How would a crossover between Colors and Mashimaros go? Who would win in a fight to the death?

How would a crossover between Colors and Mashimaros go? Who would win in a fight to the death?

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Other urls found in this thread:

My penis.

Kotoha can take down a grown person with her fists. What can the Mashimaros do?

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 10 [720p].mkv_snapshot_19.26_[2018.03.11_15.27.18].jpg (1280x720, 42K)


Add Mitsudomoe to the fight and we have a deal.

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nah, matsuboshi just isn't so funny

Futaba > Miu > Kotoha > Mitsuba > Sacchan > Chika > Hitoha > Yui > Ana >>>> Matsuri

>implying Ichigo mashimaro and colors is funny

They are both cute and funny

Cute? Yes but funny? No. They can sometimes make me chuckle but that's it.

>implying Ichigo mashimaro is funny
yes, it is. you can be a faggot all you want, but you can't disprove this.

Kotoha can't even beat her video games, Yui is the strongest of the colors.

She’s also the most cunning

Man, Ichigo mashimaro anime was good and well-directed unlike whatever we got with mistuboshi shit

These three shows define the cute and funny genre for me.

>having this much shit taste

I’m sorry but I can’t stand this art style

I meant mitsuboshi anime is very low quality at technical level.

The anime is good, but nothing can compete with the original manga. It should be required reading everywhere.

Add wataten girls also into the cage while you're at it.


Add yourself to your containment thread while you're at it.

Don't forget about the KnJikans.

/u/ have to go back

Can anyone defeat them?

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What's wrong with it? It's similar to stuff like Ichigo mashimaro anyway.

The Colors would implode on themselves because Kotoha is a fucking autist, Sacchan is a tard, and Yui is worthless cunt.

>protagonist is a hag

It's similar except for the part where it's utter trash that fails at both being funny and being cute.

Why do you autistic retards say mashimaro instead of marshmallow?

Ichigo Mashimaro wasn't trojan hagshit.

>The Colors would implode on themselves because Kotoha is a fucking autist, Sacchan is a tard, and Yui is worthless cunt.
>... would implode on ... Kotoha ..., Sacchan ... and Yui s ... cunt.
I agree.

Nobue ito is chain smoking hag. I bet she even does drugs and fucks for money.

I'd like to implode inside the Colors. Especially Yui's worthless cunt.

Sounds painful

The loli designs in all these anime you mention are fucking trash. shogi loli one had pretty fucking good designs.

Because Ichigo Mashimaro sounds cuter than Strawberry Marshmallow.

Shogi loli was also fucking shit, so?


You shitpost trying to bait LRD, but that's a legit reason. The show made a huge point to advertise its lolis, while the actual show couldn't care less about them.

Fucking Yui into reens!

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>while the actual show couldn't care less about them.
Just accept you didn't read the LN or watch the anime.

Cute and funny lolis>sexy lolis

Colors and IM capture the essence of childhood. Things like RKB, Tenshi no 3P and Ryou are for people who merely lust after the loli body.

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Just accept you like loli shows that aren't actually loli shows because actual loli shows scare you.

Nobue's 15

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I need entertaining substance.

This, that’s why I can’t stand lolis who are older than they appear like JCs, legal lolis, etc. I want my fucking little girls to look and act like fucking little girls.

can't beat the cock man... can't beat

But user, that’s rape

>I want my fucking little girls

Matsuri and Anna wouldn't do shit, Miu and Kotoha would probably take each other down, so it's Chika vs 2 Colors.
Also Nobue is probably stronger than Saito.

IM has more substance in one page than your shogi trash has in all 9 of its volumes combined.

kek, how can other series compete?

Why are loli series with lolis that act like actual lolis so good?

Disgusting hag

Brats are endearing.

Because they’re pleb filters for normalfags who like hagshit


What’s wrong with “fucking little girls”?

This is a harmless thread about imagining anime characters battling each other, right?

Maybe because any kind of series with characters that act like actual people and not anime caricatures is good.

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Of course, of course. Nothing weird or wrong about imagining Matsuri and Kotoha having a naked wrestling match.

There’s nothing wrong with fucking little girls

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>This is a harmless thread about imagining
Yes, yes it is


Meh, sexy lolis are better
Actual Little girls are fucking dumb and boring.

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Nothing can beat the cock, except for a bigger, fatter, longer, thicker cock.

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You are fucking dumb. You can create a well written fictional entity without them being direct representation of any real person.

You're dumb and boring and also retarded. Go fucking whack off you shit tier fake lolicon.

That's pretty gay desu.

disgusting fag

Attached: IMG_20190429_225352.png (1080x747, 520K)

>fake lolicon
>hurr durr You have different loli preferences than me, you are fake

Where did I say that only characters that act like actual people are good? I'm just saying that convincingly human characters are always exceptionally good.

Leave, normalfag

Go back to your DBZ threads, please.

JY > JS > the rest

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>act like actual people
Much backpedalling huh?

Not them but it's good to know I'm living in your mind rent free.

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>I'm just saying that convincingly human characters are always exceptionally good.
Yes, you're retarded normalfag.

The operative word there is "only".

How about you all stop being faggots and keep this autism out of the cute and funny thread?

Why the fuck would a lolicon want a girl who acts like a hag?

Your post implies there's only two ways you can write characters, it's either copying actual people or making template tier characters.

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Why do we have actual pedophiles?

DBZ is million times more quality than your trash loli shows.

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No, it implies that any series where the characters act like anime caricatures would be good if they acted convincingly human instead. And making them convincingly human does not mean copying any actual person.

Then you should've worded as such, retard.

I did. Sorry you never learned to read.

>Maybe because any kind of series with characters that act like actual people and not anime caricatures is good
Ok, I'll copypaste it here since you are too lazy to even scroll up the thread.

Good job. Now think about how sticking rigidly to established anime character templates is a common fallback for bad or lazy writers when the series they're writing would be better if the characters behaved like realistic human beings and try reading it again.

>Why are loli series with lolis that act like actual lolis so good?
This is the question you replied to. This helps on disambiguation of your post. You assumed the other way of not making "characters behave like realistic human beings" is just template tier writing. You missed the possibly of unrealistic yet brimming with life well written characters.

I wanted to give you the benefit of the doubt before this post, but I guess I shouldn't be surprised an ESL doesn't actually know how to read English.

I dunno what you fags are arguing about, but I like lolis who act like fucking little girls

You don't even know basic logic. Now fuck off, retard.

>lolis who act like fucking little girls
Very lewd.

How do you know they are acting like little girls?

When they’re not acting like teens or adults?

That's a fallacious logic. There's this possibility of "not acting like either teens or adults or little girls" in it.

>You missed the possibly of unrealistic yet brimming with life well written characters.
What I said in no way ruled out that possibility, and I'm sorry your English isn't good enough to comprehend that, but there's nothing else for me to explain. Logic only comes into the picture after you understand the words you're reading and their implications, and you haven't gotten that far yet.

>What I said in no way ruled out that possibility
Read the question you replied to and then read your post and then take a noose

The hell are you on about? The whole point of lolicon is the undeveloped childishness of little girls

I like lolis that try and fail to act mature.

All I said is this statement "When they’re not acting like teens or adults?" is weird reply.

Exactly, it’s common with little girls to make themselves out to be more mature than they actually are, but ultimately their naïveté breaks the facade and hardens my penis even more
It means little girls should act like little girls, no need to read too much into it

>I like lolis that try and fail

I like lolis who I can trick into letting me play with their cute and funny parts

I like lolis

Fuck lolis.

Late reminder to never take any negative-sounding post in loli threads too seriously.
And holy shit this thread has a rather high level of Yea Forums, looks like their plan is working.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Watashi ni Tenshi ga Maiorita! - 04 [720p].mkv_snapshot_00.18_[2019.01.29_15.19.20].j (1280x720, 154K)

you bet

JC > JY > JS > the rest

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They just keep going.

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The only Mashimaro willing to fight would be Miyu.

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Everything else > shit > JCs

Why are Yea Forums lolicons so anti-JC?

Because JCfags are thinly veiled normalfags

False-flagging shitposter trying to ruin the threads.

It's just one newfag but he gets extremely autistic when he's called out so it's better to leave him be. JCs who didn't develop too much are nice.

Lolicons and JCfags are natural enemies. Like lolicons and shotacons. Or lolicons and toddlercons. Or lolicons and other lolicons.

A better question is what’s so special about JCs?

So that's the idea they're trying to force, thanks for the heads-up. Good to know that not everyone is falling for it, lolicons must be united.

It's perverted. Ichigo and Mitsuboshi focus on being cute and showing girls just fucking shit up and having fun, instead of on lewd fanservice with a pedoohile hag. They're different shows.

Lolicons and JCfags are friends.

Attached: 14 year old.jpg (1000x1412, 113K)

Pay more attention, the shitposter is the one who keeps pushing normalfaggotry in these threads

No, it's you, kiddo.

Falseflag bait.

Whatever you say, retard, you have nobody to blame but yourself when redditors start filling these threads with FBI memes

Why do JCfags exist? It’s like they’re too afraid to commit so they find comfort in being hebephiles

>p-p-please accept my hagshit

We've resisted their shit without your help for years and years so we're going to be fine.

What's wrong with being a hebephile?

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No, you’ve allowed normalfags to infest these threads with shitposting and had multiple threads deleted

>you’ve allowed normalfags to infest these threads with shitposting
Well yeah, you're here.

People who hail from the video games board get very upset if you don't pick a clear side.

It’s pointless, why be a hebephile when the lolis are meant to look prepubescent anyways? Might as well go for lolis who really are prepubescent instead of those who simply look as such but are actually becoming hags. I’ve yet to see anybody actually give a good response to this point.

Would you rather marry a child and stay with her for the rest of your life, or have a daughter who you love and raise until she’s ready to go out and live without you?

People can't have preferences in what little girls they like?

Attached: aoi.jpg (795x999, 61K)

If you’re going to pretend you’re actually from here, don’t shoot yourself in the foot by defending hagshit

>How would a crossover between Colors and Mashimaros go?

Attached: wipe.png (972x550, 1.34M)

They’re not “little” any more, by that age they’re already developing into teenagers. Why bother being a lolicon at that point? Single digits are prime.

You aren't fooling anyone.

I can’t tell whose more dumb, you the JC apologist who thinks every person who’s against you is from Yea Forums, or the retarded 3Dfag who thinks everybody against him is from discord

Reminder to filter the word "hag". Worked wonders while Wataten was airing, and looks like it's going to help even more for the time being.

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>already developing into teenagers
But they're not fully grown which makes it hot.

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Who would have the highest kill count?

Lolita was 12-15 in the book. JC are the true lolis.

But they’re developing, that’s the problem

That's what lolicons like. I'm sorry you aren't one.

Loli is a body type, not an age

>lolicons like developing bodies
Are you retarded?

>thinks loli = age
>goes completely against lolicon by pushing for developing bodies
Is there really any mystery who the normalfags are?

I'm sorry the word doesn't mean what you seem to think it does.

Not really. It's you.

A body type that includes girls at the start of puberty like most JCs (mostly JC1 and 2).
Arguing about this is retarded because it always derails threads and that's what the shitposters want the most, so I recommend every genuine lolicon here to just let it go. Note that they might report the thread and get it deleted if things don't go as planned so try to enjoy the little time you have.

>you'll never see your JS/JC gf smiling like this when you pick her up from school


Attached: Bottomless Bocchi.jpg (1536x2384, 380K)

Why the fuck would a lolicon have any interest in developing bodies? Pretty sure lolicon means pedophile and not hebephile

Well, one already pissed themselves so yeah, I think anyone could. Except the one on the right, I don’t like how she could be so unfazed by wearing wet socks like that

Addendum: filtering "normalfag" as well would also help a lot, but since it could disrupt your understanding of other threads it should only be done as a last resort.

Attached: consider the fololing.jpg (177x312, 15K)

Well then you're pretty wrong.

>Pretty sure lolicon means pedophile
And you claim to be a lolicon. Shamefur dispray.

Explain what’s so attractive about developing bodies without sounding like a normalfag

The Japanese seem to use lolicon and pedophile as synonyms, certainly more so than hebephile

>Why do JCfags exist?
Because JCs are cute

>he has to filter because he can’t handle being shit on for his garbage taste
Why do you even come to these threads?

JCs are old and used up

Japanese will use 'lolicon' for people perving on high schoolers. Your bullshit isn't going to fly here.

Seriously, how can anyone hate them?

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Notice how the threads always go to shit lately whenever this user posts his forced meme

>m-muh taste
It's funny how easily their reveal themselves with just a bit of pressure.

You quoted the wrong post. It was these three:
(made by the same person)

Rude! I actually want a JS/JC gf and not memeing.

Attached: 2.jpg (1600x954, 391K)

The problem is when somebody claims JC is better, the burden is on them to prove it. And so far, the user who claims JC is better can’t seem to do so without sounding like somebody who isn’t a lolicon, so naturally, he’ll get attacked.

You have severe autism. Lolicon is and has always been used to describe more than your particular fetishes.

Whatever helps you get those upvotes

That argument only works on milfs user
I have no clue, but they have to have some serious problems to hate such cute creatures

Nobody likes your garbage waifu

You aren't the gatekeeper of lolicon, dipshit.

I do.

>video games board
They can go fuck themselves, JCs are the best.

Mikan is very popular, I'm sure some anons her also like her.

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There’s nothing to reveal faggot, but sure, keep bringing your garbage into these threads and getting them nuked

Stop replying to yourself

Stop pretending we aren’t talking about you

Would only use her as a onehole though

Claiming nobody likes Rika and Miria in a loli thread is the same as lolicon suicide. You are no longer welcome here. Don't even try to pretend you meant Bocchi either because not only you didn't specify who you were talking about, but disliking Bocchi is also looked down upon.
Sorry, but your lolicon member card will be disabled for an indeterminate mount of time.

>muh gatekeeping
Don’t come to a loli thread and get mad when people shit on you for ruining threads

Exactly, nobody

my cock

Good grief, I love little girls so much

Attached: BE5CFEB2-D6A1-4585-8E8E-AAFCC5F990D7.jpg (850x567, 227K)

That's what you're doing.

I did mean Bocchi, and no, she gets bullied pretty frequently which only gets frowned upon by that one user who keeps posting her

Fuck off.

Of course threads where your sperging out doesn't get attention (or where you get proven wrong) get nuked because either mods are buttbuddies with you, or you report them if you don't get what you want. Feel free to go ahead and do it again, we'll just keep making more loli threads in the future no matter how much you try to destroy everything.

At this point, you have nothing else to contribute. Make your own thread for your garbage and stop infecting loli threads with it.

Stop talking to a mirror.

The fuck is this conspiracy theory? I hope you realize you’re confusing at least three different posters

>he says while only being able to parrot my words

Bocchi is a loser, user

>What can the Mashimaros do?
Not be stuck in a poorly written comedy.

He's like ACK-level retarded where he thinks everyone disagreeing with him is samefagging.

I hate this JC hating faggot. He thinks 11 isn't prime.

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Have you even posted a single image? Do you even have any?

11 isn't JC idiot.

oh no, not another one of those.

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I know but for some reason he hates double digit JS too

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Have you? This is mine. Thread was actually going good at that point.

I would think about it logically

Just ignore the JC hater and his fuckbuddies already holy fuck, post whatever loli you want and let them wallow in their shit without getting any attention
If they report the thread just make it again later as usual
Stop letting them ruin every single fucking thread fuck

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Not only is 11 not prime, but you are also a colossal faggot

Um excuse me? I see cleavage on those hags. I guess you've become what you hate.

>Wah! Stop hating JCs! Poor me!
>blames haters for reporting threads
And you wonder why people shit on you

Yeah it's 14

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It was a meme, you dip

You should definitely kill yourself, 9 is prime

I don't hate JC loli either, but anime Bocchi is so un-loli I don't give a shit about her shitty show.

Don't forget to ignore Yea Forums-tier fanbase wars posts as well but that should be second nature to anyone in the current Yea Forums

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You might as well fap to teenage shonen girls if you think that butt and those budding breasts are attractive. How is this loli if loli is a body type?

If you like fucking dedicated corpses, maybe.

Stop replying to yourself

Erotic kid.

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>post whatever loli you want and let them wallow in their shit without getting any attention
Fuck off, this is what leads people to post oppai shit and girls who are very clearly not lolis

Clearly you’ve never done it

All the JCs in this show are very erotic

Attached: Hina-chan.png (249x461, 126K)

>someone posts an image of the same set to add something to their previous warning post
>"hurr stop samefagging"
You have brain problems don't you

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why these kind of loli threads can be made but not just loli threads? am i missing something?

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Whatever you say

Too tall to even be a loli

You are the only one who gets triggered at them so there's no problem no matter how vocal you are. Go on, call me a normalfag again.

>doesn't recognize pixiv name format
Keep lurking, kid.

choose your flavor

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They are lolis, just don't bait with j shit

>Yea Forums suddenly hates Chicken-chan
What happened?

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Because if regular loli threads were allowed there would be constant loli threads, half the board would be loli.

>You are the only one who gets triggered at them
Now I know you don’t post here often

This guy isn't Yea Forums in case you haven't noticed (despite how much he insists he is).

Kuro a shit

>another user with a picture from the same set just happened to reply within 5 minutes
This is getting sad

Yes, you are indeed the only one who seems to think middle schoolers can't be lolis.

They are but they are in middle school, or at least at the age where they should be in middle school in Anzu and Mao's case.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Hinamatsuri - 01 [720p].mkv_snapshot_10.21_[2018.05.28_15.03.14].jpg (1280x720, 98K)

I like her

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>everybody who disagrees with me is an outsider
How much longer are you going to keep this up?

>33 posters

No seriously. I even admitted I'm the same person on the second post. How hard is your brain malfunctioning?

Attached: 74288664_p8.jpg (1200x1042, 891K)

Never claimed that, retard. I’m saying girls who don’t have loli bodies (like oppai) are not lolis.

It's just you, son.

She's one of the sexiest girls last gen

Attached: elite 4.jpg (1735x1735, 1.83M)

Nobody hates her, your mistake was thinking 11 is prime

In a dispute with Acerola and Lana

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No one cares what you say.

Heres an extra IP lolichads

The usual few loli thread regulars, the autistic JC hater, and one or two from the organized shitposting group. Sounds right for me. The reason why the thread is already at 250+ posts is because the new autismlord replies to everything and baits everyone into replying to him.
Let me keep posting more of this artist because he's too good for Yea Forums's lolicons to seem to not know much about him.

Attached: 73542951_p1.jpg (860x1200, 868K)

Point still stands, stop replying to yourself

Should've been the main heroine.

Attached: ace.jpg (1280x720, 108K)

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Then fuck off if that’s true

Attached: me on the left.jpg (800x1303, 370K)

My point still stands stronger.
>I forgot to say something, let me quote my previous post and say it because deleting your post is pointless since everything is archived
You're trying way too fucking hard to fit in here. Give it a rest.

Attached: 73542951_p13.jpg (1200x1014, 670K)

Now we're just waiting for ju^2 and her shitpost orbiters to show up as well.

>JC hater
>organized shitposting group
Nice boogeyman, just admit you faggots don’t know how to maintain these threads

>I’ll look smarter if I pretend only one person disagrees

Who are you quoting?

I've seen a few posts that remind me of her on other threads recently but I'm not perfectly sure it was her, maybe that demon really has been exorcised. The issue is how quickly a new one showed up. We may need more loli mikos.

>y-you’re trying too hard
Or you’re dumb enough to say stupid shit like
>post whatever loli you want

Who else?

Here's your loli miko user

Attached: mach.jpg (4092x5935, 1.9M)

Sadly that one is too incompetent and retarded. Also fat.

She's doing her best

Attached: Machi bikini.jpg (643x927, 81K)

>somebody says something bad about JCs
>JCfags develop victim complexes
Since when did these threads get so soft?

Pretty sure pedophile is also commonly used in the west to describe attraction to anyone underaged, regardless of specific range

I think you're the one with problems. If you don't like it, just fuck off.

I don’t know who you think you’re replying to but calm down, it’s just a question

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The point is lolicon doesn't mean square-level flat 9-year-olds and absolutely nothing else.

He's been spamming the threads for weeks now.

Attached: G17.jpg (1430x2024, 856K)

Why can't we have more seasons like this one?

Attached: JSJC.jpg (1440x810, 320K)

The focus is still the lolis unlike WataTen, which not only has a hag protagonist that steals all the attention (even in the threads), but they also added another hag who has a crush on her, and for no fucking reason at all—they introduced the lolis' moms.

Attached: summer strawberries.jpg (933x2000, 351K)

Just enjoy the few occasions where it happens. 2018's winter was also an amazing loli season.

Attached: noja loli fox gives good advice.jpg (1280x720, 146K)

Holy shit, user, epic post!

The only real enemies are the haglovers.

Damn lolicons, they ruined lolis

Normalfags hate all of what you mentioned equally, so this infighting is pointless.

Why are lolibutts so good?

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>lewd fanservice
WataTen had 0 of that, but I do agree that it's hagshit.

Wataten was trash and wasn't any of those, but what's wrong with being "perverted" or having "lewd fanservive," ironic lolicon?

>Ichigo mashimaro
Unfunny garbage with no budget.

>the shitposters are fighting themselves
Oh wow

>ironic lolicon
Do they actually exist? I mean fans of Colors and Wataten certainly seem newer than others, but do they really only like little girls ironically?

They only like lolis to fit in on Yea Forums and post memes unlike true lolicons.

I didn't say it was wrong, I said they were different shows. IM and Mitsuboshi are far more comparable because they put comedy as the first priority.

He made that shit up just now.

Sounds more like that one faggot who keeps saying "ironic lolicon" is desperately samefagging since the thread is dead.

Ichigo Mashimaro has plenty of fanservice. Shitposters are dirty secondaries, it seems.

Attached: x8.png (827x1200, 186K)

Ironic lolicon detected.

What does that term mean again? Please post that one image one more time, I forgot what it's like.

I was waiting for that.

Attached: 7120c5363d25e80d9e4eeb3da75cb180.png (700x669, 306K)

Why would they fight for no reason?

Attached: ironic lolicon detector.png (1920x1080, 1.03M)

Get outta here.

So Doga Kobo is the ironic lolicons' favorite studio?

>posts it under a new IP to avoid getting banned
Top comedy.

Or maybe your taste is crap.

Attached: 6566atilwnc3.jpg (1200x1200, 330K)

So ironic lolicons are lolicons and real lolicons are pedophiles?


3DPD is gross

"Ooh, I'm so very flush".

stop giving it (you)s just report his shit bait and ignore it
literally every loli thread theres 2-3 people trying to bait with the most retarded shit and it works every time

Attached: blueslut.png (1447x2046, 1.87M)

Yes because they censor everything.
People who think there is anything wrong with pedophilia are ironic lolicons. That's it. They don't necessarily have to like 3D lolis.

Sorry, it's just that seeing that (41) was so funny I couldn't contain myself.

Attached: 1515336575789.webm (584x680, 325K)

Too bad they aren't sexy.

>ironic lolicon detected
How about this Japanese lolicon checker?

Attached: 1554589459529.jpg (800x1024, 226K)

>what's Candydoll
heh. I think if you at the very least don't fap to softcore CP, you're a fake. Little girls are sexy and without them lolicon, which celebrates the very fact, wouldn't exist. If you're into lolicon but not into real girls I'm sorry, but you're just appropriating pedo art form.

Attached: D5NlV88U0AItBrB.jpg.jpg (610x800, 54K)

Why are weebs obsessed with Engrish? I wonder...

Nobody here can decipher those ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs.

Attached: 43da80e4.jpg (1920x1080, 215K)

What? I thought most lolicons knew Japanese.

Seek therapy.

This isn't a Monogatari thread, jackass.

According to , you're an ironic lolicon. Sorry.

What the heck's a JC? Been browsing Yea Forums for 5 months and never saw this term/buzzword used before.

It's funny that there are "lolicons" ITT who don't know who this girl is.

Attached: 2d loli.png (765x650, 266K)

Maybe, but this is not the place to discuss it.

Attached: healthy.png (291x372, 52K)

Keep lurking


That's just Miu.

You’re ten years too early to be posting faggot, keep lurking

Attached: BA1B17BB-4529-4532-B259-91E07BDBFD9A.jpg (348x349, 34K)

Jesus Christ, or as others would say, perfect taste.

Everything. Go jack off to hentai doujins instead of promoting trash everywhere.

Kill yourself, ironic lolicon.

People who think there's anything right with pedophilia are brain-damaged.

Most people here are ironic lolicons, so they don't know Japanese.

Are you so desperate that you're calling your own posts that have nothing to do with lolicon stuff "ironic lolicon"? Do you really enjoy being that much of a clown?

Fuck off back to Facebook, cancerous moralfag.


>t. NEET

>Little girls are sexy
No. Real children are disgusting stupid little shits and I simply can't bring myself to disassociate the filth they bring with them and their bodies.
I don't have to do that with lolis because they're not real.

Keep whining like the whiny little bitch you are.

Based ironic lolicon.

Attached: illust_71314273_20190322_035340.png (700x910, 496K)

Fuck off to sadpanda, disgusting lolicuck.

Based on what?

No, based retard, everyone who doesn't share your shit taste isn't being ironic. I think the internet has poisoned your brain.

Your boogyman sucks, just like you do.

Based on mental illness, obviously.

Sorry, but you'll always be on the same tier as memers who post FBI memes until you accept the truth.

Attached: illust_71360438_20190430_131540.png (700x910, 243K)

But I've already accpted the truth of you being an actual autistic retard. And I'm not talking about meme-autistic, either.

Enough with the arguing and autism, post cute and funny

Attached: 7B0E0E91-36E2-4C91-9A23-597A08A65C63.jpg (1000x1000, 127K)

Don't bully the guy for speaking the truth. I know it's difficult for a normalfag to accept that he's a normalfag, but you have to come to terms with what you are.

Attached: 1553989502881.jpg (1280x1933, 380K)

Attached: miura.png (482x788, 435K)

Of course user, everyone who doesn't daily jerk off to children while hiding in a nearby bush is a normalfag

The only person who can save the Lakers

Attached: MiuraLakers.jpg (138x325, 27K)

>Sir what happend in this thread ?
>Shoot an ask after private !

Attached: GIPN1.jpg (1350x1600, 304K)

Whats a loli personality type you would like to see in future anime?

Id like to see a sadistic loli who is downright evil, psychopathic not just bratty but she gets away with it because she's cute

Attached: headdance.gif (500x281, 938K)

Why am I being assaulted by living baguettes?

post her doing that heart thing with her hand


Attached: original file is 2big4chan.jpg (1280x1805, 181K)

>pretending to be someone else
how cute.

Attached: 192d18tiroroif.png (251x250, 95K)

I dont have it user

>anyone who disagrees with me is a samefag ecksdee
Typical normalfag reply.

The spoiled imouto type, they’re always super cute

I'm probably alone in this, but I just want more realistic bratty types.

Attached: 398833[1].png (317x317, 80K)

Brats are for ____.

kotoha's archetype will dominate cgdct in the next years
doyass was only the begining

jk hina is unironically superior

>What can the Mashimaros do?
Not be a flop.

Attached: 1491736372107.png (1600x900, 901K)

>salesfags are involved in shitposting again
What a surprise.

Let him shit up this thread to save the other one

Smug vampire Loli.


Brats are for hardcore spanking.

Brats are for sniffing.

JC Hina is sexier.

Attached: 1533637769344.jpg (4084x5928, 1.87M)


See you, enenn why

you arent alone, but youre very lucky because every year we get several of those
do like those too but I think we saw more of those in the past decade

seems to be growing in popularity Id say

Attached: 1547155205420.jpg (849x1200, 379K)

>jk sexier than jc
user please

You can have sex with JC but not with JS

Attached: 1555248929431.png (1280x720, 1.06M)

boochi tricked us

Name one brat from last year. Keyword is "realistic".

Attached: usagi-drop-reina.png (1280x720, 632K)

Are u sure?

No, you can have sex with both. With JY too. Porn manga told me so.

Satchan or whatever the blue ones name was from the colors?

Get a load of this faggot

They’re both hags

JC are not hags

Attached: 1525332511067.jpg (1000x1200, 176K)

>hag height
>hag thighs
>hag butt

>Who would win in a fight to the death?
Who would be the first to die? Other than Matsuri, since that's a given.

>You can’t have sex with JS
And you fags wonder why people bully you

cute butt

I see that pedophiles are fighting among themselves these days. I guess I don't have to stir shit up. Fucking pathetic, pedos.

Shouldn’t you be pleasing your father or something?

Thanks for saving the thread, but I think your dad called for you.

And then they still insist this isn't an organized work.

Attached: icecream.jpg (661x720, 92K)

Which lolis deserve the most headpats

Attached: 1549797808781.jpg (708x1000, 268K)

I want to fluff Tsugu's hair so bad

Attached: 1536013980108.jpg (800x1022, 64K)

should cap this and the rest for the next thread they try their totally not obvious falseflagging

she gets really cute arts

Attached: 1554293834062.jpg (1997x1797, 306K)

do it anyways Jujube my love your shitposting is funnier than this (jy>)JS>JC bullshit

Attached: 1484441750506.jpg (800x738, 106K)

yea her cute arts really compliments the gory stuff

Attached: sleeping tsugu.jpg (1142x1418, 228K)

being that cute and sleepy she's basically asking to get her internals removed with force

Attached: boxgirl.jpg (1563x1107, 772K)

>still pretending to be someone else

Pedofags should be sent to the gallows.

Attached: psst hey mister want some classic rock.jpg (850x1200, 58K)

This, fags are gay.

My wife Miu is the strongest.

Attached: 2801871.jpg (557x908, 197K)

bless you for taking a stand and making a change Anonymous.
Not by going to hollywood and exposing their pedo rings and sexual abuse of minors, not by going to a muslim country and exposing the systematic abuse of young children and arranged marriages for girls as young as 5, not by going to youtube and checking out the underage modeling shows and the related pedos, or the darkweb even, but by going to an anime imageboard and acting like a retard in a thread about fictional girls.

thank you. If they had money Im sure these girls would be delighted with your crusade and donate it to you. Maybe theyd even let you lick their c*nnys

Attached: 1548960242194.png (234x204, 112K)

Attached: corner.png (1125x1500, 1.01M)

Attached: come with me mister.png (1920x786, 2.47M)

Cute onahole

I’m surprised the thread is still up, usually the retarded 3D fag gets the thread deleted but it seems only he was nuked this time

Reddit massively banning lolicons made them migrate here as refugees, nowadays almost all the lolicons you see are from reddit, see how now almost every lolicon thread turns into a Yea Forums Yea Forums general, only good thing here is that is easy to spot them, a real loli lover would never do something as starting a fanbase war or post things like "fuck off normalfag", if you want proof just see the Mitsuboshi Colors threads while they aired and compare them to what they are now, is a sad reality how they ruined loli for us.

Thank god,he is annoying

Pretty sure reddit are the ones bringing in hagshit and oppaishit

Oh god i wish that were me.

How would they even defend against Sat-chans boiling extra virgin olive oil attack?
They would all be scarred for life.

That attack only works on virgins.

Just wait a couple hours and it'll get deleted.

She’s vulnerable to being bapped in that position

>lolicons and shotacons
But I don't hate lolicons.

Attached: 1533819342933.png (625x467, 219K)


Maybe, considering how I accidentally killed the entire thread with a single post.

Attached: 1542277826241.jpg (800x800, 186K)

if by lolicons you mean one particular shitposter on Yea Forums then yes

Attached: 1548605018019.jpg (600x792, 365K)

Fuck off

Or everybody just stays in their own threads

Friendly reminder that the Mashimaros are almost old enough to be the Colors' moms.

Miu could solo the Colors. She's used to getting beaten up by an adult.

Fine, I'll stop.

Attached: 1549439000902.jpg (800x1100, 301K)

Me on the left.

So you in a thread posting by yourself, and everyone else in this thread?

Little boys need love too

>Benantoka's tank got fully translated
Oh fuck yes, now to wait until Kedama's loli succ one to be uploaded.

cute boy

I don’t think you even know who you’re replying to

Kill yourself

cute boy(female)

Attached: 1549914928331.png (2646x790, 1.33M)

What the fuck happened, /l/?

Imagine no shitposters
I wonder if you can
No need for (You)s or anger
A brotherhood of man
Imagine all the Yea Forumsnons sharing all the board

You may say I'm a faggot
But I'm not the only one
I hope some day you'll join us
And the board will fap as one

Attached: singing-lolis.gif (426x273, 1.11M)

Yea Forums is a terrible place to discuss lolis.

Attached: illust_34628910_20190408_033501.jpg (750x750, 199K)

Kill yourself, ironic lolicon. You will always be a fake.

Fuck off

Lolicon is different from pedophilia. My desire is for a type of fictional entity.

/lg/ is still a really good and active place, although they have a 3dpd general

bap lolie

I wish people wouldn’t draw lolis so tall, it opens up the gates for brainlets who think just having a flat chest = loli

>ironic lolicon
Better than being an unironic pedophile.

user, nobody here is on your side

Even with the amount of attention-seeking teenagers recently it's still the best place to do so. Seeing the occasional instances of infighting between them is hilarious too.

Gotta be subtle about it these days unfortunately. To evade both the hot pockets and the dedicated autists hellbent on hunting down loli threads.

Go back to Yea Forums, 3DPD is universally hated here

Fuck off, toddlercon.

>I wish people wouldn’t draw lolis so tall,
FUCKING THIS. I'm tired of seeing "lolis" that look like flat-chested teenagers. Why can't more artists draw smaller lolis?

Attached: 1528208935498.png (1358x960, 583K)


>there are literally pedophiles who are into 3DPD in this thread
I hope you guys are just memeing

>it's still the best place to do so
If you genuinely think so, you've never tried other places.

>you want lolis to actually be the proper height
>you must like toddlers
Retards like this are why we can’t have nice threads anymore

It’s honestly the best as bad as it may be

huh? i thought infinity banned that is there a new chan im not aware of

It's called preferences. Learn to draw your own fucking lolis instead of demanding artists to do only what you want to see.

It’s just one faggot who wants to delete the thread

>proper height
Proper height is JC height. Any less, she is less sexy.

It’s called actually drawing little girls to look like little girls, moron

And I have no desire to do so. Yea Forums is and will always be my home, no matter how far down into the spiral of shit it's fallen.

No. Fuck everything I don't like.

Attached: 1528602269383.jpg (516x728, 135K)

nothing wrong with that

i like all lolis :)

Not if they’re already going through puberty, haglover-kun

This is my problem with JCfags, everything they prefer about JCs leans more in the direction of just liking teenagers

It's only been two days and I'm already tempted to buy it through melonbooks

Attached: 1556641368699.jpg (880x1249, 375K)

JC lolis are juicy lolis.

I dont think it has any new girls tho its just the extra material

>board christian image

Name one that's as active and not entirely flooded with tasteless retards.

Lurk for two years before posting or go back to making FBI memes on reddit.

By that point, the cute and funny is old and dusted, far past its prime

>stop liking what I don't like
Sorry lolicon doesn't mean exclusively prepubescent children. Go somewhere else if you don't like it.

Go tell them that then. I don't give a shit what you say isn't a loli, you are much less of an authority at it than the people who draw them.

>defending 3DPD on Yea Forums
>i-i-i-i'm not a newfag
You aren't fooling anyone.

If the girl’s body doesn’t look like a loli then it’s not fucking lolicon anymore, dumbass

>old and dusted
That's JK. JC is peak cute and peak sexy.

I know that this is just a conspiracy to make Yea Forums lolicons to look like actual pedos but you will never succeed, retard.

By this logic, body types don’t matter and you can call anything a loli

Oh it's just the autistic newfag who thinks he's the master of lolicon. Last (You) from me.


Attached: 1517771552117.jpg (1280x1515, 268K)

Objectively wrong in every conceivable fashion

What is this forced meme of yours? Since when was defending lolis who aren’t drawn like lolis okay?

>this is what ironic lolicons actually believe

It's really easy to filter them out, it's just mostly newfags getting baited

Attached: 1556641850889.jpg (688x971, 110K)

Notice how they never post any pictures?

Attached: lolis small.jpg (1920x1080, 438K)

I bet you’re the faggot who accepts oppai loli

It’s just one sick fuck spamming his folder.

Because the administration wont ban these threads they are trying to ruin them via disruptive shitposting. Ignore. Stop falling for their bullshit

Attached: eds renge2.png (1292x1078, 377K)

>hurr durr I'm the better pedo
Fucking pathetic

The worst part is that even if they get ignored, they'll just start samefagging until someone bites again. At least their posting style is easy to pick out.

Attached: 101673131797434735_6cd35f7179a42753.jpg (918x1280, 189K)

Thread's almost reached the bump limit anyway. Hopefully people can learn how to stop nitpicking and post lolis they like instead of shitposting about ones they don't.

Attached: sleepy.gif (540x540, 411K)

I don't want retards from this thread to ruin it.

Hebephiles are not pedos

Can we appreciate loli shoulder blades? The delicate line in their seductive summer dresses always got me.

Attached: 1556642089683.jpg (904x1280, 177K)

This is why we don't have /l/ anymore.

Attached: 1533623618497.png (724x926, 164K)

>I can post whatever I want even if it’s not loli and anybody who shits on me for it is wrong

Damn, the thread reached bump limit before I could finish translating So much for fun OC. Oh well, most of those points are Japanese word puns anyway.

they work very hard for this
and for what
the rights of 2d images instead of 3d

Attached: 1525058817528.jpg (5948x4079, 2.16M)

At least if we had /l/, we could have containment threads for oppaishitters and people who just want to fap to teenagers

>bump limit
You know what this means lads.

I am the best pedo

>only my specific taste are loli
Fuck off

It'll just be ammo for the shitposter. I recommendtranslating loli doujins instead.

There's still time, user.

no /l/ was removed because Moots ISPS made a big deal out of it, same reason they removed /g/uro

Attached: 1519080986801.png (990x1080, 738K)

The biggest one of them never changes his posting style and this autistic new spammer is very easy to identify too (and filterable). At least there's that.

Attached: it's ice cream.jpg (1305x1000, 987K)

Meh. More like autist checker

The first Yea Forums loli lewds of the Reiwa era!

Attached: 1556642351916.png (637x819, 478K)

Someone should make another one. It's fun to see retards fighting over little girls.

Attached: 1544104122796.jpg (3541x5016, 749K)

user, loli is a body type whether you like it or not

No, we don't have /l/ anymore because of a forgotten faggot. Bringing it back would be even worse due to it attracting this level of shitposting from all boards on Yea Forums, and you should know damn well how many more normalfags there are out there.
Even with this level of autism and bad moderation, the current situation is still the best.

Attached: 71198353_p5.jpg (733x960, 577K)

yes artists focus too much on their tummies and c*nny i wish more would draw their shoulders and backs instead

Alright, but the post is kinda big and still needs further editing for more research into some of the points/some of the Japanese word play. I'll just dump the translated points.

Attached: Mitsudomoe 10 (BD, 720p, AAC) [90B2B760].mkv_snapshot_16.16.jpg (1280x720, 350K)


And that body type has a wider range of dimensions than you think whether you like it or not.

巨乳よりも、貧乳のが好きだ - You love small tits more than big tits
スク水は、もちろん「旧スク」派だ - When it comes to school swimsuits, naturally you're in the "Old School" faction.
「lol」(Laughing Out Loud)を「ロリ」と読んでしまう - You read "lol" (Laughing Out Loud) as "Loli"
「株」という字を、よく「妹」を読み違える - You keep misreading the character "株" (Tree stump) as "妹" (Little sister)
映画「エコール」を観たことがある - You've seen the movie "École" (Called "Innocence" in English regions)
「わたおに」のフィギュアを所持している - You own "WataOni" (Weekly Dearest My Brother) figures
「妹が欲しい」と一度でも思ったことがある - "I want a little sister" is something you've thought once
コミックLOを買って読んだことがある - You have bought Comic LO and read it
「おにいちゃんCD」に興味がある、または待っている - You have an interest in "Oniichan CD", and you're waiting for more
「炉」という名前のフォルダがHDD内に存在する - You have a folder named "Furnace" on your HDD (TLN: I'm not sure exactly what this is referring to, from what I can guess 1 of 2 things: either "furnace" is a Japanese dogwhistle term for a CP folder, or the folder is called "furnace" because its full of pictures you'll burn if someone discovers them.)
FF4は、リディアが成長した瞬間投げた - In FF4, the instant Rydia grew up, you threw her away
「ロータリー」を「ロリータ」と読み間違えたことがある - You misread "Rotary" as "Lolita"
「ランドセン」という薬に、ただならぬ魅力を感じる - You feel an unusual fascination with the drug "Landsen" (Clonazepam) (TLN: ランドセン looks like ランドセル, 'Randoseru')
ハーマイオニーは、「賢者の石」のときが一番可愛い - Hermione was at her cutest in "Philosopher's Stone"
釘宮ボイスは神だ - Kugimiya Rie's voice is the best
「恋愛サーキュレーション」を週に10回以上聴いている - You listen to "Renai Circulation" no less than 10 times a week
この前のロリ回で、ロリあずにゃんが見れなかったことが実は不満だ - You're disappointed that the picture for this loli checker isn't loli Azu-nyan
「ようじょ」とタイピングして、「養女」ではなく「幼女」が一発で変換される - When you type "youjo" (little girl), you instantly switch from "養女" (more formal, used for "Adopted Daughter") to "幼女" (more casual, only used to say "little girl")
まいんちゃんマジ天使 - Main-chan is an angel (TLN: Cooking Idol Ai! Mai! Main!)

Thanks, kind user.

Attached: 1520789161897.jpg (800x1119, 423K)

>these mental gymnastics
Those are just different body types, retard

But if you insist those aren't lolis, why would they be allowed on /l/?
Thank you part of this retard's mind for making sure he isn't full retard yet.

Attached: 1520788739221.jpg (700x990, 552K)


I named mine "tv"

One of the two good things of this pic rel's shitshow

Attached: back.png (1280x720, 1.35M)

>anything I disagree with is mental gymnastics

Attached: 6de32f7ad494a20ec8cc9ee2e6da3b2b.jpg (600x600, 56K)

It’s been a ride, see you faggots next time

Attached: AEEC682C-113F-4FC6-AC70-C3B588D542DA.jpg (638x1000, 82K)

>You've seen the movie "École" (Called "Innocence" in English regions)

I'm sorry that you only like one type of loli, but that doesn't change the meaning of the word.

Because you’d have apologists spamming their own threads, which is exactly what happens on Yea Forums already

>"幼女" (more casual, only used to say "little girl")
I didn't even know there was another spelling.

>You read "lol" (Laughing Out Loud) as "Loli"
This actually happens sometimes.

Now we're talking.

Variations in personality exist across lolicon, but loli is still a body type

There are still men of taste in this thread, I appreciate your company.

Attached: 6ce3b2ca.jpg (850x749, 663K)

Attached: 89524B5B-13CC-4DBB-B6B1-E461F14E1270.jpg (850x712, 65K)

I only like juicy lolis

It's not that common of a word. Here they kinda talk about it a bit.

Attached: 7e46e899e.jpg (850x478, 87K)

>Hermione was at her cutest in "Philosopher's Stone"
Now that’s good taste

Do you now realize why you're an ironic lolicon?

Variations in breast and butt size also exist across lolicon. Deal with it.

I might be severely overthinking that one, but I didn't have enough time to look into it deeply and surface level searching only turned up 3DPD. My assumption is its a Japanese net joke, think "things/don't click/cp"

>oppaifags are hiding behind “muh different types of loli”

3D"PD" is a western only thing

Check list made by unironic pedos doesn't matter

Hmn. Its like keeping your heroin near your "toilet" because you are going to flush it when the cops come knocking yea?

And just like said, it's not only the body type you think it is. No, that's not mental gymnastics. Either try to fucking learn everything there is to something before acting like you're an authority about it, or kill yourself you fucking retard.

Kill yourself

>all these mongoloids claiming JC is """too old"""
It's almost as if you haven't read the Loli Bible.

Attached: Vlad.jpg (2181x3030, 770K)

And the more developed they are, the less they fall under “loli”. A full grown woman with fully developed curves isn’t a loli just because she’s short.

She got better from prisoner of Azkaban.

Look up what lolicon/ロリコン means in any Japanese dictionary.

Y-yes... a j-joke...

Attached: D67ED197-D3FF-4669-8A5D-51E4D7A9143E.jpg (747x958, 179K)

>all these
It's literally one idiot. One very vocal and newfag idiot.

juicy you say?

Attached: 1533594100940.jpg (724x984, 606K)

It’s not that JC is too old, it’s that JCs with developing curves have more in common with flat teens than lolis

I kinda dropped it off around the part where Lo unknowingly made Humbert cum from just slinking around like the little vixen she is on his couch, gotta get back to it sometime because the prose is good holy shit.

Attached: 04.jpg (1876x2591, 1.45M)

Oppaifag pls

I want to lick Jahy's nipples.

And a half-developed woman with half-developed curves does still fill under loli.

I know the history of that word in japan more better than any of you fuckers. It's meaning changed a lot and that's why I gotta say i am 二次元限定ロリコン these days to seperate myself from actual pedos.

I read the annotated version, it helps a lot with the obscure literary references

Then define loli since you’re such an expert

Puff is so beautiful.

Attached: 73781218_p1.jpg (960x1280, 566K)


Bump limit lewds are the best kind of lewds.

Juicy lolis mean JC lolis

>alright i woke up, time to go back to the loli thread
>oh it's still up and has 400+ posts for me sift through, nice
>it's all shitposting due to JCshitters not making their own goddamn thread and the 3Dposter that everyone ucking continues to not ignore
200 posts left to go and I don't think it's going to get better.

Attached: 1556225553287.jpg (313x487, 41K)

Attached: 9E95BCCF-CA41-463B-872A-C1D6F2CDEE27.jpg (527x1000, 99K)

Just call yourself an ironic lolicon; it's simpler.

i want to lick this lolis butthole

Nobue would have to explain to the colours that Miu and Chika are in a special relationship.

Attached: cfc9e725f4e7aeba873a8f72aea61425.png (1360x762, 272K)

Attached: 1556643398018.jpg (1378x2039, 1.38M)

That’s called a teenager

I love ロリ

Attached: natsumi.jpg (1134x1600, 188K)

>go to loli thread
>get triggered by lolis

>He does not know about Miu's rolling kick.

>tfw started adding the tag fat_mons to every search after finding about it

Attached: 1547238917933.jpg (800x600, 177K)

9-14 is generally pubertal, yes.

Attached: Vlad_2.jpg (900x750, 168K)

Based Yuiposter

And still a loli. Deal with it.

It has so many weird obscure words that no one uses these days that I dropped it despite the prose.

Why are so many lolis so gay?

3D is not loli

>implying it’s JC that’s the problem and not the autist

Yes we understand that you don't like lolis. That doesn't mean you get to change the meaning of the word.

Loli is a body type, not an age. So if the 9-14 year old is too tall/curvy, then she’s not a loli anymore.

I want to feel their soft vulvas gently pressed against my erect cock.

It literally is.

>flat chested teens = lolis
No wonder the threads are shit

It’s not changing the word to adhere to what it actually fucking means

Fuck off already. No one likes you.

i dont care about the shitposting i still consider all of you my loli tomodachis

Is this a loli?

Attached: 1544426870164.jpg (637x900, 371K)

JC is only a problem when it becomes a gateway for people to post girls who aren’t lolis in a fucking loli thread

The thread is shit because you’re an autist

Attached: 2B67676B-5B71-45F0-B232-8725F6A2F831.jpg (1059x1500, 1.31M)

I like both hebe lolis and pedo lolis

Budding chests are too curvy huh? Most lolis have very curvy hips anyway.

The numbers apply to typical appearance as well; if she looks like a typical middleschooler then she is a JC.

Attached: 1544361667049.jpg (490x885, 44K)

Pubescent girls are included in loli. Postpubescent are not.
Just because you only like completely prepubescent girls doesn't change that.

Oi fuck off with spoilers, it's in my backlog

Attached: 009_10.tex.png (1024x1024, 634K)

Yes, but depending on her age she could be bordering on being a toddler

its alright if you ignore the posts without images attached

Attached: 1554765385673.jpg (1024x576, 73K)

user's cute daughter Hibiki is so cute and has such a breedable butt.

And it didn't, who would have guessed.

Yes they fucking are. They can make their own threads. They HAVE made their own threads. They continuously complain and spam while they're here - there's no reason for them to not STAY in their own threads.

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 08 [720p].mkv_snapshot_11.57_[2018.02.25_15.20.21].jpg (1280x720, 89K)

No one has posted anything but lolis, you’re just being a retard and wasted the whole thread complaining about something that’s not a problem

no thats a cat

My phallometric standard says yes

Damn look at the curves. Stop posting it. I'm gay and she ain't loli.

>everything was starting to go well after a certain father fucker got tired of pretending to be "evil"
>and then one retard started taking people calling things prime too seriously
>and then he started autistically trying to define what is and what isn't loli while yelling at everyone who disagrees with him or tells him to stop
Seriously why the fuck do people keep trying to become shitposting celebrities on an anonymous discussion board
The guy pretending to be LRD is the same pest as ever but not even him is this autistic holy shit

Attached: what is written on Sana's shirt.jpg (475x543, 49K)

>a tall flat chested girl is a loli
>iPhone posting
Color me surprised

>He still hasn't finished it
Come on user, you've had 70 years. You're not an ironic lolicon are you?

and? toddlers are cute

Attached: 1534144990425.jpg (1280x1280, 118K)

You seem to be the ones complaining about people posting lolis. Maybe you are they one who should leave.

I never said budding is too curvy, and no, they don’t always have curvy hips

Just put on fappe tyme on Yea Forums x. Most of the shittiest posts in these threads generally have no image.

Attached: 1540362291993.jpg (640x360, 41K)

How can I help you, mr. Anonymous?

Attached: Doc Miu.jpg (740x480, 61K)

I'm reading other Russian lit first

Attached: 014_15.tex.png (1024x1024, 623K)

I'm not a pedo. I just like cartoon depictions that looks, acts and dresses the same as real kids. Totally unrelated and not delusional.

Attached: Mion_onomichi.jpg (1732x2496, 1.88M)


inb4 that one idiot starts getting mad at what's basically a lolier loli too


Attached: 1554572346214.jpg (287x185, 25K)

Not necessarily, as JC refers to grade. A JC who is eleven but has massive cowtits isn’t loli, for example.

That's it. Thread's over.

Attached: 1554017803578.jpg (962x697, 183K)

I considered Lolita English literature. Sure it was written by a Russian, but it was written in English first by the author himself.

>A JC who is eleven
Please try to learn what words mean before trying to argue about them.

>You seem to be the ones complaining
Scroll up.
Better yet, make your own thread.

Attached: 1519023708143.png (864x720, 427K)

Attached: 1556644104963.jpg (1600x2500, 854K)

Look at how erect those nipples are.

No one has even posted massive cowtits.

Where? To the post where this retard mentioned JCs in this thread and then samefagged to complain about them?

Like Iwould care about his opinion (well, maybe a bit because it's funny triggering his autism).

Attached: 1550682708882.jpg (960x1171, 423K)

Let's finish this off with only the finest of lolis

Attached: 1490497338781.jpg (850x1000, 200K)

This is my favorite loli viewing angle

Why the fuck doesn't anyone post more JY in these threads?

Attached: 1547805094571.jpg (1366x768, 82K)

Here's a better translation.
>Lolicon Checker!!!
>If one of the items below applies to you, you're a lolicon!!!
>Try to be honest as you compare yourself with these
>>You like flat chests more than big breasts
>>When it comes to school swimsuits, you of course prefer the old style
>>You read "lol" as "loli"
>>You misread 株 (stock) as 妹 (imouto) often
>>You've seen the movie Innocence
>>You own a WataOni figure
>>You've thought about how you want a little sister, even just once
>>You've bought and read Comic LO before
>>You're interested in or have a copy of Onii-chan CD
>>You have a folder on your hard drive called "炉" (read as ro; a common misconversion for "lo" when typing "loli", now used as code for loli as a result)
>>You threw FF4 across the room the instant Rydia grew up
>>You've misread ロータリー (rotary) as ロリータ (lolita)
>>You find the drug clonazepam/Landsen (ランドセン/randosen, almost the same as ランドセル/randoseru/ransel) oddly fascinating
>>Hermione was cutest in Philosopher's Stone
>>Kugimiya's voice is heaven
>>You listen to Renai Circulation at least ten times a week
>>You were disappointed you didn't get to see loli Azunyan in the loli episode earlier (probably a reference to K-On! episode 8)
>>When you type "youjo", 幼女 (little girl), not 養女 (adopted daughter, the more common word) is the first conversion that comes up
>>Main-chan (Haruka Fukuhara) is an angel
>How was it?
>If any one of these fits you, you're a lolicon, guaranteed

Attached: 1503754115864.jpg (2048x1743, 301K)

Based oppai loli dabbing on the ironic lolicons.

Maybe she skipped a grade

Because Yea Forums has shit taste in anime in general.

Attached: 1544574503310.png (1200x900, 709K)

You know, if you made your own threads, you wouldn't have to worry about these goshdarned dastardly ne'er-do-wells.

Attached: 1483264751564.png (698x1000, 573K)

Thanks. Looks like I need to do my reps more.

>letting school grade increase your enjoyment of a loli
Proof that you're an advanced lolicon, especially if you have your own preferences.
>letting school grade negatively affect your enjoyment of a loli
Proof that you don't actually like lolis and you're only trying to fit in the group of "lolicons" to look like you're weird and quirky to your internet friends.
And that's all, as you should know. if the spammer tries to rewrite this post it will be absolute proof that he's a faker

Maybe just stop complaining about people posting lolis in a loli thread?

Attached: 1472239409935.jpg (600x848, 499K)

What if I just like them small?

Attached: 1528441331325.jpg (1920x1200, 814K)

Attached: 1468606225834.jpg (2080x3028, 1.06M)

That’s not a loli, but it is sexy as hell

>You misread 株 (stock) as 妹 (imouto) often
I don't really get how the Japanese mix those up, 妹 very clearly has the 女 radical in it. 株 on the other hand is so fucking generic and unmemorable it kept getting suspended in my Anki deck

>You have a folder on your hard drive called "炉" (read as ro; a common misconversion for "lo" when typing "loli", now used as code for loli as a result)
Now this is something new.

Attached: cute and funny kaijuu.jpg (1500x1185, 236K)

I like JKs but below 15cms.

But people who like oppai loli are the definition of ironic lolicons.

2hu hijack

Attached: 28a04369523d496de3bef69e2ae50c48.jpg (663x1080, 183K)

vile abomination

She's 12 user

Attached: 1465270075961.png (800x1137, 758K)

There's nothing wrong with having preferences. Just recognize that not everyone has the same ones.

Why are JCfags so resistant to the idea of making their own threads to discuss their "lolis" in peace and quiet? Let's investigate!

>dead with less than 20 posts

Attached: [HorribleSubs] Mitsuboshi Colors - 06 [720p].mkv_snapshot_12.18_[2018.02.11_14.06.59].jpg (1280x720, 54K)

Now we're living dangerous

Attached: 1529311674084.jpg (1280x720, 142K)

Since grade is just an indicator of age it just means you have your own preferences for very young lolis. Perfectly awwright unless you try to force them onto everyone as if they were the only thing there is.

Attached: 1464488804584.jpg (500x756, 202K)

There seems to be less JY anime in general, especially any pervy ones.
You don't get much official art like this with any of them not that it matters as much in a modless thread to stick to any usual standards.

Attached: dc11a0df7488cb263cc9366f464c2345.jpg (5321x3651, 1.96M)

For some reason I never got that kanji wrong. That and sake

Oppai lolis are best of both worlds.

>I don't really get how the Japanese mix those up
Wishful thinking, probably. One day I hope to be head of an 妹式会社.

mate youre fucking retarded, loli threads have always been about all lolis

only toddlercon and hags are seperated, also youre avatarfagging and youve literally contributed nothing to this thread you imbecile

Thanks for confirming it.

Attached: 1467822208953.jpg (555x724, 336K)

Don't use Yui to shitpost


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>She's 12 user
Needs the body type too or else it’s just jailbait

Let's go even beyond.

Attached: 73836034_p0.jpg (1280x720, 1M)

Sakura is the reason I am a lolicon. She needs to take responsibility for doing this too me.

Attached: f1c51522f143c88f1722c1ec06eb75ae.jpg (562x950, 230K)

Attached: 1467754965474.jpg (640x480, 278K)

based toddlers and oppaifags showing lolifags who rules

She isn't known as the 人生ブレイカー for nothing. An entire generation of otaku owe their existence to her.

Attached: 1544729738109.jpg (1600x1254, 507K)

Smelled like consolewars before, but now it's definite.

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Attached: 1467697581494.jpg (550x771, 89K)

Can you imagine a toddler with tits bigger than her whole body? She'd basically just be a crawling pair of boobs at that point.

Attached: 1547767642514.jpg (850x1133, 85K)

Sorry teen but the people posting toddlers and oppai lolis are also lolicons (not loli"fags", learn the proper terms).

Where are my comfy loli threads?

I see a lot of people saying hags should be allowed and several posting toddlercon, so I wouldn't say so.
>youve literally contributed nothing to this thread you imbecile
I've contributed more than any JCspammers or the 3Dretard.

I didn't know you needed confirmation that nobody likes JC shit and that's why you come here to shitpost but you're welcome.

How do I achieve this mode in my next life?

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A biology lesson to end the day with

Attached: 1556645046481.jpg (964x1300, 491K)

Camieux and Yaia are miracles of the universe. I really hope more loli Draphs are introduced eventually.

Attached: 66763815_p0.jpg (820x1160, 409K)

This image always makes me rock hard.

Temporarily on hold because there's a new lord of autismus around and he's completely convinced that he's a loli expert. Wait until he gets tired of looking like a clown and things might go back to normal.

It has been made more than clear that most people don't want you here and that your presence here causes a lot of needless shitposting. If anyone needs to go back, it's you mate.

I know, but it's funny to see retards fighting over their favorite loli type for hours only to see the thread being taken over by oppai loli and toddlercon.

Attached: 1551804794484.jpg (960x1000, 805K)

Based mod getting rid of the autist

Attached: D8094E0C-FC3F-4E01-A19E-C248E18AEAE5.jpg (600x1107, 89K)

Attached: 66990955_p5.jpg (647x885, 187K)

That was intentional to my point, fucking retard, age and grade are independent from one another

>Yea Forumsirgin doesn't even realize he exposed himself

I really like this image

Good old microbikini

Attached: 1556645284528.png (1245x728, 675K)

It’s been done in previous threads and the apologist is clearly ITT

>mods are here

Attached: 1528915982499.png (800x1200, 806K)

No user, boogeyman posting won't make JC threads any less dead.

Let's go one step further

Attached: ed3a765f5944e8ef7de4865c1dcf4671.png (771x606, 583K)

Party is over

Go the fuck back to your shithole

This reminds me of that part from Anne Frank’s diary

>outs himself as a consolewarrior-tier shitposter
>has the gall to tell others to go back
ok retard

Attached: 1544359404224.png (1033x1530, 730K)

It's the kind of loli who isn't yet aware of her body. It's a special kind of hot.

Attached: 1516050106364.jpg (600x849, 125K)

That's not an excuse to sperg out on anyone who posts a loli who is too thick for your taste.

Sorry but that's not how things work. That's also why a lolibaba can't be a JS/C/K unless she's explicitly stated to be in school.
These terms have proper meanings and usage. In this circle, they're used solely for a certain purpose. Even if you're trying to give an example, misusing like that is proof that you have no idea what you're talking about.

I'd rather have people who prefer JS, people who prefer JC, and people who like any age as long as it's loli AS IT HAS ALWAYS FUCKING BEEN than obvious Yea Forumsermin who use their crossboarding memes to shitpost.
Kill yourself.

>images became less lewd after that fag got banned

let's die with style

Attached: 1550903078968.webm (640x360, 1.16M)


>That's also why a lolibaba can't be a JS/C/K unless she's explicitly stated to be in school.
That is exactly why age and grade are independent from one another, are you even following what point I’m making?

Missed an important part.
I'd rather have people who prefer JS, people who prefer JC, and people who like any age as long as it's loli -> coexisting

>hates it here
>doesn't just make his own thread
>stays here specifically because he knows it'll ruin it for everyone else
>has the gall to tell others to leave
Fuck off, retard.

Attached: 1523043190066.jpg (1280x720, 54K)

why do shota threads get nuked...

Well said

Attached: 1462238257452.jpg (714x1000, 326K)

any other piggus like pic?

Attached: 1544356954062.jpg (1278x1124, 269K)

Stop ban evading.

Why is this is so hot?

Attached: 3d0ecdd4e3fa36efb4c84c9924e23263.jpg (1000x1782, 921K)

Not entirely because they have limits. A JS in the absolutely majority of cases can't be older than 12, a JC in the absolutely majority of cases is between 12 and 15, and so on. Saying "a JC who's 11" goes entirely against the meaning of the terms themselves, even considering the extremely uncommon exceptions.

Because shotacons aren't as common so they probably have no reason for retards to bait them, meaning mods mods just go the quick way and delete their threads instead of trying to ruin them from inside.

The fact that these people like JC is not the problem, buffoon. The problem is that they're using it as an excuse to take a dump on our threads.

Again, they themselves go on about how they dislike it here because people don't want to see JC being posted here. Again, they themselves go out of their way to not make threads more suited to their tastes, where people like whiners won't bother them. Doesn't this all tell you something?

You wish.

Fuck it, let’s go

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It's it time?

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