I don't watch much anime but I enjoyed darling in the franxx (excluding the last few eps) , can you anons recommend some more anime with similar tone and atmosphere. I really liked the sense of loneliness and tranquility in the atmosphere of the show.
I don't watch much anime but I enjoyed darling in the franxx (excluding the last few eps)...
I recommend Boku no Pico.
A thread died for this.
Boku no pico is a good one
Boku Genesis Picongelion
Anons, I get you've got nothing else going for you except your exceptional backlog of anime viewing but help a nigga out
Tomodachi wa Mahou
we are
watch Boku no Pico, trust me
kill yourself
Please die
Lurk 2 years before posting faggot
board culture is important to content quality
>muh sekrit club mentality still exists on Yea Forums
Here's a serious reply OP:
Made in Abyss. Way better than darling in the shitxx
Watch a single episode of one piece per day and by the time you catch up you might be old enough to post here.
Nobody is forcing you to be here fucking kike. If you don't like it, FUCK OFF FROM Yea Forums.
yeah, you're right. Sorry.
Try the following:
True Blue
Triangle Blue
Otome Dori
Soredemo Tsuma o Aishiteru
don't forgtet to report this retard too
I'm 25 la, just because I'm new to anime doesn't mean I'm new to the site. High likelihood I've been here longer than most posters here
Cheers user
Holy shit you are insufferable. Kill yourself SEAnigger.
>not new to the site
>posts this thread
What did he mean by this.
Is spoonfeeding still bannable or did the good mod(s) die?