Saber is the perfect woman

Prove me wrong
protip: you can't

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Other urls found in this thread:

>war criminal

Fuck the King

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God damn it I can't get my mind off this tiny little King.

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I want to fuck the king and her son at the same time. I want Arturia to use me to teach her son how to please a man. I want my dick between the king’s breasts as she and her son practice performing oral on me. I want the king to kiss feed her son semen and teach her to swallow. I want the king to ride my dick like a horse and I want her son’s vagina on my mouth. I want to cum inside the king as I eat out the king’s son. I want the king to part her son's legs and show me her vagina. I want Mordred to scream for her daddy as I pound her. I want to fill her with just as much cum as I filled her father. I want enjoy Arthurian-style oyakodon.

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How is she a war criminal. I never understood this meme. Is it because of the things she did to to tiny villages for the war efforts?

Her older self? Yes. A true goddess of beauty and fertility. She's unfortunately a very late bloomer.

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Ever think how fucking crazy this character actually is?
>canon nudes but still mainstream as fuck
>god tier waifubait
>one of the absolute most popular designs in anime history
>from a literal porn game
>adorable as fuck and instantly endearing
>a woman but still a God damned King
>also sort of empowering for women
>her fans know 100% for sure what her pussy looks like
Nasu and Takeuchi were fucking brilliant with this one.

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Not to mention there are like a million reskinned variations of her design all as different characters, yet they're all as popular as the original.

They struck gold with her design, definitely. It's a very versatile template.

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>best girl

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I like edgy saber

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I prefer her son (female)

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It's what's on the inside that really matters

She can't cook or clean. Emiya is a better woman than her.

And what's inside is my cock.

>all as popular as the original
I wish she was even 1/5 as popular as either of those saberfaces.

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Rin is the objectively best girl for Shirou.
Saber just encourages his autism for being a hero of justice. Sakura just traps him, and makes him give up on his dream. Rin actually gets him to tone his autism down. Rin actually gives shirou balance in his life, without him giving up or taking his dream too far.

user, that's the whole point.

Didn't she actually win Saimoe one year too?

Rin is an actual roastie. She fucks old men and is a bislut.
Saber is pure and only has eyes for her man.

Rin is essentially just Shirou's babysitter. She has the worst relationship between the three. I think in terms of romance it goes:
Sakura > Saber > Rin

I don't know, but I wouldn't be surprised in the slightest. She constantly ranks top 5 in the NewType polls. And She got the #1 spot for best girls of the 2010's

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The best girl of the 2010s poll was just the results of previous polls getting added up.

Would there be a better metric? Doing a fresh poll would just invite a bunch of flavor-of-the-month girls

i love them so much

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Thread reminder: Violet > Saber

This is obligatory at this point.

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>lifeless tech demo being anywhere as good as King fucking Arthur

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She's the submissive fuck toy of a sexually confused teenager.

>fucks old men
Not canon.

Sleep tight Saber!

Would you let your daughter date this king, Yea Forums?

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Rin is straight.

The king is straight though.

That's a very sexy sword

Well, I can't discuss with those nice quads.

Nah, she's all about eating blond royal pussy.
The sole reason she has straight tendencies is because she's in a eroge.

You are straight.

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Mmm nothing beats a jelly-filled donut

Sleep tight saber

saber sucks

I like Jalter and Nero the best.
Saber is the true alpha male's choice.

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>not even best girl in TM
>or in Fate
>or in Stay Night

I'm a Rin fag but have to admit that Saber has the best fan art.

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>makes him give up on his dream

Why do people still act like Shirou's "dream" is a good thing? Did Archer and Kiritsugu not beat you over the head hard enough saying that his ideals were messed up and that Shirou had the wrong priorities in life?

why is it so cute when a skinny girl loves food but so disgusting when a fat girl does it

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Perfection like this should be illegal

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She was a really shitty father and as king didn’t really have control over her people. And she got cucked

Sleep tight Saber

Wrong. Rin is the best girl for Shirou because she enables Shirou to be with Saber.

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Seriously, would Shirou ever have fucked Saber if Rin hadn't forced him to? Even if they wanted to they're both too pussy.

Because skinny girls are cute and fat girls aren't.

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Sleep tight saber

Sleep tight Saber

Sleep tight Saber.

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Sorry user but SakuraxShirou is the OTP of Fate universe

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>used goods
>crazy murderous bitch
>most likely has bpd
>boring and canonically sucks at making conversation
>brainlet compared to a genius like Rin or the coolheaded wit of Saber
>used fucking goods


Also worms

She also has based taste in men namely agravain


The way she loves food is respectful as well. She fucking loves to eat food but she does it respectfully and with dignity. Sometimes she isn't the most graceful though...

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There’s nothing appealing about her

I wish her Rhongo's NP lines could be better

Thats a lie and you know it. I honestly think Shirou and Sakura would make a great couple even though I'm a raging Saberfag

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Shirou original dream was retarded and was only going to end in disaster.
Sakura saved him from that fate and gave him something real to care about, not just some fake, intangible ideal.

Sleep tight, Saber.

Also, fuck yes, best waifu.

Rin is the ultimate Saberfag after all, and one who even got to fuck the king, something no other Saberfag has ever achieved.

Shirou is saved from his fate and ideals in all three routes you dumb nigger

true otp

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>not illya

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Sleep tight Saber

Sleep tight Saber

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Ew not that one

Sleep tight Saber

am i wrong

A great fit for Shirou, yeah

Sleep tight, Saber of the red!

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>shitty father
>unfemenine body
>dumb king
seiba is shit


>he really thinks a dead king or a slut that fucks old men for gems can keep him off the hero path

Seibah and Sakura are both cuties!

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UBW route made Shirou's ideals look good in the end, i guess this pleases the shonenfags. People think that Shirou x Rin are the healthiest relationship, but in the end it has the same flaws just like the others two pairings. At least, we know that Fate Shirou gets reunited with Saber in Avalon and HF Shirou can live a "normal" life with Sakura, but it's hard to know what happens with UBW Shirou.

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fuck shitber

As long as Rin survives, he'll be happy.

The thing about Shirou is that he doesn't really need much. He just needs a solid foundation and he's set. In Fate, that foundation is Saber's memory. In UBW, that foundation is Rin. In HF, it's Sakura. What Shirou considers his happiness is fundamentally different from what everyone else does, but it doesn't actually take much to make him happy.

Shirou likes women who know their place

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After UBW he gets dragged around on a leash like Rin’s pet, going to the clock tower and following her everywhere she goes on her career. He gets to do his hero work while Rin does the thinking for him. Not much growth really compared to Heaven’s Feel where he completely changes himself

>Never the servant
>Never drew a yen
>Never had a good story before Zero and even then was carried by vastly superior characters
>Never had a memorable speech
>Never put anyone over
>Main character of the worst route in the original VN
>Only the 3rd best romance option
>Only the 7th best servant in Stay/Night and Zero
>Only the 12th best member of The Knights of the Round Table
>Her group the Knights of the Round Table were utterly BTFO by one retard
>Her Man cosplay was cringeworthy
>Her knight cosplay was cringeworthy
>Shit taste in food
>Failed at being a king so badly that she resorted to hiding in an magical field
>Only significant achievement was being summoned by an autistic child
>Somehow the biggest jobber in a series that contains Gilgamesh
>Is the VN equivalent of that one insufferably mediocre whore whose sole professional """""""achievement"""""" is sucking off someone with actual talent
>spent the latter part of her career being replaced by clones of herself with actual personalities

>and following her everywhere she goes on her career.
nice headcannon

shes good but Caster is better

What a loser, des.

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Sleep tight Saber!

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I prefer Sakura, but Saber is still a very close second.

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Good taste. Saber and Sakura are the best girls. I just can't like Rin that much, but she's nice.

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Why did they remove the alarm clock line from the new translation? Makes him way less based.

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This fucker would stay up to nearly 2 in the morning fighting and shit and then somehow wake up at 6 to make breakfast?

Sleep tight Saber

my hungry king

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Its a king, you don't really have a say in these matters

>getting cucked by my own daughter
pretty hot desu senpai

>Not agravaine

>How do we make the perfect woman even more perfect?
>Make her edgy and pale.

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False flag. Everyone knows that Saberfags and Sakurafags are bros.

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I want to be her socks.

>literally the least inclined to use violence out of the heroines, and only kills villains
>aka adorably shy
>is the only one smart enough to understand that the grail war is bullshit best avoided
>not even a thing, /pol/, stop trying to make it happen
>gets dewormed

Agravain is for the Lion King.

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Saber used to be my waifu then I discovered I love Kanbaru and tomboys more.

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>not wanting to force the ultimate tomboy (a king) into become an obedient, adorable, and submissive girl
>wanting to be that fucking alpha that what is essentially another dude in a banging qt3.14 chicks body wants to jump your dick
Breaking a kuudere in is alpha as fuck and is an absolute testosterone fueled power fantasy.

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user I just wanna play video games, do sports, and make dirty jokes with my waifu

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Sleep tight, Saber.

>was only going to end in disaster
Who the fuck cares? It's his dream and he's the only one that has the right to accept it or deny it. Rin and Saber support him. Sakura doesn't. UBW is the only realistic route, Fate could work out but I honestly don't believe Saber would fall in love with someone. In UBW they end up with an actual adult relationship where they go pursue something together and Rin says she'll support him and always be with him without being overclingy. The romance between Sakura and Shirou is forced because he decides to give up on the ideal he has been holding since childhood just for the sake of "MUH LOVE". It's just throwing everything about him and his personality into the trash. Teenage romance tier crap that only appeals to norms and teens. I would rather watch Harry Potter.

It has a penis, it isn’t perfect. In fact, it’s extremely flawed and gay if you like her.

I didn’t see that when I banged her

When your dream is so retarded your future self comes to stop you from achieving it you know it’s time to stop

Fuck off, Rin.

Purityfags should be castrated.

t. Cuck

Sleep Tight saber

Cause it means skinny girls work out or diet to enjoy food and still have a great body. Fatties are just lardasses

>ywn rub her feet after a long day of battle/training
>ywn watch her gently part the blades of grass in an open emerald field with her toes
>ywn clean her stockings/leggings after walking around the house all day
>ywn feel her gently press her toes against your face
Give me one good reason to keep living this life. It fucking hurts, lads.

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>Rin and Saber support him. Sakura doesn't.
Literally the other way around. Saber is annoyed by it, and Rin finds it to be twisted, while Sakura admires it.
>Rin says she'll support him and always be with him without being overclingy
And then he abandons her and goes to the desert just like Archer.
>Teenage romance tier crap
No, his relationship with Sakura is literally the one that makes him grow up, not to mention it's the only one that doesn't just randomly form within just two weeks.

You are right, you should kill yourself.

not very nice senpai
I didn't choose the foot life. the foot life chose me

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Do you honestly think that Rinfag read the VN? Clearly that’s a secondary.

Sleep tight Saber

I guess you just dislike the route. UBW is far away from being realistic. Also, you just make it sounds like Shirou is being forced to do everything. He choosed to save Sakura because he loves her, and there's nothing wrong it that. Shirou's development in HF is more "human-like", since in the end he is just chasing after his own happiness for the first time since the fire.

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HF is my favorite route but ShirouxSaber is my favorite pairing. They were made for each other.

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Rin relationship with Shirou is platonic as fuck. They would be better off as friends. The least convincing romance of the trio

Sleep tight Saber

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>old men
>best girl

This is pretty disengenuous, Rin does find his ideals to be twisted because of his need to put others before himself at all times. He was so obsessed with this shit his future self went back in time to tell him to calm the fuck down. At the end of UBW rain promises archer that she’ll look after Shiro and makes sure he doesn’t go through intense suffering
> Sakura is literally the one that makes him grow up
That is a load of horseshit, first off he doesn’t grow up he simply decides that Sakura is more important to him than his ideals which were borrowed from kiritsugu. Saying he grew up implies that this is the right choice when really he just became a sakurafag and changed priorities. Also Sakura doesn’t actually do anything to assist his development its pretty much pep talks from Illya telling him not to be kiritsugu and him having long monologues about how much he likes his waifu. During most of this Sakura is either sick dying or the grail.
Although you would know all this if you actually read the vn

Sleep tight Saber

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>the only one that doesn't just randomly form
ShirouXSaber formed because their journey parallels each other.

Rin leads Shirou down a healthy and prosperous path. Rin is the dominant one here because she is so skilled in magic. Rin is possibly the only heroine to definitely prevent Shirou from becoming an anti-hero. Shirou needs Rin far more than Rin needs Shirou.

Shirou is needed as a hero to save the one girl he loves. It requires him to sacrifice his ideals momentarily to save the one that he loves. This makes their relationship dynamic. Sakura needs Shirou, more than Shirou needs Sakura.

Both are obsessed with their past and are seeking to rectify their mistakes. Shirou accepts his surviving the fire without guilt and Saber, by watching Shirou struggle and succed with this, does the same with her own past. Saber and Shirou need each other equally as they parallel each other's inner conflict and find salvation/acceptance in each other, by seeing how self destructive it is in each other. The thing that makes Saber somewhat flawed is that she, as a result of seeing Shirou's past through her dreams, projects her self-destructive altruism and desire to "rectify" her past onto him. When Shirou rejects this idea, we get this scene (pic related). Shirou and Saber need each other equally.

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That's why i like all the pairings. But Shirou x Sakura and Shirou x Saber are the best.

I really like Saber as a character but I really hate her pairing with Shirou. It felt like it only happened because it was expected that the protagonist gets with the main girl of the route.

>Sakura needs Shirou, more than Shirou needs Sakura.
By the end of HF (in the True end), i guess they both need each other equally.

>The character's basic concept didn't change much from the first draft, red hair, a prominent scowl, stubborn, and a steady gaze. We were aiming for an orthodox shonen manga hero
>Shirou is a self-sacrificing idealist who was essentially guided through life by the things he believed in, but Sakura was an exception for him. Only when dealing with Sakura was the idealistic and profound Shirou Emiya reduced to a mere human being with more mundane thoughts and emotions.
>Uro: There's yet another different type of love depicted in the Sakura route. It really expresses the dark sides that all women have, but how men can accept that and love women regardless. Something akin to the "dignity of men" comes across.
>Nasu: "Romance" is something where a couple blindly pursue each other's ideals. "Love," on the other hand, is something where two people accept each other, including the painful reality that comes with it. There are no ideals to be found there.

They're all good in their own way, it's just a matter of preference really. I think in terms of being interesting, for me it goes:
ShirouxSakura > ShirouXSaber > ShirouXRin

Even though I'm a giant flaming huge fucking obsessed Arturia fanatic, I still think that the way Shirou is broken down as a character is interesting in HF

For the last time Gilles, you sopping clod, Jeanne looks like this!

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ShirouxSaber is just as shitty as SiegxJeanne!

3/10 got me to reply

See Maybe learn how to read between the lines. Well nevermind, you're probably a fucking filthy secondary.

I agree. I really liked to read Shirou's development in HF.

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gachafag stay mad!

I can't

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It's good because it's the last route of the game where we are already so familiar with his ideals, and then we watch him discard them. It's placed perfectly at the end of the game's supposed order. I can't imagine what it would have been like if HF came before or after UBW

based and seibahpilled

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Is saber supposed to be a half loli? I find her slim dfc aesthetic superior to curvaceous depictions like

Fuck off Prillyashitter

I guess this could reduce the impact of the routes (HF and UBW). So yeah, HF being the last route is perfect (due the events in this route).

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Prillya is better though. Illya deserves to be happy

She deserves to be happy while also retaining her original personality

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>Maybe learn how to read between the lines.
Yeah dude, you picking up on the text of the story is a real deep reading. Great work. In my humble opinion, the romantic element of the relationship took away from Saber's character. Based on how quickly you've started talking shit though, I'm just going to assume you like her because she suck's the main character's dick.


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tin man shirou never
best route never

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But she can’t be happy with that personality. She only has it because she’s mentally fucked up from years of torture and conditioning to be the perfect child soldier. She’s basically master chief

This image makes me want to die.

But she's not our illya anymore,she's just a generic pedo yuri bait run of the mill magical girl protagonist.Wouldn't prisma be more interesting if illya was still her normal self?This is a saber thread anyway

well, at least she had a happy ending



What for really?
They are going to stay pure either way.

You could say the same for Liz, and many others inthe series. Fuck off moron.

Thanks for the (you), but wrong.


yes and it's god tier

>secondary on full damage control

all saberface is shit prove me wrong iron man dies

Nobody gives a damn about capeshit Thanos dies twice

Good thing Rin and Saber don't have it then

Considering what happened to her Illya is not that fucked up mentally. She quickly realizes that Shirou is not a bad person and did not steal Kiritsugu away from her, and acts as a mature onee-san in HF. Unlike other members of the cast, Illya always had people who deeply cared for her in one way or another. She grew up with very loving parents (which is why Kiritsugu’s “betrayal” hurt so deeply in the first place), along with her maids, Berserker, and later Shirou. Compare this with Sakura who never knew what love felt like until Shirou came into her life, or Saber who was forced to grow up early and sacrificed her personal happiness for her people. If those two can find happiness, then I’m sure Illya could

Saber is so cute

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