I'm happy to announce me and my wife Senko are going to be parents soon!

I'm happy to announce me and my wife Senko are going to be parents soon!

Attached: 74465823_p0.png (1000x1500, 300K)

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Your wife Senko-san is so cute.

Thank you!

Attached: 3fc0ff14bb4df6bba5e252a6280bea67.jpg (1307x1684, 322K)

Touch fluffy tail!

me too, omedetou


Hi Daisuke.

wow funny meme!!! i think i saw that one on /r/funny xD. upvoted!!!

why do pedos get so defensive

I think there must be some confusion. Senko-san is my daughter, yet she hasn't mentioned anything about you.

It's a literal reddit tier meme. The video is titled "FBI open up! Original meme". Is any more explanation needed?

Congratulations, user!

Show us some nudes fag

Now she has to devote her attention to the kid, she'll have less time for fluffing sessions and ear cleaning with you. You fucked up.

Attached: shower nude washing back.png (909x806, 294K)

Hello, Daisuke!

user, prepare to get NTR'ed

look at that tiny frame, impregnating her with triplets would be a death sentence

You married my mom? How come this is literally my first time meeting you? And mom, take that damn pillow out. You're not fooling anyone.


>You married my mom?
She's my mom dumbass

Attached: 1556146998685.jpg (1920x1080, 270K)

Holy shit, I have a long-lost brother now too? This day just keeps getting weirder.


You forgot flufftoy-onahole.

Not that guy, but it doesn't change the fact that being sexually attracted to a girl who looks prepubescent, regardless of her being 'really 800 years old' makes you a pedo.


user there was a wild animal in your house but I called animal control and we dealt with the problem

Attached: animalcontrol.png (1000x1000, 491K)

Fox puppies are smol, don't worry.

>who looks prepubescent
Except she doesn't. Japanese women are naturally short in stature and most have a flat chest. Plus, she acts like an adult. In fact, I'd daresay that, since your mind instantly tagged her as prepubescent, you're in fact the one who's more likely to be a pedo.

>she becomes cranky
>she cant care for you and you have to care for her
>her body is ruined by the kid
>she spends all her time caring for the kid and is too tired to pamper you too

can I get a refund?

>Applying 3D issues to a 2D goddess

You should be happy, that leave all the christmas cakes and babas for you!

Oh shut up you seasonal waifufaggot pedophile.

Maybe he's Australian.



damn user you daresaid it

she is 800 years old. She is likely barren

Magical kyubi womb

She is at least a duchess.

kill the orange raccoon.

Attached: senko.gif (480x360, 750K)

Who's the father?

Has Senko been to Mexico recently? I may have some bad news for you, user.
