No Naruto thread?

No Naruto thread?

Best girl
Lady Tsunade

Attached: DE5FE872-7B27-42A9-BB95-5E0EF722DC49.jpg (1242x1171, 769K)

So, who do you think will sacrifice himslef to give her a baby?



Tsunade is alright, but she's not best girl material

>Oppai too big to fit in a photo
That's Jiraiya-jutsu

Enjoy your fetal alcoholic and down syndrome offspring

>Implying her healing powers and the Senju genes won't prevent that.

best girl coming through

Attached: Konan_supports_the_bridge_to_peace.png (1912x1078, 1.59M)

At least post the real best girl

Attached: samui-wp.jpg (1080x1920, 139K)

>tsunade but tomboy
i mean its still good but its not konan good

How can she be best girl when Honeypot Princess exists?

Attached: 006-1.png (1868x2677, 3.86M)

>Not posting the real best girl

Attached: best girl.png (500x600, 473K)

>So, who do you think will sacrifice himslef to give her a baby?
Isn't she physically 100+ years old due to the strain of her healing jutsu?
Imagine the chafing

>draw a 10/10 semen demon
>make her relevant for one arc and then never really does anything useful again
Why is Kishimoto such a raging faggot? Tsunade deserved more screentime, my dick was not satisfied.

>talking about a dead series

Same age as Orochimaru and Jiraya, around 50.

>character has big tits in canon
>doujin artist balloons them to triple their already big size

I love this shit.

That's not Hanabi.

Attached: c5c97b255af166523cfbcd57011c3584.jpg (564x606, 28K)

Has she made an appearance at all in Burrito? Seeing as she was Sakura's sensei and one of the legendary senin. Then again, I wouldn't want to see her now. This new artist hates tits, he already ruined Hinata.

Attached: Baruto 5.png (1191x1684, 430K)

Let's be real.
With the exception of Sakura all Naruto girls are wife material in some way.

this user gets it