Why so much hate on her?
Udon is cute
Why so much hate on her?
Udon is cute
udon suck dick
She looks like she has fetal alcohol syndrome
I love Rizu
She's unironically an autist. The only reasons she's liked are:
-big tits
Uruka and Senpai are much better
She's annoyingly autistic.
Last time I checked people were hating on senpai, not her
What will her arc be about? Finally winning a game?
I love you, I love Rizu-kun!
I don't hate her. Hoping she wins so that the chink and pinoy army of Fuminofags kills itself out of salt.
shes fucking hot
fumino is better though
She's adorably autistic.
holy shit is this literally misunderstandings: the series? the author apparently cant write anything without it starting with a character walking in on another doing something that is misinterpreted
Might be cool. But there's got to be udon somewhere.
I want to spoil user-san
If it's about the family shop, might be too similar to Senpai's family clinic closing down. Her only 'conflict' now is losing games. Which pales in comparison to Sensei's skating history, Fumino's daddy issues, and Uruka's overseas study.
I don't think anybody really hates Rizu. They just don't care about her.
We hate Fumino here
Fumino a shit
Because she is not sensei.
I had a theory about her having a mental breakdown for fucking up in something related to feelings. Like throwing a tantrum for something Fumino, Uruka or Asumi do that makes her crazy jealous.
Why is Fumino hated though?
I don't frequent bokubenis threads but I thought she was the bro/friendzone character in bokubenis?
Possible too. Everytime /chem/ is interacting with Nariyuki, she gets crazy jealous.
Because she's a shit and her fans are the bane of this threads.
yeah I don’t think anyone particularly hates Rizu. There’s a fair amount of indifference, and her more recent chapters have endeared her if anything.
She only gets jealous once with Sawako tho. But that can be a good launcher.
Yea Forums>senpai>sensei>sister>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
It's like one guy and he's a faggot who likes traps anyway.