Post some good boi potatoa
Kimetsu no Yaiba
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Aesthetic potato
I'll post it here. Kimetsu has now 6 million copies sold.
Is this the absurdly well animated show of the season?
Wasn't it under 5M like a month ago? Anime boost doing work
>month ago
2 weeks ago
Is he the best designed shonen main character of the decade?
I'm asking seriously, I don't think anybody surpasses his aesthetic.
Well the anime made his design more cleaner and stylish
fucking hilarious reading that when damn near everyone on this board made fun of him and his forehead scare being too edgy
I don't know who this boy is but he's CUTE!
This one also count digital copies. After 1 episode of anime it was around 5 million printed copies.
>meets enemy that's way stronger than them
>near death experience
>wins against enemy
The fights in this is just plain stupid.
This has to be tons of digital copies. At least 2 million are digital.
The Ubuyashiki family are Jihadists and the pillars have been brainwashed to adore them.
Already sells 6 million? Based
His design is average
>all bad guys murdering thousands of people are inf act good guys deep inside
at least they die instead of joining MC's party Yuusha ga shinda-style
Did you speedread past the part where literally every demon went to hell, or are you just baiting?
>all bad guys murdering thousands of people are inf act good guys deep inside
there are some exceptions like hantengu douma or lower moon 1.
>all bad guys murdering thousands of people are inf act good guys deep inside
there are some exceptions like hantengu douma or lower moon 1.
my bad didn't mean to repost it.
24471 *516488 ハ HQ 37
15252 *198458 鬼 KNY 15
15031 1875030 O OP 92
12789 *216700 ブ BC 20
12120 *224449 ド DBS 9
10695 *192760 食 SNS 34
*9469 *504803 約 TPN 13
*8974 *264991 鬼4 KNY 4
*8968 *235453 鬼12 KNY 12
*8957 *792147 約6 TPN 6
*8918 *240400 鬼11 KNY 11
Did you speedread past the flashbacks where literally every demon are good guys muh suffering muh struggle muh past, or are you just baiting?
nice but not really a high boost
I think I'll never forgive you for this offense.
try harder
>literally every demon
Thanks for letting us know you're just shitposting.
How do I read this
this week's sales - total sales - title
Next episode preview pictures
Water is one hell of a drug.
Seems like it was cut by a machine
The manga never showed Zenitsu mid-flight but according to the anime OP, he spins around as he jets by.
That's weird.
I hope we get to see how he actually cuts during the jumps, since the manga only shows pillars of light when apparently he also does a slash at every landing.
6 mil? damn, thats great
Where is this exactly
he makes my pp hard
I need more Shinobu x Douma doujins
Taste the rainbow, Shinobu!
>Black cucked already dabbed on
Still selling better than Kimetsu. But not for much longer
Stop trying to make people fight you filthy shitposter these threads are pure
Are we getting Kanao vs Douma next chapter?
maybe, I wonder if it's time for Rock & mist vs. Kokushibou, though
gets a pass in my book since some of the demons do it too
ie hantengu
Was it rape?
Not yet, Tanjirou has to read the letter and see what Tomioka and him will do after Akaza's fight
I want to lick Love's mark.
Looks so good, since YYH that I wasn’t so excited for a battle shonen anime.
>have a reason to do thing
>somehow be a good guy because of that
You have pure evil cunts and people that stepped from the right path alike, what's your deal?
This reminds me they're also getting the eyes right
Can't wait to see Shinobu
I want to see animeonlys react to Wind's ragefag eyes
Was his edginess justified? What do you think Yea Forums?
I think it's pretty in character that Tanjirou would flip his shit when a demon plays the victim card.
This showdown is gonna be fucking awesome
hopefully douma doesn't die in this arc
Nothing edgy about being angry at murderers.
The fandom kept saying that this was the best battle shonen right now, but so far the story is pretty forgetable. Is this another case of "edgy = quality" fallacy?
It's not even edgy
1. It's comfy, and not edgy.
2. The story plays out like a proper fairy tale of old, so if that's not your thing, it might be forgetable for you.
3. Pig Assault.
I would be pretty disappointed if he did.
When people say 'right now', they mean 'up to the latest chapter', user.
Way to tell people you haven't read the manga past the first chapter. If anything, Kimetsu is the opposite of edginess.
Seems like chinks are loving kimetsu
surprisingly good taste, when will the chinks start making good Manhua and anime?
>The manga never showed Zenitsu mid-flight but according to the anime OP, he spins around as he jets by
His fight during the spider mountain arc shows him twisting in air to dodge and reorient. The weird thing is most of the time the manga treats it as near instant.
Your series is getting popular, enjoy your decent into shitposting hell.
Well, this was a fucking suprise, why the hell did he make that face ?
Will Inosuke EVER catch up with potato or will he keep being an irrelevant jobber ?
On one hand, that'd be pretty dumb if he died so soon. On the other, Kanao getting absolutely wrecked in her first fight without being able to show off is also pretty wack.
He is the top demon while she is just a successor to a pillar. She should be thoroughly wrecked.
Biwa demon might get killed next so the fight might get cancelled
It'd be a great way to set up an arc. Kanao and Douma's fight is interrupted, Kanao along with gang decide to bring down Douma's cult, Douma may make some fodder demons from cult members, etc.
>>wins against enemy
>dies without Giyuu actually taking down Rui
>killed by Daki without imouto, Zenitsu, Inosuke, and Uzui saving him
>has to be covered for by Kanroji and get a new sword from Muchirou while sacrificing his little sister's life to kill Hantengu
>Akaza distracted by Giyuu and even after succeeding in cutting off Akaza's head still would have died if Hakuji hadn't won the internal will battle against Muzan's influence
The only thing those have done is stop Tanjirou from dying horribly and give him a chance to develop on the insight
I want to see what they do with Douma's
Hell, even against Enmu he would have sudoku'd for real if Inosuke wasn't there with the assist
Douma's design is top tier. I really like him as a character too.
I really want to see him freak out whenever the end of his time finally comes, but I get the feeling with his personality that we're not gonna get it
The funny thing is that his name sounds like 'fuck you mom' in my language.
>fuck you mom
pretty appropriate for an edgy atheist
Whoops. I meant 'fuck your mom'
why does uzui get the most homo art
Have you seen the dude with his hair down?
I would marry this harlot
Just look at him
Plus he's like 6'5" with massive fucking arms
>3 wives
He compensate hard.
It's called justice, user.
Doubt it will be for a while since the fight will probably end by being interrupted. There's still 3 upper moon demons unaccounted for and a lot of demon hunters unaccounted for.
She's a successor to Shinobu, the weakest Pillar, it's very likely that she's actually stronger than Shinobu but the reason she was held back is because of her lack of initiative and she wouldn't have been able to take Shinobu's place until Shinobu retired.
why does she poke
I think you already know user
Hey only one person who murdered thousands joined the good guys in YGS and that's just cause Touka's dick is the real leader.
Ive climbed that before. I 12 and was wearing sandals, almost cut my toe though
do the vines have some kind of symbolism?
>huntertards are so desperate to defend their train wreck of a manga they resort to petty insults toward other shonen.
You'd overcompensate too if the entirety of your family died horribly and the only surviving member decided to continue the tradition of throwing your family member's lives away
Hunterfags aren't allowed to hate on KnY after Togashi said that he loves it
Will he regret not tapping that now that she's dead?
Gore-y is a better word, maybe?
>The story plays out like a proper fairy tale of old
That's how people call monster-of-the-week now?
TPN surpassed MHA and soon KnY will surpass BC. We did it.
>surpassing BC
Kek. Like thats a big or even significant achievement. Step up your game Kimitsubros, it's just a matter of time until we pass MHA.
Have we seen anybody else get absorbed by a demon before?
Bros no need to fight
I bet standing with MCs from other series, Tanjirou will think that he's really happy just to be here with all these eccentric new friends.
No because he has the gay
if I remember correctly no only shinobu.
oh I forgot about daki. does store people inside daki demon kimono count?
I think there may still be a chance that shinobu is alive, since she wasn't just outright killed instead.
> m-muh sales = quality
So much seething.
back to the ToC threads retard
with flame pillars dad coming to hq I figured he would avenge his son
now what's he supposed to do
I don't think it's hq might be somewhere else. and shinjurou(dad rengoku) uzui and urokodaki are there to protect nezuko. in my opinion what shinjurou try to do is to redeem himself (after he finally put his shit together) but not to seek revenge.
How did Tanjiro get his head scar?
Maybe HxHfags, Cloverfuckboys and MHAfuckers.
from hand demon fight.
Will there be more Nezuko next episode?
his brother played too near the stove, so he knocked it down, Tanjirou covered him and got hit with the boiling pot, thus the scar.
Anyone else think the end is being rushed?
So far muzan seems like a bitch and the upper moons are getting defeated in quick succession.
If this isn't the final arc where could the author even go?
Yeah, things kicked into high gear when the head of demon hunters blew himself up. This is a really strange timing since tons of people have started buying the manga since the anime started.
the medicine tamayo gave to muzan and nezuko might not turn them back to human. it might weaken muzan and he might try to absorb tamayo to heal or get control over her again and turn her into um. um 1 probably kill 1 or 2 pillars but all the fight get interrupt when someone kill nakime(um4). huters try to rebuild their organization while muzan heal and make new um.
my best yellow boy
Yes there will be more of her next ep
This bait is pretty tasty.
What the fuck are you talking about?
It's not monster of the week user. You really haven't read past chapter 1 have you?
fucking cool
Dumb otouto
tanjirou is more fit than deku and asta
I don’t think someone that autistic thinks about sex.
You ever seen him win or defeat anybody of note ? Exactly.
Even Zenitsu got to show off.
So, this is ending soon, right ?
gotta be a little bit of a psychopath to want to keep fighting ridiculously strong demons
how is he so cute bros?
>6 million
Cute potatoes
Best boy
Tanjirou is best boy
I don't think you know what a jobber is. What you just said isn't the definition of a someone who does the job.
I need more Inosuke. I wish he’d actually do something relevant
He will have his own character arc later.