There are still people on this board who don't consider Madoka worthy of the title of the AOTD

>there are still people on this board who don't consider Madoka worthy of the title of the AOTD

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Yeah there are. And they aren't autistic and gay like OP.

most people don't like pretentious garbage

Ping Pong already has that spot, sorry.

Anything by SHAFT is utter shit and cancer, sorry

even sangatsu no lion?

That's because it isn't.

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Please don't use words you don't understand, user.

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What does Yea Forums like about this anime?

Ass of the decade? I mean, it is a good butt.

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it's fanbase is comprised entirely of yuriniggers. that's it

Not even SHAFT's best anime from this decade.

Madoka is great but I don't think there's anything actually worth putting as AOTD

Did nothing wrong

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I feel at least Madoka being AOTD would prevent something shit being classed as AOTD.
A 9/10 getting it is better than some 4/10 shit that often gets mentioned.

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What is this “Mahou Shoujo” bullshit? WHY?? Do you even fucking understand what Puella Magi MEANS???

Let me educate you ignorant fucking creatins. The kanji for Puella Magi can be read two different ways.

The first reading is ‘Girl of the Sorcerer’. The second - the one Gen Urobuchi INTENDED means 'Slave of the Deceiver’

What is this, like a dub or some shit? Fuck that and fuck all you localizing, dumbing down pieces of Americanized garbage. YOU are the people ruining anime.

How do you fuck up something beyond belief? Easy. Give it to Fuckumation or Crustyroll.

And you wonder why My hero academia is popular


It's literally just another Urobuchi wankfest. Fate/Zero and Psycho Pass(S1; S2 was a dumpster fire and I haven't seen the movie yet)

Her anime is the best of the decade. And it's not like there's even serious competition

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I love Madoka Magica and I am not a yurinigger.

Just where the hell did you take the word 'Deceiver'?

It's fine if you don't think it's AOTD because there is a lot of anime in a decade to choose from, but calling Madoka "complete garbage not worth your time" is just being contrarian.
But you know that already.

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Little Busters you barney

>a lot of anime in a decade to choose from
Only Rebellion is better than Madoka.

It can have Movie of the decade but the anime itself has been surpassed.

By the movie, yes.

Movie of the Decade is Non Non Biyori Vacation you barney

I haven't watched Madoka

It's more of a 7, and that's being generous

>edgy Mai-Hime

Madotards are the joke of Yea Forums

SAO is AOTD because it best represents the garbage fire that was 2010s anime.

Ehh, I liked VEG more.

Not even AOTY of '18. Bloom doesn't a kino make, no matter what Yea Forums would have you believe

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I wonder why even mentioning 'AOTD' in the OP manages to summon the worst scum of all Yea Forums.

Same here.

Cheapest bait I've seen this month.

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Still a (you) and in any case I don't see how an anime with the same level of boring nothingness as Re:Creators could ever be enjoyed

Why, because it's isekai?
Besides, Madoka represents the edgy mahou shoujo trend of the 2010s that it started.

Fate/Zero deserve the title of AOTD as well. Yeah, i can't decide which one of Urobuchi finest works is better

Stop raping global rule 2 kid.

>there are still people on this board who haven't watched all of hidamari sketch

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I don't see an argument justifying why VEGs (very) special effects don't ruin the anime more than the VEGtable of a main character does. Personally KlK was my AOTD because I had the most fun with it, but if I was picking a "anime is a serious medium guys" choice, it still wouldn't be VEG and its psudo artistic pretensions.

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Wasn't even the best anime in the year it came out.

>Personally KlK was my AOTD because I had the most fun with it
Genuine question, when did you start browsing Yea Forums?

How did Aoki Ume and Shinbo do it that the only two anime with her designs are both undisputable masterpieces

Epic trolling kid, totally unique too. Nobody has ever trolled like that in all of Yea Forums history, oh no.
Go tell mommy.

On the site since '11 with/tg/, and Yea Forums from '12.worth noting this isn't some "Yea Forums was my first forum situation" I'm just honest with myself and what I like.
Someone's lost composure, first internet argument?

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ume is a hard worker!

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I can't imagine anyone liking Kill la Kill after watching it week to week with Yea Forums. I'm calling bullshit.

You liked VEG after having it ruthlessly mocked each week by Yea Forums though. I'm aware of its shortcomings, if being on this site has taught you anything, you should know there is genuine diversity in opinion.

what did they mean by this?

>guys i called SHAFT shit, am I fitting in now?

I'm a different guy, I thought VEG sucked and I didn't go into their threads because I didn't like it.

But I'm trying to figure out where all of you KLKfags came from because my experience was so different. I've never seen anything more hyped on Yea Forums fall on its face harder. Everyone was watching it and by the ending, everyone on the board hated it. The catalog was full of people trying to come to terms with just how shitty the ending was and how big of a waste of time the entire first half was, and how much of a boring slog the second became. I cannot imagine anyone going through this and coming out with a positive impression of the show.

It's like you've all come out of the woodwork in the past couple of years.

ping pong is garbage

They deserved to be together. Homura a shit

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Wrong, we are comprised of lolicons and little girls.

Well I had more tempered expectations going in and thought it would be irreverent, which it was. I actually hated TTGL for example (which I obviously didn't watch with Yea Forums) because it had pretensions about being something greater. In the end it was just formulaic and misogynistic. Say what you like about KlK, but each fight felt different and the early episodes remained more relevant than Yea Forums would have you believe. I'd write something longer but I've got work in the morning.
should probably clarify that misogyny comment though, the treatment of Yoko and Nia y the show just struck me as incredibly mean spirited. Yoko is used for cheap fanservice, and her only development is in relation to men and their perception of her. The teaching time skip job doesn't actually factor into anything beyond keeping her "pure" for purityfags and getting her to wear a tight sweater

Where's her diaper?

Yeah exactly how I feel, I thought it was good and all but it never struck me as decade material but I also can't name anything that deserves it more.

No, my hatred for SHAFT is deeply personal and intertwined with my disappointment when promised shows which have artistic meaning only to receive overrated average meme shows for horny teenagers.

I actually like this show, why do you have to do this.

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Say what you want, but of all original anime Madoka had the biggest impact for sure. I can't recall any other original project coming anywhere near close.

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I watched Madoka for edge and came out a yuri fag. It ain't fair

Iv lurked since 2011 and still havent watched Madoka. It doesnt look good

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Are Madoka and VEG the only true AOTD contenders?
>inb4 someone names time flop #52482

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>two time flops

>there are still people on this board who haven't watched any other magical girl anime besides madoka
>there are still people who call madoka magica a deconstruction

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This show gets unfair treatment here because of the redditors who pretend to only like muh deep anime while in reality Madoka is just a fun little magical girl anime. Fuck reddit this show was great anyone who says otherwise missed all the shitposting when it aired.

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Almost no one is calling Madoka a deconstruction anymore, get with the times boomer

>imblyign VEG is anywhere near the relative masterpiece that is Puella Magi Madoka Magica
now this is podracing

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is smugdoka a miracle of the universe?

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Was she ever actually smug though?

Just this week I masturbated to being raped in my sleep by our goddess

Imagine this butt forcibly grinding on your dick

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VEGfag is unironically worse then Barneyfag and ACK, how retarded does one have to be?


there is already a clear frontrunner

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Madoka is shit deal with it faggot

Which was the candidates for AOTD from 2000~~2010?

Obviously Dragon Ball super is.

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Madoka or Boku no Pico are the only candidates
Choose wisely user

It's hard, and i'm not talking about the choices

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Are those voices from sailor moon?

Madoka is cute.

You've got to be shitting me. Literal shock-value garbage.
One of Urobutcher's worst, for sure.

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the only good thing about it was that it was done by shaft and the art was good. everything else about it was garbage

If Madoka isn't AOTD then what is ?

literally who?

no, aotd is Made in Abyss.
Fate/zero is shit. Cool fights with retarded plot and utterly one dimensional characters. 5/10 and that's being generous.

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Count me in. The fanbase drags it down quite a bit. While irrelevant to the actual quality of the show, it sure dampens any enjoyment one could extract from it.

The entire term deconstruction when applied to anime is fucking bullshit because no anime is a true deconstruction of a genre
>Muh Eva
That's not even the point of the show and even if it was just go watch some Non-Gundam mech anime for once in your life and you see it's not really a deconstruction. The term deconstruction is also construed to mean completely different things depending on what fag is talking about it. If you want an actual systematic take down of an entire genre just go back to 10th grade and read Lord Of The Flies.

kyoko has the best doujins out of the bunch

magia record

This is the true AOTD
For those who may ask is "Princess Lover" (the hentai OVA's).

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It's mediocre at best you shilling motherfucker
no matter you much you niggers try to shove this down my throat I'm always going to barf it back on your fagfaces

madoka is the worst anime I didn't give up on

Can madoka make 1st and runner-up for AOTD?

I didn't watch KLK while it was airing, I've marathoned it twice and I can't fathom why everyone insists it goes to shit after the second half. I can understand the final battle being slightly disappointing and Senketsu's death being shoehorned in, but Satsuki crucifying Ragyo, Ryuko being worn by Junketsu, and Ryuko and Satsuki teaming up were the best parts of the show.

>shock value
I knew everything before going in and I still consider it to be great, far above most of the typical crap Yea Forums endorses.
>smart because little girls suffer
Only morons think that's the point.

>didn't watch while airing
That's why you liked it, you weren't swayed by all the pleb groupthink

You're the autistic loser if you let some fags on a Lithuanian mushroom picking forum "dampen" your enjoyment of anything.

You've gotta be a real fag to not like Sangatsu no Lion.

How much rotting did your brain undergo to get through all of VEG?

>anime of the anything
I thought we all agreed that Steins;Gate was the superior time travel anime.

It's growing stronger.

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It's like trigger planned the first half and rolled with the rest. Wait...why does this sound familiar...

Actual contenders would be Ping Pong or Princess Kaguya
