Predictions for the new chapter?
Shingeki no Kyojin
Reiner will kill Shitren
I rabu Gabi Braun.
>cropping out Mankasa and the midget
Hans comforting Manlet soon.
I just focused on what's important.
I hope Gabi pulls something like that, just for the anal devastation.
Everytime I see an EHfag I get fired up and start pacing around in my room and shadowboxing. I've taken some martial arts so I know I can defend myself and would be able to lay the smackdown on those shipper faggots. I wish I could meet one I'd give them a few jabs and hooks after parrying their weak ass suckerpunch.
If I ever identify an EHfag in real life I would square up on them and fucking smack the shit out of them goddamn I'd probably do a leg sweep and stomp on him.
No Spoilers yet...
Onyankopon is ten times the man you’ll ever be, Cuckren. You’d only reach as high as three times that.
Everyone on the roof who isn't a shifter or Gabi is going to die.
>Gabi kills Eren
>Zeke reborn protects his kid and Historia.
Historia loves Eren and Eren loves Mikasa.
literally yelenas house nigger
>Teleports behind Eren
>Psh...Nothing personnel kid
Best girl!
Azor Gabi
The Goblin that was promised.
im a fat nigger and you couldnt even beat me in a credit karma duel
I rabu Historia Reiss
>gets raped and marries a midget
Me too, except I practice with a katana instead
Historia is Daenerys, retard
Eren is so selfish that he is fighting with the whole world only for his waifu Hisu and his child's freedom, I really love this based edgelord!
Now that he's seen the P A T H S would Zeke be Bran?
>It was beautiful, Eren
spoilers... please....
Annie is the cutest! Her wonderful smile gives me strength! I want to hold her soft hand and give her little kisses on the cheek! I want to tell her sweet things so she knows how much she means to me! I couldn't go on without her! I love Annie!
I love Annie, I will only ever love Annie, I could only ever love Annie, my heart belongs to her!
Historia is more like Jon and Eren is Daenerys (bonus: Jorah is Mikasa)
That's right!
>The Lemoncake that Rides
>mfw reading this thread
People actually like GoT?
(niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers niggers)
Historia is neither. Both are far more dominant with their royal position. Historia just build and orphanage.
I rabu prostate massage
I binge-watched the first 3 seasons and liked them , watched the fourth one which was meh and after that it became pure trash.and i stopped bothering.
Ereh rabus Laina! RABU!
>EHfags are GoTfags
No, since season 4 I watch it just to complain.
>EAfat(pedo) is here
I only liked the first season, now I just read the spoilers.
And Cuckren is Historia and Zeke’s mutt.
I’m sorry that Onyankopon sends you into an autistic frenzy, Cuckren.
Yasss slay
Why is /ourgirl/ Noaryr so pure?
It's physically painful to look at
Comes with having good taste.
>Zackley is the father.
someone post the original
Why did Keith even go if he still liked her, that's dumb.
Left should be Mikasa blushing
All shipping aside, how do they currently feel about eachother?
>It isn't Reiner's child
>Implying it wasn't Reiner she met all those years ago
RH is the new ship, get with the times EHboomers.
Because he was friends with grisha and Carla and didn't want to be rude and reject the invite?
Not since S4.
>Zackley had merch and he has about 5 minutes of screentime
>Hisu barely had any merch
The two men walked side by side, the taller figure staring ahead, taking apathetic note of his surroundings while the shorter one shuffled the watch back into his pocket. They met as they usually did, inconsistently due to their sporadic schedules. Expeditions required a great deal of preparation, though these days it seemed that younger rising stars within the Corps were attempting to tread on the Commander’s toes. The work of a doctor was never easy to predict, though he had to allow himself recreational time, much to Carla’s insistence. She met with women friends that evening and had encouraged Grisha to meet up with perhaps the only man he could consider a friend.
“You seem to be fixated by your watch,” Keith observed, as stoic as usual. He had learned many years ago that he was not exactly enjoyable company. Even before the trials and toils of being Commander had caused his perspective and personality to wither, perishing surely and steadily with each great burden fate forced upon him, Keith had been fully aware that people did not relish his companionship. “Do not let me keep you from anything.” Or anyone.
“Carla,” was the younger man’s response as he patted his pocket and looked briefly to his friend. Keith only nodded for he had expected that would be the case. A new young wife and one as beautiful and kind-hearted as Carla at that. It was little wonder why Grisha was anxious to return to her. “We only tend to spent time apart when we are at work.”
“As newlyweds tend to do,” Keith observed. He did not wish for explicit details, both for the sake of keeping such matters private as well as the fact that he envied the other man immensely. These days he was able to see how foolish he had been to think that someone like Carla would even consider relations with a man like him. What did he have to offer her?
They understand that they have to keep moving forward until their enemies are destroyed.
why are there no spoilers yet
Aside from fading looks, a face ravaged by the strain of his responsibilities along with inevitable ageing, he was hardly the type the majority of women wanted as their husband. While Grisha was mysterious, and part of Keith suspected that he knew much more than Carla when it came to her husband’s recent past, he offered his young wife with the figure of a heroic and honourable husband. He had crafted a favourable figure for himself within the community following his saving of those blighted by sickness. The new Dr and Mrs Yeager were beloved and respectable. There was little doubt surrounding why Carla would revel in her new marital title.
A hum of acknowledgement passed Grisha’s lips as they passed through to a busier stretch of the street. Small groups of men, and the occasional group of women, lined the street drinking or chatting, some sober the others already quite rowdy.
“Evening Doctor.”
“Doctor Yeager!”
“Have a good evening!”
“Send my regards to Mrs Yeager.”
Pleasantries were directed to Grisha from either side, though there were plenty more waves and smiles, to which Grisha responded to with retorts of “good evening”, “same to yourself”, along with numerous nods of acknowledgement. Not a single message of good will or even a simple nod of the head was afforded in Keith’s direction. They did not believe he saved people like Grisha did. He was a Commander, which resonated with the majority as an important position and a respectable one at that, if of course his work reaped promising results.
Not barely, she still got a decent amount of merch.
Reiner just wants his kids back.
Annie waking up never
Imagine having sex with Annie and she locks hands and looks into your eyes as you bust a nut into her baby maker. And three days later she finds out she's pregnant.
How happy would she be?
Instead he was unpopular, deemed the inadequate leader of the most inadequate branch of the military. His subordinates would have been regarded with greater respect, he was sure of it. They were talented, but they were not Commander. Not a single person understood the burden upon his shoulders.
A firm pat on the back stirred Keith from his thoughts and he turned to see Grisha smiling at him, sure and determined. “They do not know you like I do. They cannot understand.”
“You know how they view me. There is truth behind each extreme regard.”
The doctor shook his head and the smile remained. They had held this conversations a number of times before and while Keith was more confident than he was before that he was special, that his work did matter, times when he did not receive proper recognition gnawed at his insecurities.
“Keith, the masses are ignorant. Carla is ignorant. Even I am ignorant. All those around us are shrouded in the safety that comes with lack of knowledge. You have experienced horror and you have conquered it. You continue to do so and I believe that no other man would be able to fight and command as you do.”
“They see me as a fool. A fraud…”
“No!” Grisha grasped at both of Keith’s shoulders and gave the larger man a light nudge as if that would cause his anxieties to disintegrate.
The pregnancy was an accident. Eren and Historia couldn't resist
“You are too humble, Keith. Your abilities are beyond the understanding of many. I told you so soon after our first meeting that you are special and the years between have only strengthened that belief. I am absolutely certain.” He pursed his lips and tapped his foot against the cobbled ground as he considered the best words to soothe his friend’s lack of confidence. “I see that you are special. Carla sees that you are special.”
Keith’s expression softened and he averted his eyes. How could he know that his friend was speaking the truth when it came to Carla’s assessment of his character and abilities? It would be childish to presume that Carla did not share her husband’s sentiment just because she had chosen to form a life with another man. It did not mean that she did not consider Keith to be a friend, perhaps a dear one at that. Love and admiration could still be apparent outside of the bonds of matrimony. Carla evidently believed her husband to be special, though this did not exclude Keith from being thought of in a similar sense.
“I have always respected her judgement.” Even when she had chosen another man Keith had respected that. Even when it had shredded his heart for now he had received confirmation that she would never think of him as anything more than a friend, Keith watched without complaint as she began the life he craved she would have chosen to share with him with another.
“It makes her happy when she thinks of you,” Grisha continued. He always spoke in an enthusiastic tone when the topic of his wife was on his lips. The glimmer in his eyes was full of adoration for his wife, as though he was willing to take on the entire world to see that everyone and everything was up to her satisfaction.
“She is a special woman. I am glad that she is happy.” Did that make him happy? It was difficult to say.
Best girl is sleeping, please ___ wake her up
Without her, especially when he was so very close to the duo who he considered friends but who were also living out the life he had yearned for, he was unsure of whether he could ever be happy. It was a joy to see her smile, yet it pained him to know that he rarely, if ever, was the cause for such jubilation.
“But she is not like you Keith! I am not like you! You alone possess such greatness. It is disheartening to me, though even more to her to see you berate yourself. Embrace what we tell you, believe that you are as great as she and I say you are,” Grisha’s voice cracked and his eyes appeared to be staring into the distance, as though the man before him was not there. He blinked a number of times and was projected back to the present situation before he chuckled dryly. “In any case, don’t try to disagree with my wife. Even if you don’t believe a word I say, at least let her believe she’s right, or else you will be battling something worse than the titans.”
“What are we to do?” His wife sat upon the bed and grasped hold of her hair at her temples. A number of dark tendrils fell loose from their plait as Carla hid her face in her hands. “Two years, Grisha! Two years of marriage and nothing.”
He stood at the doorway and watched the scene unfold as it had done on numerous occasions before. The usual routine of comforting her, being pushed away, moving to comfort her again, before she fell into his arms would usually ensue. Though his wife was correct. It had been two years and he no longer felt optimistic. His medical knowledge could not inform him of whether his wife was at fault or if the blame was solely on himself. Even then Grisha was unsure of whether he was defective or not. Carla bled as most women did, though there easily could have been something wrong internally.
People no, but AoT fans yes
Annie is never coming back. Its time to let go.
leakers are faggots and only good for getting the leaks to us eventually.
He had fathered a child before. Zeke had been conceived easily and was born just prior to the first anniversary of his marriage to Dina. Years ago he had been capable and in truth he found that he was able to muster an erection as easily with Carla as he had been with Dina, yet he often pondered whether he was the sterile one.
Reproduction was considered to be a very human act and Grisha was well aware that he was not entirely human. He knew nothing of any others who may have possessed such an ability for him to enquire, but the need to father a son to remain loyal to his goal, despite his location and situation being very much different to how it had been over a decade prior. The feeling gnawed at him with each passing day, taunting him perhaps even more so than the matter distressed his wife.
Carla wanted a child just so she could be a mother. She wished to birth a child, one of her own, to nurture, guide and love. He did not doubt that she would dote on a baby, but Grisha felt that his own needs were much more important. She could love the child for a time, though he would play a greater part in its upbringing than he had done with Zeke. Ideas would be conveyed slowly, fed between all the other conventional fatherly activities. He or she would bring glory and would carry the idea in their hearts between crying over scraped knees and babbling about whatever game they had played that day.
He would be more careful this time.
If they were successful.
Most normalfags like GoT, you do realize that right?
His wife did not bother to glance in his direction. She only hid her face to conceal her shame.
Again there was little reaction from his wife. Grisha sighed softly and steadily made his way into the room. It was then she looked up with her pretty face blotchy and swollen from her tears. The corner of his mouth twitched into the best reassuring smile he could muster before he placed a hand upon her shoulder.
“I failed you,” she whispered as her voice broke. He thought back to when they had realised that Dina was expecting. There were no excited coos or immediate ponderings of how their child would look, how he would behave. Instead they began to plan his role in their uprising, for that child was destined for greatness. Dina did not mother Zeke in the manner he expected Carla would to any of their children.
He moved to sit upon the bed and wrapped an arm around her shoulder. The last time she had pushed him away and had ordered him to leave her be, though on his occasion she was more receptive to his touch. “Don’t. Please don’t say that. You haven’t failed me. You haven’t failed yourself.”
“It has been two years!”
“And sometimes it takes that long, or even longer. It does not mean you have failed,” Grisha reiterated. His young wife was not as easy to convince as he had hoped, but then he recalled that all hopes had been dashed, at least in her mind. “As a doctor…”
“As a doctor you’ve tried everything.” There was truth in the matter. Remedies from medical journals, the methods which other women had sworn had worked for them and promised that she would see results, had all failed.
“There is always something else,” he gently squeezed her to his side and shushed her sobs. The idea had been on his mind for a while and he had considered when best to implement it, if he had to do so at all. “What if I told you that there might be another way?”
“We have tried everything!”
Carla was the town bicycle
tldr fag
Spoilers when
“Carla, there is always another way, I swear to you. Another medicine to try. You know how I scour the books to seek something that will succeed.” There was truth in the statement for Grisha had researched as much as he could with the texts available. Each concoction had failed them so far and now Grisha was left to his own devices. What he planned to do was hardly ethical and he was sure it would upset his wife a great deal if she was to discover the full truth, but what were a few momentary tears worth when she would be happy in the long run? True order and glory would be restored of course and then she would see, beyond her selfish desires for motherhood, that this was all a necessity.
“More herbs?” She shot him an unconvinced look, one full of brief protest as though she was a child who had been ordered to complete their chores. “The last lot made me sick. You know how awful they are.”
He held up a finger to her lips and brushed against the rouge softness. “No, no, love. This will not make you sick. You shall sleep. It will make you sleepy. But you will not feel sick. I promise you.”
“Just sleepy?”
“Yes,” he whispered, removed his finger and then planted a soft kiss against her lips. “I need to go out for a while but everything is already ready.” He held a finger up to her, as if to instruct Carla to stay where she was. The vial was prepared and was waiting beside his medical bag, along with numerous others. Carla knew not to meddle with his things, so there was little probability that she would have known that one was made with the specific intention of luring her to slumber.
After having retrieved the green bottle, Grisha returned to the bedroom and offered it to his wife. “Here, drink this love.”
“All of it?” He wondered by her slightly surprised tone whether Carla believed that it would send her into too deep a sleep, though Grisha knew that she would be awake by mid-morning on the morrow.
“All of it.” Grisha stroked the back of his wife’s hair as he watched her swig the entire contents of the bottle and place it with care on the side table. When she looked up at him and smiled, one full of trust and love, he forced himself to return it, though felt impatient that she was not asleep immediately. He was eager, perhaps too eager, to see that the plan was carried out properly. “You should lie down.” Placing his hand on the small of her back, Grisha eased his wife into a lying position and encouraged her to settle beneath the bedclothes. Already he could see her blink slower than usual, her eyelids already growing heavy.
“I love you,” she whispered.
“And I you, my sweet wife.”
He stole another kiss before he came to his feet and began to ready himself for his outing. “I have to visit someone, for work. You will be asleep when I return. I hope your dreams are sweet Carla.” After having pulled on his coat and he had given his wife a gentle smile, Grisha made his way towards the door to leave.
Grisha stood awkwardly beside the door to Keith’s office as he watched the young soldier gather up the maps and markers in relative silence. His friend was making notes and appeared even wearier than before. The tall blonde figure passed him and closed the door softly, after glancing briefly through pale eyes in Grisha’s direction.
“Someone is after my job,” Keith muttered, only shifting his gaze from his papers once he was alone to talk as Keith rather than as Commander. “Sit, Grisha.”
It is known
He nodded, moved to the chair, still warm from the previous occupant, to sit the other side of Keith’s desk. At a closer glance Grisha could see that there were more lines upon Keith’s weathered features and he looked extremely tired. As a doctor he knew he ought to have expressed his concern and offered some advice, though this was not the purpose of his visit. He had to persuade him, reiterate previously made points, inform him that he was the greatest. Otherwise Grisha was sure that Keith would never consent to playing his part in the plan.
“He is younger than you and lacks the experience you possess. He could not understand the world as you do.”
“Erwin is intelligent, more so than anyone else I know. He’s cunning too. He plans to deceive me. While I know this to be true, I do not know how he will attempt it.”
Grisha sighed and shook his head. “Intelligent on the surface perhaps, but he lacks your wisdom. He is not special like you are Keith. He is replaceable, as each and everyone one of us is. You are not.”
Keith hummed in response and Grisha could tell that he was not entirely convinced. He lacked the spark in his eyes that he had done years prior when Grisha first expressed that Keith was indeed unique in his abilities. It must have been the strain of the job.
“Might I enquire for the reason of your visit?”
It seemed to be that a reason was needed for everything these days. Gone were the times when the two would meet socially and speak as friends. There had to be a distinct reason behind their meeting. “It’s Carla.”
Keith’s chest appeared to deflate and he abruptly sat erect in his chair. His right hand curled into a fist and his mouth fell slightly agape. The subject of his wife was always a way to get a reaction from the Commander. “Carla. Is she well?”
You wouldn't resist.
“In the body, yes. In her head and heart, she has descended into something very upsetting,” Grisha solemnly stated as he witnessed his friend’s expression soften into extreme concern and an element of regret when he discovered that she was not as bright as she used to be. Keith only wanted Carla to be happy. “She is deeply upset that we do not have a child. It pains her a great deal.”
Keith nodded and Grisha was sure that he was able to sympathy with the sensation. He had never outwardly expressed his desire to have a child and he certainly did not exert ideal fatherly qualities, but he was sure if Carla had chosen him he would have been quite delighted with the idea of children.
“I always thought motherhood would become her. I am sorry to hear that nothing has come to be yet. I am sorry to hear that she is sad.”
“I desire a child myself but women’s sensibilities are not as strong as those of men. At times she is distraught and inconsolable,” Grisha informed him. He took a pause and trained a look of lack of confidence upon his features. “I fear that it is I who is at fault. She functions perfectly.”
An abrupt cough left Keith’s lips and he shifted in his chair. As a doctor he had dealt with all sorts of issues concerning feminine health but he was sure that Keith remained as ignorant as most other men on the matter. His cheeks flushed slightly and Grisha could tell that he was embarrassed. What man wouldn’t be?
“I… I am quite sorry to hear that. That you seem to be the one…” Keith shook his head and waved a dismissive hand. Articulating his thoughts seemed to be difficult, if not impossible.
“There is little that can be done about me. I keep thinking that had Carla married another she might have been a mother by now. I feel guilty. I wonder, constantly, if there is some way she can have the child she yearns for.”
Grisha paused again and allowed the silence to stretch out between them. Keith appeared too uncomfortable to say anything, whereas Grisha wished to create the impression that he was pondering what they could possibly do. He took a sharp intake of breath and fixed his eyes on his friend’s. “Keith… would you?”
“What even is this?” His reaction was sharp and he appraised his friend as though he had lost his mind.
“A request.”
“I know what it is. Just, what is this Grisha? I know what you are asking me to do. I know what you are suggesting and it is…”
“Carla will never know.”
Keith scoffed and waved his had in a dismissive fashion once more. He seemed torn between allowing his voice to rise in volume or to keep it completely hushed. Grisha did not blame him either way. It was not every day that a man was asked to assist in the possible impregnation of a friend’s wife, the woman who he had loved for many years.
“How do you propose that she will not discover the truth? We can hardly go behind her back.”
“I gave her something to help her sleep. She will not wake until around mid-morning tomorrow.”
“You fucking fool,” Keith gritted his teeth and came to stand. He held both his hands flat upon the table, though it was clear to Grisha that he was resisting the urge to swing at his friend. “To force myself upon a woman, a woman you know I care deeply about, one who is married to you of all people, and one who would not offer her consent to me… Think what you are suggesting I do.”
Star-crossed lovers.
“I am asking you to make her happy.”
“Think of her disgust! She would hate me for this! I would hate myself!”
“I am asking you to make her happy.”
“Happy? Do you think that she will be happy knowing that her husband requested that I, an old man she doesn’t want, force myself upon her, especially while she is sleeping, to attempt to put a child in her?”
Grisha sighed and gave a shake of his head. He had not expected Keith to be enthused about the idea, but he did know despite every change to his person, his own lack of confidence and whatever the rest of the world thought about him, that he did wish to see that Carla was safe and content. As her husband he was certain that she would not be so without a child.
“A child would bring her the ultimate happiness. She will not be happy without this, believe me. She will become a shadow of herself, retreating into silence and shrouded frowns, never to give her sweet smile again. She will feel inadequate, hated, useless. She will not see how special she is,” Grisha came to his feet and cocked an eyebrow. There was a hint in Keith’s expression that he had begun to understand the sentiments he projected, for he suffered with them himself on a daily basis. “Keith, I could have ventured to the Underground to find a male who resembled myself greater than you do to see that the task is done. I would have paid him and paid him well to see that everything was completed. But I chose you. The reason? I would trust no other man with such a task and it is a privilege for me to request this of you. You are special, Keith, and it is my hope that the child you would place within my wife would inherit some of the greatness within you.”
Best family
>fanfic dumping
See you next thread.
>Normalfags are people
Why didn't Grisha, being a patriotic. eugenics practising Eldian, choose Erwin's 101% pure Eldian chad seed and instead went for Keith's balding cuck DNA?
That's fic is shit.
The look was back upon Keith’s face, one of disbelief, of wonder. Grisha had struck a chord and had caused lost sentiments of importance to emerge from the cracks of believe in inadequacy within the other man.
“I will not force myself upon her.”
“I ask that you do the deed into a vial. I will take care of the rest.”
The curtains had been drawn in the living quarters beside his office and he was thankful that his soldiers seemed to appreciate that the Commander required relative silence. His window overlooked a courtyard where only the most senior of his officers tended to pass through. Considering the time of day Keith presumed that they were having their evening meal. He rarely tended to join them. His absence would not be noted.
He stood in front of the bedside table, his manhood in his right hand while the vial rested before him. Grisha sat outside in his office, awaiting his friend’s exit with the desired vessel in hand. He had been waiting for nearly half an hour and Keith presumed that he was growing impatient. What would Grisha think of him, a gifted person, who had stood with his cock out and staring at the same blank space of wall since he had entered the room?
“This will take longer than expected,” Keith exclaimed, his cheeks burning from the shame of it all. He did not wish for Grisha to gather the impression that he was incapable or that he had changed his mind.
There was a number of seconds pause before Grisha spoke up. “Just think of her. Think of my wife.”
Keith clamped his teeth down upon his top lip and new that while he had thought of Carla many times before in the early hours of the morning when insomnia was plaguing him, it was difficult to do so under pressure, especially when her husband was the other side of the door.
>balding cuck
Hair loss is the result of high testosterone levels, söyboy.
Nice doujin Keith.
Daenerys is a mary sue. Historia is not. If else, Daenerys is Eren.
In the other hand, Sansa is Historia because
>they are both dumb
>they are both brutally honest and confrontative
>they are both royalty
>they are both raped
“Think of her smile, her laugh. How did you first meet her? At the tavern? The low cut of the dresses she used to wear. The blouses that used to reveal a little too much when she reached to collect the empty flagons…”
Keith could feel the slight twitch in his member. The memories were vivid and he could almost see her beside him. The creamy smoothness of her skin, the pink nub that was revealed when she leaned forward.
“Her scent, fresh, sweet… How she would tease you. Keith-san. You were always Keith-san to her. Keith, she valued and loved you as the special person you are. She adores you and looks at you with everlasting fondness.”
His cock had grown hard in his hand and Keith closed his eyes, allowing himself to be consumed with the thought of Carla.
“Your child growing within her. Her body swelling with your seed. Your greatness within her…”
“Her smiles eternally the cause of the love you showed her… her adoration… she would worship you…”
“She will love that part of you until the end of time… What you have done for her… A blessing…”
“She loves you…”
Keith cried out through gritted teeth, near roaring as he felt the fire ascend from within him. He released his load, filling the vial with his seed as the beads of sweat trailed down his temples and cheeks. After pulling up his trousers, Keith slowly made his way to the door and opened it, to find that Grisha had come to stand at the other side. He presented the vial to Grisha who took it into his hands as though it was crafted from the most precious of gems.
Grisha reached to pat his friend upon the shoulder and gave him a gentle smile, full of reverence and gratitude. “Thank you, my friend.”
Rabu Rabu RABU
Sansa is not dumb.
The boy was now a sturdy three months of age. Eren was a fussy child though his mother rarely complained at the amount of times she had to attend to him, or increasingly as of late, find a way to amuse him. His wife had spent each day since the discovery of her pregnancy in utter jubilation which had only increased since Eren was born. Grisha watched as she sat upon the bed with the baby leant against his mother’s front. She waved her hair in front of his face, with the ends tickling the end of his nose, much to the joy of both mother and child. Grisha sat and observed. Eren resembled his mother in every possible way. Both parents agreed on the fact. While the boy was Keith’s biological child, Grisha was set on raising the boy so he would inherit the spirit of the man who he would grow up believing was his father. He could mould the boy, much better than he had attempted to shape Zeke. Eren would be a model person, loyal to his parents when Zeke had not been.
Eren was his son and he was destined for great things.
~ fin ~
Too bad there's not a single strand of hair to cover your ears and eyes while your waifu is tag teamed by niggers next to you, baldy.
We know, Manlet.
Yes she is. Dumb as a tree.
>fanfic where Grisha is cucked rather than Keith and actually assists him in it
>baby isn't Gabi
Eh, got me there.
Dumb baldy, refuse the vial and say you'll only do it in person.
Keith eternally cucks himself, even in situations where he is cucking Grisha
Post the eren vergil edit
>Predictions for the new chapter?
Should be obvious.
It's edited
lol you're right idk how i didn't notice.
Are spoilers usually this late even during normal months?
>the chapter comes out the 2nd
>no spoilers thanks to the fucking emperor
Fuck off. GOT is good shit.
Snk and Got are my faves.
>Daenerys is a mary sue. Historia is not.
golden week.
TIK TOK Mikasafags
SnK and GoT are both for normalfags
But does it officially come out the 2nd and not the 9th?
Based royalchads
i have no idea. thats why i said "r-right". since chapters normally come out on the 9th and golden week means magazines ship a week early then i assume it would be the 2nd but idk.
>does it officially come out the 2nd
I've only seen 10 minutes of it and the acting seemed like porn acting also doesn't help that the queen looks like elsa jean
We got two weeks of golden week thanks to emperor kun, that doesnt usually happen
>05月09日 (木) 発売予定!
respect the emperor you filthy gaijin
So when?
next thursday
So... When?
spoilers next monday, release the thrusday after
The best and based comparision ever (mostly for mijorah.....o Jorahkasa)
Oh okay, thanks user
>"Please tell everyone that I killed my father even I don't manage to do it!".
If she's so honest and confrontative why didn't she tell it to anyone and lied for month about where her child comes from?
i want caring, emotional eren back
>no spoilers for 10 days because of extended Golden Week
He never left.
there's only room for one kino on sundays
Are... we the retards ?
Why does Mikasa steal all the girls?
i mean i want him to stop hiding it under edge
It was good up to 4 season.Since then it has been in steady decline .
season 1 was the only "good" one, and even then it is only as good as the source material, which is fucking awful. fat man cant write for shit.
Yes. We are
Because she is "smart honest" (which mean she want to tell what she think about a person she don't care about or don't like) and not "dumb honest" like many shonen mc's who alwais say to truth even when they supposed to lie to following a plan.
How can the reiss cuckline have such a chad stride?
Twins soon.
Sauce for this you fucks
What did he say?
That Reiner is a faggot
that's the r*dditors infesting this site.
Hugging Annie.
>Sansa is Historia
But it's not a good thing. Sansa is fucking shit in the show. They failed her development completely.
i’m so fucking MAD. extended golden week is now like having NO GOLDEN WEEK AHHHH
All people around her magically become dumb so she can show that she's so smart.
She is kinda shit in the books as well.
>No spoilers this week
>one away from 666
Because she is the bastard daughter, the chadness was in her mother's family (even if alma was the blackgoat and a whore)
>100 posts off
a-at least the wait for 118 will be shorter
Devil ship confirmed. Watch them go back to the past and convince Ymir to eat the apple.
I see, so he always loved her in secret
Did you guess because I said "fuck Reiwa?"
I am an actual Asukafag so fuck you
Was it rape?
>Satan is an REfag.
I miss Yumiru
More than just that
We know, Hisu.
>Isayama will never make this into onesided starcrossed love
Absolute kino
wow there isn't a lot of complaining about shipfags happening right now
you know what to do lads
>Isayama reveals Eren es el padre during the basement flashback in the anime
Stop, they're not gay.
>This is his face of compassion for the Eldian suffering...he is about to inflict.
3d Eren is pretty cool
I like this new addition
>the anime didn't make his eyes gray or his hair darker
A mistake
Can anyone answer this?
Fucking sociopath enjoyed every bit, I hope he has the worst death.
Are you?
Annie ass is bigger in canon. But Pieck beats everyone in that regard.
Nope, I like their interactions and any romantic connotation would ruin it.
>One panel
>Layers of clothes all bunched up
>Pushing it into the air
Pieck has a small butt, Mikasa has a flat butt, Annie has a perfect one.
Original is better desu
>pedo is here
No need to shill your video, Sergeant Gross. I've already seen it
No one replied to you EHfag?
Here have my reply pity.
Soon, JMchads
dumb ledditor
>Connie is the only one who didn't take any notes
>snk fandom
Just the YH/EMfag
But he got replies
Historia isn't smart. Dense retard like Eren.
I'm just freeing them from this cruel world though
Eren has the memories of Kruger/Grisha so he is smart now
Kek, no kidding.
Would you?
>Original is better desu
Everything is better thsn EHtrash, especially RE content.
I read altruism as autism
Would still be true desu
>I don't know what a mary sue means: chapter 324
I'm not a fan of EH and am a REfag but please don't start drama
>Reiner's hand grasping the dick
sounds about right
How much would one have to pay you for you to wear this in public?
Okay boys I've been I dropped the anime after season one because it was taking to long to yet to the good shit but now it looks like Marley flashback kino is on the horizon so imma start binging the show from the beginning now. Hopefully I can get caught before the kino begins.
Just read the manga, it's better anyway.
I don't see any resemblance between Sansa and Historia. That's a forced comparison if you include those simple features. (which i'm not sure it describes sansa's character at all).
And as far as we know Historia wasn't raped.
>telling people not to start drama in a snk thread
Might as well tell people not to pollute a latrine with shit
I didn't know Eremikahaven started her own fashion line.
A ticket to Annie's basement would suffice
This is insanity. I'm fucking dying over here.
No I'm caught up to the manga, I dropped the anime because it was taking too long to get to the good shit. But now that the anime is getting to the good shit I'm going to watch it.
Enough to obtain a memory erasing device to use on any passers by, plus a ten dollar bonus.
Can you not use RE please?
Only post this version.
>>"Please tell everyone that I killed my father even I don't manage to do it!".
But she technically did it. And that scene was supposed to be more of a strategy to get people's validation once she becomes the new queen.
This meme needs to go. Whether it be some accident meme or for the sake of whatever plan Eren (and her?) cooked up, she made a decision.
He misses his kids.
they're never coming back, user
2 of his kids got killed and 1 got Titan aids
Reiner is a good dad
Oh look, someone made a western live adaptation about YH with mentally ill Historia and smart jerk Ymir using her.
I miss Eren hobo look, he looked like some proper evil crazy Jesus kind cult leader there.
spoilers when I'm busy?!
I Love Eren and wish he is the father desu
does anyne remember when he appeared the first time? where there any anons that guessed it was eren?
Most of us with a brain
Why do eldian people make this face?
>sansa's character nor historia's
Forget to add.
oh... was it that obvious?
i remember not recognising him
Well there was people who thought he wouldn't grim remind them.
Still better than other parents in this series, kek
Hansi is best mom
why though
were they bunch of pussies
We saw the back of a hobo who had the armband on the wrong arm. Everyone assumed it was Eren because 3/10 wits
I miss the Marley arc so much
Retards is the word that comes to mind.
Super based arc
Suicidal baby.
The arc was the occasion for all sort of theories
I remember arguing with an user who thought that Armin was going to ally with the Warriors during the mission on Liberio
Eren and Historia had a secret wedding though.
She abandoned her kids for a halfcorpse. She is a WHORE just like Ymir, Sasha and Jean's mom
EHfags are brainlets, nothing new.
god i wish i was here during this arc
looks like it's the best one yet
It's never going to end, is it?
I started reading right when Marley was getting good. It was good fucking shit. This one is gonna get really fun from here on out too
Sorry, EHchads are for genocide.
Hisu is waiting for Ymir
Waiting for delusion, go to sleep YHfat
You think that bad? My country was range banned during 112. It literally felt like I was being forced to be a cuckhold.
Ymir is dead.
I didn't notice him until the hospital scenes cause I was speedreading these chapters due to life at the time.
But she laughed. For Hisu Ymir was a good friend
>t seething EHfat
ya mirin' my effay fit?
Everyone knew it was Eren except the dumb Ymirfats
>Hisu is waiting for Ymir
Porco will pork Historia for Ymir memories sake and will save her from evil Farmer/Eren combo.
you think so? i feel like it's not going to have a satisfying end, especially given that they say it's the last arc
i mean, can isayama really wrap it all up in one year?
By the best girl...
I mean even if there was love Ymir is dead and the series is also about moving on.
Eren or Farmer cummed inside her and she liked it.
Am I a retard? Reiner was in the wall because he wanted to wait for Eren to seal the gate then jump out and titanize on top of him, or eat him as he comes out. They don't explicitly state why he was in the wall and I never even thought about this when reading the manga but it's obvious now.
That reminds me of the obese autist I used to always see in sixth form who wore a manlet backpack everyday
I see no reason why not. He's been planning this for a decade now
>tfw the father of Historia's baby is actually Porco after Ymir took over his body with paths.
It was her ultimate keikaku to be historia's husband.
Yeah, anyone who has different opinion is Ymirfat or whatever that means.
Also you didn't say Benji in your post, so I will help you with that.
no idea what does this have to do with grimm reminder 2 but okay retard
Historia is an ally, stop being retarded
lol i never even thought about that
but it's really noice seeing that isayama has everything planned
>and the series is also about moving on.
So Historia will move on from Eren and will have his kid raised together with Farmer then when Eren will cuck out to become new Ymir Fritz or die to save the world?
> thinking I'm that Benjamin Cruz poster
I only posted it as a joke reply but I see you took the bait like a cretin as expected from people liking black characters.
mikasa isn't flat user
>all these butthurt replies
That's why Armong said to look especially over the gate, yeah.
In the manga she is
Yeah, seems posting YH or Ymir in general automatically makes the post the most popular one in any SnK thread.
And the said character is dead for years now.
Strange how popular Ymir had to be.
Imagine being always this butthurt
yo wtf armong is actually smarter than me and this guy
You are not as famous as EHfags though
>Strange how popular Ymir had to be.
YHfags genuinely think this, kek
>Isayama prefers the straight Historia
>imagine unironically thinking this
>left the general for 3 months
>ehchads slowly taking finally over
Post results
One autist in this thread doesn't make her popular
ymir's fixation on historia was the least interesting part of her character anyway
ok retard
Forgot to attach image
Rewatching from episode 1. Things used to be so much simpler.
Fuck off FBI data gathering user
Armin wears your shirt because you're cute
You are the only one seething
>Reiner takes a bath with you because he had a nightmare
>Bertholdt ruins my life because he loves me
Wtf I hate bort now...
>stuck with Gunther outside the walls because he likes me
what the fuck
>Eren takes a bath with you because he was bored
I hope it's Hobo Eren.
I used the birthday of a friend I used to have a crush on because I'm not giving you my birthday and got "Mike smacks your butt because he's drunk"
>tfw my name is Mike
"Mike smacks your butt because you smell nice"
I think we can all agree with what they said, Historia will not be happy anymore right now after having broken her promise. Ymir left her with THIS promise because she wanted her to be happy, it was the last thing she could do for her Queen, a promise. It failed, Historia is a Queen, and A Queen has some kind of 'obligation'. This farmer, I'm sure he's a good guy though, but This isn't a love story as you can see on her face. No matter who is the father (here FarmerKun), she isn't happy and didn't want this child.. The only thing I'm hopping now is a good death. Historia has always had suicidal tendencies sadly... And I'm sure she still have it.. Do you remember the moment on the moutains where Ymir noticed it, she said "You'll have to find a better way to kill yourself". Historia found it.. Giving birth.. I know there are still some hopes for her to survive, but she has nothing to lose anymore..
>everyone replying to me is an EHfag
>Eren's stinky armpits
>connie goes crazy because he had a nightmare
I wonder who he was dreaming about
I wasn't the one who posted the YH btw, but unironically I was right.
dumb fujo
>Literally p-please don't reply to me
As crybaby as the Piifag
>all the sweat clings to and dampens the long, unshaven hair of his pits
Just noticed that in the ED
How many times did burrito beat his trouser snake while thinking about Annie?
>reiner cooks for you because he wants to marry you
You mean everyone else prefer EH posting?
Wait why do you label me as EHfag just for saying this manga is about moving forward? Are you retarded or just too sensitive?
Don't be rude, user. Reiner loves you!
Reiner watches me while i sleep because he wants to marry me !!
we have a close birthday :)
Not really you but butthurt replies in general. Why one YH shitpost triggers muh replies I wonder.
please dont job eren
>When darkies only have one thing that's actually popular so they force every other shade into the role
the imp is one of the most based niggers in the whole show, so I'm okay with that
>poor little white guy
Literally manlet
>Bert has a drink with you because you’re cute
Tyron is exactly like Levi, you basically love him just for being there.
>Reiner, sit.
>Eren steals your pants because he was bored
That's okay, I have more pants
Which character other then Eren would be the most shocking to reveal as the father?
>Inb4 Mikasa's futa dick
>Manlet gives you a rose because he's drunk
>Which character other then Eren would be the most shocking to reveal as the father?
Baggy Pants Leon
I just want them to be okay
Armong, he has a vagina so it was would be strange to impregnate someone.
The kid is OG Ymir paths one as a deal made with Eren while he held hands with Historia to access memories as compensation to erase Eldian curse she was promised it to get her own life back and Eren will replace her as the Eldian who made the deal with devil to be locked in paths forever.
Dubs predict how long until leaks
12 hours
>Jean songs a song for you because he likes you.
But I'm a straight guy, I can't accept it.
Don't be mean, user. Let him sing for you, but make sure you're not leading him on desu
5 minutes
5 minutes
Why would you post the movie where the crazy cute dies
That picture was drawn by a Japanese artist.
Every day during class
Post more Hitch and less Jewnose.
Eren is already shocking enough. But if i had to choose Floche
>Implying this doesn't further prove that darkies only have one thing popular that's worth funneling other monkeys into
Why do Leviposters bring blacked posts
Bonus point for doing it against Eren wishes while he would be thinking he is doing Historia for Eren sake.
Reiner watches me while I sleep because he likes me
Connie took a bath with me because he's my best friend. I don't know how to feel.
Gee it's like is anime time
>Mike sleeps in your bed because you smell nice.
And all is right with the world now.
Anyone that actually wouldn't be Eren, since no one capable of rational thought and reasoning would ever buy the third father theory for a second : it would be so out of the left field no one would know how to react.
Eren himself being revealed as the fatver would be plenty shocking on its own though (although I'd personally be more surprised at this point if it turned out to be Farmer instead of him).
I wouldn't the farmer but Isayama refuses to show more of Historia and farmer
>that's because they are not important!
45 pages come on, not like Isayama didn't waste time in the forest or reinstalling Ereh.exe on Mikasa
Which character do you understand the most/find the most relatable?
Ymir, Reiner and Eren.
I too want to fuck Historia.
t. Isayama
Yeah, the more Isayama stalls on revealing Historia's POV the more obvious it becomes that it actually is important and doesn't just limit itself to "Eren told me to fuck that guy so I did". Whatever it is that Eren's planning/doing, she's with him.
And the Zeke part doesn't help. He may just want to reveal it with the anime? Honestly I think he took too long
Annie but I'm not even close to being as good as fighting as her and I'm a lot less secretive. I also probably have more outbursts than her, but I understand her realistic perspective on life. I also have Erwin's truthfaggotry but we have very different reasons for it.
>I have a cock tho. It's more on a cute side tho.
Considering only Eren and Farmer as viable options. I'd be shocked if it's the farmer at this point anymore.
Please add: Porco is the father and being controlled by Ymir through paths.
RIP Niku Blouse
Hansi will solve everything
>Erwlmod was BLACKED
Why is he so ugly?
African admixture + obesity
I rabu Piku.
Pieckfags our girl is finally in the anime.
I want Mikasa in my bed
It's a shame that the anime is sub-Berserk 2016 tier garbage for subhumans.
Eren doesn't have a dick.
And normies hardly notice her at all.
Soon, Jean
He is the dick
>tfw the Panzer Unit will probably be CGI
>tfw the reason they jobbed so quickly is so Isayama wouldn't have to keep drawing them
Historia's vagina and mouth disagree
How can anyone have this opinion
why would they be cg there's no need to have them do anything in an action scene, they're just cut-in shots. unless you meant the gear itself?
Don't forget her buttcunny and feet.
Who is that child?
Yes, I mean the actual gear itself, if titans and horses are too complex for WIT to animate the Panzer Unit will probably be CG too, sticking out even more on a 2D Piku or worse, a CG Piku standing alonside 2D Porco and Zeke.
By having taste.
yaegar bros, they both of them suffer indirectly from their father and world.
She really looks like a child here though.
That's the gesture of a successful mating call. It's well known among eldians in their natural habitat.
Hope you're at least somewhat coping, bro. Don't shy away from talking about it here if you think it'll help a little
I just want the next chapter already so we can see more of Pii!
Based and realist-pilled. Also do you look like Annie?
No one told me the hype was ded
Pii will survii!
>bert watches me while i'm sleeping because he likes me
Why are you asking? The only thing I share in common with her is her height desu, if anything I look more like Gabi
well im at the lowest point of my life right now but i just remember to keep moving forward. I am going to make it
Eren pre timeskip
Based and checked. If there's anything you should take from them it's that sort of mindset
Are you a ragetard?
feels really dumb to think a chinese cartoon about giants will able to make me change for the better
Well, if Farmer is revealed as the father it will not be THAT shocking either since it was already told.
As much as the third father theory sounds 'surprising', it would make 0 sense and it's retarded anyway
Eh, maybe it feels that way because you're thinking of it too simply. It doesn't make you feel better because it's a dumb chinese cartoon about giants, it makes you feel better because of Eren, a human you relate to, is in a fucked up situation but still has the drive to move forward.
Based Zekeanon
Such an emasculated wimp the girls treat him like a sissy in official art.
Sometimes the anime almost tricks you into thinking he looks decent.
that makes sense user thank you!
It isn't sub berserk 2016. Berserk 2016 IS the bottom of the barrel, and I haven't seen much come close. The colossal titan is berserk 2016 level, but it's only one aspect of the anime.
>manlet fails to kill Reiner
>manlet fails to kill Zeke
>Erenfags are pedos
No problem, user
The meme is real
That artist is a bit meh.
i just want the spoilers bros.... that’s.... al...lll......
Why are you so obsessed with pedos
my mum was a pedo and she touched me peeenus weenus
manga Historia is a womanlet though
You're not gonna break his heart are you?
Me too user. Don't think of the bad just keep pressing onward.
Why are you a pedo?
Clearly depressed Erenfags are the most powerful poster.
I'm a depressed Erenfag but I don't really relate to him
Unironically Jeanbo.
Checked again. We're clearly too powerful for our own good.
based af eren is our savior. Erenbros are the best
>using all those +4s on Mikasa at once
Goddamit Eren is merciless.
>threads are dead
>better make a thread 20 posts early
yes i am but i have a heart of gold
You sound like a faggot but I love you
>the anime
But he looks better in the manga for the most part. When Isayama is feeling like it obviously, since his style is rather inconsistent
There still is the other thread, stop making more threads.
I hope there's more Jean this chapter
wanna kiss bro
He'll save Mikasa and she'll (hopefully) notice him
i unironically think he looks pretty handsome with his new haircut
Spoilers realistically when?
this golden week shit has made me expect spoilers so fucking early it's only 1-5!
He looks better, but no way is he handsome.
Literally Jean's hair from RtS. Miles above the coconut though. It baffled me to see people complaining about it.
next week at this point
>Reiner wants to kill you because he loves you
I think Isayama's best panel of him is the page where he's telling Mikasa they need to convince others that Eren's on their side.
S-Sure, bro. Just a kiss though right?
I'm afraid you are right... I guess it's time to pic related
i like this page of his timeskip look
>Armin takes a picture of you because he likes you
Guys, it's just me or eren's AT look buffer and creepier after the timeskip?(just look at his eyes,before timeskip they were normal,but now they are usually darker and hidden,i hope Wit will mantein this detail once marley arc will be adapted.)
Mikasafags are disgusting. Don't involve Eren in this embarrassing clothing you fucks.
Already got mine on
Wouldn't call him handsome, he's still on the feminine side. "Pretty" suits more i guess.
I like his short hair too but I miss his old haircut sometimes.
is that better or worse than levi's/hanji's kids?
>loses his entire first litter
>second litter has an autistic genetic freak of nature, a psychopathic murderer, a teen mom, a dead girl, a manlet, a horse, and a cuck
they cant draw him on model to save their lives. they dont fuck up any character as bad as him
i dunno i was hoping we could go a little... further
Too gay for me bro, I'm a lesbian
ew girls are gay
[spoler]It's good to know you're not the only one here[/spoiler]
I fucked up, I know
Trannies are disgusting
Not wrong desu
B-Based. If you're the erenfag from earlier then continue...
No, just a typo :(
No I'm not, sadly. But I can be whoever you want desu
Ctrl + s
she could be phoneposter
> she