Netflix Adaptation

Netflix Adaptation...

>No gore
>No Incest
>No child violence
>No Nudity
>No pee or diaper
>Lucy played by a black woman
>Not allowed to use the lilium theme

>Kota and Yuki are "best friends" instead of cousins to appeal to a sensitive western audience

am I missing anything?

Attached: lucy.jpg (300x225, 16K)

Who the fuck even remembers Elfen Lied existed

unfortunately I do.


Are you talking about stranger things?

Haha. Losers ive wiped it from my memory except one scene...ok now two scenes

which ones?

>natural born killers
>reproduce by leaving kids for other people to raise
>show starts in prison

Attached: 1528443637919.jpg (480x360, 11K)

The dog and the train.


>Not allowed to use the lilium theme
Ok, now I'm mad

Look faggot, you can hate Netflix all you want but since when do they apply heavy censorship? Devil man Crybaby was advertised as one of its "originals" and featured all kinds of explicit sex, violence and even hard drug use. Also fuck Elfen Lied. Literally baby's first edgy emo anime.

I do especially the manga which was far better and had a complete story.

Fuck you libshit i don't want these masterpieces ruined by the lefists sjw faggots at netshits. Works of art that are just destroyed for some fucking queer agenda fuck you scum.

I hope we only get more and more threads like this on Yea Forums. I hate having to go to Yea Forums for this.

I do. God I thought I was so cool and edgy for reading Elfen, Mirai Nikki and Deadman Wonderland.

Fuck off back to > Twitter or Paul Joseph Watson's YouTube. Pick one, IDGAF but get the fuck off Yea Forums

I do,i remember the opening every now and then,and then i remember the amime and get mad

Eat shit. This is our board now kid, you're ilk isn't welcome here now.

>not the piss scene
Out. Get out.

>>No gore
>>No Incest
>>No child violence
>>No Nudity
>>No pee or diaper
Why would this be true?
Have you seen what TV-shows are popular in the west?

Don't be retarded. Literally every western industry is ruined by degenerate leftists. It's relevant to the discussion because they're relevant to Netflix.

>bitching about politics
Can we go back to bitching about Elfen Lied instead?

This is only true in your head.
Non of the anime Netflix have acquired have shown any of these inclusion you people always fearmonger about.

>he thinks he's apart of something

How do you reconcile that with the fact that Devilman and Baki were both Netflix originals that were completely uncensored.

Preach brother, these brainwashed kids need to hear the truth

>death note movie
>L is a nignog now because muh intersectionality

I don't care about Netflix.

how do you reconcile the bastardized death note, devilman was good but Netflix aren't going to get it right again

>death note movie
>L is a nignog now because muh intersectionality
It is also not anime. So who cares? You should know it was awful when you realized it was a live action adaptation of a manga/anime.
And even then Light is white. Yet you don't complain about that.

But gore is okay in burgerland

The fact that it was an adaptation with many more concerning changes than "L is black". Live action adaptations of anime/manga have never been good no matter who makes them with a few exceptions that still aren't that good.

> but Netflix aren't going to get it right again
Literally as we are having this discussion they released the second half of Baki in America. It has very questionable use of CGI but no part of it is censored; gore, sexual aspects or things that even I think are stupid machismo. Netflix is clearly not limiting it's creators and I have never known them to on other non anime products. They just also hire creators with really questionable ideas/visions for shows.

Same for me i thought how deep and sad the killing my dog in front of me was
now it looks like fucking bait

>it's not anime so it doesn't count.
>Light is white. Yet you don't complain about that.
What a retarded fucking argument. Of course it counts and of course it matters that LLLLL is black, Light isn't the issue here.
The whole point is that the west media fell into a degeneracy and that Netflix is a part of it.

So one (1) black character in a cast of otherwise white ones is a sign of a fall into degeneracy?
You are delusional.

Yes it is because it goes against the source material and is made to push an agenda. And it's only one of many examples.
You're blind.

Lmao what

Everything about that movie goes against the source material. L being black is the least egregious.
And if it were an agenda they wanted to push them why is only L black? He is the antagonist of the story after all.

Light and L's characterization in the movie goes against the source material way more than making L black does.

Jesus Christ

It was my first anime. It seemed so cool at the time.

So does Light being white instead of Asian. Yet that doesn't seem to matter to you. L being black was probably just an issue of it being an open casting call and the black dude being the best actor who auditioned.

No Bullying

>L goes against the source material and pushes agenda
>yet Kira being white dude doesn't
This is your brain on /pol/

Sounds like it would still suck.

Elfen Lied isn't even worth a live action original adaptation. So you and your ilk can fuck off with the fearmongering and alt-right reactionary bullshit.

Yeah and Light was a cracker and the whole point was that it took place in America, not Nipland. Or are you just gonna nitpick just one particular aspect?

Whoever authored Elfen Lied is a talentless hack.
Fucked up perspectives and paneling. the same expression is literally traced over between characters.
This fucker should leave the manga industry and do hentai or something, cuz no one is ever going to buy his shit ever again.

>making up dumb things that won't ever happen just to make yourself angry
might as well just punch yourself in the dick.

What is there left without the gore shock porn. That's literally all there is.

The changes the anime did basically were the equivalent of how the west does adaptations of stuff.
>portraying Lucy as a complete dindu who should be pitied rather than an evil bitch who brought it on herself by constantly chimping out and killing strangers
>constant pretentious somber mood
>tries to come off as a deep story about societal oppression of those who are different, but only focuses on basic as fuck social issues like racial discrimination and rape victims while throwing more thought-provoking ones like the treatment of incontinent people under the bus
>mixed race couple ending

It's no wonder the Elfen Lied anime was much more popular in the west than it was in Japan.

>cuz no one is ever going to buy his shit ever again.
Brynhildr and Parallel Paradise say hi.

elfien leid is absolute fucking irredeemable trash and the only reason anyone has any positive emotions towards it is because they were young when they watched it

Black and White is pottery, because Light had blond hair and L had black hair.

That's true. I still have some fond memories of streaming it in 240p when I was 15.


Who are you quoting? Is netflix adapting EL?