>go to your bed
>see this
What do?
Go to your bed
Other urls found in this thread:
Teabag it
Tell that woman to get out of my bed of course.
but he's in a vegetative state
daga otoko
Then I pick her up and put her in the med bay, she doesn't belong in my bed.
Hold his hand
excuse me?
Wrap the retard in the bedding she assumedly soiled and dump it all in the hallway. Figure out who's pranking me in the morning.
>go to your bed
>see this
what do
honestly if I were judau in that scene I would be frightened
You gay son?
Moshi mooosh?
Let him sleep, he needs rest.
hop in
Get in bed.
>walk to your very own personal piece of furniture for reclining and sleeping
>have this vision
What would you do?
Vegetable Kamille always hurt my kokoro, even his creepiest sides.
Moreover he's argably sexier as a vegetable.
If only he was here
>see this laughing at you
what do
Now if his improved version showed up it would be a different story.
kamille isn't cute
fuck him hard
>improved amuro
they're nothing alike
This fucking freaked me out so much. I thought he was in coma, a veggie, frozen and then he fucking looks at Judau like it's nothing. For one I sec I thought he were faking it, just imagine it.
yeah it was a creepy scene, for an otherwise comical episode
Judau a best boy
You know exactly what I'd do.
>isn't cute
Excuse me?
>basically just looks like female amuro and is cute
Definitely an improved version.
but amuro's already cute
>*tobe gundam's externally*
what meme is this
the text I mean, I can't make sense of it
Amuro is an homosexual.
>tfw Amuro isn't real
why even live
user, the fucking text doesn't make any fucking SENSE grammatically:
tobe is a verb, flying
flying gundam's (something - what exactly?), flying gundam's (something) externally (how? How do you fly externally? What?)
Maybe there are indeed too many layers, but I'm confused and mesmerized.
I'd be too spooked to stay at my house to be honest.
it's not that deep
He’s just more exploitable
Call his wife
Fight against Neo Zeon
There's must be a specimen of Fa in the premises so I search for her and fuck her.
No he's not retard, he basically fucked Frau, Sayla and Chen and would've fucked Lala if Char hadn't killed her, Amuro practically had a harem you don't get more CHAD in U.C than him
Nothing personnel Kamille, but I would 100% cuck you if I had the chance
You never will Jerid