Sekiro manga

Are you hyped?

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No I'm not a Yea Forumstard

Yeah, we're f/a/gs

Will be forgotten in a week



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I wonder how Kuro will be displayed there.

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He's gonna die in comical and humiliating ways every chapter isn't he

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What about isshin?

Why would any sane person be hyped? Just because it's good as a game doesn't mean it will be good as a manga.

>uses a katana, which is a samurai sword and is part of the peacetime daisho
>follows the bushido
>fights up front without any ninja tricks
>loyal to the death
Who the fuck made this shit and why they didn't beat him up for it?

No, of course not.

As much as I am for Dragon Dogma anime


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At least post the good one

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All I want to see is Kuro everywhere.

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High monk on sweeping attacks makes me feel so good

I'm looking forward to the game when it goes on sale in like a year. Could give two shits about a halfassed manga spinoff.


>could focus on Isshin and his rebellion
>could focus on Sculptor and his ninja lover
>could focus on Tomoe and Takeru
>instead we get Hanbei
What the fuck.

Hanbei isnt a Shinobi, and wolf fights plenty dirty

I hope we get to see Tomoe

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Why do you assume we won't see any of that?
He's one of the few characters who's been around for it all

Sekiro's entire character ark is about stopping being a simple killing machine and starting to think with his own head.
By the end of the story he beats a fucking kensei in direct combat.

Hanbei saw all of it. You can see him in the intro cutscene, he was on a battlefield during the rebellion.

>all this Yea Forumsermin crossover
This is why Yea Forums should have been nuked since 2013

>tie in media



I only lurk on Yea Forums

Yea Forums is my true home

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Videogame adaptations usually suck but eh, how much can you fuck up samurai fighting monsters

Since when did From games ever contain anything resembling a coherent story?

Will the manga have an easy mode?

They always have muh lore to adapt

too bad for you people get b& here for posting reddit shitfrogs. lmao, see you in 3.

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Hanbei deserves some story so I look forward to it.

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You cheated not only the manga, but yourself.
You didn't grow.
You didn't learn.
You took a bad translation and gained nothing.
You experienced a hollow scanlation.
Nothing was risked and nothing was gained.
It's sad that as an EOP you don't know the difference.

neko miko kuro

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always, it's just the games take place at the very end of it


Depends how cute it will be. If there isn't any cute Wolf and Kuro stuff then what's the point.


first post worst post

it even rhymes

cultured and patricianpilled

The game was fun, I don’t think there was really enough to it to make a manga though.

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>liking videogames makes you a Yea Forumstard
On the contrary, Yea Forums doesn't even play videogames

Hey Isshin, guess what?
Ichimonji Double


Can anyone explain to me the hate/rivalry/beef between Yea Forums and Yea Forums? I know most of the boards don't get along, nor do I expect them to, but I would have thought that Yea Forums, with its enthusiastic predisposition towards Japanese games, would have been on slightly better terms with us than the vitriol I often see

my name...

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user, nobody likes the garbage that is Yea Forums, this isn't unique to Yea Forums

Im honestly sad i didn't play it dubbed just for that

Please tell me it's about Genichiro slamming his hot half-dragon sensei.

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What if the manga is too hard to follow, will the readers complain about the series mocking the illiterate?

>with its enthusiastic predisposition towards Japanese games
Lol no
Yea Forums fucking despises Japanese games

I'll wait for the anime.


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nah, its more of the "lol fuckin weebs amirite" meme that people love so much.