who does the best subs?
Carol & Tuesday
>the year of our lord 2019 and he still uses subs
Fansubbing is mercifully dead, now all the fags who haven't learned moon will be filtered.
You'll never catch me alive retard
i watch on raw
From Cowboy Bebop to sjw anime.
Fma is sjw
>not raws
why are you watching this trash?
Do people actually watch this show?? I'm in big anime communities but nobody's watching this yet it has high ratings on MAL. Is it Reddit's doing?
because it's good lmao
It's generic yuri shit
I really like the songs in actual native english. It wouldn't be bad in japanese, but Netflix funding I guess.
but they aren't even gay
come up with an actual response, bitch
How exactly is this SJW?
Yuri isn't new to Japanese media. Black characters aren't new to Watanabe's works. Do you even watch anime?
>people actually think this show is "good"
It's shit , just like the characters in the show
>the characters are shit
t. brainlet
you know when some cancer mouth breathing teen who clearly frequents twitch/twitter says 'yikes' unironically or ironically, the show is probably worth giving a try
How is this anime doing anything different from other shows from the 80s though? Have you never seen Robotech? To be honest I find it very bland and cliche but nothing bad and I have the feeling it won't get any better, but is still something good to watch on this season, it might hit or not depending on the person I guess.
I mean the skin colour you mong
I just will say this wasn't worth of giving it 24 episodes
fuckin lmao?
I'm not gonna watch a fucking Netflix funded and sjw propaganda filled show. I rather watch a battle harem for the 20th time.
y-yikes dude
>sjw propaganda
dude this fucking website is rotting your brain, please leave your room it's probably been like a month since you have
Fuck off ANN shills
Saged and reported
Dude like, have sex...Yikes!
Fucking this, if it weren't for this I would had defend the show but come the fuck on, at this pacing they could even close the story in 6 episodes but I could have standed 12 episodes nevertheless, but 24!? That's basically a declaration saying "you know what, fuck the story and the characters, let's just throw more names and brands and squeeze the shit out of this opportunity", at this point this is just a mindless product.
w'sup anne
Netflix didn’t fund shit
Its a really comfy anime
literally nothing sjw about it
You know a show is good when shitposters struggle to get (You)s so they reply to themselves
Nah, this series just has been mined so much for (you)'s nobody is intertested in responding anymore. The anime is still garbage though.