Which anime has the best aesthetics and art style?

Which anime has the best aesthetics and art style?

Attached: sailor_outfits_mars1.jpg (2588x1500, 838K)


Anything by SHAFT

Sailor moon is pretty good too.

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Naruto Shippuden or snk (aot)

Attached: ReinerThicc.png (1087x1009, 911K)


Attached: sailor_outfits_mercury1.jpg (2866x2116, 1.33M)

The best thing about Shaft is that they stick with the artstyle of the source material.

Attached: [DmonHiro] Sasami-san@Ganbaranai - Episode 01v2 - I'll Start Trying Tomorrow (BD, 720p) [1B3FAC (1280x720, 99K)


Most Tezuka shows




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Rei is really cute, but she's still my least favorite scout.

Makoto is best

Her tomboy outfit is nice

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Panty & Stocking or Kill la Kill

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It's Cardcaptor Sakura.

Hah? After Bakemonogatari they all look the same with a few exceptions. Madhouse is far better in that area.

Lain. The only good thing about the anime was it's aesthetics.

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KLK in PSG style

90s anime looked so good

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Attached: koto_tail2.gif (450x338, 481K)