ITT: best anime ships

ITT: best anime ships
>inb4 nice boat

Attached: boku no ntr academia.jpg (564x528, 34K)

Attached: Kizuna x Reiri.jpg (653x720, 229K)

back in your containment thread shonenshitter

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Why? They don't interact

why is this ship so good

that one fight during the tournament is somehow enough of a reason to ship them

Because the MC is such a cuck and the anime and manga are such shit
you want to punish the MC and manga audience somehow and if the MC gets cucked then the audience is forever cucks as well.

Attached: 1535742850199.jpg (1920x1080, 203K)

Every BnH ship is absolute retarded.

Attached: 1537803089502.gif (360x360, 79K)
