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Other urls found in this thread:


It's only getting worse, what will it look like 10 episodes in?


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Had some retard call me blind when I pointed out how shit this was, JC shills on full damage control

Didnt know Beavis & butthead got an anime

me too :'(

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I'm getting Liefeld flashbacks

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Not enough QUALITY

more like this?

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There are still too many lines


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>it's "Garou turns into a dog" episode

>elder centipede is CGI as predicted but it looks ok
goddammit I wanted to shitpost
e-eventually you will fuck it up JCstaff, I'll have the last laugh

Attached: guru.jpg (3053x1554, 465K)

I've been LMAOing so hard at him whole episode.
It was so bad that it became actually good.


Even at times of some QUALITY, Garou still has his based voice actor at least.

Attached: heh.png (1920x1080, 1.25M)

It was one of the CGI I've seen that isn't from a full length movie

>another anime character bringing his literal toddler level convictions into adulthood
very cool

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Garou has everything

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This. Like he couldn't be like all childs at start and change his mind during adulthood.

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Garou more like Pedou

More, i can still see some effort.

The animation takes some pretty bad drops but the sound track and voice acting is still really good.

This isn't even satire anymore.

I deal this 2 pin Akagi!

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Who's stronger, garou or suiryu?

Garou is well balanced str/dex, Suiryu put all his points in str

>that ass

Attached: 0002.png (1280x720, 656K)

What do you think?

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>this thread

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He's hot but holy shit he was so pathetic when "that" happened and he couldn't beat "him" no matter what

Garou is stronger. Also if you don't know WSRS or WIC fists, you might as well stop calling yourself a martial artist. Suiryu's spin to do nothing is barely a martial art.

Attached: D4cUe_bUwAcxI3B.jpg (3497x4096, 1.66M)

At least we will have SnK for some nice sakuga this season, right?

Sure. Enjoy your titans.

Attached: op.jpg (1280x720, 138K)

I hate this bullshit argument. Ingrates like you literally think martial arts is magic. It doesn't fucking work like that.

Metal Bat has zero martial arts and would've killed Garou if it wasn't for Zenko. Suiryu could kill Garou by with a simple clench of his buttcheeks .

Attached: Suiryu.jpg (405x633, 50K)

This but unironically

Madhouse dumped OPM because they knew Garou was shit and didn't want to animate his boring ass

Attached: 1387023951791.gif (336x268, 1.23M)

That's exactly the point.

>Garou is stronger
Heh, he better be strong, but it won't be enough.

Attached: Watchdog handbanana.png (372x383, 49K)

>Bones worship Reigen's ass
>JC worship Garou's

Attached: [Erai-raws] One Punch Man (2019) - 04 [1080p][Multiple Subtitle] 01.png (1920x1080, 2.95M)


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He almost has it

Attached: yujiro.jpg (1022x651, 131K)

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GurOoOoOoOoO and based

>thanos is winning!

Attached: soyrou.jpg (978x594, 122K)

When is Japan going to stop stealing from Spongebob?

Attached: Patback.png (1152x864, 1.07M)

Garou would have loved infinity war.

Watashi wa ningen no gomide wa arimasen!

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Yujiro came out before spongbob though.

I know you're just shitposting to cope with the fact that Suiryu loses but his martial art is garbage compared to the OG stuff developed by the bangin' brothers. Even suiryutards recognize this, that's why they're desperate for him to randomly start training under Bang, which won't happen.

WSRS fist both amplifies force and redirects the force of the opponent's attack back at them. Garou can easily redirect a special attack from Metal Bat who is pumped up, and letting his guard down against MB specifically has nothing to do with Suiryu, Suiryu doesn't even have tenacity anywhere remotely comparable to what both Garou and MB showcase. Garou absolutely and utterly rapes Suiryu and makes him cry. Garou wouldn't even need Abandonment to do it.

Attached: 1556043785669.webm (852x480, 2.73M)

Ok hand drawn this is the best thread Yea Forums today.

Episode 1 was the worst animation wise and 2+3 was actually decent (Tank-Top fight) but this episode went a bit down hill in quality.

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> webm
can't stop rewatching this scene whole week. I forgot when did this shit happened to me last time. Garou can wipe a floor with Suishit, baby!

>Who you callin' a pinhead


good one, even though i hate capeshit and soiacks


i liked this episode
they going all the way to the garou saitama fight arent they?

Someone tell me they are saving that budget for the entire Garou vs Everyone/Garou vs Genos/EC vs Everyone/EC vs Genos please.

>still images are animation
The word you're looking for is artstyle you fucking shit bears.

And if anything for a matter of fact Garou would pick up Void Fist and probably beat Suiryu up with it just to rub it in.

Why? Because he can.

Garou straight up obliterates Suiryu.

Attached: stomach is fine desu.jpg (3276x2247, 2.14M)

Around the time of the tournament, same level of strength, but Garou exceeds in technique since he would counter Suiryu hard.

Attached: GaloSegan.png (1072x800, 723K)

Okay, they are saving that budget for the entire Garou vs Everyone/Garou vs Genos/EC vs Everyone/EC vs Genos

Wasn’t he supposed to be blonde?

That looks surprisingly good. Is this just a special scene or does the anime have the same consistent animation throughout?

There's nothing else to focus on to be honest but Genos and Elder will look wonky even in the finale. Garou is safe from cg and weird metal coloring.
Also Garou vs MB might look good next episode despite their production schedule.

And I am Garag!

Attached: Garag.png (1778x1554, 2.02M)

satt0u is that you?


that back

Attached: 1524037347066.png (400x558, 309K)

It's animated by Kenichiro Aoki - the same guy who did the best cuts in episodes 1 and 2 as well. The cut in episode 3 is his best and longest so far.

But episode 3, focusing on Garou, was just good all around and also had at least one more talented animator to help Aoki with action. He animated Garou vs TTM's tackle.

Attached: 1556279445198.webm (1920x1080, 1.22M)

I s the webcomic and Demon Garou canon?

Attached: 1556643971896.png (1103x1079, 1.22M)

>had at least one more talented animator to help Aoki with action
Yeah and pretty sure that other guy also animated garougasm

Attached: garougasm.webm (1920x1080, 1.53M)

Have you seriously not watched it because of what shitposters say? It's fine, dude. Stop wasting time and watch it if you like the series.

Yujiro, is that you?

Everything in the webcomic is canon until it's redrawn. ONE basically uses the webcomic as a draft and then builds and improves on the story for Murata's redraw.

His official colours weren't really determined when he had a 1-second cameo in S1. I think Murata/ONE made his hair white around that time.

It turns red later though.

Oof, too far.

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Yes, look at Garou's ass and back. Don't look at the cg centipede.

Attached: 27.png (1920x1080, 2.8M)

Nigga looks like Nyaa. Confirmed for monsterized already

It's definitely more orange than red.


Attached: kami.png (656x879, 774K)

I hope the anime doesn't colour it that way, Murata gave it a nice dark/blood orange at least, and blood itself is not orange.

It works
My eyes immediately went to Garou’s backside when I looked at this screenshot

The cg honestly looked better than a lot of the hand drawn stuff this ep.

how do I achieve these back aesthetics?

What is seksu with guru like?

that looks unironically better

Attached: approved.jpg (370x320, 43K)

Agreed, centipedes looked great.

based and aokipilled

Of course blood isn't orange but this hair is definitely more orange with some yellow in it than red. Looks a lot like flames.

Also just noticed Murata also coloured his eyebrows for some reason.

Attached: 7139v18.jpg (760x1200, 258K)

Place your bets in whcih will have the best animation, the manga or the anime, I will go for the manga so I avoid disappointment.

The giant 18 on the cover makes me think it's a doujin.

A near death experience that's worth it.

Attached: 1469547419884.png (514x409, 122K)

With enough near-death sex experiences, could one begin to break their limiter and become the ultimate sex god?

Attached: cover.jpg (1520x2400, 1.32M)

It looks orange there because of the sunset lighting leaving yellow hues. Look at Tareo's head as well.

Garou's hair is red after he rubs RED blood into his white hair.

Attached: The Cola Man.png (759x1050, 953K)

Yeah, already happened to Pig God :^)

I keep thinking that maybe this was ONE's idea. Let's make season 2 suck.

That's the pic I was thinking of, yeah. If anything it's more pink than orange.

How do you think Dos-S became a monster?

>how do I achieve these back aesthetics?
For starters you need to get born with good genes.

Attached: 1553301975428.jpg (667x517, 343K)

could use some rims on his sleeves

Well you do you, but I'm going to take the colour from the detailed volume cover over the colour from a chapter cover that probably only took him an hour or two at most.

That would make the most sense considering white + red = pink

Attached: 1556468118855.png (1356x576, 1.68M)

I don't think so
maybe until the destruction of elder centipede and the formation of the rescue team

You're going to take the detailed volume cover by ignoring the most important detail in it? The cover's lighting that makes everything look yellow-ish because it's sunset time in that particular scene.

This really isn't rocket science. Garou's white hair after applying red blood on it looks red in normal lighting. Not orange.



>could one begin to break their limiter and become the ultimate sex god
Only after sex with Guru, and even then you have to persevere and climax at least 50 times in one bed battle.

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Ay dios mio...

Attached: MY NAME IS GARU.png (1200x900, 95K)

Garou and Tareo scenes were adorable as always

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can't wait

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Im expecting QUALITY after Garou vs Metal Bat next week.

These two are very loveable.

Bubblehead Garou.

I don't get it. Is this guy a super saiyan?

Its a shame Garou will fail to protect his smile toward the end of the Season.

JC staff I have a question for you. Where is the background you lazy fucks?

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>born with good genes
>telling this to an Yea Forumsnon
Wow, what a dick.

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It's okay, a little bit of drama is fine. They make up quickly after all and the moment where Garou protects Tareo deflecting a thousand bullets for him is epic in itself.

They are Kubo fans I think.

Nigger, you're obsessed. You put more effort in that than JC did.

Attached: BigBadWolf and Tareo.png (1248x622, 1.4M)

>big bad wolf

Cute and based

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Why is this garbage animated in 240p and upscaled? I 480p CR upscaled to 1080p looks identical to the 1080p video. It's 2019 and anime quality is getting worse and worse despite a mature industry.

Attached: 1556169122006.webm (1920x1080, 663K)

visuals are awful
pacing is awful
sound direction is painfully mediocre

there isn't even any point to watching this shit tier adaption when the manga is vastly superior.

count that crazy haircut

Based script writer adding stuff that is actually good.

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Felt like the quality in Garous face went to Suiryu instead.

Seems that from now on we will get more filler scenes, if its like Garou/Tareo then fine, not like Charanko and Mumen Rider who spent the time wanking Saitama.

Its the same script writer from Season 1, but people care more for "sakuga animation".

>Who's stronger, garou or filler?

Yea, Garou Sengen.


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ghosting is going to ruin this fight desu

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Having recently rewatched the Boros fight, I honestly can't see anyone hut Saitama fighting him and actually winning.

OPM S2 has better CGI than the Sonic live action movie, think about it.

Don’t make me remember that!

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Attached: guru.png (1356x576, 1M)

Next week we will get a lot of character intros.
Phoenix Man and his group
Martial Artists
Hug Monster

The return of Metal Knight.

I want Garou to bite me

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They knew that 80% of Garou's arc is filler

That edit needs the azure aura on the fists

>who's stronger, shit character or shit character who's also a filler?

Really makes the dingle tingle doesn't it?

Next week should be good.

Attached: Zenko.jpg (640x360, 36K)

Blame Pikachu for giving people seizures.

hows the sakuga this episode

No sakuga

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Zenko's design seems to be perfectly adapted by those loli jc staff fags.

My penis is already twitching in excitement

Attached: GAROU.png (1778x1554, 3.35M)

I still liked the episode.

Yep, they fleshed out Garou and Tareo's relationship further there.

Also gotta give it to Garou's voice actor again, the way his tone changes when he speaks to Tareo is perfect.

>Bang went super easy on Garou not to hurt him
>Garou feels badass for stopping his "attack"
Garou sure is moe



Flicking the bean to Sweet Mask too many times.

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Attached: kotoura-san.png (1280x720, 516K)

Yes. But only for the first half of the episode.

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Shouldn't the centipede names be localized as Juniorpede, Seniorpede, and Elderpede? Why does Viz insist on leaving so many names untranslated? Shit like "Amai" mask doesn't mean anything to the reader. It's incredibly frustrating.

those names are retarded, just say centipede

The amount of butthurt this thing is causing is hilarious. Sonic was always a pretty trash franchise and its getting the movie it deserves.

They're slowly trying to teach Japanese, one untranslated word at a time.

In the same place as Murata put his since I see no background in that manga panel

>writing literal crackfic because Garou's manly back triggers you
Bang didn't go super easy on him and Garou never said how he felt when he stopped his attack, or endured numerous others for that matter. You sure are moe, shitposter-kun.

Attached: AsuraGarou.jpg (741x5133, 3.11M)

It's literally what the names are in Japanese though

But that's not what the Japanese says. If the subs are accurate, the name is meant to be a portmanteau of "centipede" and "kohai (junior)". It's not hard to do the equivalent in English at all.

Try to read the webcomic some time

those initial 30 seconds made me realize that Garo is the coolest thing ever and my monster / hero of the heart.

Haven't read up on the manga in a while (in fact, not since it was around where the current anime is). Did Garo get his ass kicked by Saitama yet?

who gives a fuck if that's what they mean in japanese, it sounds retarded. X centipede gets the point across just as well, but doesn't sound retarded.

You Garoufags are funny.

>this thread
And if they just resorted to tracing it would be a Murata mastepiece of stills and blurs, instead we got a Picasso frame this episode.

Attached: trace.png (800x800, 432K)


>who gives a fuck what they mean in Japanese. Agreed, I'm going to call Garou Edgemaster now and Black Sperm is black teletubby.

Garou took the combo head on in the webcomic. So you're actually not just a shitposter but also retarded.

>Bang didn't go super easy on him
Everyone and their mom knows that Bang was holding back. The very next scene shows Bang actually trying to kill elder centipede and then commenting that he might have to go all out one last time.

He was holding back massively so as to knock Garou out and that was all.

I fucking hate this manga. It should just focus on Garou to be perfectly onest. Garpid is beyond the hero bullshit that is just the associaton tryi g to bank in on he treatred weakness and fear of the averege sivilian.

Keep reading, user. You'll get to the explanation eventually.

Bang was holding back, but he did not go "super easy" on him. Bang himself admits it and it shows when Garou is basically on the verge of death with Bang drilling him into the ground viciously.

You're nonsensical. Are you actually confusing the scene where Garou realizes Bang held back a lot when he EXPELLED him with this completely different fight? Then you're even more retarded than I thought, damn.

>bug-hating user being cute again
Bang literally tells you that he didn't expect Garou to be still standing let alone swing a fucking tree Asura style. Both he and Bang additionally discuss that it's even above what they could do in the state Garou was in, even if both of them where still young, all there to further hit readers like you with the canon facts.

You sure are cute.

Attached: ONE.jpg (413x432, 32K)

Does anymody no where Murata got his skill from? He is so giod at dtawing men but he osn"'t gay? Semms fishy to me if I were to say but whoo knoes.
Naybe just a generel interest in art or whatnot. Bit I cant help to think he stidied some gay naked guys or sp,ething. Help.

Attached: IMG_20190330_045516.jpg (2048x1536, 432K)

Can't tell if unironic ESL

Attached: 1554071421581.png (413x437, 148K)

Aldo sorry im on a keBoard right now

Yeas english is avtually my fourht language but the problem is the keyboard actually. I ann a lot better without.

Fucking coil if ua ask me

Attached: IMG_20190501_012427.jpg (1025x1200, 136K)

Literally retconned
All Garou says is that he feels worried ABOUT Bang after Bang and his bro savagely beat on him when he was already fucked up
Seethe more

Attached: 1518765791532.gif (590x333, 124K)

What kind of keyboard do you have, chinese?

He was talking about when Bang and Bomb fight Rover, Genos note their attack is much stronger than against Garou

>Spoonfeeding Garoufags.

Heroes are leftists
Garou is /pol/
Monsters are Nazis
OPM is big brain radical centrist

You need to go back

The only change I really want in the manga is for Bang not to get bodied by Homeless God 2 seconds after he ONESHOT TWO DRAGON LEVEL MONSTERS
Have him take on some of the Black Sperms or even fight Orochi but that inconsistency is just annoying

Attached: 1530378169244.gif (500x650, 1.35M)

Nah, he’s talking about some really retarded shit that mixes up different timelines to suit his shitposting agenda of the day
Tanking a combo even if it’s not all out, is impressive, and Garou with his badass back shots in the manga never talks about one-upping Bang

No it is one that had invered keys so it is very hard ort type o n it. It is actilaly a special mode but yeas.

>Bang himself admits it
Bang was lying because he doesn't want to actually admit that the association is correct to doubt him.

so Garou is basically a edgelord whose been a contrarian faggot since he was a child.

That entire sequence is probably gonna be a lot different in the manga. Bomb still hasn't killed anything above a tiger.

Can you Garoufags ever admit defeat? For you OR Garou?
What do you gain from being so rabid about a fictional character that you twist every single moment in the manga to claim his superiority? I'm not actually asking you but rather just wondering out loud because I know your response is going to be more retarded jibberish.

Attached: a8a.png (201x201, 27K)

Based and redpilled ESL poster.
I had to read your last sentance 3 times, but yeah, exactly. Erm, the Hero Assotiation is trying to bank in on the **** weakness and fear of the average civilian, based and true.

Now fix that keyboard.

he was talking about bang though

Bang wasn't lying. He seriously wants to stop Garou. He was very seriously drilling Garou into the ground and making the guy feel like he's about to die. He even has Bomb there to stop him at moments similar to that. Holding back from killing the guy you're fighting does not mean you're going "super easy" on him, retard.

I get what he meant, I think Bomb is gonna go wild and take out Gums or something like that.

Bang's whole schtick is his mrtial arts and when he was immobilized by Psykos it was the worst possible scenario for him. Just losing consciousness after getting hit by those blasts is a pretty good feat.

Is /ourcat/ gonna make it bros??

Attached: Nyan_Past.png (732x813, 416K)

>that awful stock *thwhip* sound effect that's repeated 20 times

Attached: vlcsnap-2019-04-30-18h46m39s066.png (1920x1080, 1.55M)

He will. We’ll see him facing the prisoners, then leave with them.

What does your incoherent drivel have to do with the argument at hand?
You're seething so hard you can't even differentiate between manga and webcomic, which have events written differently, and merge them because you can't shitpost otherwise
Can you stop SEETHING for a second and stop making random shit up about Garou?

Garou is a whiny faggot and only ever survives his fights out of pure luck.

The episode was pretty good.
If you want to criticize something, watch Game of Thrones, s8e3, that shit was hyped up for 7 seasons, only for complete garbage.

Keep your Yea Forums garbage on Yea Forums

Garou is basically a madman who's been causing inconceivable anal devastation both in the OPM world and the real world. Literally the most savage rapist since Tite Kubo's last chapter of Bleach.

Attached: Garo Hyde.png (279x382, 148K)

This becomes part of how he’s morally destroyed later in his arc lmao

>stop SEETHING for a second and stop making random shit up about Garou?
Can pigs fly?


this guy is basically responsible for the downfall of anime and he's only taken off because his sound effects fit in jojo where everything is super exaggerated to being with.

Yeah, I hope Sugita voices him, Nyan is supposed to sound manly.

Let's be real Garoufags, what would you do if you found him unconscious in an alleyway?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] One Punch Man S2 - 04 [1080p].mkv_snapshot_01.33_[2019.04.30_19.53.57].jpg (1920x1080, 953K)

Pussy will bail out of the perimeter before shit even hits the fan.

Attached: googlevery-fast-cat-running-at-incredible-hihg-speed-41939751.png (500x404, 85K)

I'll take Garou with his talent and proper training base surviving in battles over le protagonist Saitama surviving pigs and crabs on a pure whim for years
Your seething really gets me going

What's with the obsession with a fucking dine and dasher?

Who the hell would like someone who runs away from a specially prepared meal without paying? It's disgusting.

Attached: THAT technique.jpg (5660x3670, 1.5M)

Lick his wounds, then take him up on my back and home. You thought I was gonna say I'd blow him huh, not jet we need to bond first.

Attached: 872650923638.jpg (379x417, 45K)

Steal a hug, and then wake him up and offer to take him home so he can have a nice warm shower and then a homecooked breakfast.

Saitama does it too.

Name one time.

>wake him up and offer
You're such an amateur. You're supposed to use that chance for the "he wakes up in your sweet bed" scene, or in your cozy living room. No way he'll accept to go home with anybody, even my hot ass.

Wake him up and share a cola with him

Attached: DoIrLo9U4AA3BZb.jpg (849x1024, 124K)

Saitama himself admits it.

Attached: x14.jpg (600x849, 104K)

That's Caped Baldy you dummy

Fubuki clearly had that bill, she did eat some of his fries.

>He seriously wants to stop Garou.
He wasn't going all out though which is a fact. Dude was holding back regardless of his intentions not to kill Garou. He was in fact going super easy on him it's just that Bang is many levels above Garou at this point so super easy still equates to an asswhooping.

Its me or Metal Bat looked very handsome with the blood on his face?

it's too bad BG and RR didn't just get real like they said they would and kill garou, especially BG. if he used that evolved form that he used on DS against garou at that point in the fight he would have been dead 100%.

what a world it would be if garoufags had their god btfo by a bug and some hair in bandages

the fuck was actually wrong with the sound design this episode? some of the sound effects with elder centipede had me recoiling from how dreadful they soudned.

He looked like trash in the entire episode though.

How many times did Garou actually survive thanks to plot convenience?

When does Saitama kill Garou in the manga?

It's actually just because the dine and dashing trope has been around in Japanese theater plays and other types of entertainment shows since like the middle of the Tokugawa era. It's a classical trope for them so they have a need to shoehorn it in in their works.

Not just you. It helps that his hair got messed up too

>this episode

at least 4 times

>This guy is 17
I don't think so

Attached: 0e084e277e5cfeb4ef4bbb4e8b871a11.jpg (941x1280, 181K)

I want Flash to BTFO Sonic.
Jobber thinks he can be Saitama's rival when he isn't even the strongest ninja

Attached: FF.png (700x400, 581K)

Animator-san still doing good work for this episode.

Attached: PNG image.png (400x400, 81K)

Thread proves without a doubt that anti-Garou posters are literal subhumans.

Attached: CHADrou.jpg (500x800, 93K)

Metal Bat
Watchdog Man
Royal Ripper
Since Saitama never kills humans and Bang only wanted to beat some sense into him that's all, right?

No, he wasn't going "super easy" either, which is a fact he shows when he continuously punches Garou so hard Garou comments it's like nothing he's seen from the old man before and Bang then confirms it himself. Holding back from killing does not mean you're going "super easy" on the one you're fighting. Bang seriouslly wanted to stop Garou and went ham on him at a point, so much that Garou felt like he'd die.

Every since OPM thread so far is evidence of that, far more than this one you dunce.


Attached: rlqligYiXdaKJzg-800x450-noPad.jpg (800x450, 72K)

What if Flash beat Sonic's meat? That would be so weird and gross haha am I right? Somebody should draw this just to see how gross and sticky that would be haha.

i think so, could be more but i can't think of any and i'm not bothered to check

You Garoufags always claim Garou goes super easy even when he is literally one scratch away from death so I think saying that Bang went super easy on him is fair.

Maybe he is the one to win the Nyanbowl and cut up the cat after he tries to slash him.

Who'd win?
FF, Sonic, and Ninja bros (only their human mode allowed) vs Atomic Samurai and his disciples

Bug God couldn't even inflict serious damage on Garou 2v1 when Garou himself was holding back. Garou blocked his swings bare armed.
BG and Ripper relied on the biggest plot convenience ever, Tareo being taken hostage. Garou would've done them in otherwise or at the very least stalled for Tareo to get away, killed the fuck out of Ripper and retreated because BG is a slow fag who can't do shit to stop him.

sure man

There are many instances where Garou goes super easy in his fights, yes. Giggling and openly fucking around. That instance is neither for him nor Bang, however. Bang seriously wanted to stop him and went ham on him at a point.

>was looking forward to this fight since it was published
>this shit is what I got

Attached: 1309316318001.jpg (300x300, 22K)


>Watch shit for F R E E

>scratch away from death = Bang went super easy on him
You're so ass and brain damaged you don't even know what you type anymore. That guy literally spoonfed it to you in a way that even a shut-in autist like you would understand, so you purposely slap random disjointed thoughts together to create confusion and uncertainty out of nowhere. Screeching queer.

Sonic and ninja bros beat AM's disciples with mid diff.
And now it's a 3 v 1. AM loses.

>being smaller than a jap

ONE is a genius and factually shits on the """greats""" like Toriyama and Kubo. Imagine having to wait for meme shonens to finally get engaging characters.

And yes the animation is shit, fuck JC Staff.

>Murata is 6.2

Stop fucking literally repeating yourself to the ADHD autist. It's your fault for humoring him constantly and repeating yourself incessantly, every doctor will tell you these types need to be slapped across the face and ignored.


Garou is just a shit, nonthreatening version of Hisoka
Murata ain't got shit on Togashi

ONE is actually taller than him. Even bigger chad.

Everyone is bitching about the lsight visual fallback.
Meanwhile I am much more bothered by the pacing that is all over the place.

Attached: 1460471290596.jpg (500x375, 122K)

Im mean ONE

thats in character tho

ONE is 6 feet

If the next episode isn't 20 minutes of fight, JC staff better prepare to be jobless.

Dont even get me started on the sound direction.

Attached: 1552573673870.png (308x197, 66K)

No dude. I don't know what they're exact measurements on paper are (who the fuck would even know) but when ONE was standing next to Murata in that one pic he was clearly taller, both head and shoulders.

There is literally no similarities between hisoka and garou, end your life.

It was due to the pod.


Attached: gyaruoOK.gif (440x330, 509K)

hold the fuck up

>no similarities
Not him, but:
>both are hunters
>both hunt opponents who guarantee a challenging fight
>both are a dandy and cocksure and cause horror and terror in their victims
They're generally not similar in morals and endgame, but they do give off the same vibe sometimes.

>implying the Centipede looked bad
This season's CG is spectacular.

because those sound like medical insurance

Garou hunts for his convictions, not for fun and garou himself says multiple times and even demonstrates that he hunts ALL heroes, he isn't looking for a "challenging fight" in particular.

They got the CG for the centipedes ALMOST right. The issue is that it animates at a greater frame rate than the 2D animations, and is constantly jitterring even when idle, while the 2D characters are completely still.

leave a note that im one of the s-class and want to fight in some unpopulated area
never show

>that he hunts ALL heroes
That's not entirely true. He doesn't directly hunt/seek out all heroes, just theoretically. Those he suspects to be small fries and weak he doesn't specifically seek out but crushes only if they accidentally cross his path. He says it himself that he feels disgust and disappointment if he crushes and opponent that didn't prove to be worth his time and finds genuine happiness once he faces someone challenging. This happened several times so far if you've been paying attention, something he's still only figuring out now.
Also, Garou is still a kid who exited the dojo/kindergarden last Thursday and is only now discovering the fact that not all heroes are equally worth his time and fists. This is his fucking debut into the life of a martial artist, whereas Hisoka is an adult who has a lot of experience behind him, so he both kills and immediately only bothers with the strong.

Honestly? I’d touch Garou’s body all over and study the material of his shirt.
If he wakes up and fractures my arm it’d still be worth it.

>and study the material
>fractures my arm it’d still be worth it
based Dr. Stoner autist

Attached: kektama.png (680x445, 427K)

Where are the JC staff apologists now?

Metal bat is the coolest ^_^

Attached: OPM metal bat.webm (853x480, 2.86M)

I really sympathize with Garou. Sometimes the villain is just way cooler than the hero. Especially when it comes to anime.

Attached: Tohru_shrug.jpg (800x798, 104K)

Garou just doesn’t discriminate because he wants to spread fear. Otherwise he does want to fight the strong but his reason is different from the clown’s who just wants a good fight and would kill a bunch of people to find out if any of them are a worthy opponent. Garou wants to become the strongest, that’s why he’s particularly excited when he fights an S class. He wants to become unbeatable and becoming stronger is what’s exciting to him, not fighting in itself. He treats his hero opponents like training dummies for him to absorb experience from and obstacles to step over.

They ruined his introduction with their terrible pacing and direction yet again.
I saw one and murata tweeting before the start of the episode and I was expecting some freelancer to save it with sakuga.

All we get is that static freeze gram bullshit, fuck jc

He should've bonked himself a few more times, to add that pinch of extra tension to the scene

Bug God was holding back as evidence by his encounter with Darkshine and his orders from Gyoro. Ripper was literally held back by Bug God as he also had standing orders not to kill Garou.

Garou on the other hand had no incentive to hold back and there's no indication that he was holding back himself. He had a kid to protect and the desire to eliminate these two monsters and it's not until Sludge shows up that he's forced to basically stop. Keep in mind that he does still fight two demon level threats at once and hold his own so he's still impressive but he was definitely going all out on them.

The next fight time he fights multiple demon level threats shows that he's boosted up enough to handle 3 at a time. But not at the point in which he fought Ripper and Bug God.

Brother, everyone was expecting MB vs Garou to happen today thats why people were hyped for the episode. Now we have to wait until next week.

What bothers me more is using like a gradient to color? The colors in the show look washed out

Attached: 1537807431170.png (1920x1080, 1.4M)

Ok dude you didn't say anything I can disagree with. Except that you keep insisting that the only reason Garou fights stronk heroes is because of a particular plan of spreading fear.
It's not just that, I bloody proved it to you last post. He is not jet aware that he enjoys fighting as such, because he does feel happiness and a healthy rush from a real fight. It's not JUST because he wants to become strongest, then it would simply be a set plan.
He does have a natural preference and taste for it, just like he naturally dislikes tasteless depictions of TV justice and shitty JC music direction. He feels like garbage if beating a worthless shitstain, as do all warrior characters in manga, so it's a natural and subconscious thing even if he does rationalize it in an actually endgame goal.

Murata posted this ages ago and you anons didn't share.

Attached: D5aPtvoUwAEO_sp.jpg (1133x1200, 370K)

was the only episode where Saitama didn't punch anyone?

No, Garou was holding back for a fact. Not only did he not use WIC fist that he already saw and learned, he didn't use Abandonment either, which he was shown using in a fight right before that one. Garou was observing the two and was barely damaged mid fight. Garou was holding back against them, period.

Then Garou was put into a situation where he got conveniently distracted and with Tareo taken hostage he wouldn't have had nearly as much freedom to fight as he pleases anyway. Really convenient. After this Garou learns his lesson and pretty much murders Ripper without as much as a greeting.

it was posted 2 threads ago buddy

>Garou was holding back for a fact
So either Garou is a retard who thinks he can hold back against multiple opponents, or he was still unable to defeat two powerful demon level monsters at a point where he was not up for the challenge. You can only pick one garoufag and trust me neither is flattering for the character.

You blind idiot. I knew that someone would try to nitpick that remark, but you seem to forget that manga is created in black and white, it's more stylized than adaptation and because of a medium is much more open to interpretation by your own imagination, your brain is (or should) processing information and filling gaps (colours, movement or depth being the most obvious ones). Manga can have detiled backgrounds but it is not necessary. OPM anime is not drawn in monochrome, and is placed in modern, fantastic but fairly realistic, not surreal, setting. Like in any example of realistic/figurative painting or work of art in general: colour, hue, value, shadows etc. are extremely important to convey the sense of this fake reality, to, in short, sustain your suspension of disbelief, to make the art look and FEEL good when you are observing it. Of course animated cartoons rearly (or never desu) try or want to be absoluely photorealistic they are using many tricks to support coherent illusion and feeling, like for example speedlines to comunicate the sense of inconceivable speed or change in artstyle that can represent some insight into character's mind (like when TTM fought Garou and felt his aura or when Kabuto sensed Baldy's power) or just for comedic or dramatic effects. Basically everything in the picture (so every background too) has to have meaning: literal or metaphorical.
After establishing those basic axioms/assumptions we should ask ourselves a simple question. Why does the background looks like it looks? If we can't find the answer then something is clearly wrong. That's what is happening with OPM 2. If it occured once or twice in entire season I would simply ignore, quickly forget about it but nonesensical backgrounds are constantly there to be seen. I seriously think that this show has the worst backgrounds that I have ever seen in any anime.
I've made a quick compilation of some shockingly bad ones from last two episodes and the opening.(pic rel)

Attached: 53423236-min.png (4096x2304, 2.29M)


Can Garou just buy or steal slightly bigger shirt?

> implying the Centipede looked bad

yes, because it did. It's basic terrible looking anime CG

goosh goosh

why did you have to remind me?

>based monster maido speaking the truth
The villain is my hero.

Attached: taking out the trash.png (854x785, 825K)

Thinks? He held them off 2v1 just fine, without going all out, for a fact. Not his first time fighting multiple opponents. Garou only used Abandonment in the fight against heroes for example because he was forced to fight in a horribly injured state. Garou, like many other characters, holds back and gradually reveals what he can do in a fight. Basically no one goes all out immediately. Even Bang only prepared to use Abandonment as a last resort against Elder Centipede and the brothers held back their strongest combo despite the colossal threat the centipede posed. So you're quite retarded in your "criticism".

Garou however isn't a fucking prophet and couldn't foresee that Tareo is going to get taken hostage right as he fights BG and Ripper. But Garou quickly learns his lesson and goes for the brutal and swift kill on Ripper next time he sees him, using a technique he learned before meeting this guy.

Attached: DW2TxZsVAAA2xCc.jpg (2892x4096, 1.53M)

Its kinda hot though except the dying part

Cute nippleservice.

stop please

I see you chose the "he's a retard" option. Which is fitting because he doesn't even understand what a monster really is. Too bad he couldn't accomplish that brutal and swift kill when he had RR in his hands the first time. That baby kick he delivered while holding back vastly as well as the arm twist were clearly not meant to do anything but tickle Ripper. Although it's funny, by proxy you're proven that Bang was in fact going "super easy" on Garou since he wasn't using abandomnent, trying to kill garou, and still holding back as to only knock the kid out while having his brother there on standby to stop him.

This series is full of a bunch of softies isn't it.

Is Ufotable making the latter episodes?

cute and funny

> that brutal and swift kill when he had RR in his hands the first time
Not him but he didn't have a timer ticking nor a kid as hostage the first time he fought RR. The first time the flow of the fight was interrupted, the second time there was no time to fuck around, naturally he insta-killed the worthless faggot.

Oh and yes, Bang did go full apeshit on Garou and was breaking him, he simply didn't aim to kill. You don't need to aim to kill to not go soft, fucktard.
How do we know? oh shit, because he comments on it several times, including Garous and Bombs comments.
>This series is full of a bunch of softies isn't it.
Is this why you come to this threads, to bait and shitpost? Fuck off to you bnha containment thread you falseflagging shit spreading degenerate.

I see you're just retarded period and moving goalposts is your hobby.

Who said Garou was going super easy on them? He wasn't, he held them off for Tareo to escape and he was observing them as usual, with the intent to defeat them. However, the facts are: he was holding back - not going all out, he was barely damaged mid fight 2v1 and didn't feel any sort of urgency to actually go all out. Garou is also far from being the only character to hold back like that.

>t-the centipede's won't be CG I promise
>JCstaff won't d-disappoint us

God I wish.

Attached: 1556602367693.webm (853x480, 2.97M)

The CG is unironically good though

>Who said Garou was going super easy on them?
In those words? Only you. Everyone was holding back, Garou is the only one in a puddle of his own blood at the end of the night which goes to show that only the stronger or more experienced have the luxury of treating their enemy like a case study.

nigga everyone knew it was gonna be CGI, we just thought it was going to be berserk/overlord levels of horrible
instead it's serviceable
stop sperging

Not with those animations. You can tell it was fucking shit CG even before it moved. The animation made it even more fucking jarring.

Have you apologized to JC Staff yet?

Attached: saitama_vs_garou_part_1.webm (960x540, 2.97M)

Yeah no. Fuck you. Somehow JCocksuckers argued it wasn't CGI. They and some of Yea Forums argued it won't be CGI.

The ruined the character designs, everyone is way too buff looking, it's disgusting.
Murata made them look strong, with that dbz shit.
They where actually aesthetic.

Attached: garou_vs_tank_top_master.webm (960x540, 3M)


Okay but why would one and murata be hyped if it's just a cgi, no animation fest?

What color do you see peanut butter as?

>eldercentipede isn't glossy black
You had one job

and which part was the majority? a few people defending their favourite studio, a, by your own definition, small part of Yea Forums, or literally everybody else?

it looks uncanny as fuck, especially with the legs moving, and they completely ruined his face, it's garbage.

>Where do you work out?

>At the Library

this shit is hella lame you guys actually watch this?

Why does this air at 1AM in Japan? Is this normal?

The show just looks like shit in general

Most of the people in the thread.

Stop making shit up and generalizing situations. He had a hostage situation and got stabbed in the back literally.
He is used to fighting without aiming to kill so he naturally didn't think it would be necessary to kill RR and Bug God. At that time it didn't hit him jet, but when the kids life was at stake it was over in 0.3 seconds.

You simply have Garou's knot rammed in your jabbery attention seeking asshole and wish to create debates out of issues that aren't even debatable you piece of shit. Trying to bring to life the good ol tactic of accusing that other guy of starting the debate despite all the archive threads proving you start the debate every single time out of nowhere.

They don't want people to see it

Nice, another goalpost moved. You're such a hopeless retard. Garou was ALSO holding back and was barely damaged mid fight 2v1. These are facts. Garou has a habit of observing his enemy before finishing them off, and warded those two off so that Tareo can escape just fine. Then Tareo got conveniently taken hostage, which is what led to Garou shedding all that blood.

You're actually desperately butthurt to try and single him out when we had "strong people" who held back against city sized monsters literally devouring said cities, dropping those monsters on them when they could vaporize them, etc.

>Stop making shit up
>Garou was ALSO holding back and was barely damaged mid fight 2v1
Why would he hold back if he knew there was a kid nearby that can't fight monsters? If he really wanted to end the fight fast to make sure Tareo was safe he wouldn't have held back but he chose too and look at what it got him. At least the other two guys have the excuse of their boss dictating to them that Garou should be kept alive. Garou acting cocky is what got him into further trouble. Really solidifies that Garou is a retard who is too Cocky for his own good sometimes as Tareo now has some nice mental scars to match the physical one he got from Ripper.

Attached: 1553492306218.png (1065x816, 854K)

nah it looked good


>knowing the answer to the question
You actually sucks on penises in your free time, don't you?

Attached: slutkek.jpg (445x330, 53K)

do you guys remember the first time zenko appeared on the manga, and garouxzenko blew up?

shit was cash

Attached: 1222222.jpg (1200x675, 47K)

>Murata said that Suiryu would look Italian in real life
Holy shit Murata is red pilled.

If it blew up so hard, why is there so little fanart of it?

Attached: suspicious.jpg (236x236, 18K)

Because the kid is running away and the two monsters are focused on Garou, cretin. Ripper didn't even try to run after the kid once Garou kicked him away to protect Tareo and BG never cared about the kid. They both declared Garou their enemy and set out to fight him.

There was no urgency for Garou. He himself was barely damaged and Tareo was out of the picture. Garou had no magical way of foreseeing Tareo would get conveniently taken hostage by some third faggot during the fight. The end. You can stop hemorrhaging over Garou like a dumbfuck. I know that Tareo loving Garou and recognizing Garou's brave acts to protect him ravages your asshole something fierce too. Nothing you can do about it, you shitposting fuckface.

because it blew up in here and people were too lazy then it died

>Murata (In English): Hello everyone I am Murata, (points to Flashy Flash that he just finished drawing) and this is Flashy Flash, he is very cool.
What did he mean by this?

Attached: Saitama_dodged.jpg (600x477, 137K)

Why are we getting edgy villain #254378906 instead of more Saitama scenes? I really thought the end of the 3rd episode signaled the beginning of the fun but nope back to boring edgelord again.

Attached: 1507432230116.gif (700x500, 15K)

What a virtuous and handsome young man

when did he say that

>There was no urgency for Garou
That's his fault for not thinking that Tareo could be in more danger and thinking he could afford to play around with 2 demon level threats.

Season 1 was the end of the comedy
OPM will be taking itself more seriously from here on out and trying to tell a story


Offer him a bowl of eggs.

Oh shit you should drop it right now then. Mr. Edgelord is going to be your substitute MC for quite a while, most of S3 included.

Attached: 1527630985136.jpg (673x741, 44K)

>this episode

Attached: fubuki_seizure.webm (460x500, 94K)

Because it's no longer OPM anymore, now it's "Saitama and ̶f̶r̶i̶e̶n̶d̶s̶ acquaintances"

You where originally arguing on fighting skill, power and battle competence. Now you're arguing about area intel.

A true parasite in his natural habitat, it shifts and merges once challenged with antibodies.

Attached: 1548361408125.png (256x256, 12K)

>you can fuck Garou but you must fuck pig god first
Would you do it?

Attached: 050CEE40-F381-4D23-86D1-FAE8B512634F.jpg (1080x608, 55K)

Garou wasn't "playing around" with the two but he wasn't going all out either. No one goes all out from the start. There was also no way for Garou to just "know" Tareo would get conveniently taken hostage right around that time. No one in the story is that paranoid, you goalpost-moving dumbfuck.

Garou is far from being the only person who holds back, and there are people who hold back against fucking colossal sized threats with a city and unconscious people under/right near them. You can shove your shitposts into your ravaged ass, retard.

I'd let Garou fuck up Pig God first and then fuck me.

Attached: D43ZC37WkAMSUDh.png (800x800, 617K)

I see you can't defend Garou not doing everything in his power to immediately make sure that Tareo is safe. Something Garou rectifies in his next attempt at saving a kid by actually escorting him to safety instead of just telling the kid to run. But no, Garou still is an idiot for "holding back" against two monsters that are clearly able to hurt him as evidence by him getting sliced, diced, and pounded like minced meat over his fight. They even made sure to cook him a bit using an electrical line.

That fight was really a good showcase about how lackluster a thinker he is and how irresponsible a fighter he can be due to his cockiness.

>muh Everbyone Holds back so it's ok when Garou does it
Difference is other people like Flashy or Bang are expert and experience fighters and can accurately gauge their opponents capabilities. Garou is some greenhorn who has been out of the dojo less than a month and can't gauge shit for his opponents.

Living up to the precedent set by Madhouse & friends was never going to happen.

Also, there are way too many fights post-Boros - post-MA for anyone to have done adequate justice to. Murata and ONE have simply made something that is too difficult to portray satisfyingly through animation as a medium. No company/studio is going to want to take the time, develop the talent, and spend the money necessary to bring about a masterpiece for something that, as of right now, has no foreseeable ending.

holy fuck amazing

Besides Sieg being absolutely terrible the sound in Apocrypha made it nearly unwatchable so I'm glad they hired the same guy for OPM's S2. It feels like icing on the shitcake and a perfect choice to represent the season as a whole.

Attached: 1488870187060.jpg (680x346, 53K)

Don't remind me, user.
Every sound was bass.

fucking yikes

>escorting him to safety
How much acid tabs did you swallow? I wasn't aware Garou can replicate like Sperm.
>I see you can't defend
I see. You have the trauma coping mechanism activated where the user has the ability to actually erase the memory of receiving an answer to a statement over 50 times. Scroll up, slut.

Attached: 1511054252646.jpg (596x600, 200K)

I've been saying since the first preview that this animation director is a talentless hack and we've lost the only chance we had to see a well-animated version of all this shit.
It would litearlly have been better to wait for some new hotshot director to pick up OPM than get a new season sooner.
Cause at this point, the Murata Manga is just as well animated, better choreographed and better detailed than this bullshit.
Garou is the most interesting character in OPM tho

>Living up to the precedent set by Madhouse & friends was never going to happen.
If someone can pull shit like pic related, I find this hard to believe.

Attached: 13 resize.gif (640x480, 321K)

Based GURU GURU poster

>has nothign better to do so he pushes a shitty meme
falseflaggers gonna false flag. I love the show and the fact that you fat worthless wastes of life get angry from that brings me unbridled joy and ecstasy. Get madder so I can fap harder!

Who's the guy that created the ghostring? I want to kill him, I don't remember seeing it before 2018 much, but now every studio is using it, what in the fuck.

>Flashy or Bang are expert and experience fighters and can accurately gauge their opponents capabilities
>proceeds to make up more drivel
Flash and Bang literally could not gauge anything. Flash holding back led to the city devouring Octopus monster going on a rampage and destroying the city even more. Bang and Bomb held back their best combo with unconscious heroes around and another city near the colossal Elder Centipede, then acted all surprised when Elder shrugged off the usual combo.

Garou actually kept Ripper and BG under control by himself without going all out himself and was observing them. Tareo was also out of the picture, Garou warded off the monsters to let him escape. But he had no way of knowing Tareo would be conveninetly kidnapped by some other faggot to use against him during the fucking fight.

You can stop shitposting like a retard because you delusionally believe Garou killed your cat or something while Garou is saving kittens for Tareo in the volumes.

>Garou is saving kittens for Tareo in the volumes.
Unless Garou saves/otherwise keeps Nyan alive, this point is invalid.


>Those sound effects of elder centipede hitting metal bat
>That undewhelming as fuck Metal Bat hitting himself scene
Jesus fucking christ the sound directing is abhorrent.

Maybe lets see you do better, sweetie? No? Didn't think so.

I never thought someone would actually save this. Here's the current version if you want

Attached: 20 (2).gif (640x480, 367K)

Oh it's valid. Pic related is Garou's personality. He didn't kill your cat, don't freak out.

Attached: 1553178529392.png (682x1080, 201K)

Until Nyan has zero risk of dying, your words hold no value.

Nyan is not your cat, shitposter.

What does possession have to do with investment?

Zenko is cute and funny

Cute bird.

Attached: garou birb.png (659x748, 1.16M)

>wasn't aware Garou can replicate like Sperm.
Wait, are there two Garou's in the monster base right now? One that saved Tareo and another that tried to get him out of the base while fighting demon level monsters and keeping the kid safe from any additional harm? No? Well then what's Garou's excuse in that park? >Flash and Bang literally could not gauge anything
Flash knew the hellfire duo were holding back there speed from the first couple blows. Bang and Bomb had to be in synch to use their technique so of course Bang can't use abandonment at that point as it would most likely disrupt the combo, but was fully committed to using abandonment after that as he only has 1 left in him according to him and due to his age. What's Garou's excuse for not using his breathing technique to actually kill these monsters quickly and then moving onto the kid he failed to protect?

Garo's theme song is so cool

Was this episode slow or was it just me?

It indicates the health of your mental state and the exact issue with shitposting. Whether Nyan survives or dies (though he most likely won’t even meet Garou), Nyan is not real and he’s not your cat.

>reviews saying ep04 sucks
>tfw ep04 reveled that best scene is coming soon so that makes it the best episode so far

Attached: 1527002040187.png (775x2962, 1.98M)

Filler episode. Literally nothing happened.

That conversation between real Charanko and Mumen Rider felt really out of place and unnecessary.

>Literally nothing happened
>Things happened

A significant amount of time went into that short .gif. We're talking hours. Hours for something that is oddly pleasing, but nowhere near the quality expected of a professional studio. And it only lasts for 5 seconds. The linework is slovenly, there's no background, and there's no color.

In cases like OPM and Berserk, there is simply too much to adapt. Too much to account for. When Saitama was entering the tournament, that crowd of people did not move. Everyone was static, it was a still frame, and it lasted for several seconds. There were many other examples of stills being used throughout this and other episodes. It's actually hard to not notice them if you watch S1 beforehand, because there is almost always some variant of movement occurring throughout every frame. But those people were passionate about the project and enjoyed working on it. Perhaps it's not that JC doesn't enjoy it, but finds it extremely difficult to adapt. Difficult and time-consuming. So much effort can go into a few seconds - days worth of time - and a work like OPM is made of pure magical moments. Everything happens in such quick succession that you couldn't possibly keep up the pace necessary to trace/redraw the same scene/environment/characters hundreds of times for a minute or 2. You'd be exhausted and aggravated with how tedious that is.

I'm not excusing JC from not rising to the occasion. The fault is their own for having taken the project but not being able to fulfill the expectations and desires that naturally came with it. But there's a fairly good reason why S1 worked, yet everyone disembarked thereafter. They want to work on other things too, and they can't do that if they're trying to adapt something that the mangaka lovingly inked 3+ chapters to illustrate. They'd have to make it all come to life. Harder than it sounds, and takes a lot longer than you would think, regardless of incentive, acclaim, prestige, or fandom.

OPM is difficult to adapt.

Yeah the whole time I was wondering, what's the point of this conversation?

Jesus christ garou fags really are on a whole different level.
Can't wait for them to lose their brains from seeing their idol getting blown the fuck out and start flailing like a spastic faggot.

Attached: x19.jpg (600x848, 168K)

Try reading the manga, kid.

The pede is retarded the names in nip are mukadekohai mukadesenpai mukadechorou literallt centipede kohai, senpai and chorou

user look at how off-model this shit is. Come on now, that is a comical level of false equivalence. It's a great .gif but it's exactly that, a great .gif

>Well then what's Garou's excuse in that park?
>park with heroes and kids running around, officially presumed safe and occupied zone with no monsters usually and close to the kids home = monster base with 100000+ monsters running around with no chance of even finding your way out if there weren't any
Wow, you're breaking the limiter of cretinism, aren't you?

Attached: cool story bro.png (383x341, 108K)

They saw it and concluded that Garou was actually right about everything despite having a couple characters tear down his arguments didn't count because "they didn't understand him, he's so deep and complex".

>Garou is the most interesting character in OPM

This is what you say when you want to fit in on Yea Forums but happen to be a complete dumbass.

The dumbest one is Mumen Rider. You only keep the Kamen Rider reference like that, which weebs big enough to know it will get by hearing anyway. But translating it explains why he rides a bike.

Bang and Bomb have a second, stronger combo you retard. The one they'll use against Rover. They held it back against Elder Centipede despite its tremendous threat and acted shoked when it just tanked the normal combo. Bang only used Abandonment as a last resort after seeing Elder in action and after Elder fucked up Genos big time.

Flash is only a "ninja" expert and a speed junkie. He held back against a city devouring Octopus he knew absolute jackshit about, which led to the Octopus destroying the city more.

Garou uses Abandonment similarly to Bang. He didn't feel the need to do it in a fight where he's barely damaged and the threat to him, let alone Tareo who ran away from the scene, is not severe. Garou had plenty of time to observe them and might have only used Abandonment if the two monsters went all out.

i don't even care about the anime. i'm just glad i have the webcomic and the manga. s1 was icing and ice cream on an already delicious cake.

Garou is wrong but he's still an interesting an entertaining character.

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Because Garou is the closest thing to a decent foil for Saitama in the franchise, and they are building him up real good.

I don't think anyone is disputing that, the problem is that these fanboys are going too fucking far.

>Garou is the most interesting character in OPM
This is a fact.

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Garou is not wrong and he’s an interesting and entertaining character

I would take Garou with his hard solo path a million times over hero number 1467323782 who joined an organization and got automatically called a hero

>are going too fucking far
Fuck them, what did they do? Did they rape somebody? Was it (You)?

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>park with heroes and kids running around
The only kids that were there ran away at the beggining. The only hero was Saitama who also left. In other words, the park was shown to be empty during the fight and if anyone was present to see two monsters attacking another "civilian" why wasn't it reported and Garou woke up alone at night covered in his own blood?

>Bang and Bomb have a second, stronger combo you retard
Is it stronger or just different because of the type of target being attacked? Webcomic will let us know because they didn't have the first combo in the webcomic retard. Shattering a hardened Carapace through using focused shockwaves that permeate through the body is different from hitting a presumably more fleshy dog.
>He held back against a city devouring Octopus he knew absolute jackshit about,
Actually he just misjudged that the octopus would start thrashing around more in pain instead of dying after the eyes were destroyed. He was preparing the next blow immediately afterwards but Tatsumaki showed up.
>Garou had plenty of time to observe them
Yeah, that time was well spent because sludge managed to track down the kid and use him as a hostage. Don't play with your food.

There will be 3 more filler episodes. Don't expect the plot to move.

Garou turned me into a fucking near-barafag

Attached: Garou.jpg (1920x1200, 1.26M)

Ottermodes are not bara.

I don't want garou to turn me gay

I already have a waifu I can't be gay...right?

where's the webms of this episode?

It's stronger, retard. Murata already said so, and the combo is literally used against another highly durable, big, non-humanoid opponent just like Elder was.

Next you're going to pretend Flash isn't cocky. Flash HELD BACK like most characters do and that led to his fuck-up. But Flash was risking an entire city there right under the Octopus devouring it, and him holding back made the Octopus destroy the city even more.

Garou had no way of knowing Tareo would get taken hostage by some third party faggot and kept the two monsters he was fighting under actual control and away from Tareo while holding back.

He probably believed MB vs Garou wouldve happened today.

The manga had even worse pacing, lets be glad they are adapting 5-6 chapters per episode

Yeah man. He wanted to be a hero so bad he decided to chop a hero's arm off, smash a hero's face into the ground hundreds of times nearly killing him, and stopping a hero from stopping a dragon from destroying a city and nearly killing massive amounts of people.

Bravo, ONE. Great writer.

You don't understand.

Wanking Saitama, at least Tareo/Garou was cute and will give more meaning the scene when Garou scares away Tareo after Team Gatling is defeated.

>10 different questions in one sentence with different issues and thoughts
You're flying through your own trip I see. Why you ask, let me think here:
1. no one was around to see Garou bleeding for a few hours and he didn't lie there for the whole night you crackpot
2. safe and inhabited zone means "safe and inhabited zone", meaning it's considered SAFE 99% of the time by the HA and thus inhabited by families with a low level of caution
3. the only reason RR and BG where there was Garou, and he didn't expect more faggots to be there. Even if he suspected it, letting the kid run and dealing with the two was the most logical choice since the kid was obviously close to home judging how kids hang around their homes and local parks
4. You're a homosexual and probably have several developmental disorders
5. The kid doesn't need other kids and heroes to hold his hand while going home, that wasn't the point of the post you brainlet. The point was that it's an area where children and heroes stroll along normally, thus it's described level or "usual" safety
6. DAMAGE CONTROL - is professionally considered a state where a person keeps pushing stupid questions in an argument where he/she was given erroneous, and behaves like an argument craving queer until the very end

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Shouldve given that time to Suiryu desu.

the anime is fucking ugly omg

>Murata already said so
He also said Garou's fight will be on a larger scale than Boros but we all know that's not true since Boros is some planet destroying alien and Garou at his best couldn't even destroy a city on his own. Tatsumaki did more collateral damage than Awakened Garou ever managed.

I take his words with a lot of salt but you slurp it up when it suits your needs and I guarantee you cast scepticism on anything that doesn't. Why not wait until we actually get confirmation in the story before launching into your flights of fancy.

>10 questions in one sentence
>user can only pretend to answer 3 and the rest is just insults because he has no real point or defense
How about you make one post without projecting your own sexuality onto others and maybe you can pretend that you're not just a retarded characterfag?

>he decided to chop a hero's arm off
The "hero" who was literally contemplating murder with that arm.
>smash a hero's face into the ground hundreds of times
Healthy workout and a lesson for the faggot, now hes stronger.
>stopping a hero from stopping a dragon from destroying a city
MB isn't Bat Man, he's not the only one. There's literally a whole army of other heroes and S class and he knew this, it would have been offensive and disrespectful towards MB to not challenge him to a fight
>Great writer.
That he is.

Cry harder.

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man not even hatano wataru's sexy voice can save the fucking awful sound direction of this show, everything just sounds so bad

>How about you make one post...
>literally throws 1000+ bait posts despite having it all answered in 1 post 6 hours ago
No arguments once again. Cope harder.

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The interaction between Garou and Tareo was really good. There’s an underlying meaning to Garou asking Tareo to just lend him the book and Tareo saying they should read it together instead. It foreshadows Tareo breaking through Garou’s lonely shell.

>Garou is not wrong
He thinks that a reign of terror will unite humanity, manga already proves this wrong because the monster association just caused doomsday cultists to appear which further fractures society. He's also wrong about heroes because his premise is based on the notion that heroes have to be perfect societal saviors and that's not how the reality of his setting works. And he also is constantly shown to be a hypocrite, taunting people for various things yet doing them himself or just the entire idea that because of a lack of self confidence he never once attempted to be a hero himself to enact his plan so he picked a route that was easier but ultimately more aimless.

Garou throught through his "zero's requiem" far less than pretty much any other fictional character that attempted a similar plan and didn't even truly believe in the route he was taking.

I'm not gay but I'd fuck Garou

No, that's also true as Garou's fight has more stages and aspects to it, which will get amplified in the manga version by a lot as usual. Murata's words are above your asinine headcanons and lack of reading comprehension.

Bang and Bomb held back their strongest combo against Elder. That's a fact. They only use their best combo after that incident, to fight Rover. And that's again far from the only instance where characters held back, so you should really shut your stupid trap or kill yourself before your hemorrhage over Garou in particular reaches a state where it's not treatable.

>Phoenix Man
i can't fucking wait, shame his full fight probably won't happen though

Garororou x zenko

>that's also true as Garou's fight has more stages and aspects to it
Any of them a threat to the surface of a planet? no? Well that's the scale that Boros setup so Murata is clearly talking out of his ass on this one.
>held back their strongest combo
How about you prove that first, even by the stories own statements Bomb isn't going to be throwing much more out and even Bang is feeling his age, that you would think they have a stronger combo in reserve and not just another situational one is laughable.

Fair enough.

I love him bros. He just looks so cuddly.
God, I fucking hope so. What about Inoue Kazuhiko? He voices that cat from Natsume, right?

Monster Association launched one attack and fucked off. Garou's goal of constant fear and pressure is entirely different. He'd literally publically lecture humans for being dumb if they tried this shit under his reign, just like he did when he saw it in person.

Garou is not a hypocrite. He follows his own ideal. He was always saying he's conducting evil, and only really criticizing heroes for committing violence under the guise of justice.

Lastly, Garou's lonely and peculiar route is one of the hardest imaginable. Yet he manages to connect with someone, help them mentally and inspire that person more than any other hero did on panel in the narrative barring Saitama. It would've been much easier for him to join a hero org and have his dick sucked off because he has an official license, is strong and looks cool.

>the entire post is basically twisting backwards the arguments his opponents gave him 1 year ago
Nigger, do you think we're new here?
>reign of terror - proven wrong
Garou planned a Reign of Terror, not the MA. And spoiler alert, 95% of all human societies in recorded history started with a reign of terror by the first unifier/ruler, then in generation 2 they dissipated into a warrior based class/estate rule, often growing into a civilization, small principalities, kingships and so on. You of course aren't even aware what "terror" is in the professional term because you have 0 education outside of high school level.

Psykos didn't plan a Reign of Terror, you made that up just now. She simply manipulated humans to make human sacrifice which they gladly tried. She never intended to rule them but exterminate them, no terror from MA you falseflagger.

Second, he never intended to be a "hero", heroes disgusted him. He intended to be a strong individual who fights for a cause and sets an example, and that by the old definition is a "hero" and is heroic by nature. The concept of diaper wearing costumed heroes running around and saving civilians was invented last thursday, and Garou never craved for that.

Once again, your arguments with other derive from the fact that you have no reading comprehension and others need to explain your misconceptions to you. You concluded he expects heroes to be perfect societal saviors since you misinterpreted a few scenes, especially the last one with saving Tareo in the final battle. He did not expect them to be ever present, just to show more strength, determination and perseverance than the ones they try to denigrate - the monsters. He/The Monster had more strength and perseverance than them, thus they where inferior to them and have no right to assume a presumed role they, by THEIR definition not his, do not fit. As he said - monsters are tough, heroes aren't.

Now stop your Bait Play you Human Faggot.

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Boy I sure do love skimming paragraphs about Garou.

>skimming paragraphs about Garou
Blame the baiter, if 4 posts of his get totally ignored he continues until someone bites. From then on it's an avalanche.

Potential threat doesn't equal the scale of damage actually done and illustrated in the fight. Both Garou and Boros are pontentially worldwide threats, but Garou and Saitama do much more throughout the course of their fight, which will get manga improvements all around. Hence the bigger scale.

I already explained that thoroughly to you, retard. Bang and Bomb literally use a new combo in the manga that ONE came up with and named, which is confirmed by Murata to be a level below the combo they'll use on Rover. According to Murata it was done to distinguish the moves. Now fuck off with your constant juggling of goalposts for the sake of utterly retarded arguments.

>95% of all human societies in recorded history started with a reign of terror by the first unifier/ruler
And all of them end in war and the empire dividing before/after the ruler dies off. Never fails to happen, or did you skim that part of your high school social studies class? Or maybe your a common core kiddie in which case I pity you.
>he never intended to be a "hero"
He wanted to be a hero and never had the balls to follow through.
>You concluded he expects heroes to be perfect societal saviors since you misinterpreted a few scenes
Asking Saitama if he can solve all the problems and woes of society is proof of his beliefs on what a hero should be. Don't know how you're misinterpreting that. However, he does still want those heroes to rise up to the challenge which is why he also uses Tareo as a fake hostage. So a hero must always strive to triumph as well no matter the odds.
>by THEIR definition not his
Each hero had a different definition of what a hero was though with the only common element that they all fight monsters. We also don't know what individual definitions each one has save people like Darkshine so to say that each of them failed their own definition is asinine.
>Now stop your Bait Play you Human Faggot.
If you think this is bait why are you replying?

Anyone who says they wouldn't fuck Garou is a fucking liar

At this point I can't even tell who's baiting anymore. It's all just blurred into one big mass of shitposting now

>all of them end in war...
You cant use modern historical fantasy in a serious discussion about historical facts. No user, they don't end in war. Not a single civilization/society ended in war, ever. They dissolve through a longer, more complex process. Terror, which was our original discussion, has little to do with war since war is it's separate phenomena. Wars happen in all societies, democratic ones, and even among groups and species that aren't inside a regulated society/pack.
Terror is something else and sometimes uses war, or just battles, as means, but not necessarily.
>He wanted to be a hero
Wrong kid. He wanted to be a monster, but ended up developing towards and becoming a hero. Because his perception of the lone, noble and strong monster was a perception that in it's core was the original hero.
>is proof of his beliefs on what a hero should be
Exactly the opposite. It proves that heroes assumed a position and role that assumes that place, they dominate the "right to instill violence and control" equal to the policing system. They propagate a simplistic image of saving people from danger and peril, but with their simplistic influence and dominated position they prevent a more advanced and effective system of "justice" control so to speak, one that he himself wishes to implement.
Terror IS in fact, and by actual scientific fact in not only history but also anthropology, sociology and even psychology, the actual most effective way to prevent crime and deviant behavior in complex societies. Ask any person who is a licenced professor in these fields, I am giving you facts and not smartassery like you are giving me. Fear of sanction IS the hand of justice.
>Each hero had a different definition of what a hero was
Yes that's literally the copy pasta I originally wrote to (You) a year ago, and now you're shamelessly repeating it. Sasuga kiddo.
>If you think this is bait why are you replying?
Because your bait has actual personal misconceptions.

Wena nido

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They just spam soundtrack every scene that it lost its charm

ahahah I just noticed that 2nd-panel Saitama is just copypasted and zoomed in

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Absolute manlet.

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>He wanted to be a monster, but ended up developing towards and becoming a hero
No? We already got the Saitama rebuff on Garou, the kid wanted to be a hero but gave up before he ever started and chose the path of the monster because it's easier. Story is very clear on that. His monster path was in conflict with his base nature which is shown to use through Tareo and how Garou tries to save the kid and even mentor him in the way he feels a hero should actually do. This whole hero hunter is a direction Garou had built up in his mind over the years but the fact that he could neither break his limiter pursuing this path, nor become a monster are proof that it contradicted something fundamental in him.
>Exactly the opposite.
No user, he very much believes that the ideal hero is someone who prevents the very things you said he doesn't like. Which is why he said people relying on heroes causes "evil" to grow more in their hearts when those same heroes fail.
>Yes that's literally the copy pasta I originally wrote to (You) a year ago,
You're delusional if you think I'm the same poster you encountered a year ago, or just pointing out relativism is a unique thing only to (You).
>Because your bait
I guess if you call everything you don't like bait every poster looks the same to you huh?

The joke of this manga is setting up more and more ridiculous premises for villains that Saitama will eventually deal with in one punch. Each iteration takes more and more time. Don't you ever forget this is a comedy.

Phoenix Man fight is the worst addition to the manga so far.

It adds to the comedy though.

I disagree user, I quite enjoyed seeing superblaziken.

>Saitama=story rebuff
Saitama isn't ONE and the story didnt state anything. You're reading into things based on your own bullshit.
Saitama often compares people to himself, Tats included, he assumes they had the same motives as him and simply shoehorns his own logic. He is written to be a dunce and usually wrong, but his words hold "some" truth because he tries to make sence of what he instinctively recognises by conceptualising it in his own opinions.
The story isnt over, and until then you do not know what ONE's message with Garous motives was except what he/Garou claimed.
>prevents the very things he doesnt like
You stupid annoying 12 year old, I didnt say they dont prevent the things he doesnt like. I, and the manga for that matter, said that they are flawed and incompetent, sitting in a position where a more competent judge could be - in Garous eyes himself. In ONE's eyes, who so extensively criticises them, we dont know until its concluded.

As for the pasta, yes, I wrote it and we can even trace it down exactly to a date. You, or an equally gifted retard, imidiately started repeating it only a few days after I explained that. That's called "archivistic and source research" and guess what - 80% of your opinions in general arent even your own.

People have been calling you a baiter ages before I even came to this board kid. I know because I lurked, your sintax construction and arguments do not change and you're easily recognisable. Same goes for all us anons, but you take the bait due to extensive emotionality, butthurt and shitposting.

>all the coping suiryufags throwing shade at BASED godrou
lmao btfo and exposed famalam, please shit into a condom freeze it and use it to fuck yourself

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>becoming and ugly s. o. b.
>gets wrecked imidiately after and becomes ugly as fuck

>he assumes they had the same motives as him and simply shoehorns his own logic
It's really hard to believe you when Garou's entire last few rants are all about the virtue of heroes and the ideals they should aspire too. Seems like you're no different than the garoufags who constantly try and deny that Saitama accurately read this aspect of Garou despite not knowing the character longer than the fight they had.
>The story isnt over
Well the story so far showed Garou failing to become a monster because he couldn't sacrifice his humanity. It showed that from a young age he didn't like bullies and inequality. And it showed that he was willing to put himself on the line for a child. If that doesn't show exactly what I stated which is an undercurrent of heroic tendencies than I don't know what else to tell you to point out an obvious fact.
>You stupid annoying 12 year old
Yes my little garoufag, everyone you don't like is underage.
>and guess what - 80% of your opinions in general arent even your own.
Wow, such an amazing insight. Truly only (You) could have made a statement that nobody else thought of. You're such a witty and interesting guy and in no way trying to score some fake internet cred for an obvious interpretation of the story.
>People have been calling you a baiter ages before I even came to this board kid. I know because I lurked, your sintax construction and arguments do not change and you're easily recognisable
It's Syntax and please tell me about my posting history on this board if you have this profile to work off of.
>but you take the bait due to extensive emotionality, butthurt and shitposting.
But you're the one taking the bait user? Remember I'm the one engaging in "bait play" and you're the one taking it because you feel personally wronged or something retarded.

>he zoomed in so fast the mangaka didn't have time to change his resolution

>and the ideals they "SHOULD" aspire to
Yeah, we've been there a few posts back, havent we? "To be stronger, tougher and more noble" then the monsters they besmirch. Thus the whole "get up and stop me", he could do it after RR and BGod, thry couldn't. Thats the point of the story you bag of cum.
>heroic tendencies
Kid, are you gonna continue quoting me until you die? Good, at least I have a pupil. Heroic "tendencies" as I said ages ago and percieving a "social role called hero" as as far away as night and day. He cant become a real monster because he isnt a monster, he's a heroic human who wishes to dominate his soroundings and impose moral supervision.
>taking the bait
You baited the other user. I baited you. You stoped replying to him and started replying only to me.


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Are you kidding? Tamahome/Heero Yuy is the last voice I'd expect out of Garou.

based and checked

Garou Ruin this series with his shonen shit. But that what happen when you go mainstream, you gotta compromise somewhere.

>Good, at least I have a pupil
>I baited you
So this is what delusion looks like?

Everything except a penis. Or manly hands. Or youthful hair. Or clean clothing. Or a non-retarded mindset.

rubbing clams together

literally this

And jet all the bitches, anons and especially haters want to fuck him. What's going on bros?

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give a tattoo saying 'heroes always win baby'

By far the best part in the episode

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I'll help you out retard. In the MA fight Bang reveals that he's ridiculously stronger than how he usually fights, his brother wasn't with him for backup, he was there so Bang wouldn't have to get serious and accidentally kill Garou

>jet all the bitches
Don't know about all that, but he does get knotted by every dog he encounters.

So, you mean to say dogs are knotting Garou, and since Garou is knotting you regularly this means...

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>calling girls dogs
This is why you'll forever be an incel user.

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>admits it
WDM's personal onahole.

>girls are knotting the dicklet
Maybe? Wearing talking dogs. Furries, too.

Is that the logic you should chisel in your fantasies while having Garous dick loged in your recktum?
Sounds like a selfderogatory way to cope if you ask me.

based gifs poster

Please revise before you cope at me. Also, do you think Garou will be knotted by the next dog he meets after meditating in the waterfall or will giving up his stupid human monster delusion let him stop being knotted left and right?

>exposed famalam, please shit into a condom freeze it and use it to fuck yourself
Based and monsterpilled

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>radiating this much anger
Lol calm down fag. It's not my fault ONE is in love with Garou and reintroduced him in a romantic meaningful setting.
Best boy ain't leaving soon, you'll be devastated for years to come.


>triggered by waterfall
Cry harder.

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lil garrith has a smooth baby mound with no hair just some veins and no penis


*fucks your mc*

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literal fucking children




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>wants to see Gary rub clams with r63 Saitama
Gay jobbers need not apply. Go be knotted somewhere else.

>has no dick
t. Boros

>deflecting to an alien species without them
What's Gary's excuse?

I liked how the CGI centipedes looked but I felt like EC's introduction wasn't nearly dramatic enough

and it was kinda ruined by a random pair of class B/C heroes there feeling the need to immediately yell about how it's a dragon level (as if we couldn't tell)

Collosal anaconda exceeded only by his humongous balls. That's why he's always looking for a fight, he cant control his testosterone flow.

Exact oposite of neutered jobbers from HA.

>pretend penis
for the pretend monster
>why he always looks for a fight
compensation. got it

>foaming over Garou
Imagine beeing so pathetic you seethe over a testosterone driven fight-hungry wild bull like Garou, who's very untamed madman nature is evidence of his titanium testicles.
Instead self inserting as pathetic castrated and tame HA oxen.

How can you look at yourself in the mirror even.

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>knows only one word
t. PigManchild-san

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