Loli Hitler

Movie in 2 weeks, who is going?

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I’m gonna watch Endgame instead


Hitler was a soldier in ww1

I'm planning on going, just gotta buy my ticket sometime this week

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I buy them at the theater ~10 minutes before the movie. Don't have to pay the jew convenience fee and sometimes people cancel last minute so you can get better seats. Not that this is as big of a deal for anime movies since they are mostly empty but it still helps to sit away far from others.

End yourself, capeshitter.

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I await the rape scene

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>Don't have to pay the jew convenience fee
Yeah, forgot about that. Might as well save my $2. for more candy or some shit

>No showing at my Theater

Guess i'm still gonna be waiting on an upload somewhere...

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Calm down there, Novelization of Mobile Suit 08th Team

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This is almost as bad as Lost Butterfly.

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where do you live to have online convience fees? I bought my ticket 2 weeks ago and there were already ~10 people with tickets. HF2 was actually sold out at my local theater

I watch all the Fathom Events movies in the AMC theater in Rosemont (Chicagoland). It only gets filled for the major titles, but otherwise it's 4-15 people in an auditorium that can seat around 150 if I were to guess. is what the seats look like for Tanya. I'll probably grab one of the free single seats near the middle.

Is Tanya getting a regular release in the US or only a handful of theatres across the whole country? I'll be in the US on a business trip that week and wondering how difficult it'll be to find one that's showing it.

>bought relatively isolated seat a few weeks ago
>both seats next to me have been bought
I have extreme autism should i just skip the movie?

Not sure if I'd have to pay a fee on Fathom since it won't show me the checkout for some reason but the AMC website is only a $2 convenience fee here in AZ

Show up early and spread your legs apart. Chances are that at least one of the people that is supposed to sit next to you will sit elsewhere.


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>No known showings in Utah.
I was put on this earth to suffer for a bit and then die...
My only hope is maybe when I die I will get to be isekai'd myself.

That genos edit for war machine is 10/10

Is this show a scathing satire of the modern individual? Tanya is the type of person should and has succeeded in modern society, and here is how she looks: (S)he is concerned only with her material well-being. She is irreverent towards everything: mindlessly accepts authority (but doesn't actually respect it) and carries out a superior's wishes regardless of morals - which is natural since morality does not concern her. She clings to "muh rationality" but bluntly rejects a higher power and refuses to even consider it a God (just tells being X to fuck off even though she can talk to him) even though it stopped time just to talk to her. She alternates between savage baseness (clearly enjoys violence) and low cunning when she's looking for ways to slither into a better position, but of course she fails at the latter because she never considers the thoughts of other human beings, but only what they "want to hear". The only good that comes out of her actions comes from her being exploited by the system or by better men. She is a stupid, brutish, empty, person with no love, hate, or an ounce of thought in her mind that dances to the tune of the higher ups who seem to have saw right through her.

I know nothing of Tanya, should I watch this movie?

Why would you start a franchise with a sequel? Watch the original anime and then the film.

Yes but you may as well watch the show first to appreciate it more. It's not a long watch.

This my local theater's availability.

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She's not stupid, far from it, but she admits herself she doesn't always understand what people are thinking. The fact there are so many misunderstandings is half the fun of the show because they always keep her from that cushy office job and instead put her in the thick of the fighting.

No, watch the show first. It's a pretty good watch.

Alright, I'll watch the show first, thanks.

> She's not stupid
She's not stupid in the conventional sense like being inarticulate or bad at maths, but in the sense that she doesn't really think about what she's doesn't think about what she's doing beyond the practical moment-to-moment challenges of accomplishing her mission. For example, she attacks the capital of that vaguely Balkan state but we never see her considering the wider implications of that, the reason why the rules about evacuating people exist - she plays it off as a joke by doing the loli voice - and the fact that she just slaughtered a bunch of non-combatants. She doesn't even seem to take in the violence that much. She just pays lip service to the rules, blows the place up and leaves

> refuses to even consider it a God

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>being poor

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2 groups, a couple and 2 loners (including myself) Very cool

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>he doesn't pay to watch anime months before anyone else can

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who would want to watch a movie about ducks



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Why do all girls look like ducks in the anime? Some sort of nip meta joke?


Yeah, I doubt they'll be showing it in my city, I doubt they'll be showing it in my state
Might not be even showing it in my country (Australia)
I'll pirate, thanks

I heard that when studio NUT asked Carlo Zen (author) if there was anything in particular he wanted, he specifically requested Tanya had duck lips to make her non-waifuable

This doesn't have the right to be as amusing as it is.

That certainly backfired
Carlo Zen is the real life Tanya, NUT is Being X

Tanya is cute. CUUUUUTE!!!!

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>watching the dub

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The movie's subbed though, don't pit me in with dubfags

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I have no friends, and the closest theater is over 30 miles away but I want to see this. Do you think it's worth the 40 minute drive to go alone? Do American weeaboos act obnoxious in public?

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Yes it's worth. And generally the theaters are empty from my experience. Last time I went to an anime movie (NGNL) it was like 5 people there not including myself and the only noise they made was talking about Fate/Go

I checked out Cinemark and most of the good seats are already gone, but I can still get seating at least. Thanks, I guess I'll go see it.

most are quiet or too autistic to speak to anyone else, but there may the occasional sperg who is... Depends on the anime, and Youjo Senki is less likely to have those people

3 theaters near me, all full (though they are small theaters) a few seats left.

Don't really want to go to a nazi loli movie in public though.

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I didn't even know stuff like this got shown in american theaters.

Oh shit, it's actually being shown in my local theater and on my weekend.
And John Wick 3 is the day after.
I haven't gone to the theater in probably fifteen years, time to have my wallet raped by the snack bar I guess.

I want to ____ a duck.

> he's scared of revealing his power level
Don't do this.

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I can only wade into the darkness so far user.

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>I watch all the Fathom Events movies in the AMC theater in Rosemont (Chicagoland).
>mfw this is the only one of two movie theaters I have ever been to in my entire life.

This site scares me sometimes.

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Is it good

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>he pays and doesn't sneak in munchies

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Movie theaters don't care if you bring your own food in, just don't leave shit behind.

I am so afraid to go to one of these. Like, it feels cringy as fuck.

>finishing a franchise with a movie
This sucks so much. You have to wait so long, even longer if you don't want to watch it in a shitty trash dump with lots of annoying assholes (movie theater), and it's a pretty different medium from a TV series. I'd rather just read the manga, fucking idiots.

The cringe is real, but everyone is cringing so it cancels out.

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So does this movie take place right after the anime?

> cringe this cringe that
Stop being faggots, you annoying zoomers.

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>Movie theaters don't care if you bring your own food

Isn't that like 50% of their revenue? It's not that they don't care.

More like movie theaters aren't going to tackle you at the front door and detain you over a bottle of soda you snuck in your purse, or that box of swedish fish you bought at the corner store for a dollar you have stuffed in your crotch.

I wanna see it but no one to see it with

Some throw you out or tell you to eat outside the theater.

What would you call it master?


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They're all there watching it for reason too you know.

Loli Hitler?

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Where do you check what theaters show this movie? i don't have any experience with cinemas. Enter your zipcode, find closest theater.

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I hope you're not the jackass that makes chuckling sounds through the entire movie. He seems to be in every single anime screening that I've been to. When I went to see Penguin Highway in Evanston he was there, too.

Went to shit when Tanya got her own squad

That's when it gets good breh

so after a couple of chapters?

I'd rather watch Kabaneri instead

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Just go watch it alone like the autist you are user

>tfw no weeb friends to see it with and don't want my gf to know I'm lolipilled
fuck me lads, guess I'm going it alone this time. Theater is almost completely full, I hope no autists sperg out and ruin everything.

>Don't really want to go to a nazi loli movie in public though.
Never understood the 'hidden power-level' thing. Everyone knows I'm watching anime & not a single person ever gave a single shit about it.

>rips off random SnK setting bits
>rips off the SnK story premises
>rips SnK soundtrack
>adds a random loli because that's what supposedly makes quick nerd bucks by default
>Under-performs financially
And thank God for that. Fuck that shitty, dreadful anime. Waste of animator working hours.

I liked it.

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>handicap +

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is Saitama ok

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is that fucking meliodas?

I would if i could...

what dis

Nazi propaganda.

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Finally got around to reading manga
>mfw anime never adapted the scene where Tanya clothes get blown off
>also mfw I'll never go through humiliating counter-interrogation training carried out by Tanya herself

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>counter-interrogation training
Please master, punish me.

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>inb4 someone gets a word to Antifa about Nazi propaganda anime movie and all screenings get cancelled

have the full version its my phine background. works pretty well

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That’s some fucking dedication, papa Hitler would be proud

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Disgusting and cringe. Kill yourself, ironic weeb.

Where's the manlet pit?

>bought tickets last month
I get to be one of those normalfags some autist will reee about because going with a girl.
Finished volume 6, plan on rereading 3 before the showing and maybe rewatching the anime since it is different somewhat. If they don’t over use the cgi it should look really good on a big screen.

The anime isn’t an adaptation of the manga. The anime and manga are adapted from the LN.

What sort of an ironic weeb would make this shitty image?

This seems a better option desu

yea the hair of that actress just blends in so well



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He has a beer belly now.