The fight between the Zeus of the Seas and Histories greatest Loser begins.
Shuumatsu no Valkyrie Ch 15
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And Humanity is now 0-3. Great job Nippon.
Or not.
About halfway through the chapter, anyone lurking?
Ok good, wasn't sure if anyone cared about the Sasaki chapters.
Well it's grorious Nippon steel folded thousand times
>actually Poseidon is the strongest God and Zeus was a chump
>and now a japanese is going to win against the strongest god
Fuck this nipwank
And that's it, Translators say they will release chapter 16 tomorrow and that means we'll be caught up with the raws. So it will be a monthly release cycle from that point forward.
What a fag
Incoming tsubame gaeshi
I haven't enjoyed a seinen battle manga like this since Terraformars released.
Thanks for the dump
>A God killed another
God nothing. Look at them killing the titans.
he isnt the stronghest, he is the most godlike of thme, what ever that means
Strongest doesnt imply the best plus we got shit still left.
the one that is the most self righteous probably
Give it a rest already you fag. You cunts keep shitting these threads up. If the greeks were that great their land wouldn't be a fucking shithole today and their descendants a bunch of drunk losers drowning in debt they got from mooching off the barbaric germans
Hades and his emo ass says hi.
It's because he is able to dictate how things should be. Hermes literally said as soon as he requested it it became so without challenge
Thanks for the dump
I think it has more to do with attitude and composure. Zeus was a little shit who rushed in early because he got fired up, while Poseidon looks like he w never lose his cool.
Do you guys think that we'll see a tie in this battle? Since Poseidon is apparently a counter-type, and Kojiro won't fight him.
I don't think Sasaki has his hax valkyrie sword yet, so the battle hasn't even started
Thanks user
Thanks user. Just caught up and I'm really enjoying the series so far. I'm probably thinking too far ahead but I hope the pacing stays like this and that it doesn't slow to a crawl as the story progresses.
Why do people even care about the fighter's race or nationality? It's a fight for all humanity, we should support every fighter because we are the same species!
Come up with a list of fighters to enter this tournament.
Historical figures, so don't be a fucking queer and say Doomguy or Dante
>We'll never have Muhammad Ali fight the gods
I'm kinda pissed that its relegated to mostly swordsmen and ancient figures.
I would've loved to see a cowboy like Sundance Kid or Calamity Jane
there's Rasputin, Simo hayha and Tesla
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King jr
Malcolm X
surprised there's no Jesus desu
I’m such a brainlet when it comes to history that I had to look up half of the humanity names.
Jesus is more or less a god. Adam is close enough
These are all great.
But Jack the Ripper is as predictable as placing Sherlock Holmes
Literally who gives a shit about Okita
>one of them is a super sniper from Finland
I did not see that coming.
Ares is cute.
Can Hades be classified as emo? He marries his kidnapped niece and stays faithful to her most of the time unlike his two brothers who are giant rapists and mansluts (a couple of times he got infatuated with a nymph that I remember, she would get turned into a tree before the dicking could happen) and is a pretty cool dude. One time Theseus and his pal decided to barge in to demand that he hands his wife over to the pal, he showed his hospitality by inviting them to his table and then making their asses stuck to the bench they sat on. And then they sat there for who knows how long until Heracles came along to ask Hades to borrow Cerberus and on his way out tore the two idiots from the bench, leaving some ass tissue on it.
Is this shit actually part of greek mythology or is this made up? All I see on wiki is that adamas hid zeus from cronos so he didn't get eaten.
Yeah he’s chill. He lets Orpheus practically resurrect his wife and provide instructions but the dumbass still fuck up
it is OC
Why does Zeus, who's the youngest, look so aged compared to Poseidon?
Simo Hayha is who i'm waiting to see. I wonder who he's gonna fight?
Well, the Japanese do. He was like, the best swordsman of the shinsengumi or something. What I wanna know is, why the fuck is Nostradamus doing on that list. This is supposed to be the greatest warriors in history. Tesla gets a pass what with his "scientific wherewithal to split the earth in two" that's just a killer line. But fucking Nostradamus?
he gets a pass just as stupid as the one you just gave to Tesla since he predicted some things I guess
gods loss their share of power to their children.
oh come on, Nostradamus doesn't have any cool lines like that. And you know that quote of his is the entire reason tesla has been included
In some mythical sources, Zeus is considered the eldest because he was not devoured by Kronos and didn't experience a second "birth" like his brothers and sisters. That is my guess, anyway. Alternatively, Poseidon takes on a Young Appearance because it is more "god-like".
Bruce lee
Jackie chan, valkyrie becomes a ladder
Doc Holiday
That one crazy sikh guy who had his head cut off and kept fighting Baba Deep Singh Ji
Genghis Khan
Not that user, but didn't Nostradamus fall into the occult at some point in his life? If Rasputin the mystic and witch can be a fighter, than I'd expect Nostradamus to equally utilize some magic himself. With someone like Lu Bu actually being capable of splitting the heavens, I expect that anything a fighter is known for can be treated as fact rather than fiction. Now I don't know to what extent Nostradamus was involved in the occult, but coupled with his reputation as a seer I can expect it might also be related to seeing into the future.
Well yeah I can totally see the angle they're going for. Its just, Nostradamus just isn't a dude you picture when people say "Badass defender of humanity" I mean look at the guy. Come on.
You're not wrong, but neither is Rasputin the first or 50th guy on my list when I think about defending humanity in a Best of 13 tournament.
Now if this was Drifters Nostradamus would fit right in with because a logistical battle with larger forces or even just directing the flow of a civilization would better benefit someone like Nostradamus as we see with that stories interpretation of Rasputin.
Zuo Ci
St George
Zhang Liao
Xiang yu
Wong fei Hung
Minamoto no Raikou
Probably a bit too fantasy, but then again we would need a bunch of heavy hitters to compete
Every RoR thread I see.
I think both Nostradamus and Rasputin are better than a guy who shanked prostitutes and got away with it. Though I expect the manga to reveal that he did nothing wrong and maybe even defeated a whole Illuminati-like organization that was killing prostitutes and framed him for that.
Yeah, Jack the Ripper is overdone. I'm with you on that.
I care
These aren't historical figures you fucking sperg.
These are mythical figures.
Not real people like Adam.
Yeah, go on
>greatest loser
>chapter 16 tomorrow
I kinda wished it was more than just Sasaki's flashback, but it's good since I think it explains how Sasaki will kill Poseidon. Since it seems he's able to defeat someone after losing to them once, I think his valkyrie hax will be something alone the lines of a rebirth or a second chance, he'll die once and the destroy Poseidon. He's just bluffing with the "I don't wanna die" thing.
I'm probably wrong since it sounds dumb as fuck.
I just want western swordmaster get more recognized.
Notto dissu Kenichi shit again.
was it autism?
Is Yea Forums here, do you have any suggestions for Norse myth reading? I'm about halfway through Hamilton and planning to read graves and fagles next for greek and to have more info about the characters in this manga, so how about norse?
who is this some fucking fag from got lmao
That's Fiore dei Liberi brainlet.
>no Jesus vs Buddha battle
Wasted opportunity.
Probably Apollo since he's the god of archery.
This shits fucking dumb but i can't stop reading
>oldfag gets trolled by redditor
How edgy will Jack the Ripper be? I'm guessing he's either going to be a good-looking gentleman, but in battle he'll immediately make a crazy face and rush to his death. Or it will be a little girl, who will also immediately make an edgy face, but not die as quickly.
Thanks for dumping this. I just read the whole series and it's pretty interesting so far.
>all those shitty humans, many who is famous non combatants
Humanity is fucked
> all those retards going full "this is garbage nippon stronk" even though it didn't even happen yet
The author did well so far so I'll have faith in him doing a good job, and even if he doesn't that's when the critics can start.
What even is "nippon stronk" here? Adam fought the final boss, overwhelmed him and almost won. Kojiro clearly showed he's nowhere near this level as he keeps getting one shotted if he tried to attack normally. Poseidon have some next level autism and ego making him face a matured Kojiro is a very interesting choice, I'm looking forward to him breaking down through the fight. If he wins it will more be thanks to strategy than being "stronk".
How the hell is Tesla going to fight the Gods?
If simo dies, hopefully in a dumb way, I will personally dump the chapters in the Finnish autism collective thread on /int/ just for the assmad
with some overpowered secret invention I guess.
There is absolutely no hinted order in this list isn't there?
Why is Buddha on the god side? That guy is a human.
We haven't seen Apollo yet, no?
>Thor and Lu Bu
>Adam and Zeus
>Poseidon and Kojiro
>Xiang Yu
Kojiro is basically gonna do what Musashi did to him. He's the ideal opponent to break the wall of autism of Poseidon.
If his weapon has two abilities while Adam's didn't have any I'm gonna flip my shit.
the weapons don't have abilities, they are just glorified armors + a way to hurt the gods
>implying he won't have 3 abilities used at the same time to mimic Tsubamegaeshi
Since she was called the Daughter of Gods, I figure that the Forehead probably made Adam even more powerful than a Valkyrie normally would.
Each Valkyrie:
1. Serves as a weapon that won't easily break when fighting against a god;
2. Empowers a fighter by fusing his, Valkyrie's and her contracted warriors' souls.
Lu Bu's Valkyrie was called a Shieldbreaker and she completely shattered one of Thor's protective gloves just by stabbing/hitting it once. So they do have special abilities.
Well, Kojiro's presumed Valkyrie partner can fluctuate hard between two opposite emotional states so I can see that happening.
What is he called history greatest loser?
As someone not big on history who are the highlights of the remaining humans? Is someone's very generous could you give me a sentence on each fighter? I'm at work and can't really wiki research right now.
Really liking this book
1. Serves as a weapon that won't easily break when fighting against a god;
2. Empowers a fighter by fusing his, Valkyrie's and her contracted warriors' souls.
That's literally a glorifed weapon/armor. The only thing the spear did for Lu Bu wa not to break when he used it and protect him from the Thor's thunder. Same with Adam, the brass knuckles only made him able to hurt Zeus and gave him more resistance to punches since he was able to beat Zeus on a stamina match even when the later used his diamond skin.
The glove shattering could have been because of Lu Bu's strenght alone and Adam already had the eyes of god
But he only had the knuckle duster on one hand, and he was dealing damage to Zeus with both hands and his feet.
Pier Gerlofs Donia.
He's the real-life Guts. Just take a look at his sword.
>The glove shattering could have been because of Lu Bu's strenght alone
No, Brunhilde chose her specifically because she is Shieldbreaker and Thor had his gloves on (that she thought protected him from Mjolnir). The scene when it happens even says the weapon will acquire a Valkyrie's traits.
>don't be a fucking queer and say Doomguy or Dante
Here in Yea Forums we call that Yea Forums and tell them to go back
>nothing happens: the chapter
>Nostradamus doesn't have any cool lines like that
He wrote fucking books full of cool lines which he is remembered for
because out of all humans in the entire history of mankind, 2 samurai, a sumo wrestler, and some beat cop no one has ever heard of outside Japan is not exactly what ordinary people think of when people mention the peak of human excellence.
these pages are pure kino, I got goosebumps
Michael Phelps versus Poseidon
He was one of the most famous swordsmen around the end of the sengoku period, who was killed by another famous duelist, Miyamoto Mushashi. The loser part is more of an OC thing I think, refering to how he kept improving himself in the afterlife, i.e. after losing to Musashi.
He had a famous technique, the tsubame-gaeshi (swallow reversal), which was supposed to be so quick that he could slash a flying bird.
These island arenas are so cliché.
Miyamoto Musashi trolled Sasaki Koujirou by arriving late to their duel, and then killed him with a wooden oar when the setting sun blinded his opponent. Sasakifags were seething ever since.
It makes sense since Posseidon is the god of the seas though, and filling the arena with water is something even the romans did
So Adam's words even convinced the psychos that just want to see the world burn?
But then I would have liked seeing Kojiro's and the next fighters' reaction to this and his death. Not that's it's too late for that.
They're gods, being original isn't really their forte.
>Historys greatest loser
Thats not Adolf, though Im pretty sure we are getting at least 1 tie and 1 new challenger
Kojiro is mostly famous for 2 things: his Tsubame Gaeshi and his loss against Musashi. When people think of his fighting record, only that one loss is the most memorable.
No. Poseidon is the most "godlike" and his interpretation is that gods are perfect so it's likely his entire style is about one hit kills, hence the master swordsman guy can't figure out a way inside his range without dying. They are both aiming for the anime one shot finish but Poseidon just obscenely overmatches him if he is the defender so he's probably going to bait him in with a counter of his own and we'll get to see Poseidon get mad and fail at his own style, resulting in humanity's first win.
>want to use video game chars
>calls others Yea Forums
>Dante isnt a historical figure.
Please tie a noose around youre neck and run fast as you can
Dante was a shitty writer, whom even in his libel collection "trilogy" were nothing but a useless burden doing nothing but asking dumb questions at his guides.
How the FUCK could that faggot ever pretend to be a fighter?
Wasnt there supposed to be a Heracles and Buddha in there?
Nostradamus is going to be a "prediction" fight like Adam except its foresight instead of instant reactions.
Rasputin is going to be some Zombieman style regenerator fight where he just keeps fighting on even tho he's getting massacred.
The rest are pretty standard and predictable tho Tesla will be somewhat interesting.
>Dantes was a shitty writer
Just stop baiting you dumb faggot
>Häyhä vs Apollo
Super fast quickscoping in very close quarters: the fight.
He was. And his only archievemnt of note was a collection of people who made him butthurt. His writing, even at the time was severely outdated and inferior. In fact, several translation publications had to fix, correct and improve much of his book.
Try reading it in original Italian and see what I mean.
>not a single famous anglo besides a criminal myth scapegoat the bobbies made up
"Great" empire indeed.
I'd have wanted to see something like King Arthur or something.
Or that german guy who wielded like a 2m long zweihander and had a metal arm.
>that german guy who wielded like a 2m long zweihander and had a metal arm.
This guy?
What if Okita's soul dies of flu and has to be quickly replaced by some other fighter?
based daddy
It’s just a fictional setting dude. Nobody will ever be fully satisfied by only 13 picks as the best of humanity, especially when the author just does whatever he wants with them.
Dude wrote literally a self satisfying fan fic with himself as the main character while boasting about how hot his girlfriend was.
If Poseidon does lose, it will be because he refuses to lower himself to a human’s level and get down and dirty to win. He way just walk out of the arena. I don’t see him being killed.
Thanks for the dump
Cute shota
>caring about gods and humans
I don't want my qt psycho valkyrie to die, I wanna see brunhildr ahegao ;_;
He’s fully human and fully God so he wouldn’t really belong on either side
Beowulf would have been a good choice
I don't think his valkyrie will be needed for any time hax since he's already experiencing defeat constantly through mental battles. The question is what is the trait of his valkyrie that could be transfered to a sword assuming his sword is the weapon. Because the only Valkyrie to confer an additional ability was the first one whose name translated to "shield breaker" however this current valkyrie's name translates to "trembling in either fear or anger" depending on the persona at play.
Why Zeus age but this guy not?
He is pulling a Mushashi probably. According to the tales, Mushashi didn´t want to face Kojiros new long blade and substain damage, even though he might have won. So he just came late to their fight rested, and readied a super long wooden sword made from an oar. While Kojiro spent all day in the sun, tired and irritated. Then Mushashi proceeded to beat Kojiro to death with his wooden weapon which was longer than Koj´s sword.
>We'll never get sports/boxing rep
They could've gone with Ali, Inoki, Dempsey, Frasier, Bruce Lee, Rocky Grazziano, even fucking Charles Bronson but no, they went with fucking Jack the Ripper
>Zeus has that weird ass form that he used to win against Adam
>Jackie Chan is carrying a baby and wants no treble
Who wins?
With electricity duh. There's a fun story where he decided to pump electricity into the earth just to see what would happen, most likely coincidentally the Tunguska Event occured on the near opposite side of the globe. Meteor? Or Tesla nuking the far side of the earth?
Winged Hussar
Yes, the famous winger hussar was a great historical fighter ;^)
I tried imagining what the "most likely" scenario is, and I feel like his intent is to act easy going, and basically "mock" Poseidon, by acting in this manner, and since Poseidon is "god like" he won't dare shatter his own perfect image, so what he wants is to make him lose his cool, or something like that.
Poseidon may be the most "God like" but it seems he probably just makes an effort to be like that because he feels it's expected of his position or something, if he's driven to strike first or do anything to initiate he'll have lost his demeanor for a bit, and he'll strike fatally wounding him. Poseidon will then sperg out ultra hard with more emotional than even his older brother had, calling him who dared shatter his perfection a worthless maggot or some shit.
It feels like the most "generic" outcome to me, at least.
It depends, is he wearing the tuxedo?
I’m really looking forward to Poseidon having a full breakdown, this is gonna be fun.
>Gods hate humanity wants to wipe them out because they've been naughty
>The gods themselves act in the exact same manner, have the same emotions, are just as hypocritical, if not hundreds of times more petty and worse than humanity
I fucking hate this trope.
i sure hope not.
Alexander the Great
Henry V
Muhammad Ali
Andrew Jackson
Shaka Zulu
Atilla the Hun
Joan of Arc
Francisco Pizarro
Miyamoto Musashi
Lu Bu
QIn Shi Huang
Probably with the fact that harnessing electricity is basically taking the God's power. That's Zeus and Thor's domain and Tesla harnessing it as it if was a 3rd arm.
That's my guess at least.
>all these people adding their characters to the lineup
>not one person putting Theodore "motherfucking" Roosevelt in
It's like you don't want to watch The Bull Moose beat people to death
>Osama bin laden
>Valkyrie is a boeing 767
>Valkyrie becomes an oven
>"El Chapo"
>Valkyrie becomes a chainsaw
>doth I be kawaii uguu
>a weapon of valkyries to hurt a god?
>don't make me laugh
>i'll show you the true power of human intellect
The first man is definitely real.
It's funny because you'd think Tesla would battle against Zeus or Thor because of lightning powers but both gods have already fought.
Good call. Poseidon will probably still win the actual match, but lose the "emotional" battle.
>But it's not like WE destroyed the world! We just left you guys alone and THIS is how you treat our playground?!
I would think that realizing that they just want to wipe the slate because they want a planet-wide zoo full of docile and obedient creatures would certainly be as selfish and destructive
Tesla not fighting Zeus or Thor was a missed opportunity.
There's still the Nippon god of storms, Susano'o, who I'm 100% sure Tesla will fight.
It is a real-life trope. Greek gods are awful.
also is it just me or does he not have a valkyrie item yet?
Lu Bu appeared with his valkyrie already in hand. I assume Sasaki's valkyrie had also transformed before he entered the arena.
>Minamoto no Raikou
>implying tits like these can be real
There was no "first man" evolution works on populations not individuals.
>little girl
I love my murderdaughterwife!
So who are gonna interrupt the tournament? the titans? ayyliens? forgotten gods?
Adamas, probably.
Great Old Ones.
One of the Valkyrias will go rouge or Adamas will do some shit
Ahh, Kos, or some say Kosm...
Please let this happen.
Forgotten gods are the hidden gods.
because Zeus fucks bitches and bitches drain your youth.
Fucking loved this page.
Funny how Thor is better than Poseidon because he can at least smile and enjoy something.
I wonder if he will appear again.
how does that make him better
Made up.
I hate how the god of war is being treated here
Every human will lose
With a gun
If you listen to Homer Ares is garbage anyways.
The ancient Greeks didn't like him that much.
>Valkyries turn into weapons
>Brunhilde means "battle armor"
One of the fighters is going to fight in an Ironman suit
>Nippon God
Fuck, Tesla doesn't even stand a chance then.
no one care except crazy narcissist american give a flying shit about roosevelt "martial prowess"
Barbarian puny gaijin bolts vs nippon thunder folded 100000000 gazillion times.
They both seemed to be the emontionless type at first but their flashbacks revealed their differences, while Thor was bored Poseidon just doesn't seem to have any actual emotions or rather he truly obeys his own ideal of what a God should be.
In the end, Thor respected Lu Bu while Poseidon so far sees Sasaki as a bug to squash.
We'll probably see a new side of Poseidon but so far I don't like him.
I mean you already know Rasputin is going to fight against Aphrodite, there's no other way
Aphrodite's not on the list, see
Hope we will get a non-fighter type next
>both man and god
inb4 he's actually there as a neutral character whose purpose is to try and stop the tourney
Even in original mythology Ares was portrayed as a braggart and a coward
His Roman counterpart is a chad, though.
There are many Buddha, not all are human
I thought about mentioning that, but ended up not for some reason.
So much for demigod weapons.
>elder gods come to slap everyones shit