces his textual diarrhea by saying it's a rumor.
You need to go back
Go to the other toubun thread.
Nobody cares about e-celebs, Herkz.
You can trust Moetron, as far as I remember they have never been wrong before.
> making s2 when the manga probably gonna end soon and itsuki is the bride
Nino fags posting their slut girl again
Why being Ninobro triggers some people?
>implying Ninofags aren't the ones getting triggered and can't take a joke.
[citation needed]. The store bonus already started since volume 2. It's only one of really small reasons for the big boost after the anime ending
ichika> miku> nino > yotsuba >5
Season 2 ending will blueball animeonly so hard again. The flashforward still won't show the fucking bride
If by that the time the manga ended, or close to ending, they can just show the bride and losers.
Season 3 wouldn't be the finale unless this arc is the last arc or they change the pace.
S1 was ch1-32.
S2 will likely be ch33-60, ending on Nino's confession.
S3 would be ch61-8X, where X is whatever fucking chapter Sisters' War ends on.
I think S2 will cover up until Scrambled Eggs, ending at the kiss.
Perhaps, but then that's 33-68, which is 35 chapters. That's getting pretty cramped and leaves no room for any anime-only filler, which the first season had sprinkled about.
I respect Negi for being willing to show his face unlike seemingly most mangaka. Makes him more based.
I swear... S1 adapted 4 volumes, while the first 2 chapters were 90 pages alone. S2 adapting 4 volumes again ends in 68. Scrambled Eggs is perfectly viable.
They could always cut Yotsuba's date
That's not very nice.
We might have more than 12 episodes this season. At least 13 this time but hopefully even more although that's unlikely but we can dream.
Kill yourself
Hold on...
The 4.2 million was before volume 9 went on sale.
Looking at these numbers, it should be surpassing 5 million by now.
It would be the same page count as S1.
The first 5 chapters were Itsuki-sized.
There will be way more Nino shilling in a s2, especially if we get to Scrambled Eggs.
>Nino's confession
Guys; isn't it because of the anime?
The first chapter or two of a manga is always supersized.
if they cut yotsuba's date it would be 33 chapter, considering chapter 1 is quite long, it would be the same pace as S1
It was before the anime. Volume 8 came out around the time the anime aired and volume 9 was after the anime.
S2 would be Nino's season, of course.
They already ignored the hospital visit, so may as well do the Lolikano flashback differently, and the exam chapters could also overlap in a satisfying way. But it will still the same pacing as S1 with Scrambled Eggs as the finale.
Fuutarou mentioned the hospital visit so s1. They'll probably do a flashback where Fuutarou recounts the hospital visit.
I wonder how a season 3 would go. Episode 2 would probably chapter 71. It all remains to be seen what would be in the next 12 or so chapters up to 96-100.
According to a Negi imterview, the Legend that Binds arc was put in at the last minute because Editor-san needed a good conclusion arc for a potential anime series--if it ever got one.
Purely speculation here, buyI wonder if the charm stuff wasn't also at Editor-san behest. Negi couldn't reveal the bride that early, but he might have been forced to drop a massive hint.
*but I wonder. Phone autocorrect is weird.
>Yotsuba holding the ring finger
>The 4.2 million was before volume 9 went on sale.
4.2m was including vol.9, and they said they are 4.5m 4 days after vol.9 released. I don't know now, but it will definitely surpass 5 million at vol.10.
If Negi really does plan to wrap this up by the end of the year, is there any POSSIBLE way he could handle the current plot threads and make a satisfying ending where anyone other than Miku or Nino ends up as Fuutarou's bride? I just don't see it.
it was so obvious from start!
I mean, I think it's already been narrowed down to Miku or Nino. Kind of telegraphed in vol one with the cooking contest and what happened afterward. Or in other chapters like pic related.
I was surprised that Negi wanted to draw battle shonen at WSJ, but he decided to draw romcom at WSM because he is more talented in that.
Not necessarily. The pacing is 3 chapters per episode, so 71 could end in the first ep. 69 does the set up with the cook off, 70 is class shenanigans, then work with Nino.
Depends on the chapter. I have a hard time imagining how they'll introduce the quints all in one class with Fuutarou, introduce Takeda, have the job search, Miku vs Nino, and all the Nino stuff in 71 in a single episode.
groink translation where?
Is this a meme now...
gib imgur link
I just wonder what Takeda's role in the series is really supposed to be. He had to have been introduced for a reason, right? Right?
Imagine it with 7 minutes for each chapter. It works IMO. The job hunt is just Ichika wanting rent, they look at posters, cook off, Fuu telling Ichika what happened, Ichika saying Yotsuba works as a cleaner, and Itsuki is still searching.
70 is mostly one liners to the quints from the classmates and Fuu feeling annoyed about Takeda checking his dick. Then the magical lamp and the fact that Fuu's birthday is coming.
They may as well do these in 12 minutes, and the other half of the episode is for Nino's work, even though that is fast paced to me as well.
I might read a battle shounen he writes, and I've been tired of those for years.
Probably to give Fuutarou some space for the Kyoto trip and for him to have a best man at the wedding. If Takeda wasn't there, Fuutarou definitely would not have a group for the trip and he would have had to be with the quints. Also every guy needs someone to be their best man at the wedding.
To provide competition for Fuutarou and to marry Miku when she loses.
I'm mostly joking about the latter, but ever since someone pointed out how Takeda Shingen married Lady Sanjo and the Crest on Miku's phone, I can't get it out of my head.
>According to a Negi imterview, the Legend that Binds arc was put in at the last minute because Editor-san needed a good conclusion arc for a potential anime series--if it ever got one.
I belive it was himself, not Editor-san. He sad multiple times how he had a possible anime in mind from the beginning.
>Takeda Shingen married Lady Sanjo and the Crest on Miku's phone
It all seems too coincidental for there not to be anything to this.
Well, that still means the arc makes a lot of sense for where it is. Still makes me wonder if that's why he put such a heavy handed hint as the charm in there. He couldn't reveal the bride that early outright, but he could leave anime viewers a really strong hint, which might have been necessary if the show hadn't taken off and only ever gotten one season
gib imgur link you piece of shit
Cool, but I hope Ayana changes her pitch, I'd hate to go through Sayonara with that helium huffing voice.
What the fuck
I love Yotsuba
I have one friend who hates me when I point that out.
I thought it was entirely a joke at first, but ever since someone pointed out that connection, I just can't get that out of my head. Thanks internet.
Also, engi apparently never expected Miku to be so popular. Seems to check out. But accordingly, we can be sure that after seeing Miku being so popular, Negi wont go for a TakeMiku ending because you know, he wants to live
Just how many voices do you think she has?
You do realize that early chapter Toubun was far longer than usual right?
Ch.1 was 50 pages
Ch.2 was 40 pages
Ch.3-4 were both 30 pages
The rest are 20+ pages aside from few occasion
In before Crunchyroll translates 好きよ to Like
of latest chapter you mongo
Go back
That's the latest chapter
She's got her Hotaru voice.
Sadly it won't happen.
I wonder who he expected to be popular? But that does check out with Miku's development. She always seemed like an also-ran to me from her first arc. The sweet girl who gets rejected at the end.
But Miku was already stupidly popular by the time Takeda appeared. He could have changed things up, like given him a different name.
to where?
gib link to latest chapter you filthy subhumans
This is such a nice thread by comparison to the shitshows others are.
Fuck off
It isn't out yet. Gook scans release on Monday newfag.
I don't know what a groink is, but I can give you a Gronk.
And it's a long Golden Week!
yes and? i wanted to readed it today, since i am not a degenerate link you basement dwellers that spend their life in this shitty general
still thx, rude assholes
How the FUCK are they gonna adapt this scene?
That would honestly suck especially since even Kodansha themselves translated it to "I love you".
It's a really funny coincidence to be honest. I like using it to bug the hell out of my friend since he is a huge Mikufag. He said that he would beat the fuck out of me if Fuutarou ends up with Nino and Miku ends up with Takeda.
That's not what he said. He said that Miku was the least popular after the oneshot (I mean her oneshot design is absolute trash), and it surprised him that the order reversed. Then a twitter user asked who was the most popular after the oneshot, and it was Ichika according to Negi.
He really has set himself up quite nicely with this quintuplet scenario though. He can gauge who is the most likeable and then just make her the wife in the end.
Or conversely, see who's fanbase is most likely to start burning books or cutting themselves on tumblr and choose that girl as the wife to avoid fallout. (nino)
How the fuck are they gonna adapt Rena?
Why the fuck are you seriously responding to a developmentally challenged person?
>even Kodansha
Then it's settled since they pretty much 1:1 the official translation with the subs, don't they?
As a Mikufag I empathise with your friend
>see who's fanbase is most likely to start burning books
You must have missed Mikufags on nip twitter telling Ichika to die when she made Miku cry
I mean, I can see how you can get that he was surprised by her popularity there.
Itsuki's VA trying not to sound like Itsuki.
Not entirely, but mostly. Their translation of Fuutarou telling Nino to get on the bike was way more badass.
Bullying retards is funny
Mom look at me! I'm being edgy on the internet!
To be fair Ichika is all over the place and being quite underhanded whereas Miku wanted to go at it fair and square.
Also link to the butthurt would be nice if you have it.
I love me some Inori Minase voice. She blew everyone else away in the OP.
People can still tell, Minori Inase doesn't have much of a voice range.
You guys are clearly tired of party at this point.Take 1-2 days off already.
It feels like Negi has been torpedoing Miku ever since the new school year started.
>Or conversely, see who's fanbase is most likely to start burning books or cutting themselves on tumblr and choose that girl as the wife to avoid fallout. (nino)
I mean, I think Nino was set out to be the bride from the beginning, but I suppose he could pull a copout either way.
I agree with you. Not sure why unless he's setting her up for something.
I've been tired for weeks but no one wants to stop.
Even now if you type her name on twitter the auto fill results you'll get are "Ichika scum" and "Ichika die"
Ya. Volume 7 came out digitally yesterday if I remember correctly and some user was posting some of the pages from chapter 59 and it had her say "And I love you." as they drove off.
Considering how much Miku merchandise got sold prior, or how volume 4 got the more reviews on Amazon only after 2 days compared to months for the Volume 2 or 3, I refuse to believe Negi was in the dark about how Miku is more popular than the rest before the poll results.
2 5 are great, other are meh
I refuse to believe that the anime staff weren't at the very least given a very strong indication of who the bride will with some of the stuff that was hinted at in the show, like this or Nino's plush.
That was me.
Failure. He's setting her up for failure in the Fuutaroubowl and giving her the chance to grow as a person.
And then maybe marry Takeda.
Just like Pierrot tried to get everyone on the IR train.
I'm sure he or the magazine received plenty of fanmail.
He was probably setting her up to finally break out of her shell and start becoming more of a person and less of a doormat.
All this "Nino being in love with Fuutarou" shit is so ooc. It doesn't even make sense how and why she fell in love.
Nips seems very interested in what she meant by "My stomach huurts".
Oh fuck I just saw this scene in the new volume.
2 3*
>Miku was the least popular in oneshot
>Negi gave her the most screentime and cute moments in the first ~40 chapters
I guess Negi wanted to make the popularity between quints more balanced but it ended up too effective and the gap's become much bigger
She uses "naka" rather than "hara" to describe her stomach. Naka is not a wrong way to say it but it could have another meaning.
Again thank you for these. It's fun comparing the Kodansha stuff to Yea Forums's and seeing the slight differences with word choice and such.
Forgot pic damn it
Try reading
>More Miku.
Hell yes, The first season felt very short for some reason maybe because of the character focused episodes but I still enjoyed it.
It's just politeness level, dekinai-kun.
How the popularity poll was done.
These are all screenshots from my phone, so the quality will be kind of shitty
Tha just means more Ichika/Miku bullshit dragging if we go from past experience. I have some faith.
>Ichika yandere
What kind of nip meme is this?
>no "Please look forward to Negi's next work!!"
Season 1 was better
I sometimes wonder if they tried to copy Yea Forums's fonts and use them in different ways.
Well she is.
This is how they translate the name of the final exam arc, which is odd to me.
I did. Slower than most of you. Thinking Nino falling for Fuutarou is anything but a wild left turn with little build up is good writing is reading at very high speeds.
That's reallly... strange way to translate it.
I can see some sense in it but it's kinda stupid.
The fuck? That's a weird fucking choice. It makes it sound like a bunch of what-if scenarios.
As a huge Ninobro, I was curious how they'd do this scene. It's basically the same.
Try reading
Stop making threads you fucking retards and read other decent manga that isn't romance shit
Way too liberal.
This scene really does make it clear how much Nino changed after 7 Goodbyes
You mean literal?
That is one way to translate it, but it makes 0 sense in context.
No. Not this shit again. We've talked about this for hundred times already
This would mean only Nino got a quite good and long arc thought beforehand
We need a citation on that one.
Having translated stuff from Latin, I know it's an art, but yeah, way too liberal an approach becaus it seems like a bunch of what-if scenarios like that one user noted.
What are you saying?
I want Nino to call me daddy
B-but I don't want the party to end...
That wasn't her being a yandere, it was her doing a stupid thing and her being overcome with emotions. Do you even know what a yandere is?
She will Fuutarou.
Fuck yeah, this scene.
Nino's in love big time. That's what's wrong with her.
Is Papa not used at all by Americans? I get that daddy is familiar way to call as opposed to more formal otousan/father.
Ichika makes even less sense.
Prince charming.
A person who goes crazy with love.
Yes it's a hyperbole and a meme, calm down.
Once a speedreader always a speedreader huh
I've lived in America my whole life and I have only heard one person I know call their parents Papa and Mama. I usually hear Dad and Mom. Then Daddy and Mommy is the next most common. Usually as kids grow with age they transition from "Daddy and Mommy" to "Dad and Mom".
It's not uncommon in media to have the rich daughter call their father "Daddy" though. I have seen that a bunch.
Papa is used, but I've seen more daddy through my experiences. Heck, I'm a guy and I call my Dad that often.
Anyways, more prince charming. Would have been interesting to see Miku get some more segments like this, but she didn't.
She didn't display the one thing that binds them all, pure and white hot burning jealousy.
>this loser
This sounds so much better.
That's Miku, though.
Hanging from my ceiling fan with Yotsuba!
Among wops it is but humans don't use it.
Wouldn't it be more Nino, since her appearances spike significantly after a certain point?
Just skip the Yotsuba chapters and it will fit perfectly. She's just a side character anyway.
That's something that aggravates me about Miku. She used to react to the other quints expressing affection or warmth towards him with jealousy and bloodlust. Nino declares her feelings for Fuu and she drops the spaghetti. I lost a shitload of respect for her as a character because of that.
It's meant to be (最後の試験が)(四葉の場合) - (The final exam is) (in Yotsuba's case, for Yotsuba, to Yotsuba), but they parsed it as (最後のしけが四葉)(の場合) - (The final exam is Yotsuba) (in the case).
It confused me for a while too, but the least they could do is read the chapters and come up with something that makes sense, like Yea Forums scans did.
Yotsuba's "kiss"
I just want Negi to drag Lolikano stuff for Yotsuba/Itsuki, and he still hasn't even bothered to touch it T_T
There's a lot of things she lost. Nothing new
A murder is in the air...
>like Yea Forums scans did.
>Yea Forums scans
Spoiled it because it sounds like reaching, but if the legend that vinda arc was imposed by the editor, that would mean only Nino's arc had been thought out beforehand, since she had the longest and arguably best arc. Legend that binds is basically the obly competition 7 goodbyes has. Also, it would make sense if the editor imposer it because that would mean Negi wasn't just repeating gimmicks in scrambled eggs, but that arc was kind of a mess anyway, so it's not too good an argument.
shaft have problems so not sure it will
She was at her lowest. And Nino's way of cheering up was garbage.
What are you talking about, they're still alive.
In fact, having gotten rid of monka, they may be better off than ever.
Reacting to everything her sisters did with jealousy was annoying.
This is pretty fucking bad.
I don't think it was only Nino that caused Miku to change, but Nino has a really grand personality. It'd be a huge blow to anyone's ego to know they were suddenly competing with that.
Oh so the first quint that he was able to recognize was itsuki, not miku...
Miku's awkward phrasing here cracks me up every time. It's a thing of great beauty.
>no typesetter with 5 translators
>other group is TLing super fast with the help of google
People only read the first one and all scanlators only care about attention.
>In fact, having gotten rid of monka, they may be better off than ever.
You can't be serious.
I still don't see why she was at her lowest. The first part of that chapter had been spent building her up as having gone through some real positive development, and then that... We know Ichika sabotaged her, but she didn't then
Nino is out, the only tangible reason she's in is because shes Negi's waifu.
In my honest opinion, the race is still a toss up between all the quints, because of how Negi writes this thing.
When he did that demolition job by making Ichika out as an evil villain and Nino out as a saint, completely contradicting their respective characters, it basically means Negi can change everything at any time. In one chapter, oh look Miku's so evil! Next, Yotsuba's evil too!! Look at that, Nino cares about her sisters now oh wow now Ichika redeemed herself she a good girl now!
It disgusts me to the bone how blatant Negi is with his waifu pandering. Like he's her personal PR.
Well, despite that, in my mind Ichika will always be a winner. Moreso if she wins Fuutarou's heart.
It was, but it was better than losing her shit and crying.
Which of them has lower self esteem?
At any rate, I'm more interested in figuring out why Negi chose to do it than what Miku's thought process was. His way of writing her this way still comes off as almost like he's torpedoing her, whatever in universe justifications can be used.
He recognized Itsuki!Miku way back when.
All of them are cancer. Monka was apparently the biggest one.
If you're Yea Forumsnons why have names in the credits?
>Nino is out, the only tangible reason she's in is because shes Negi's waifu.
That doesn't even make sense. Negi is the writer and artist for this series. Who is deciding that Nino is out if it's not Negi?
Cool story bro.
This has a future as a pasta.
>This has a future as a pasta.
Like most of Michlan's posts.
>replying to pasta
Actually Yotsuba in the first chapter thanks to her ribbon.
In fact, him mistaking Miki is sort of a running gag. I guess it just makes SE more meaningful?
A running gag until 67. Seems like he's kind of figured her out by now.
She psyched herself up to give Fuu the croissant, something she made, when she is not a good cook, and Fuu even avoided her cooking. Ichika was already there to sabotage her, Yotsuba made a mistake and said loudly that Miku wanted to confess. So not only she lost a great mood, now the guy knows her intention. And even without that, her sister, who she competed with "fairly", wanted to do a dirty move on her. Plans fail, feeling out in the open, confidence shattered, dirty moves by a rival. Miku had enough.
B-but 5toubun was supposed to fail. How do we stop people from having bad tastes Kaguya bros?
If Miku has 0 then Yotsuba has negative
so it occurs to me that miku isn't like nino, meaning if she does confess to fuutarou in the next couple of chapters she probably won't interrupt him. what do you think he's going to say, if anything?
>Next, Yotsuba's evil too!!
I wasn't even talking about all of that, which is separate, but related issue. I was talking about pic related in 78 and everything else to do with her in that chapter.
This was where my opinion of her went down.
smug Yotsuba is best Yotsuba
Well, he's not going to give a definitive response, and if he does, she gets BTFO
"I love you"
"I know"
Too soon for either an acceptation or rejection so most likely just something like "I'll give you an answer after the graduation"
Anyone else think that Ichika's love for Fuutarou-kun is the purest and strongest of them all?
This is Yotsuba. Say something to her
Greatest love story ever told
What matters is if he decides to give her a definite answer right there. If he does, then it will be a no. If he doesn't then he will just tell her to wait while he thinks about his feelings more. He won't actually bring up how Maruo is telling him to not get closer to them since he wouldn't want them to worry.
she's the greatest hero
That's a cute bag of garbage
Nino made it clear that she wants to be with the guy she loves. Obviously we can't prove how the conversation would have went, if Miku said she wanted to be with Fuu as well, but given that Nino confessed, Miku needed something equal to make a case, otherwise Nino could have just said that if she is not in love with him, then she should step down and support her or something. We can argue about Nino's intentions here as well, but she still wanted to force a confession from Miku IMO, otherwise she wouldn't have stepped down.
user, think of it this way. You, your twin and your highschool crush Stacy are in a room. The out of fucking nowhere, Your asshole twin brother who you think know is i love with Stacy too tells you to reveal your feelings for Stacy in front of said Stacy. What will you do? Keep in mind, your asshole twin brother is also fashionable, confident and will not hesitate to do whatever to get Stacy.
>She was at her lowest
I'm still pissed at how artificial the whole miku regression episode was. The plot demands it, so have some unnatural characterization for the sake of drama.
If miku had confessed with her bread like she planned to do, would it change anything?
Well, she's going to get rejected anyways, so...
Whats this?Did you just spoil something big for me? I require the name of this manga
yeah, an hero
Yotsuba would probably agree to be treated like a doormat if asked. Out of those two, she has the biggest mental issues. Of course Negi keeps avoiding the subject.
Lucifer and the Biscuit Hammer. Commonly known as Mizukami's masterpiece
Both of them are side characters
>If you're Yea Forumsnons why have names in the credits?
This. I don't get it, no one gives a shit who they are, look at all the releases credited as Yea Forumsnonymous.
Yes, it would. Anons wouldn't cry that the sisters supported her, or she is pathetic because she ran away. Fuu would have praised the bread, and either she would have content for the rest of the trip, or confessed as well.
Yes, I get all this. I'm saying I think Miku's been stronger than this in the past, especially with how the beginning of the chapter built up her progress.
And I'm interested I'm Negi's intention in structuring it this way at least as much as I am the in-universe justifications. Why did he have her fall to pieces here, not just back down, instead of rising to the occasion? He showed her as being more confident in her skills in the first part of the chapter than she had been previously, and then he has her fall to pieces. Why did Negi make that choice? That's what interests me. We know he would have rejected any grouping with them because of the warning, but why did it play out this way?
Yep, this basically. Negi is taking her down in a really cheap way.
>Miku's been stronger than this in the past
The problem here is that Negi already did the "Miku runs away" thing once before, it was settled with an important piece of dialogue and she made her resolve there. Now Negi is backpedaling on all of this because drama sells reasons?
Honestly, no. Miku said it herself: She keeps creating unnecessary milestones like the scores and her bread to use as some sort of crutch/bartering chip when she really needs to make a confession with herself alone. Even if Miku confessed with the bread, it'd be rather uneventful and probably not what anyone wanted in the end.
It's the same with Nino, though; if she just confessed at some point out of the blue instead of after all that character development, fewer readers would take her seriously.
hint: it starts with H and ends with ack
remind me of this
Negi already forgot that panel.
If only whole series looked half as good as that one episode....
I'm going to marry Miku!
>He showed her as being more confident in her skills in the first part of the chapter than she had been previously, and then he has her fall to pieces
People yelled "muh baking skill" bullshit in the first part of chapter is lame, and Miku herself confirmed that it was lame. The baking skill is the evidence of Miku's confidence, but this irony shows the true confidence doesn't need evidence.
Drama sells, but it definitely feels cheap when he keeps doing it.
She took Ichika's declaration of her feelings as a challenge (not knowing how far Ichika would go lol). The same thing happened between Ichika and Miku during the final exam. But Nino's makes her fall apart, even though they've competed repeatedly in the past.
Nino, you can't marry your sister!
Whenever Negi wants it, he throws unnecessary drama in the plot, which is well, not understandable in a lot of cases.
Take Miku in Chapter 36 or 38. Confidence.
But even after Ichika defeated her score, I don't think the situation was that bad with her. But now? It really feels like Negi was afraid of letting Miku slap Ichika or anything, so he rather depressed her way too much.
Ichika's case is similar. Who the fuck cares if she was a child bully? It has nothing to do with her becoming so desperate that she needs to throw her rival under the bus, who was honest with her, and Ichika kept lying to her that she would support her. Negi went too far.
Or Nino. Anons are right that she gradually changed her behavior toward Fuu. Then in Seven Goodbyes, she acted like her early manga personality and throw the tantrum and left home, just to make a grandiose point in the end.
Or there is Itsuki's bullshit with Rena. Acting like she didn't learn her lesson after the trip, when she impersonated Ichika.
She did jack shit in that scene, and after this, he sacrificed Rena's charm to save Nino's life.
Yes, the thing about the bread was lame, but it showed us that she could be confident, only to fall apart when it actually mattered.
What makes all this even more grating is that Negi never gave us a reason about why Miku has such low self esteem, which in turns makes it even harder to buy into the issue or care about it.
>oh no, miku has self esteem issues!
>look, I'm now rubbing miku's self esteem issues right into your face!
>and I'm going to keep doing it for months!
Don't you have some translations to steal dropout?
>save Nino's life
Fuck off Negi, even someone with such shitty physical abilities as miku wasn't drowning like a pile of dead weight.
Miku is Lolikano.
>Or Nino. Anons are right that she gradually changed her behavior toward Fuu. Then in Seven Goodbyes, she acted like her early manga personality and throw the tantrum and left home, just to make a grandiose point in the end.
That reversion fell apart rather quickly.
Miku is gay
>Take Miku in Chapter 36 or 38. Confidence.
>But even after Ichika defeated her score, I don't think the situation was that bad with her. But now? It really feels like Negi was afraid of letting Miku slap Ichika or anything, so he rather depressed her way too much.
Starts with H, ends with ack.
But it really is clear that, despite his talent, this really is Negi's first go round as a writer.
She kept it for 2 chapters, then wanted to suck Kin, then was mad again for 2 chapters. Miku spent 2,5 chapters sulking.
That'd be the biggest asspull in any romcom ever.
It makes sense tho. I'd put her there right after Yotsuba
Would explain that scene at least.
Wasn't she implied to have been bullied, though
Negi keeps avoiding any real childhood backstory regarding Miku or anything regarding her reaction about the death of the mother.
Sounds like something right up my alley!
Main girl moment.
Miku is good at sulking.
>it would make sense tho
Mikufags don't ever read the manga it seems.
The big issue for miku now is the competition
See, she was seen as the smartest in the beginning, but then ichika passed her up on that
She knows she can't cook as well as nino
She's not as athletic as yotsuba
She's used to measuring herself against the other quints and usually comes up short.
The reason she was stronger before was because there wasn't competition. Now, two of the girls who are better at her at two things are going after fuu.
She went from being the only one that liked him, and confident in at least being smarter than the others, to being one of three, while both have better fashion sense and are better in one of her desired traits.
It's understandable. Just like so many in these threads, she thinks she's fallen behind, so she was hoping a perfect, grand gesture would catch her up, and yotsuba and ichika blew that up.
She has to come to terms with her ranking among the quints not mattering to fuu
It was but Negi could have really use a chapter or two about trauma from their mother dying and what happened in the previous school.
That's what happens when you are the bride.
I mean, the way that saving her life scene played out only really makes sense to me if Nino is the bride.
>She's not as athletic as yotsuba
No shit?
Does he even need to? Miku is pure otakubait, that's why they all latch onto her. Negi knew what he was doing when he made her.
>She has to come to terms with her ranking among the quints not mattering to fuu
Well, yeah, but that's not necessarily a case for her to be the bride.
You know, I'm starting to think itsuki isn't lolikano, and is instead trying to get fuu to realize who it is, because she thinks he should be with her.
If they go that route, miku and yotsuba have the highest chances.
Did Nino ever tell the others about that, by the way? Knowing what she knows now, she has enough leverage to make all the other quints quit.
It's precisely because she's otakubait that he can make up any stupid as fuck backstory to make her win and all her fans wouldn't give a shit, as long as their "muh shy girl that would fall in love with my sweaty fat ass" wins. Seeing how Negi completely ruined her and Ichika's character is clear proof of that.
Post page.
What? About the charm? No quints know he had lost the charm. Not like she can say "Hey I was chosen over some inanimate object" anyway.
I guess the Lolikano stuff and quints' backstory will be tied together in the next arc to go into details about their changes
No, the "he saved my life" part is pretty important.
In an alternate universe, Negi went full K-drama and had Fuutarou get into an on-again off-again relationship with Nino, and every time they broke up he'd end up dating a different sister for a time before going back to her.
She can't do that too. Any decent human being will save her.
I wasn't saying it was?
I was saying for her growth to be complete
Every girl has a growth path
Ninos is almost done, either she wins and it's over, or her losing with get her final growth
Ichikas final growth just started, with her giving fuus slot to miku, it shows she's realized she failed and it's time to give up
Miku's growth is at its climax, but we don't know if she's got more to go
Yotsuba's got the most growth left, as she needs to stop being guilty and trying to solve everyone's problems
Itsuki's growth, since she already has a dream, is halfway there. She just needs to sort out this rena business
It reminds me an anime with similar premise, but i forgot the title.
That'd be worse than that hot garbage dump that is domekano.
>Any decent human being will save her.
Not in any asian country
It means something to us and as one of Negi's choices. It means little in universe, except maybe to Itsuki.
Maybe, but we'll never know because this is the only time it happened. It still beats anything else that Fuutarou's done for the quints by a long shot.
I don't have a page on hand for it.
you'd better share that girl
They were there, what's to tell?
That's a cute eatsuki
Just like with the bride: no voice acting, just subtitles.
Fucking SOLVED.
Only Itsuki was nearby, wasn't she? Also, I don't think Nino mentioned it when she regrouped with the others.
Asian here. We will saves lives if we can.
The arc's purpose was Nino accepting Fuu, and also making the next step that she fell for the same guy, who was Kin. While it's up to you to make that scene's importance, it's obvious Negi made it that way to show that Nino already started going dokidoki there for him, and to halt the Rena reveal.
... which type of asian are you
>saves lives
>Asian here
Found the Ninofag.
That would be fucking dumb.
The bride is kind of a surreal scene anyway so it works, but there's no way they can pull the subtitle cop-out with Rena.
so you're close enough to china to know that the chinese have nothing in the way of bystander laws, yes
Then you're cool. I meant chinks.
That and the fact that he made a conscious decision to give up the charm to save Nino. Yes, any decent human being would have done that, but the scene played out that way for a reason.
And I think it's important to juxtapose that with all of what happened with Raiha's charm between him and Nino.
Are you a fucking moron? They're all on the scene with nino drowning right in the middle. Unless quints are blind and deaf, which isn't the case when one of them points at how nino is trying to drink all the water in the river, there's no way they could have missed any of it.
Sorry, I thought you were talking about the Camping Trip Arc--the first time Fuutarou saved Nino's life.
I'm ready for this arc to be over with. I'm ready for this fucking series to be over with, but I can't tear myself away.
Everyone is forgetting that Miku lost to Ichika in exams. She was always an insecure person but was really confident in getting the highest score. That was a really big blow to her. I empathize with her, something similar happened to me, I worked really hard and was sure I would get the highest score in the class but lost to a friend, even though he was just a casual, he never studied or anything. This made me question my talent, if even after working so hard, if I'm not able to surpass then, how could I even compete with him. I think Miku's the same.
>he will just tell her to wait while he thinks about his feelings more.
He was suspecting it for months and known for sure for 2 days.
You think he doesn't know how he feels about her at this point?
If it's not a straight rejection then he has some feelings for her.
That was uncalled for
Just hire another VA dude
I get it, but Fuu pretty much was over Rena, or it seemed like he was, after she left him in the water for good. He could have opened that charm the minute she left, but he didn't. Of course this didn't lessen the past and future smybolism a lot of Ninofags cling to.
This could work.
I didn't forget that. Miku was upset, sure, but it didn't seem to destroy her by any means. Certainly, we weren't shown that. Maybe we could have been if Negi would slow the fuck down a bit with the pacing and develop her some in the post-final exam, post-Scrambled Eggs chapters.
Lol at Mikufags. When she'll lose they will day it's because Negi was incoherent. Which is totally wrong.
imagine a season 2 by kyoanus
Yes, because it's obvious symbolism. It's not just some reach, and we only saw him say goodbye to her for good after saving Nino. If you can't see the importance of the scene playing out that way--or why Negi had it play out that way, then nothing else I say is going to make a difference.
Nobody said that. Negi is inconsistent with personality flips flops, and not just with Miku.
Who knows really. IF Miku loses due to Negis inconsistency, I wont take that as an L
It's not like we didn't try to tell them.
>Ichika kept lying to her that she would support her
Dude, Ichika helped her several times. She did something awful in this arc but it's bullshit to say she didn't help Miku.
If miku seriously loses after everything that her sisters did for her and Negi obvious pandering I'm going to laugh so fucking much.
beat him up probably
You should spoiler lewds like that. This is a sfw board.
Forgot to mention you had low self esteem and have the stamina of a possum
I'd love it if he did, but I can't see it happening. He might give her a chance to prove herself just like he did with Nino.
Of course, I don't think he was planning to reject Nino anyways, even if he wasn't going to accept her.
Didn't she get over that during Scrambled Eggs?
False. Miku declares the fairness wars, Ichika keep being silent. Then straight up lies to her, when she asks, if she would be really fine with her and Fuu dating, then she goes I would even congratulate you. Then with the test scores, Miku once again makes it obvious to her that she should stop the bullshit, it's her last chance. She still didn't tell her anything, like yeah, she also likes Fuu, but secretely studied like never to cockblock her. Or the Valentine's chocolates. Miku asks if Ichika would give one to Fuu, which Ichika wanted to of course, but gald Miku gives him one, and Miku is mad that Ichika bullshits her again. Miku didn't ask for her support, yet she can't be straight with her.
If Negi just wants to show us what is necessary, then I don't know how you read what this series is giving us as anything other than Nino being the bride. Ichika had a real chance, but she killed herself via self-inflicted (and entirely unnecessary wound). Miku's been pushed off to the side because she isn't the bride. We'll see her make a late push after this confession, but it's not going to work out for her.
Realizing all of that a couple months ago is what really made me reevaluate my opinion of this series, Negi, and Nino.
Will she find that something, though?
Apparently, she thinks that something is a croissant.
>In my honest opinion, the race is still a toss up between all the quints
All doormat shit aside, what amount of chance does Miku actually have at being the bride?
>inb4 animeonly will think Mutsumi is actually real because of different VA
>Then with the test scores, Miku once again makes it obvious to her that she should stop the bullshit, it's her last chance. She still didn't tell her anything, like yeah, she also likes Fuu, but secretely studied like never to cockblock her.
I mean, I'm not an Ichika guy, but what was Ichika supposed to do here? Bow down and let Miku win? How is that fighting fair. Ichika wanted to win and she earned it here. Were you expecting her to just be a doormat (like Miku lol)?
I mean, Ichika clearly abandoned any pretense of fighting fair later, but reading this, I'm not sure what exactly your definition of fair is.
All trolling aside, I still think she's out.
I don't know man. On one hand, it feels like she's getting shilled, but on the other, it feels like she's out.
Ichika had the chance to be fair an square and tell Miku that it's true, she likes Fuu. But she never did it, and cockblocked her and acted like she didn't have that intention. It's not that hard. Be straight with Miku that she aimed for the guy, Miku takes the loss. But if she keeps behaving like she is a support, when she is not, that's just insulting.
Thats an above average percentage. Unless youre ignoring yotsuwho
25% because Ichika is out.
When they mentioned their previous school, and she didn't like it.
>like she's getting shilled
She raises a lot of loser flags though. There's no way Miku is going to win.
I think it'll be a 2 or 5 ending.
It's good to be sure of yourself, but you nothing is set in stone.
>Miku didn't ask for her support
Yes and? Ichika helped her several times nonetheless. And that study trying is stupid, what did you want her to do? Ichika was hurting herself by helping her but she helped her on several occasions.
I can't imagine her ever recovering if Fuutarou says anything other than "yes", and he isn't going to say yes.
Wasn't that about them having to transfer?
Guys I found another Fuutarou/Nino parallel.
Nino is the second quint. And Fuutarou has two(2) testicles. Nino is bride confirmed
That still doesn't explain why she needed to just back down on the test.
Being dishonest doesn't invalidate the fact that she got help. And Miku knew she liked him. What the hell are you trying to say?
Didn't Nino also raise a lot of loser flags?
Wanna bet? Can't wait to screencap your post and laugh at you after next chapter
List those several times, and how Miku profited from those. Bet you can't, or you give way more importance to things that didn't matter jackshit just to whitekngiht poor Ichika for being a hypocrite.
On one hand I don't want another fucking arc of depressing Miku if she gets rejected, but on other hand I'd like to see Yotsuba's reaction when she realizes she can't make everyone happy
Are you autistic?
You can't keep making excuses for Miku's weakness every time this happens, and it happens a lot.
If you can't stand the heat don't stay in the kitchen, her challenging Ichika and posturing just looks like fake bravado
I mean, the end of the camping trip makes it clear Miku knew she wasn't special in Fuutarou's eyes. She seemed to grasp that Ichika had her own feelings to deal with.
Arent you?
Season 2! That makes me very happy, I really liked the anime adaptation despite the QUALITY and I think that with Dororo out of the way Tezuka might actually put some work into it.
444th for despair
>the end of the camping trip makes it clear Miku knew she wasn't special in Fuutarou's eyes
Also, lol she still isn't. Never has been.
That's the 445th post though
The people in these threads make me sad.
Ichika is trying her best to redeem herself, and move on, trying to mend her ties with Miku and become the onee-san we all loved (until Nagi murdered her character) and you all still shit on her. When she's fighting for her love with Fuuta, for once after sacrificing for her sisters, is despicable, but when people like a generic tsundere does it it's okay.
And the redemption arc just began.
She only wanted to be happy after sacrificing so much and nobody in these threads understood her.
She is literally carrying with her two petite shoulders this manga right now and you fags show no appreciation whatsoever. She's the biggest reason for Miku's development, as well as Miku makes her develop as a character even more. Without her, this manga wouldn't be this interesting and exciting.
Nothing she does makes the haters happy.
Ichika deserves happiness.
When she wins, after it's revealed she is really lolikano or when she redeems himself, I'll be laughing at you haters.
Negi is a hack
No. Like which ones?
Nino didn't raise any lose flags.
I don't want to sound like a broken record but see the amount of parallels that negi uses in the manga. He tends to use parallel stuff a lot. He used to set her up as the antagonist earlier, but judging from the kino Nino panels and the unmistakable hints (eg the earring) he used coupled with him not sticking to conventional harem tropes easily pushes Nino as the front runner to be the bride.
4 days until PARTY
OP doesn't count
When did we have so many Ninobros on Yea Forums?
Everything is loser flag before the ending
Fuutarou has 0 reason to reject or accept anyone at this point because he hardly deep in love.
If he wanted to take the love matter seriously then he would just consider her as one of the candidate and give her the chance to do so.
It still baffles me that people think Itsuki will win after Negi what on the first girl trope.
She has absolutely nothing going for her.
She's on Yotsuba's level of relevance, yet people only treat Yotsuba as a side character.
Anons kept saying after the Rena reveal that if Negi will start focusing on her now, he could make a decent Itsuki ending.
Except 6 chapters have passed and nothing has changed.
Itsuki is just a fat joke.
She didn't, but once again, she didn't come and said she doesn't want Miku to confess to Fuu, she likes him as well, when claimed otherwise before. That's the entire point. Ichika didn't need to bow out, I said no such things, but her dishonesty was insulting as fuck to Miku, and Miku made it apparent in multiple occassions, yet Ichika just kept denying that she likes him, just to cockblock her and act like it was a coincidence. So if Miku didn't come up with the test scores, Ichika would have just hanged herself, because when she had the chance, did nothing, even though Miku said it's fine?
Fuck off Michlan
I miss the old threads.
It's just me.
>become the onee-san we all loved (until Nagi murdered her character) and you all still shit on her
I don't understand why people forget so easily; wasn't Nino the bitchy one like 40 chapters ago?
I pity Ichika
Oh my God someone saved the seizuring version.
I'm not just any Ninobro on Yea Forums, I lift for my wife Nino. You can call me a crusader under the Holy Cross of Nino.
>but on other hand I'd like to see Yotsuba's reaction when she realizes she can't make everyone happy
That way Negi could deal with Miku getting over her inferiority complex and Yotsuba over her obsession with making everyone but herself happy.
Maybe that's why Negi paired them recently
>When she wins, after it's revealed she is really lolikano or when she redeems himself, I'll be laughing at you haters.
Good for me that this will never happen then, huh?
>no response
>A-are you autistic?
I'm asking again. Do you want to bet he rejects her?
And Miku gave Ichika the chance to compete with her fairly, instead of backing off or saying that she should fuck off. Ichika instead still acted like a hypocrite and lied, even after Miku noticed she likes him, and claimed her support time to time only to cockblock her later. Why couldn't she be honest with Miku, if Miku said it's okay for her to aim for the same guy?
Ichika a fucking shit but I admire your dedication.
>First to confess
>I don't want your reply
>I'll settle everything soon
>You have no say in this
And both of the charms, Raiha and Rena's. I thought Ichika had a real shot until she killed herself off.
It all goes back to this as well.
Old threads were shit mate. Just one or two retards constantly spamming Nino pics.
At least in the later threads some people are shitting on Ninofags.
The people in these threads make me sad.
Yotsuba is trying her best to redeem herself, and move on, trying to mend her ties with Negi and become the main character we all loved (until he pusher her to the sidelines) and you all still shit on her. When she's trying to jump off a bridge because she's irrelevant, that's funny, but when Miku gets cucked to death it's Negi being a hack.
And her character arc just began.
She only wanted to be happy after sacrificing so much and nobody in these threads understands her.
She is literally carrying with her two petite shoulders this manga right now and you despairfags show no appreciation whatsoever. She's the biggest reason for Miku's development, as well as Miku makes her develop as a character even more. Without her, this manga wouldn't be this interesting and exciting.
Nothing she does makes the haters (and herself) happy.
Yotsuba deserves happiness.
When she wins, after it's revealed she is really lolikano or when she hangs herself, I'll be laughing at you haters.
>Holy cross
The only cross a Ninobro should know is the one down the road where dem other niggas are going to be blasted whiteboi
Please don't make Michlan's diarrhea a pasta
Not an argument, autist. I'm not going to entertain your retarded games.
>Just one or two retards constantly spamming Nino pics.
Sounds like some quality threads to me
Not even him but he makes good points, but the thing is, it's biased, never shows the other side, shits on Nino and he has only one point but keeps forcing it until you believe and like it
Negi didn't do any revolutionary with Nino. Itsuki might got sacrificed due to first girl trope, but he still potentially went with the girl, who hated the MC at the start only to suck his dick later. Classic.
Onodera = Miku
Marika = Nino
Is that your best argument? not the user you replied to but am curious
It's a blatant shitpost from a notorious shitposter. What did you expect?
Did they dieded?
>Black Ninofags
>Black Ninofag redditors
But I think he's funny, well articulated poster who makes good points sometimes, even if they were designed for (you)s
I never said that Ichika was not being a hypocrite. I said that she supported Miku plenty of times and I am not going to list them to you. From your posts it's clear you are just a Mikufag throwing a tantrum.
Just a flesh wound.
>Black *Ninobros
>Black *Ninobro redditors
needs to be FASTER and epileptic shock inducing
Fuck off michlan
cursed image
I'm throwing no tantrum here. If you are ready to defend Ichika, then defend her better. I see no point where I can agree with you, and now you are the one bowing out, cause you "not going to list those times." But like said, even if you could list those, they were pretty much amounted to nothing.
Lol. Nino is winning the Fuu bowl and there's nothing you or any other quintfag can do about it.
I'm going to end this stupid anti Nino circlejerk once and for all.
Go ahead. Write your 3000 page essay on why X quint should win, it won't matter because the only paper that is truly important is the actual manga. Not your shitty fanfiction. Not your crappy head canon.
I notice that none of the other quint posters are posting parallels of any kind. Why??? Because there fucking isn't any for them. Why would Negi reserve such parallels for only ONE quint because it's obvious he's building her up to be the bride.
Why waste so many fucking pages showing Nino's growth?
Why show her budding relationship with Fuutarou?
It's because these things are so God damn important. That's why.
Why would Negi exert more effort for art of Nino's confession?
Think about all these things before posting some shitty one liner crap.
And I have no doubt Nino is going to win the Fuutarou bowl and the next popularity poll hands down. There's no way that wet blanket Miku could win especially after S2 of the anime will cover her confession and dere side.
I am a proud Pi(Nino)ybro
Cope harder faggot. Miku isn't going to get outright rejected however much you fantasize about it.
Screencapping this. When Nino gets BTFO you're gonna make the Ninofags look even more retarded. Thank you for your contribution.
Are you sure? He should only have one since Fuutarou is Hitler.
Yotsuba a slut
You're trying too hard
Miku will not get outright rejected.
Nino will be the bride.
These are things I know to be true.
At least they started falseflagging after autosage
I'm not him, but Ichika has helped Miku many times and has constantly pushed for her and Fuuta. In fact, this current chapter is her giving Miku her support.
As far as the ski resort arc, Ichika has supported Miku, and has constantly tried to get both of them together IIRC.
You're just a hater in my opinion, if you continue to deny Ichika helped Miku, and Miku helped Ichika. They both have had really good character development and they both help each other.
Your belief is a lie and your life is a joke
There might not even be a next popularity poll, and the manga could also end before S2. But I respect your dedication.
I'm sorry fellow Ninobro.
But some of these other posters are so damn retarded.
The manga will certainly be over by the time S2 comes around.
As a Ninofag this disappoints me but either way that user is basically just retarded.
>isn't going to say yes=outright rejected
learn to read
Concrete proof that mattered. Cause Ichika pushing Miku and Fuu didn't matter. It amounted to nothing. Then Ichika quickly fell for Fuu, and she kept denying it for a grandiose cockblock. That's all matters.
By that logic isn't Nino rejected too
Fuck off flip cockroach
I think reading into the context of his responses in both cases (Nino and Miku) matters, but either way, I doubt we're getting a definite response to her feelings. He definitely won't say yes. I don't think he has the balls, or a clear enough head, to say no.
Yes, it amounted to something. Miku has become more determined and emboldened after Ichika started to help her. That help was even before this arc.
Nino's confession is powerful stuff.
Maybe. Otherwise I can't think of another scenario where Yotsuba's obsession gets brought up since Nino and Ichika seem to be able to accept their loss.
Fuck off
Shitoge = Itsuki
I'm a Ninofag too, you moron.
I can look at things objectively, unlike you.
Are those loser flags? Yes.
Does that mean she won't win? No.
So don't go saying that Miku won't win because of her loser flags.
Why didn't Miku study like hell if she was that determined to confess first? Did she take her (relative) intelligence for granted? All of this is just apologizing for Miku's own weaknesses.
Fine, I deleted that post.
I told you to fuck off already you fucking Filipino subhuman insect.
Holy shit, this guy actually has me arguing Ichika's case. The absolute state of Miku's supporters.
I'm here forever.
I also want a beach chapter, why hasn't Negi given us one yet?
I like exotic events. After reading same shit over and over again, that drug scene was surely interesting. I was converted at that point.
Based Ichibro triggering tards and spergs.
>was insulting as fuck to Miku
Yes and?
>Muh Ichika fight me seriously, do whatever you want, I'll win anyway
>Ichika becomes more ruthless
>Go cry in a corner
How was Ichika supposed to know that she would be first for sure? You are pathetic holy shit.
What needs to happen for you to say that something matters? Love? Because we know Futarou doesn't love any of them. Ichika is the one who arranged things so that Nino could help Miku make edible chocolates for example. Something Miku didn't have the courage to ask Nino by herself.
Cute side character
Fuu-kun loves Nino very, very much, though.
nice copypasta material.
This better be the last thread of the day or else
Last for despair
Yotsuba arc soon hopebros
Time to close up the thread
*Yotsuba arc but Itsuki ate all the screentime soon
New chapter fucking when
Next week
It usually pops up Thursday
Few more hours
What a shit thread.
I love you
Just like every thread for the past 6 months
The thread has become boring when we have nothing new to discuss. I hope we won't have many small breaks like One Piece.
We need a new, better thread to make up for this!
We need no thread for a few hours.
That would make Yotsuba sad!
Meaning we'll get at least 2.
She's always sad
More like a week.
Nisekoi is trash tho