This is the most beautiful girl in anime.
Character designs are one point
This is the most beautiful girl in anime.
Character designs are one point
pineapple hair is underrated.
Just wait till we have a black characters thread
I’m gonna say it...
Niggers are ugly
omg user NO
Don't use racism on 4channel, you're going to scare the investors!
I only see a nigger
d e s p i t e
those are some racist portrayals of black people lips
Most beautiful cartoon?
Looks like a nig
Only 13% of the population...
what are you talking about her lips are fine.
krone from promised neverland is probably who you are thinking of
>one point
I agree, she is a 1/10.
I want to kiss
Good bye user
Bye bye
Go back.
I'm gunna say it.....
Niggers are gross
What animu?
Inb4 Darudu Sandustormu
blacker than black
Boku no Niggero
They deceptively cut marios phrases.
>letsa go
rob that store
>Mamma mia
and my daddy's mia too
preach brother
To where?
Deleted for saying the N word
Is the Order a Nigger?
Anons... I
Fuck off, edgelord. It ain't about dough, it's about not being nazi filth.
Shingeki no Negro
Jackpot !!!
as it should be lmao
>This is the most beautiful girl
you faggots are everything wrong with nu-Yea Forums and i hope you both die in your sleep tonight
Literally a stick.
Not really
black people are cool and black characters in anime are consistently top tier
fuck spics though. they're everything bad about black people with none of the good aspects. dumber, shorter, and more violent.
I hope I die too so I don't have to see your posts anymore
Her hair has more volume than her entire body.
Just the way I like it
Oh wow, look what we have here
Things are getting awful c-c-cold
Hope I die before I get old
Imagine holding her soft and fragile body in your hands, let's say, after shower.
i'll make sure to drop a fat ogre shit on your grave
Normally I'd high five you and call you my nigga, I love big long fluffy hair, but she's just way too skinny IMO.
what is it about an anime girl's skin color that causes incels to froth at the mouth?
It's not funny it's just cringe and pathological
I dont understand this fucking meme
Black people commit like 50% of crime, but only make up 13% of the population.
(in the United States)
Ah thanks
They're conditioned to sperg out this way. We're at a point of intensified tribalism and the low IQ people are like this
Shit sucks. I'm black and if other blacks were like me we wouldn't get so much shit from incels on image boards :(
They're dumb virgins. (As opposed to us, intelligent virgins.)
Probably autism.
>most beautiful girl in anime
>a nigger
fuck off americunt
I'm gonna say it.
>beautiful girl
>most beautiful girl
I wish she was a little darker.
What is it about dark girls lusting after white cock?
honk honk
Holy shit what a horrible thread. /pol/niggers are the absolute worst.
Tuesday doesn't have one.
Prove it.
You have to go back. We've always been here kid
If my country had lots of brown girls and I could get one, I'd explain it to you
Ok, incel
Kill yourself.
Dumb spic
All Martians have dicks.
Based and Carolepilled
Found the Jew
she looks like a monkey, kinda racist of the show to portray her that way.
anyone who uses the word nigger or related words are here by officially banned from enjoying any and all brown girls in anime.
that includes but is not limited:
>dark elfs
>light brown
if you can't respect brown skin you don't deserve it.
Moot should have kept his promise
i know someone who has lost their license to enjoy brown girls in anime good luck only ever enjoying milky bar white till the day you die
>Character designs are one point
So it's 1/10?
>lol racism
>why am i a kissless virgin with no friends that spends all their days posting anonymously on a korean image board?
The funny thing is that virtually every user has professed they're wizards in training with no actual social skills. And you wonder why.
girls are girls who cares about skin or race
a true man goes for all booty, that's the dandy way baby
I think she is way cutier with her hair not in pineapple mod
She’s hideous
What does that image have to do with my post?
your smart enough to figure it out
Dumb MHAnigger
fucking based
projecting much?
it's just a reaction image, i have plenty from different anime
she's a faggot. I don't hate her because of her skin or something like that. I hate her because she generally is a fucking asshole
Wait. You get banned for saying nigger now?
There are post in this thread saying nigger that hasn't been banned. So obviously not.
can't say "nigger"
>Yea Forums in the year of our Lord MMXIX
what a joke
you don't get banned but it's the equivalent of putting on a dunce hat in thread
It's 50% of gun crime, which is overwhelmingly black-on-black violence. Most crime in the US is white collar crime.
Came here to make this exact post.
reigen doesn't support tunnel vision
I love her most with her hair down
she's pretty!
That's some nice stream screen shot you've got there.
Proving again how you have shit taste and no standards.
>your smart enough
Why are you typing like an idiot? Because you are one. No bullshit excuses, faggot.
what are you talking about i'm watching your stream on tv
lain please stop using the internet
She’s pretty alright
pretty UGLY!
Nah, you're just getting deleted. But I find curious that if you say nigger in Carole & Tuesday threads, your post gets deleted immediately while other similar posts in other threads don't.
when people told me 4channel was filled with teenagers and retards i thought they were lying
because it's clear shitposting trying to derail discussion