Spoilers soon...
Shingeki no Kyojin
Reiner will destroy shitren.
>It's an Annie thread
Best girls. And fuck everyone who disagrees
I miss Yumiru
Hi Shit-luck user
And best alive girls. And fuck everyone again because learn what does Mary Sue mean.
How ass blasted are you about to be?
What is Annie's Dad issue?
Tick tock
Great taste, but you forgot Annie there.
Lots of sakuga in episode 50 alone, will keep you all posted as they come along, waiting for imaigod next episode.
Dead soon
>There are anons that didn't see this and claim to understand her character
I feel bad for them.
>Manlet stands on his horse, T-poses and does a twirl
What an actual faggot.
Both were killed by the actual best girls.
Hanji will survive and have seven beautiful babies with manlet. And Pieck won't survive but she still isn't Mary Sue.
I know some ship RE but I ship Reinerfags and Erenfags
>best girl
You have unusual taste
bert bomb soon.
I really hope they use these cuts in the actual episode, i hate to see great stuff go unused.
>muh dead rock daughterwife's filler
>how dare someone disrespect it ree
>Nobody disrespected it
>Nobody gave a reee
Literally wtf
I can't WAIT for Historia to tell Reiner that he's a big fat loser who left his own savior to be executed for absolutely no gain, and got his other savior killed for no gain, and fucked up so bad he should be dead!
About as canon and important as Mikasa's segment of lost girls
Please do. I always love seeing the 3dmg
>World building
>Literally expands the story
>Literally inserted into the canon episode listing
Pretty canon and important.
maybe but Annie's story is still more interesting because she wasn't a part of her imagination.
I'm glad Sasha is dead.
>What an actual faggot
But the rest do the same.
well, he'd agree
It's canon same with Levi's OVA.
Screenshot another soldier who T-poses with swords, stands there, and then does a twirl.
Everyone just stands up and jumps.
I can't imagine why
>t. Grior
And someone doesn't need to watch manlet's OVAs either. What matters from it is in the main manga?
I wonder why Annie liking donuts isn't in the main manga
Dead weight bro.
I'm not glad, but I'm not mad about it. She didn't contribute anything at this point and allowed Gabi to develop in her arc.
Mikasa does a lot of that shit in the opening. Ackermans are way more athletic
She got replaced with more dead weight in the end.
Basically this and I was tired of her. She's a meme character, her jokes were already too old.
A panel and two of his friends from No Regrets are redrawn in RtS. Safe to say it's pretty canon.
>And someone doesn't need to watch manlet's OVAs either.
Nobody said you did. But that doesn't change the fact that it is canon and important to his character and the world building.
>I wonder why Annie liking donuts isn't in the main manga
Because, if you had watched or read Lost Girls, you would know that they are a snack that's common among those who can afford them in the lower, more normie parts of the walls, and not something found in the cleaner areas. Same goes for the drug dealers and seedy bars.
Those stories are a good way to expand on those characters without interrupting the flow of the main plot. I don't see the problem.
Lol, i've noticed that despite being depowered and intentionally running into fist, AT just lost a lower bit of skull and still was active. On the other hand, similiar strike made Attack's head explode
Uh hu. So how does that address this at all?
Hans is manlet's ocean she won't die ;_;
Ackermans are way more autistic
I don't see the problem the pedo has with a single person not watching part 2 of Lost Girls. It's such a problem that he brings it up again weeks later just to make himself mad all over again.
armored are really tough even without armor
>imaigod next episode
I can't wait to see this scene animated by him
Yes. And she will save him from his obsession over promises to dead people
Rumor is that they're acoustic too
I don't need more than that.
God bless
Spoiler it you idiot
Again: I'm bored, If you want me to create some text, picture, audio, photo or video memes then just say it.
>I can't draw
I'm not even mad, that's fucking hilarious
I don't care about the pedo autism, but if you want to talk about Annie character, Lost Girls is relevant and canon.
And this is is how Reiner killed himself
>Lost Girls is relevant and canon
How the fuck that shit is ''relevant''?
I try not to talk about Annie. There's hardly a point and there aren't any good Anniefags left.
>Be Annie
>Have a character
>Have a manga that expands your character
Wasn't that hard to figure out really.
LM soon.
Not him but the point is that it's relevant to ANNIE'S character, to ANNIE'S story and it's essential to watch if you're anniefag or want to discuss Annie. You're retard!
Don't forget while Hitch is wiping cum off Annie's rock she draws little donuts in it to make her happy.
Why does everyone want to fuck Jean's mom
What would you do if the anime decides to make both Erwin and Armin live?
Which in turns make the later arcs completely different from the manga?
Would you like it or hate it?
Cute and sexy!
>Why does everyone want to fuck Jean's mom
If you want to talk about Annie character, it is. Why is this hard to grasp?
Because she is the hottest female character in Snk
>Finger guns
she seems very caring
Fuck you I know she may do that but that gives her a death flag not fair
By the looks of it, she makes great breakfasts
it's hilarious
Because she is a whore. Where is Jean father?
sex with Mikasa!
No sir, I do not like this. This is not what I asked for
Why? No. She will cure him and they will live happily ever after. Don't cry.
We know Slaver-kun
>That Erwinfag constantly wanting Erwin to live without understanding Isayama wanted him to die
Hiding offscreen in case Isayama runs out of things to traumatize him.
you forget that eren is also exhausted from transforming 3 times,whereas reiner just transform with his full strength. also eren was hitting reiner jaw while your pic shows reiner hitting eren head. you can see that eren attack went through reiner jaw like it was butter. if the fist had contact with reiner head, the same thing would have happen.
Sakuga is great and all, but i'm more worried on the visual direction and pacing leading up to scenes like pic related which should be next episode.
There was an excellent half a second in the OP with erwin 'literally shaking', hope they deliver.
yeah his scenes are kino
>He doesnt want to fuck her T H I C C ass
i would temper your expectations to be honest, the filmmaking for any of the non-action parts of the show has never been anything worthy of note
As much as I would love for Erwin to live, the anime already spoiled that it's going to follow the manga. It's not even subtle in the OP when it flashes from CT to Armin.
No Spoilers soon...
Even in RtS, Eren was in his second transformation when fighting Reiner to show how week Reiner was.
Tl;DR eren was exhausted and reiner wasnt. eren was aiming for reiner jaw while reiner was aiming for eren head. that same thing would have happened if eren landed his fist on reiner head
Erwin would DESTROY Eren and Zeke
Nigga, i just saw a mobile game colossal titan thrown into the otherwise amazing looking OP.
we can still hope though
Eren is using Zeke.
Lmao I thought it was Bert lol
Poor Jean boy
where are the fucking spoilers you pedos
Too bad manlet destroyed you and you left 3 kids behind.
We know, Hisu
>being cute around manlet
i'm sorry user
I suppose you might not, but the impact of said redrawn scenes is very much lost once they get brought up. But it's up to every individual, I suppose.
kek, true. anyway they''ll probably copy that shot directly but without compensating for the aspect ratio and not hold it as long or as starkly as they should.
zyzz is that you
Hans will broke this curse, you'll see.
I'm not an Erenfag
>this level of desperation
>Haha manlet a faggot XDD
>Hey what IF Erwin lived? Would you like it??
>Erwin would destroy EZ
Yeah she is here
>She got shot in the kidney during the escape.
>She is going to bleed out to death saving Levi.
hans refusing to stop and treat her own wounds until manlet is safe is worryingly plausible
No. But you can dream about it.
You didn't
you deserve to be grim reminded
Is there a jannie lurking here?
I find weird Isayama didn't continue the escape unless he tells what happened in a flashback because I bet chapter 117 will start Eren vs Reiner full action
bun-taicho you're too reckless :(
Reiner is much stronger than Eren.
This is the type of thing that keeps bringing me back here.
But only in strength. Not in technique. Eren is stronger in battle
maybe he thought he had just spent too much time with the run-up, and once pieck had made her move he kinda had to go all in on that plot thread. like, imagine if he'd drawn out her conversation with eren for another chapter or something.
A grim reminder that the SL vets are dropping like flies.
if only moe burrito was here...
RIP best Who
They will create Moblit Ackerman Zoe ;_;
>GoT dialogues will never be good again
Fuck, I used to waste time just hearing them talking. It's all shit now.
Game of Thrones? What?
Are you ready for a happy end??
It's not fair. I'm not ready
Listen to the books that will never be finished instead
>Which in turns make the later arcs completely different from the manga?
I wouldn't watch it.
>Would you like it or hate it?
I would only watch it if a majority of Anons would say it's better than the Manga (which would never happen) and then I would probably like it.
>that watermark
You're not very nice user.
I've done worse
"Monsters are dangerous and just now Kings are dying like flies"
>best girl
pick one.
What do you do for a living guys?
Why did Eren abandon his friends? Is it because he thought they wouldn't help him?
Currently nothing. I have job interview in a few days and I'm anxious about it.
this and that
god i hope they do this speech and these scenes justice
College, but it feels like being a NEET
He needs to spend all of his tolerability toward cucks for his brother
No, because he thought they would get on his way when he reveals his plans to kill humanity outside the walls.
Wage slave
How much for gram?
Are you prepared?
is reiner supposed to be the good guy now
literally nothing
I got my tissues ready. This scene better make me fucking cry
Web development. It's okay.
He's just a guy.
Underrated reply
No, Armong is the only good guy.
currently scamming the government with a pension i don't need
>Are you prepared
I think yes but I'm always anxious when it comes to public speeches, important interviews, etc. And I really want this job so I probably will fail it. I just hope they will appreciate my skills instead of paying attention to my trembling voice.
Do you get paid by hour?
no, he's supposed to be a controversial character as every major character in the manga.
Most heroes aren't good people.
>Moblit dies like this
>Meanwhile manlet survives a thunder spear blowing next to his face with just a scratched eye
im not ready for this either
nothing. still in college
I have 3 jobs in my hand and I don't know what to do. They all pay the same.
If i remember correct, simultaneous transformation just decrease time left in next titan, reiner and annie on second shifts were still as fast as usual, etc.
Btw, reiner aimed for jaw too
I’m 28 and after a long break I came back to college last fall. Graduating in June. After that, no idea.
Office job on a NGO.
Nope. Just a guy with his own motivations.
Is armong going to fuck that ass?
isayama's trying to make a point by kinda reversing their archetypes. reiner was going through a symbolic death, pennance and rebirth when he descended into the earth to be tormented by the devil and then reemerge from the womb bereft of armor for selfless reasons
yes, he is a good mom and he is here to take his kids back home
No but someone is going to fuck Armong's ass.
Annie will.
This is why if Hanji dies, Isayama must give her death meaning. Otherwise it just cheapens Moblit's sacrifice.
Okay the first episode was great, I really felt the tension.
They did a great job with the scene of the Titans suddenly appearing then the rock throwing, I couldn't ask for a better adaptation. Now I'm waiting for the nuclear bomb and the basement reveal with Grisha. Also sopa de macaco
Moblit wasn't an Ackerkek
Every single fucking thread is always "spoilers soon..." yet here we are.
leakers don't care about snk
Spoilers in 5
Trust fund distributions, losing money on shitcoins
Spoilers are off the menu
For real, it’s midnight here and I’m waiting for this shit because some bastard said “spoiler soon”
spoilers in 9 hours go to sleep.
Spoilers when?
Don't intentionally stay up for spoilers. In my experience they only come when you're getting sad drunk at night.
Soon brother, you need to trust me on this one...
simultaneous transformation did reduce Eren titan height to 14 meter and then to a titan form that arent even able to walk. It seem that titan transformation does put a strain on the titan. also this pic shows reiner clearly aiming for eren face while in chapter 105 eren hit reiner jaws
i trust you
Mom, I care about each and every Eldian and I'm going to save all of them.
That's not what that word means. You're looking for consecutive.
I'm on fire
fuck im sorry
reiner isn't going to lost a 5th fight in a row to eren, r-r-right warriorbros?
You're not allowed to be on fire. Get back to work
yes sorry. Im an ESL cunt
Tell chinkfag to invest in a fire extinguisher.
oi I just realized that pic is similar to eren hitting the warhammer
What are those footsteps upstairs?
muh parallel again
omega cringe yikes from me
I work in a hospital pharmacy, it's normally very chill i can literally shit post all day long, studying for an exam, after i pass i'll be obligated to follow the doctors when the speak with patient and subscribe them medicine
Which is very similar to the very first titan he punched.
>good guy
You still have your plebian mind state, not every story needs good guys and bad guys.
The new opening is awful
>working at a hospital
>everyday, you will have to see a patient died
>getting existential crisis or be reminded
how the hell do you cope with that?
>it is a battle of humanity vs titans but not on the sides you expect
Go to sleep, spoilers are best enjoyed in the early morning.
I noticed that eren keeping hitting people on the jaw. Did annie teach him to do that?
stop being a pussy. people die everyday and people who work at the hospitals have to deal with it the most. if hes only working at the pharmacist its not like he'll get any attachment to the people, so the deaths in the hospital are more like "that sucks" probably.
Yeah but the episode was good.
Isn't that just a normal fighting thing? You go for the jaw? Hence the term "glass jaw."
>thinking that having an existential crisis is being a pussy
the jaw is easier to break than the skull
Nope, my dad is a doctor, while in college pre-med i shadowed him a lot for my resume, it was incredibly depressing, which is why i decided on pharmacy.
I remember one time I was watching him do an evaluation on some really old guy, and after like 10 follow up questions the guy admitted he had been peeing himself because who couldn't get to the bathroom fast enough, and had no ability to hold it in anymore.
I'm only taking this exam because my dad really wanted me to be a doctor, and this is the next best thing.
>I'm only taking this exam because my dad really wanted me to be a doctor
Grisha, it's not too late. You don't need to take over your dad's practice. Faye's death wasn't your fault!
This, you won't ever see death unless you're a nurse or doctor, or resident, or family.
I find seeing people on their way out more depressing then actual death though.
I hope you lot don't really stay up all night for mostly fake text spoilers and tweets from twitter hags. Have you already forgotten the rainbow shit?
nvm I just speedread his post. I thought he was a doctor.
nah mate its afternoon here
why do you care what i do? fake spoilers are fun
by fun, did you mean
Lazy opening. Lazy ending. The previous ones were Kino, what happened?
Get a good night's sleep user-kun~
who the fuck change c u c k into kek
spoilers tomorrow
od is finished with translation, she will be posting them tomorrow as usual.
It only happens if you use uppercase cuck I think
Hanji is bringing GODVI to Annie so she can give him the serum and make him the female(?) titan
it wasn't always a thing though, i wanna say it was victorian era boxing where people started figuring out and codifying that the jaw was the best place to land a clean blow
Ran out of budget
let see
cuck cuck cuck
Quick, let's all buy the BD.
you forgot
it's fun
Are you retarded or something?
Yes but only after Annie goes first
anyone remember the time when SNK got popular.It was a good opportunity for SNK to be relevant too
That's a cute 'min
fuck that tranny
>Keep going to the dark side.
Look, a star wars refference for Eren.
The bolt of lightning that happens when a titan transforms isn't just stylization, right? Is it canon that they get shazam'd?
I just checked the latest chapter and chapter 100. the bolt of lighting seem to be anime only
It's anime only
It's literally just as big as the Big 3 Shonen from last decade
It's anime only.
A good visual touch, even though a retarded one canon speaking.
I can't wait for the depression
I decided it's easier to just pretend that the series ends with eren's basement, instead of dealing with the convoluted bullshit. What can I headcannon was in there to end the series?
Once again holding the chapter hostage.
>last final on the 6th
>tickets for normie superhero movie on the 7th
>new Shingeki no Kino chapter on the 8th
This week is gonna be so /comfy/ for me bros
House husband.
So could Eren become a war hammer titan form or a founding titan form? Or does he just get the powers from those titans? What if he ate a titan that doesn't really have any powers like the female titan? Could eren become a female?
if i was a leaker i would be based as fuck. women can’t be expected to have this much power and be able to handle it well.
i think the first titan shifter you eat is your main appearance, and once it gets combined and passed down it maintains the original titan’s form (the attack titan in grisha/eren’s case).for example, if someone ate the jaws, i think they would get the very strong jaw/sharp hardening but not change forms if they were already a titan shifter. or if the jaws were to eat the attack titan. this is only my theory though.
I get around doing shady stuff on the internet. For example, the bookies had bets on who dies on GoT this Sunday. So I just waited for leaks and made bank.
Iron dead
Mechanical engineering, i hate it
I shitpost on image boards and Israel pays me for it.
I already got spoiled on that and it's honestly not something that I'm really bothered by knowing.
I make sandwiches for cranky old people in a shitty Appalachian nowheresville.
leak user here
scans in 5minutes
Leakanon said dinoslag is posting tomorrow desu
i trust you
You are lying.
Don't read the leaks and enjoy the chapter when it comes out :)
shut up
fuck off already and stop trying to derail incoming spoilers
Jean smooches Mikasa this chapter
Annie is the best girl
>Waiting until may 10th
wew lad, nice leaks you got there
Spoilers never ever
We know Armin/Bert/Hitch/Kenny/a/
>Waiting SEVEN (7) VII years for your waifu
Try me
At friday earliest.
chapter 125 soon
Soon brother we mustn’t lose hope
>El Retorno de El Reiner Blanco modo Antonio Fuerte
Se acabó para ti, Eren.
Will we get more of the best boy this chapter?
>modo Antonio Fuerte
Where is that coming from?
>El Reiner
>not El Reinaldo
We'll get his corpse crushed by Porco.
Antonio Fuerte a muere
What’s the new chapter numbered?
Don't listen to the others, he is the hero.
He's the lesser evil.
Floch has Zeke so we're not getting him until it's time for them to meet desu
my butthole
You guys aren't going to like the new chapter....
Nothing can disappoint like the OP song did
based chadner shits on cuckren
Here we go again...
He said you aren't going to like it. That means the opposite happens.
OD please..
Reiner wouldn't date you, roastie
Based retard. We're married so yeah we're way beyond dating.
general question for thread: did the meme user finish his drawing of me or what?
This chapter has some very exciting moments I gotta say...
Gabi kills somebody, isn't she?
>It's a Manlet chapter
>It's a Hitch chapter
>It's a Sasha flashback chapter
>It's an Annie chapte-
>nothing happens: the chapter
>It's a Daz chapter
it's quite the opposite
he's passed from being a victim (child soldier) to a war criminal
It's an EREH chapter
fucking delete this
>It's an Annie hentai doujin
We're supposed to feel sorry for him
You get one ant until the pretender leak user fucks off.
>It's a Gal Cleaning chapter but the MC is punished manlet
>Also Rape
That's a very big ant.
you can speedscroll through the thread to find the answer yourself you lazy doofus
Nice fake
Well fuck you too, I won't give you a decent one next time.
wait. this is big and seems odd looking. hrmm.... REAL SHIT??
There is an ant in my miso soup sir. I want a new soup immediately
really bad shop
i kept my name on. sorry for not trusting you :(
I did and I didn't see shit ya silly goose so I thought I'd ask anyway in case I missed it in the last thread.
leak user here
scans actually in 3 min
To be fair it's like 7am and I haven't slept. Out of your gourd if you think I'm putting effort into it. There was like zero clean up
Looks like some badly cut out Rageturd in the bottom panel and that's the same pose Pieck did when we saw her first with her gear
Like a really a bad shop, even the borders are badly done.
Bros, I'm a brainlet. Is it fake or not?
Eren looks cropped as fuck
It's so insane. 'cause when it's going good, it's going great.
I'm Superman, with the wind at his back, she's Lois Lane.
But when it's bad, it's awful.
>it's like 7am and I haven't slept.
I think I know who you are, imposter
>be me
>single mother at work
>ant pic out of nowhere
>mfw I'll need to spend lunch time just on waiting for spoilers
>mfw I need to pick up my kid from school about the same time we get proper translations out
The Leak train will be 2 hours late due to people on the railroad. Thank you for choosing our company.
Hit me with your best guess?
why would i ever want to be a retarded yuropoor EL EM AY OH
Oh fuck, you fooled me. 10/10, user, well played. Now I can continue with my day.
It was a shopped ant, you can go back to your lunch break.
Shooping Yelenafag?
the main thing with the ant was that I have no idea why Pieck would have had her mask. I didn’t bother looking at anything else
Should I just go to sleep or stay up a bit longer for leaks?
Because I probably make more money than you and my job includes childcare ?
Have a good one
Do you guys sometimes do drugs while posting here?
The only shit that I've seen in this thread is shitposting so Get some sleep
I'm gonna watch a documentary or two while waiting.
You too. Thank you because otherwise it would have been a really anxious day
Oh shit bros I just saw ant leaks and Eren easily killed and ate all the warriors.
7am bit gave it away fellow bonganon
>Hans is manlet's mental oasis
She won't die ;_;
No, but I sometimes shitpost drunk.
I dropped the manga a long time ago and I'm trying to pick up where I left off, does anyone remember which chapter has Eren publicly attacking Marley for the first time? Like there's a guy on stage in front of a bunch of reporters and Eren smashes through it and (I think?) eats him in the process.
Have you seen the tiddy picture?
>Jean's face
Cool, thanks
Time theft for a corporation that hasn't caught on yet
hansi is so cute
Best bond
weed smokers unite. DUDE. WEED.
Dude weed lmao xD
Has Jean some chances with Mikasa? EM is so shit
No, were productive members of society
Give spoilers.
Did that guy who rejected SnK for the Jump killed himself yet? Imagine having two of your 3 series finished and one piece finishing in a few years, be desperate to find another one and reject shingeki no kyojin, only to accept edgy things like chainsawman later
Eren tells Reiner that he fucked Christa (Historia) and will continue fucking her until his last day. Reiner cries and begs Eren to eat him. That way he could taste her pussy while being inside Eren.
Alsom Reiner then realized he was gay all this time, but it was too late for him because his skull was cracking under Eren's teeth.
>R-Reiner... S-Stop... You can't kill me yet
>I have to be there for my daughter Frieda Yeager
EHcuck please.
Did fujos like this? So far Isayama doesn't seem to have interest in erwl
Why are you dummies waiting for spoilers this soon lmoa
We all fell for the golden week meme
Spelling is for Fags
>El Antonio Machado activado
Based cultured user
diehard fujos don't, but anecdotally you'll occasionally see artists on twitter that mix it in with their fujo ships or whatnot. in general it's among the most popular straight ships
>So far
user i think the book is closed on that one for good
Dubs predict when leaks come out
5 minutes
Is just for me of eren's AT is creepier now than before timeskip?(not ugly,but creepy )
LH is the third most popular straight ship in Pixiv IIRC
Two days
4 hours
5 hours.
>it’s an RE chapter
2 hours
>diehard fujos
Like the HONGO OUT fag? There used to be one erwlfag here
Yeah but in west they are not that popular I think but didnt expect it to be that popular in Japan, apparently they also changed part of the staff from S3 part 1 and went back to the old one (part 1 skipped LH parts plus other parts of Uprising)
1 hour!
There're in my heart and in the actual manga
here we go again
>It's a "We interrupt the warrior attack in shiganshina to bring you the adventures of manlet and hans"
His physical wounds may be healed, but how about his mental?
I'd be okay with that
i'd be fine with anything just give me the chapter
Bonfire and warm talk
don't jinx it, you'll end up getting an AMJC interlude chapter
mentally he is a nigger monkey
I would like it but I'm ok with the full action too.
Yes, please, yes! I want to see conception of Moblit Ackerman.
>not being hairy all over legs, muff and arms
one job desu
Maybe manlet shaves her. Since he bathes her when she's unconscious.
8 hours
She didn't have hairy legs during the OCEAN part
I thought it was golden week or some shit. I picked up manga again only in January so I don't know about this stuff but I was told that there are always two chapters in April
I wonder how far the anime will get before audiences lose interest and it gets cancelled
A missed opportunity, I thought Isayama had body hair fetish
Not even naked Zeke had, just enjoy the beast titan
Eren is fighting as a soldier, but also as a father
Hotel front office manager
>Since he bathes her when she's unconscious.
>He probably has seen her naked
Fuck off FBI
plot twist. Naked Historia in flashback will have hairy parts
The only hairy one is Jean's mom
Reminder Hanjo cant sue him because he is the strongest soldier
there's also that one streetpass story where manlet has to stop her from walking out with a wet & transparent shirt
Except she's literally his boss.
Reiner is incapacitated in two hits.
Pieck ran away.
Porco dies.
Eren uses his newfound jaw powers to kill Annie.
mombo confirmed best girl
It means that we infinitely love Jean's mom
Jeans mom appears and kill Yelena
Fake. There's no way Reiner survives one hit.
I'm sweepy. Wake me up when leaks drop.
Reiner can harden some parts of his body in such a way that not even Porco can bite through it.
But when he does, the other parts are weaker. Eren attacked his asshole with a groundspike when Reiner hardened his arms.
I believe it
>In the ancient beliefs of Japan, rainbows were the bridges that human ancestors took to descend to the planet.
Fake. Eren could never top.
Anybody else like the OP after watching it a bunch of times?
Apart from the cgi collosal, the visuals are good. And the song seems like a clusterfuck at first but now I like how all the previous OP sound at one point, and the chorus is good.
Song is good, I think there's a point in them not using of catchies anymore. Animation is subpar compared to the previous openings. Ending is worst yet.
It's definitely worse than the other Linked Horizon openings but not as bad as people were saying it is. And also much better than Shitted Shitwan
It could be worse, it could be Traitor's Requiem
The CGI in the OP IS awful and it will be worse in the episodes. But at least It looks like the charge won't be a powerpoint presentation with speedlines like season 2, so it's fine to me.
>Subpar compared to other opening.
The animation in that OP are miles better than any OP except OP3.
>the charge CGI
Spoilers never
Tony died
CM is CA's relative.
I do. The clustetfuck is one big goodbye to the old world before the story changes completely
He belongs to the kitchen
ZikuPiku a cute
Zeke is virgin and Pieck lusts for Poko now.
t. skronko
Pieck wants her nakamas. Zeke is not one of them.
seething zekekfag
Pii will take Zii virginity
as expected of a skronkofat
Zii will die virgin.
lolymir already raped you, Zeke
did levi die a virgin???
Spoilers soon, can you resist the Zii thread?
No, he fucked Petra, Nifa, Jean's mom and Hans (F)
>Ending is worst yet.
I like these stills, good ol' times
Just as planned...
I like how the Beast Titan used the SHOT-PUT glide technique to chuck that rock.
the writer obviously was a track athlete at one pint.
he was popular with women, once
Hello Mrs.Braun(Mrs.Smith)
Why would anyone fuck Jeans mom
Miss Kirstein's omelet brigns all the boys in the yard
He straight
he fucked my wife
leaks in 7 minutes